The "capitalists" (monopolists) of which Caitlin speaks are: the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, George Soros, Larry Fink of Blackrock, Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi, whose net worth went from about $21 to $120 million in just 12 years, from 2009 to 2021. These people are fascists, which is the merger of corporations and the government.
They want you fat, sick, isolated, and depressed. They want to extract all of the economic value they can from you, and then they want to kill you. Gates has a depopulation agenda. Everyone can look it up.
It is simply centralization. Fascism. Communism. Corporatism. All is centralized power. Individualism is decentralized power.
Capitalism can be either centralized or decentralized, but the more centralized it gets the closer it gets to fascism.
The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:
What kind of system do you live under?
Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.
Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.
It’s our own fault. All of it.
We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.
Can you?
Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.
Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.
I say if it works, it works. Words change with use, and there is no requirement that a word be limited to its original historical pontificated meaning. At least not in American english. The new fascism needs to be stabbed in the eye, sooner than later, not harrumphed over by self selected “experts”.
I actually think she is referencing the Cargill corporation and Monsanto and Lockheed and Bayer and Amazon and Walmart and Apple and Intel and NBC and WAPO and the NFL and Space-x and AIG and Pfizer and Dow and GE and McDonalds and Home Depot and about 100,000 more businesses that bear the cost of bribing individuals who run for office. The WEF does nothing to bequeath Americans with an electoral process that is thoroughly corrupted by money. The WEF doesn’t decree that there will be no third political party in America that gets traction, a platform, a hearing. This is the work of can-do corporatists and lawyers for sale to the highest bidder. And this present reality aligns completely with the vision of our beloved founders who had antipathy and contempt for those espousing spreading the wealth. Capitalists are akin to the zealots who had no problem erasing indigenous beings in order to “safely” own what they stole. Today’s capitalists only wipe out small populations that believe sovereignty equals independence. They provide unending propaganda to stifle unrest at home, and travel the earth seeking out idealists and destroying them. It is systematized crime and it is homegrown
The cancer may be terminal. Treatment may come too late if it comes at all. And what would that treatment be? Nothing short of a change of consciousness in humanity is needed. This is doubtful without absolute transparency. The webs of criminality, facilitated through lawless capital, would wither and die in the broad daylight. "The Invisible Hand" of mobster capitalism (decontextualized , dehumanized, and rapacious exploitation of everything) would have to be exposed for what it is. But how would that possibly happen?
I personally think small change can ripple. Not so long ago, the DP was behind publicly funded elections, and that would make Citizens United moot. Also, every presidential election features more and more Democrats in favor of MFA. Either one of those would open the window a crack for democracy to sneak in the house.
You really need to do your research. The World Economic Forum is a bout as far from capitalist as you can get. Their mantra for the "Great Reset" is that 'by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy'. The ownership of capital is capitalism, what the WEF is proposing is communism/authoritariansim.
You're right. I'm not a fan. That's why I put "capitalists" in scare quotes. What I've noticed is that communism and monopolists end up in the same place: no transparency, no decentralization, and authoritarianism. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros want us to eat the bugs, live in a pod, be fat, sick, depressed, and isolated. They want us going to schools that teach rigid ideology and nothing practical or real--all the better for them to extract everything they can from us, right before they kill us.
So why has the WEF got this 2030 agenda? It is because socialism is collapsing and they all know it. Socialism always collapses in the end and the result is oligarchs and authoritarianism. That is what history teaches us.
When the collapse comes, the normal result is people rise up and punish the politicians for reneging on all those socialist promises. The average politician's life expectancy falls dramatically. With this possible future in mind, the WEF have given the politicians the out by proposing authoritarianism to them. The best way to achieve this is by either terrifying the masses into giving up their freedoms (global warming and Covid) or via martial law (war mongering with Russia).
The first two failed, they are going to give war a really good go.
The “nothing” in “by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy” concerns physical commodities.
