When I was young some old guy told me that US politics was like professional wrestling. I was skeptical.

Now I'm the old guy.

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Well, aligns with what Mark Twain once said:

When I was 14 I was surprised at how ignorant my old man was. By the time I was 21 I was surprised at how much he had learned in 7 years.

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Nowadays the "opposition" seems to all be "you're not being tough enough on our enemies."

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Patrick Powers: Yeah, lots of assumptions in what the "opposition" says. Who is "you"? Who are "our"? And who is the "enemy"?

It's all made up garbage. My tolerance for such idiotic speech is zero.

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I was told always stay with the incumbent they have already filled their pockets, vote for anybody new and they spend their time filling theirs.

You can buy a senator or Congressman for 50K and tips on insider trading are a fringe benefit for them.

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I see your point but they've all got very deep pockets and are quite insatiable. A symptom of the usurious Money Disease currently afflicting our species. Also called 'Financial Capitalism' let loose on us this time back in 1694 by William of Orange when he gave the keys to the new Bank of 'England' to a bunch of thugs in exchange for a war loan. In essence this is imaginary money lent at interest without the interest money ever being created to enable the discharge of the interest debt. This leads to society having a massive & unpayable debt & permanent money hunger. https://usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock.html

Here are a few general memes for you illustrating my point here: https://twitter.com/DomeLord/status/1672153686884204544?s=20

It's a long serious deadly game these people play while we sleep, grunt, mutter & mumble, our way through the centuries.

Go for the real root of the problem with amputation in mind & don't be distracted by the symptoms of corrupt politicians, etc. Go for the cancer & not any dandruff the MSM fobs us off with. Join me in driving the filth of financial capitalism off this beautiful planet we find ourselves on.

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Your reference to the founding of the current banking system in 1694 is right on target. It continues to this day with our federal reserve.

Our founders of the country wrote the constitution a certain way so that we would not be adopting the English model of banking or mercantilism. For example, the creation of credit and the issuance of Quidditch in Buddie was vested in Congress.

Unfortunately, over time, the constitution has been over written, and the passage of the 1913 federal reserve act doomed our financial system.

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The sneaky ones have allowed us to own the masonry & mortar so we have the responsibility for upkeep/maintenance of the 'bank of england' building. However, the usurious/fraudulent profits of the bank go to the pockets of secret shareholders who grow dangerously powerful & obscenely rich in our midst.

"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be resolved sooner or later is 'The People v. The Banks'." - Lord Acton (1875)

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Exactly. I also learned that the full time/lifetime staffers waiting for their pensions love it when new politicians are elected. They come in as ignorant newbies and have to rely on the staff to tell them how things work.

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Its cheaper to hire a studio musician than a Beltway politician.

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Jun 24, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023

Exactly. For example the sums of money we see for buying a vice president and president , and knowingly starting WW IIIl (!!!) are shockingly small compared to what it has taken in the past to buy national leaders in Libya, Nigeria, Angola just to sell them goods or get access to cheap oil.

US Politicians are basically street walking junkies….they will do ANYTHING for a few bucks.

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Something happened to the content - my bad, I tried to edit it and ended up deleting it. So, repeat:

When I was an impressionable boy, a US President said:

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

And that has made all the difference.

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As usual great piece, and we mostly agree. But there is a wry small group of competing interests at the tippy top who do control the world. And population control is part of at least one of those groups agenda. The club for Rome and MIT have produced reports calling population growth the biggest threat to humanity. Eugenics has been a popular subject among some elitist groups since before Hitler. That’s just an easily researched fact. And to use your argument when I said war is one way for them to accomplish population control and profits (and you argued why would capitalists want to kill their customers), wouldn’t nuclear war kill all their customers? Also, I don’t believe in even more centralized and surveillance state power whatever ism one wants to call it. The US is demonstrably the worst government on the planet, and I don’t support war against anyone, but that doesn’t mean I support other authoritarian surveillance state government structures as a replacement.

Economically however I do support a much more equal system (total equality if that can somehow be achieved is fine w me). Economics is defined as the efficient allocation of resources amongst scarce resources and unlimited wants. However one wants to define our current system, it is clearly nether fair nor efficient. It is a fixed system. The globalist oligarchy of for profit banks and corporations are the ones who actually write the laws, and also control the unelected bodies supposedly designed to regulate them

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On point!!

The U.S. is nothing more than Israel's executive arm these days.

The only solution to what ails us the thorough and comprehensive destruction and dissolution of the ENTIRE Central Banking System.

