So good and clear, thank you.

Our mad system is born of our collective madness: identification with the voice in our head called “me”.

This egoic voice is by definition a blindness to greater awareness. And we are drawn to content instead of structure.

Notice that virtually all arguments about politics and society remain at the level of the particular issue. Even when someone mentions the greater system it is done within the context of the ‘two opposing sides’ which are currently doing battle. Always focused on the issue at hand we don’t simply step back to say: your argument is unloving and unkind. It leaves people behind. There are more than enough resources for every single being on this planet. Would you select this for your own child? Humans have a biological need for safety/food/water/shelter/education/health and more.”

This should be the stock answer to every single debate. This would elicit the response that we are competitive and cruel animals and that we can’t override human nature. It is here that they are wrong. It is at this point that their egoic minds are distorting reality.

This is because we are not only propagandized by society but also conditioned by our survival brain to believe that ‘dog eat dog’ , superior vs inferior thinking and behaving is our human nature. We are in essence propagandized by our own inner oligarch ( the ego) which makes use of this distorting information from the survival brain without informing us of the other vast part of our nature —love, compassion, empathy, sharing.

Forcing the debate away from the issue of the day and toward human nature is key. No one wants to take the side of being unkind uncaring and unloving. We biologically would not trust that person for too long. They are forced to justify their inability to express kindness and love using the human nature argument. And this is the field upon which we should be playing and revealing truth. Every time.

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Caution them that the AARP does not count as a union. They are huge corporate cocksuckers.

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Yes, economists rarely make any sense because they operate on theory and assumption, not facts. They know little to nothing about money, the base mechanism of an economy, because monetary science is not taught in any school or university. And if we realize the psychological impacts of usury, money issued by privately owned institutions solely for profit, we can see exactly what system requires changing. 95% of our mental activity is subconscious thus having a for-profit monetary system creates a society obsessed with profits. Being a human created system we can change it to a public money system that issues all the money for the care of public need which has the opposite psychological effect creating instead a caring society. We tend to focus on the problems caused by this system (the symptoms) and not on the system itself (the disease). Capitalism is the private control of the money system for-profit, allowing them the ownership of not just the means of production, but all the resources, the media to control the narrative and the governments to enforce and protect the system. Capitalism is a parasite on free-enterprise, on freedom itself.

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We can always find our ground Here in Life, as Life happens only Now. Which necessitates that we are all Here together. We narrow the playing field to Right Now, and from Here we make our choices and decisions. Realizing that fear sucks, we dedicate ourselves to Love, which leads to the activism Caitlin describes. I'll shut up now...

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First 3 paragraphs of the above essay are stand-alone great.

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Caitlin, thank you so much! Since childhood, I've been devoted to figuring out what creates so much human misery, My answer: a destructive paradigm and system of false beliefs that constantly has us at war with ourselves, each other, nature and reality -- life itself. My solution is along the lines of: question and reject the toxic word view, then embody and work for something else. Get yourself out first by being the change, then spread it around however you're moved. I hope you'll write more about this. I've often felt a big problem with activists is that they don't take care of themselves emotionally, their efforts suffer and they eventually burn out as a result. It's wonderful to see you address the mental health needs of those of us who aren't sociopaths -- say more, more often please!

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So what system is better ?? Give a solution, if you have one. What country is doing things right, in your opinion, and why ???

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Life itself may have no meaning under any system..is there any system that is much better?

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This is the key question; this is the central point missing from this great call to action.

Destruction is easy when compared with building better.

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Maybe a voters' strike? Nobody goes to vote. The legitimacy of "democracy" will be gone. Just a thought...

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Then only the oligarchs vote... Oh. That IS our current system.

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Fire 🔥

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