And the system that's failing right now is capitalism, mainly because of the decline of world population which is happening faster than automation can eliminate jobs. That's why they want to save the dominant class with authoritarianism
We do not have capitalism, we live under socialism but you are correct that they want to save the dominant classes. The reason that the dominant classes need saving is that they have made socialist promises that they are going to renege on. This is their danger and this is why they need authoritarianism - to stop the potential revolt.
We will get authoritarianism, the cycle through history is clear. Socialism always collapses into authoritarianism. The question is who will be the authoritarian? If it is going to be the present dominant classes, it will be a miserable existence for the remainder as they see themselves as the elite and the rest as the unwashed masses. They do not consider the well-being of the masses and this sentiment will continue. In those countries which revolt, there will be a different form of authoritarianism and if inspired, will bring back democracy quickly but in a different form, hopefully direct democracy, i.e. doing without the corruption of representatives that is the present problem.
It is clear most people don't understand the difference between centralized capitalism and decentralized capitalism. There is a HUGE difference.
The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:
What kind of system do you live under?
Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.
Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.
It’s our own fault. All of it.
We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.
Can you?
Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.
Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.
Nobody gets to be a true, liquid, billionaire without engaging in force, fraud, or heinous crimes such as human/drug trafficking. It's dishonest and frankly disgusting that you would assume bad faith on William's part.
But, you may be a chatbot, in which case good job: You wasted 30 sec of my time.
Simplistic or not, defending the status quo billionaires who by far the #1 cause why so many Americans are fucked right now, and indirectly blaming ordinary people for the slaughter that will inevitably follow because of the unending greed of these same fucking sociopathic assholes who have turned the US into a slumlord country of homeless, exploited wage slavers - is for sure, a sign of a know-it-all chatbot in action.
We are being directed, like sheep, to the slaughter. The WEF and its assorted Globalist Elite outlets have decided there are too many of US, so, for our own good (of course) they are directly and indirectly, conducting various strategies to decrease the world population. It's Malthus/Club of Rome BS dusted off for a new generation of oligarchs: "humane" mercy killing; genderism to parents to sterilze/neuter a generation (with the Politically Correct and government in collusion of course); Bill Gates buying up Millions of acres of farmland to put it out of production; mandatory vaccine programs to reduce the population (again courtesy of BG & Dr. F); after 40 years of climate denial, suddenly the Oligarchy is using the Climate Crisis to cut fertilzer to farmers in Netherlands, putting them out of business, etc. etc. These diverse strategies all have a common goal in mind: GENOCIDE. Only this time it's not the "Master Race" killing the Untermench (except in Ukraine of course) but the target is the mass the world's working class, regardless of race or ethnicity. Conspiracy Theory? Well, maybe more people should be paying closer attention to what has been going down at Davos, with the Bilderburg Group and other gatherings of the Globalist elite lately. Meanwhile, in the US at least, they are successfully using Identity Politics to set working people against each other, while their political stooges carry out their agendas.
I agree. If anyone would pick up a history book, they would be surprised to discover that Eugenics were wildly popular in the US about 100 years ago, until that guy from Germany got carried away and then it dropped in popularity.
Also to note, there was the great depression and that's also probably part of the WEF plan as well.