I don't see that happening however because those with wealth of one sort of another would have to relinquish it on favor of their liberty and their future generation's liberty, but they're too greedy and/or ignorant to do that.

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The entire LGBT+++ agenda is part of the depopulation strategy pushed in government circles and the military. If you look at the Kissinger report written in 1974 it promotes the idea that alternative lifestyles will result in lower population growth, that abortion is an effective tool for population reduction and its all written from the perspective of a strategic military doctrine.


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"Trump’s recent comments about taking Venezuela’s oil "

Actually they said that back in 2019 through the mouth of John Bolton. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wifJII9W6ZI

I found this shocking. Syria, same thing.

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Most of the oil that we've controlled in the Middle East goes to Israel.

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How true !!

Perhaps Robert Kennedy, Jr. will be the exception in US politics.

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It would help if people seriously entertained his ideas.

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His ideas are infinitely broader than what might be causing autism.....

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Jun 24, 2023·edited Jun 26, 2023

How many oligarchs will this country need to run through the presidency before everyone gets the clue? They are oligarchs not democratic representatives.

The Kennedy clan has been in politics in this country since the 1950s and they have never created any movement. The solution seems to always be “another kennedy will save you”. Same as the Bush Clan, the Biden clan, the Cheney clan, the Clinton gang, the Cuomo clan. Beyond the feel-good talk, tge only thing they empower in any lasting way, is their OWN interests and primary.

Clue in please.

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RFK jr. is no better than the rest, a politician from a long standing political dynasty that while he is saying what people want to hear has a long track record of voting for the establishment. yes he opposes the terrible obvious parts of government but supports the massive underwater portions of the iceberg.

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Any examples?

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Thank you Caitlin :). I didn't agree with all of this, but most of it is spot-on and made me laugh out loud. We need to define capitalism, because it seems what is in the modern world being labeled as "capitalism" is not capitalism at all, but a gross perversion of capitalism, driven by greed and expediency, prone to taking advantage of and harming people for monetary rewards. This corporate / government partnership (regulatory capture) needs some other name, no?

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"This corporate / government partnership (regulatory capture) needs some other name, no?"

Agreed. Mussolini called it fascism.

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It has a name - see Jack's comment.

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I tend to view capitalism as the popup farmers market, people trading goods without coercion or control, everything else is just cronyism/fascism.

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God said to build a better world and I said how? The world is such a cold, dark place and complicated now. And I’m so young and useless there is nothing I can do. But God, in all his wisdom said, “Just build a better you.”

My sister sent this a while back, from See you at the Top, Zig Ziglar, 2010, p.370 (I’d use the phrase “Evolving Universe,” but different strokes for different folks.)

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I think your God was and is interested in a little more than a "better" you. Really.

So, a reindeer:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are those who mourn,

for they will be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek,

for they will inherit the earth.

6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they will be filled.

7 Blessed are the merciful,

for they will be shown mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart,

for they will see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers,

for they will be called children of God.

10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

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No real disagreement. But at 75, I couldn't fit my biography here. Rabid environmentalist here, 25 yr elementary educator, lived off grid from '83 to 97, ran against Hatch in 2012, inventor with new design for airships, wrote a book on solar greenhouses, for a tip of the iceberg look. "Being a better you" is different things for different people. www.hyperblimp.com for further reading.

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They also have elections for high school student councils.

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And that was how I learned what BS politics was. About the only thing I learned in high school and about the most useless.

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If voting made a real difference they would have outlawed it. What is jarring is that the nation still does NOT have an opposition party that can mount an effective resistance against the excesses of the duopoly and its corporate sponsors. As the Empire decays all it can turn out is bumbling octogenarians to maintain the status quo.

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That is all part of the plan, arranging society, media and systems to present the unified lie makes it appear there is the opportunity for opposition but its all but impossible in the modern age. We don't vote in any meaningful way for anyone above dog catcher. The ineptness of the octogenarians is intentional, the Reagan two-step is a classic example of pretending to be feeble, Biden certainly didn't invent it but he is playing the part.

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The problem is, if you suggest that people raise their consciousness, the people who need to do that the most don't know what the hell you are talking about. And if they have an inkling, they immediately erase it from their minds. There is only one way forward, one way for human survival, and that is democratic socialism. And that can only happen when the suffering majority understand who and what is causing their suffering. Hopefully, some such enlightenment will come about this Fall, when energy stores are depleted in Europe. When prices increase ten fold. And the same in the US. And if that doesn't do it, nothing will. We are screwed.