Been going on for awhile! Native American Culture Regions · Little Wolf — 1818-1904Along with Dull Knife, Little Wolf was a war leader of the Northern Cheyenne. He gained his reputation for military prowess during his battles against the Commanche and Kiowa. By 1851 Little Wolf had ceased warring against the invading whites in exchange for an Indian agency and annuities. Although the agency was never established and annuities came rarely Little Wolf continued to counsel peace with the one notable exception of participating in a retaliatory raid on Army troops to avenge the massacre of Black Kettle’s Cheyenne at Sand Creek in 1865.In 1868 Little Wolf signed the Fort Laramie Treaty that required the United States to vacate forts along the Bozeman Trail. Although Little Wolf’s followers were not among the Cheyenne with Crazy Horse at Little Bighorn, they were caught up in the retaliatory attacks by U.S. troops. Little Wolf’s warriors came to the aid of Dull Knife when the U.S. Army destroyed his village. Little Wolf was shot seven times, but survived.In the winter of 1876-77 the starving Cheyenne bands surrendered to General Nelson Miles and were promised a reservation in their native lands. Not surprisingly, once the surrender had been concluded, Miles did not keep his promise and the Cheyenne, led by Little Wolf and Dull Knife, were sent to a reservation in Indian Territory (Oklahoma).By the summer of 1878 half of the Cheyenne were dead in Oklahoma and Little Wolf and Dull Knife pleaded to be allowed to return to their homeland. Indian Agent John Miles refused. When ten young Cheyenne left the reservation Miles demanded hostages until troops could round up the runaways threatening that rations would be withheld until the Cheyenne chiefs complied. In a famous quote Little Wolf replied, “Last night I saw children eating grass because they had no food. Will you take the grass from them?”The Cheyenne fled the reservation while repelling repeated attacks by U.S. troops. In Nebraska, Little Wolf and Dull Knife split up. Dull Knife rode to Red Cloud Agency to surrender. Little Wolf and his band headed to the Nebraska Sand Hills to hide. In March of 1879 Little Wolf finally surrendered to General Nelson Miles at Fort Keough. Little Wolf’s band of Cheyenne were allowed to stay on the Northern Plains near their home this time.In 1880, Little Wolf killed another Cheyenne and lost his standing as a chief. He became a scout for the army and spent the rest of his years on the reservation until his death in 1904.
We can blame economic systems or we can identify, understand and contend with the actual causative factors. The causes, in any economic system, are the lies and deceptions which lead eventually to moral collapse and a sharp descent into toxic narcissism and eventually to delusional psychosis. Delusional psychosis is what is dominating the planet. Cooler heads must prevail.
A dig at Trump, once again. When are you going to give up this stick and move on. Such a comment only acknowledges you know little about Biden, or maybe you do, and are just being hypocritical. You decry the war in Ukraine and America's role in that war, well who was vice president when the Obama presidency worked with neo-nazi's to bring down a pro-Russian president? Biden. Who was left in charge of Ukraine and got his son a 50 thousand a month job on the board of Burisma, yet he knew nothing? Biden. Who stood before cameras after the Ukraine war got underway and said Putin has got to go? Biden. Who is pushing a neocon agenda for world domination that you constantly decry. Biden.
It is an imprecise label for the problem. The problem, as one sees it, is 4 generations of psychopaths and narcissists are in the clutches of the levers of power. Thus, the 4th turning is at hand.
The Soros, Schwabs, Kissingers, Pelosis, Bidens, McConnells, Murdochs, Slims, Faucis are hallmarks of that 4th gen (Silent). They have others here...but lets just start there.
Then Gates, King Charles III, Von der Leyen, Bloomberg, Dimon, Fink, GW Bush, Clinton, Schumer, Obama, (Trump), Putin and Xi Jinping, represent the 3rd Gen of that hierarchy (Boomers), but have plenty of apprentices to flesh out there as well.
Thereafter, Bezos, Musk, Griffin, Waltons, and Doudnas representative of the Gen X of note. Note: Doudna's gene editing was immediately seized upon by scientists (CCP ones) as a way to modify humanity. She may be a mere pawn - I have my doubts.
Finally, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Harari are in the Millennial class of this representative evil.
They are all upper middle managers of psychopathy and pervasive narcissistic generators through that social media and political apathy for humans. Banksters are in this...
There is about 10,000 hell-bent-on-destruction people who own 95% of the world between them. Managed 99%+ of all military. And certainly think 6-7 billion of us are "useless eaters."
THEIR WORDS not mine.
Your quote: "It's obnoxious and unacceptable that the mass media currently hold random social media users to higher levels of accountability than powerful government officials who circulate lies that can start wars."
Well, it is only going to get worse. Yes, we should be all OUR OWN individual poles. Motivated, Mentally capable, non-Malevolent (3Ms) would lead people to achieve a great deal. WE. WILL. NEVER. STOP. SUFFERING.
HOWEVER, we could easily minimize this down to millions not billions.
BUT we HAVE TO UNITE to defeat all these forces.
I am gonna predict something, one can hate it, but remember it if you are still here to assess the outcomes:
*These people, at the top, want us mostly gone. 1/2 or 3/4 of humanity... 4-6 BILLION. Starve us. Inject us. Restrict us until we give up by suicide or "methods of war." (Many, many will.)
If we don't fight them, very soon, they will accomplish this goal by military cohesion over us. The NAZI is STRONG with the medical field and military apparatus from US to Chinese, and beyond.
But they don't have the numbers....they do FEEL they've perfected 5th gen warfare of false flags, info wars, resource and energy weaponization, that will be FULL TILT against specific targets. The test of COVID was to see how well they could corral us and divide us and control information.
They received plenty of data to assess and repurpose their agenda toward.
The stories mentioned show how they are isolating info and blacking out stories to undermine our ability to respond accurately. We have very little time left to organize...become better at leading our local response teams. Because its a conflict unlike any other. Governments will swap their attack teams (see: Canada, they brought in foreign "extra military" police) to quell the rebellion. Weaponized banking. And elections are a façade. They allow what is needed to keep the sheep stupid.
In fighting, we will LOSE, at least, 20% of humanity. 1.6 BILLION. Maybe even MORE.
ONE can scoff and laugh, but we just saw billions become mass formed about a virus these people had no intention of stopping or exploiting. And We KNOW they don't have happy outcomes for anyone not in their technocratic class.
Biden hasn't killed the emergency order...there is no emergency.
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn (11 December 1918 – 3 August 2008) was noted to have said:
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you’d be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur — what if it had been driven off or its tires spiked. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!"
But this time, the armies have drones to do their bidding. Which means, we need a discussion and strategy....and soon.
At the very least, introduce to people that don't agree...reading of novels that have these concepts in them. For the ones that don't believe HELL is coming to Earth.
Right on! This is the reality of the situation we are in. THESE PEOPLE ARE THE ENEMY! They are to be treated as such. Mass Murdering Sociopaths who want us dead.
The media ruling class in America and internationally is known as the psychocrats. They have been the leading aspect of the elite since the early 1970's The psychocrats and capitalists are complimentary opposites of the same thing--elite class society. At a given time, one plays the leading role, and the other secondary. The Trumplican movement is attempting to get the capitalists back in the lead. He failed during his presidency. If he succeeds our nation could become a fascist state similar to Nazi Germany and with the same result. As our nation keeps on the same track, we will become secondary to China, unless the productive people take power in America.
The elderly Japanese are committing crimes to go to jail to avoid homelessness. Euthanasia or prison are not acceptable results and a total ground-up rebuild is necessary.
First. If I were Russia, I would never accept the word of the West in “peace” talks (see Minsk accords). Second. Capitalism does not tell poor people to die; that’s pure projection. Capitalism, subject to effective antitrust and tort laws, gives every one of us the best chance to live our best lives. No “ism” is a panacea for the human condition. However, any “ism” that centralizes any power is absolute disaster.
The "capitalists" (monopolists) of which Caitlin speaks are: the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, George Soros, Larry Fink of Blackrock, Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi, whose net worth went from about $21 to $120 million in just 12 years, from 2009 to 2021. These people are fascists, which is the merger of corporations and the government.
They want you fat, sick, isolated, and depressed. They want to extract all of the economic value they can from you, and then they want to kill you. Gates has a depopulation agenda. Everyone can look it up.
Fascism is actually the merger of corporations and the State. Of course, for economic purposes
It is simply centralization. Fascism. Communism. Corporatism. All is centralized power. Individualism is decentralized power.
Capitalism can be either centralized or decentralized, but the more centralized it gets the closer it gets to fascism.
The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:
What kind of system do you live under?
Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.
Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.
It’s our own fault. All of it.
We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.
Can you?
Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.
Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.
That sounds Rational.
Excellent analysis of fascism - its roots and characteristics:
I say if it works, it works. Words change with use, and there is no requirement that a word be limited to its original historical pontificated meaning. At least not in American english. The new fascism needs to be stabbed in the eye, sooner than later, not harrumphed over by self selected “experts”.
I actually think she is referencing the Cargill corporation and Monsanto and Lockheed and Bayer and Amazon and Walmart and Apple and Intel and NBC and WAPO and the NFL and Space-x and AIG and Pfizer and Dow and GE and McDonalds and Home Depot and about 100,000 more businesses that bear the cost of bribing individuals who run for office. The WEF does nothing to bequeath Americans with an electoral process that is thoroughly corrupted by money. The WEF doesn’t decree that there will be no third political party in America that gets traction, a platform, a hearing. This is the work of can-do corporatists and lawyers for sale to the highest bidder. And this present reality aligns completely with the vision of our beloved founders who had antipathy and contempt for those espousing spreading the wealth. Capitalists are akin to the zealots who had no problem erasing indigenous beings in order to “safely” own what they stole. Today’s capitalists only wipe out small populations that believe sovereignty equals independence. They provide unending propaganda to stifle unrest at home, and travel the earth seeking out idealists and destroying them. It is systematized crime and it is homegrown
and in our DNA. It takes resolve to root it out.
The cancer may be terminal. Treatment may come too late if it comes at all. And what would that treatment be? Nothing short of a change of consciousness in humanity is needed. This is doubtful without absolute transparency. The webs of criminality, facilitated through lawless capital, would wither and die in the broad daylight. "The Invisible Hand" of mobster capitalism (decontextualized , dehumanized, and rapacious exploitation of everything) would have to be exposed for what it is. But how would that possibly happen?
I personally think small change can ripple. Not so long ago, the DP was behind publicly funded elections, and that would make Citizens United moot. Also, every presidential election features more and more Democrats in favor of MFA. Either one of those would open the window a crack for democracy to sneak in the house.
You are SOOOOO right,
Drop the blaming of DNA and I can agree with what you've said.
You really need to do your research. The World Economic Forum is a bout as far from capitalist as you can get. Their mantra for the "Great Reset" is that 'by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy'. The ownership of capital is capitalism, what the WEF is proposing is communism/authoritariansim.
You're right. I'm not a fan. That's why I put "capitalists" in scare quotes. What I've noticed is that communism and monopolists end up in the same place: no transparency, no decentralization, and authoritarianism. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros want us to eat the bugs, live in a pod, be fat, sick, depressed, and isolated. They want us going to schools that teach rigid ideology and nothing practical or real--all the better for them to extract everything they can from us, right before they kill us.
Sorry about that.
So why has the WEF got this 2030 agenda? It is because socialism is collapsing and they all know it. Socialism always collapses in the end and the result is oligarchs and authoritarianism. That is what history teaches us.
When the collapse comes, the normal result is people rise up and punish the politicians for reneging on all those socialist promises. The average politician's life expectancy falls dramatically. With this possible future in mind, the WEF have given the politicians the out by proposing authoritarianism to them. The best way to achieve this is by either terrifying the masses into giving up their freedoms (global warming and Covid) or via martial law (war mongering with Russia).
The first two failed, they are going to give war a really good go.
The “nothing” in “by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy” concerns physical commodities.
And the system that's failing right now is capitalism, mainly because of the decline of world population which is happening faster than automation can eliminate jobs. That's why they want to save the dominant class with authoritarianism
We do not have capitalism, we live under socialism but you are correct that they want to save the dominant classes. The reason that the dominant classes need saving is that they have made socialist promises that they are going to renege on. This is their danger and this is why they need authoritarianism - to stop the potential revolt.
We will get authoritarianism, the cycle through history is clear. Socialism always collapses into authoritarianism. The question is who will be the authoritarian? If it is going to be the present dominant classes, it will be a miserable existence for the remainder as they see themselves as the elite and the rest as the unwashed masses. They do not consider the well-being of the masses and this sentiment will continue. In those countries which revolt, there will be a different form of authoritarianism and if inspired, will bring back democracy quickly but in a different form, hopefully direct democracy, i.e. doing without the corruption of representatives that is the present problem.
It is clear most people don't understand the difference between centralized capitalism and decentralized capitalism. There is a HUGE difference.
The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:
What kind of system do you live under?
Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.
Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.
It’s our own fault. All of it.
We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.
Can you?
Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.
Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.
Agreed, Mr. Rationalist. I want transparency and decentralization. I will check out your link.
The narrowness of your senses never fails to amaze me
Good one! 😁😆
So, what do you think about this matter? Not what you think about what someone else thinks, but what do you think?
Nobody gets to be a true, liquid, billionaire without engaging in force, fraud, or heinous crimes such as human/drug trafficking. It's dishonest and frankly disgusting that you would assume bad faith on William's part.
But, you may be a chatbot, in which case good job: You wasted 30 sec of my time.
I get it, but you don't want to, you'd rather press a point with dishonest argumentation.
Let's see if you're a bot. Who's the last character here?
Simplistic or not, defending the status quo billionaires who by far the #1 cause why so many Americans are fucked right now, and indirectly blaming ordinary people for the slaughter that will inevitably follow because of the unending greed of these same fucking sociopathic assholes who have turned the US into a slumlord country of homeless, exploited wage slavers - is for sure, a sign of a know-it-all chatbot in action.
it's a slippery slope
MAID won't be voluntary for long
We are being directed, like sheep, to the slaughter. The WEF and its assorted Globalist Elite outlets have decided there are too many of US, so, for our own good (of course) they are directly and indirectly, conducting various strategies to decrease the world population. It's Malthus/Club of Rome BS dusted off for a new generation of oligarchs: "humane" mercy killing; genderism to parents to sterilze/neuter a generation (with the Politically Correct and government in collusion of course); Bill Gates buying up Millions of acres of farmland to put it out of production; mandatory vaccine programs to reduce the population (again courtesy of BG & Dr. F); after 40 years of climate denial, suddenly the Oligarchy is using the Climate Crisis to cut fertilzer to farmers in Netherlands, putting them out of business, etc. etc. These diverse strategies all have a common goal in mind: GENOCIDE. Only this time it's not the "Master Race" killing the Untermench (except in Ukraine of course) but the target is the mass the world's working class, regardless of race or ethnicity. Conspiracy Theory? Well, maybe more people should be paying closer attention to what has been going down at Davos, with the Bilderburg Group and other gatherings of the Globalist elite lately. Meanwhile, in the US at least, they are successfully using Identity Politics to set working people against each other, while their political stooges carry out their agendas.
I agree. If anyone would pick up a history book, they would be surprised to discover that Eugenics were wildly popular in the US about 100 years ago, until that guy from Germany got carried away and then it dropped in popularity.
Also to note, there was the great depression and that's also probably part of the WEF plan as well.
It never stopped. It just changed masks.
"An environment that is not safe to *disagree* in is not an environment focused on growth - it's an environment focused on control." ~Wendi Jade
"Advocating peace and criticizing Nazis to trigger the libs."
Same here. Nothing like being a pacifist/anti-fascist to get the neolibs' knickers tied in knots. Lead on, Caitlin and company!
Been going on for awhile! Native American Culture Regions · Little Wolf — 1818-1904Along with Dull Knife, Little Wolf was a war leader of the Northern Cheyenne. He gained his reputation for military prowess during his battles against the Commanche and Kiowa. By 1851 Little Wolf had ceased warring against the invading whites in exchange for an Indian agency and annuities. Although the agency was never established and annuities came rarely Little Wolf continued to counsel peace with the one notable exception of participating in a retaliatory raid on Army troops to avenge the massacre of Black Kettle’s Cheyenne at Sand Creek in 1865.In 1868 Little Wolf signed the Fort Laramie Treaty that required the United States to vacate forts along the Bozeman Trail. Although Little Wolf’s followers were not among the Cheyenne with Crazy Horse at Little Bighorn, they were caught up in the retaliatory attacks by U.S. troops. Little Wolf’s warriors came to the aid of Dull Knife when the U.S. Army destroyed his village. Little Wolf was shot seven times, but survived.In the winter of 1876-77 the starving Cheyenne bands surrendered to General Nelson Miles and were promised a reservation in their native lands. Not surprisingly, once the surrender had been concluded, Miles did not keep his promise and the Cheyenne, led by Little Wolf and Dull Knife, were sent to a reservation in Indian Territory (Oklahoma).By the summer of 1878 half of the Cheyenne were dead in Oklahoma and Little Wolf and Dull Knife pleaded to be allowed to return to their homeland. Indian Agent John Miles refused. When ten young Cheyenne left the reservation Miles demanded hostages until troops could round up the runaways threatening that rations would be withheld until the Cheyenne chiefs complied. In a famous quote Little Wolf replied, “Last night I saw children eating grass because they had no food. Will you take the grass from them?”The Cheyenne fled the reservation while repelling repeated attacks by U.S. troops. In Nebraska, Little Wolf and Dull Knife split up. Dull Knife rode to Red Cloud Agency to surrender. Little Wolf and his band headed to the Nebraska Sand Hills to hide. In March of 1879 Little Wolf finally surrendered to General Nelson Miles at Fort Keough. Little Wolf’s band of Cheyenne were allowed to stay on the Northern Plains near their home this time.In 1880, Little Wolf killed another Cheyenne and lost his standing as a chief. He became a scout for the army and spent the rest of his years on the reservation until his death in 1904.
We can blame economic systems or we can identify, understand and contend with the actual causative factors. The causes, in any economic system, are the lies and deceptions which lead eventually to moral collapse and a sharp descent into toxic narcissism and eventually to delusional psychosis. Delusional psychosis is what is dominating the planet. Cooler heads must prevail.
Without poor people, who is going to work in the uranium mines or join the Marines to get a ticket out of the uranium mine?
A dig at Trump, once again. When are you going to give up this stick and move on. Such a comment only acknowledges you know little about Biden, or maybe you do, and are just being hypocritical. You decry the war in Ukraine and America's role in that war, well who was vice president when the Obama presidency worked with neo-nazi's to bring down a pro-Russian president? Biden. Who was left in charge of Ukraine and got his son a 50 thousand a month job on the board of Burisma, yet he knew nothing? Biden. Who stood before cameras after the Ukraine war got underway and said Putin has got to go? Biden. Who is pushing a neocon agenda for world domination that you constantly decry. Biden.
Yes thx for the comment reply! She’s the one Asleep.
“Goes without saying “ is designed for the speaker to say nothing.
Childish derangement syndrome.
capitalism is genocide
It is an imprecise label for the problem. The problem, as one sees it, is 4 generations of psychopaths and narcissists are in the clutches of the levers of power. Thus, the 4th turning is at hand.
The Soros, Schwabs, Kissingers, Pelosis, Bidens, McConnells, Murdochs, Slims, Faucis are hallmarks of that 4th gen (Silent). They have others here...but lets just start there.
Then Gates, King Charles III, Von der Leyen, Bloomberg, Dimon, Fink, GW Bush, Clinton, Schumer, Obama, (Trump), Putin and Xi Jinping, represent the 3rd Gen of that hierarchy (Boomers), but have plenty of apprentices to flesh out there as well.
Thereafter, Bezos, Musk, Griffin, Waltons, and Doudnas representative of the Gen X of note. Note: Doudna's gene editing was immediately seized upon by scientists (CCP ones) as a way to modify humanity. She may be a mere pawn - I have my doubts.
Finally, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Harari are in the Millennial class of this representative evil.
They are all upper middle managers of psychopathy and pervasive narcissistic generators through that social media and political apathy for humans. Banksters are in this...
There is about 10,000 hell-bent-on-destruction people who own 95% of the world between them. Managed 99%+ of all military. And certainly think 6-7 billion of us are "useless eaters."
THEIR WORDS not mine.
Your quote: "It's obnoxious and unacceptable that the mass media currently hold random social media users to higher levels of accountability than powerful government officials who circulate lies that can start wars."
Well, it is only going to get worse. Yes, we should be all OUR OWN individual poles. Motivated, Mentally capable, non-Malevolent (3Ms) would lead people to achieve a great deal. WE. WILL. NEVER. STOP. SUFFERING.
HOWEVER, we could easily minimize this down to millions not billions.
BUT we HAVE TO UNITE to defeat all these forces.
I am gonna predict something, one can hate it, but remember it if you are still here to assess the outcomes:
*These people, at the top, want us mostly gone. 1/2 or 3/4 of humanity... 4-6 BILLION. Starve us. Inject us. Restrict us until we give up by suicide or "methods of war." (Many, many will.)
If we don't fight them, very soon, they will accomplish this goal by military cohesion over us. The NAZI is STRONG with the medical field and military apparatus from US to Chinese, and beyond.
But they don't have the numbers....they do FEEL they've perfected 5th gen warfare of false flags, info wars, resource and energy weaponization, that will be FULL TILT against specific targets. The test of COVID was to see how well they could corral us and divide us and control information.
They received plenty of data to assess and repurpose their agenda toward.
The stories mentioned show how they are isolating info and blacking out stories to undermine our ability to respond accurately. We have very little time left to organize...become better at leading our local response teams. Because its a conflict unlike any other. Governments will swap their attack teams (see: Canada, they brought in foreign "extra military" police) to quell the rebellion. Weaponized banking. And elections are a façade. They allow what is needed to keep the sheep stupid.
In fighting, we will LOSE, at least, 20% of humanity. 1.6 BILLION. Maybe even MORE.
ONE can scoff and laugh, but we just saw billions become mass formed about a virus these people had no intention of stopping or exploiting. And We KNOW they don't have happy outcomes for anyone not in their technocratic class.
Biden hasn't killed the emergency order...there is no emergency.
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn (11 December 1918 – 3 August 2008) was noted to have said:
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you’d be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur — what if it had been driven off or its tires spiked. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!"
But this time, the armies have drones to do their bidding. Which means, we need a discussion and strategy....and soon.
At the very least, introduce to people that don't agree...reading of novels that have these concepts in them. For the ones that don't believe HELL is coming to Earth.
Right on! This is the reality of the situation we are in. THESE PEOPLE ARE THE ENEMY! They are to be treated as such. Mass Murdering Sociopaths who want us dead.
The media ruling class in America and internationally is known as the psychocrats. They have been the leading aspect of the elite since the early 1970's The psychocrats and capitalists are complimentary opposites of the same thing--elite class society. At a given time, one plays the leading role, and the other secondary. The Trumplican movement is attempting to get the capitalists back in the lead. He failed during his presidency. If he succeeds our nation could become a fascist state similar to Nazi Germany and with the same result. As our nation keeps on the same track, we will become secondary to China, unless the productive people take power in America.
The elderly Japanese are committing crimes to go to jail to avoid homelessness. Euthanasia or prison are not acceptable results and a total ground-up rebuild is necessary.
First. If I were Russia, I would never accept the word of the West in “peace” talks (see Minsk accords). Second. Capitalism does not tell poor people to die; that’s pure projection. Capitalism, subject to effective antitrust and tort laws, gives every one of us the best chance to live our best lives. No “ism” is a panacea for the human condition. However, any “ism” that centralizes any power is absolute disaster.
"I would never accept the word of the West in “peace” talks"
Nice, then you will be utterly and completely destroyed, die nazi!
Dig it!!!!
Why is the US government maximally supporting the emergence of Nazism in Europe while “fighting” white supremacy in the US?
Why a total proxy war against capitalist and democratic Russia and total support for Nazi-dominated government of Ukraine?
Never explained, never discussed in bipartisan fascist US.