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What is the difference between a president of a democratic socialist country and a republic ? Marketing.

Democratic socialism is just socialism, call it what it is. In the end the power structure will just move from one form of government to another with the only real change being updated marketing content that sells the new lie.

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Sure, words are cheap. But I'm talking about real democracy, combined with real socialism.

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"So let us stop talkin' falsely now

The hour's getting late" ~~~ All Across The Watchtower. Bob Dylan

Time to grow up - citizen or spectator?

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Caitlin writes:

"It’s not happening because your government wants to help you. Your government is not your friend."

This is exactly what the corporate strategists have wanted you and worked hard to make you think for the last 75 years (since the organized attack on the New Deal). That entire corporate right wing libertarian strategy was written down in "The Powell Memo" (do the Google).

It is a stunning contradiction of what Caitlin wrote just days ago:

"We COINTELPRO ourselves now."

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My distrust of government and political figures in general doesn't come from the corporate libertarian world view, it comes from a study of history and the evils of government throughout history. Government is not your friend, it never has been and never will be, because it is populated by people who think they have the right to control your life by force.

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My major criticism of this site is that it is 5-10 years behind in its radical analysis of the times. It’s very middle class and the middle class is very “the sky is falling, the sky is falling”. But as middle class privilege collapses, people will either get into action or continue to be all butt hurt because nobody is there to rescue them. Right now Caitlin is their rescuer. I’m glad you’re here as counter voice.

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Caitlin claims:

"The law isn’t there to protect you from bad people, it’s there to protect bad people from you. "

This is a very misleading and dangerously false claim when it comes to environmental and public health laws.

It's very easy to write nihilistic and broadside criticisms of the obviously broken system - but much harder to work on solutions. If you fail to grasp my meaning, for a mature and nuanced critical assessment, see:


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Jun 26, 2023·edited Jun 26, 2023

This is delusional, public health systems were used over the last 3 years as a weapon against humanity. I'm sure you would subscribe to the fantasy that it was all just mishap, mistake and all the evils committed were done with the best of intentions. You would probably next argue that the concept of public health law is just nd it was just corrupted by capitalism but that proven untrue by communist and socialist nations being just as bad.

Look at how much law is written to protect giant companies from liability, Liability that almost invariably rewards the average person damaged by their products and actions. Government protects the powerful from the collective action of the weak in all cultures.

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notBob pretends to be a mind reader and attempts to make my arguments for me!

You cherry pick and obsess over your (paranoid?) interpretation of the COVID pandemic and vaccine liability and extrapolate it to cover all of history, all public health and environmental issues, and all governments and all motivations.

Did you ever think that if the elite agenda was really just to create a "weapon" to kill us all they they would have done better than a low fatality rate virus and a vaccine?

The delusion is in your head, my friend!

And there are no real communist or even socialist governments out there today, but Cuba provides an excellent contrast of what a real commitment to public health looks like.

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Jun 26, 2023·edited Jun 26, 2023

Sorry that you are blind to the facts that an untested military created biotechnology was released onto a trusting public with across the board confirmation from public health officials that it was patently safe in almost all nations on the planet.

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notBob - you are confused again.

The COVID virus very likely originated in an NIH funded bioweapons lab in China (Wuhan). The origin in that bioweapons gain of function research is DARPA.

But that does not mean that the vaccines were similarly developed by what you claim is the "military".

Trump's operation warp speed developed the vaccines. They were "tested" under human trials for both safety and efficacy under the FDA "emergency use authorization" procedures, but not for long term adverse health effects.

In terms of "safety", the data shows that the virus had a relatively low fatality rate and that the vaccines had a relatively low probability adverse effects.

Please, think about science, facts, history and nuance before you spout more sham drivel.

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Yet again you choose the establishment lie over the obvious truth, DARPA has been researching MRNA technology for nearly 2 decades, the US military has the most advanced bio weapons labs in the world and has proliferated those labs around the world to avoid US regulation. COVID was nothing but a carefully planned pandemic used as justification to put DARPA RNA technology into mass production and test it on the worlds population.

How is that not a military bioweapon being used on the public ?

The COVID vaccines have the highest mortality of any treatment in the VAERS database, multiple clear cases of deadly side effects and the highest all cause death rate in recorded history of modern medicine.

I am not confused, you are an establishment hack, pushing every thinly disguised lie or worse someone who actually believes the lies you promote acting as a propaganda agent. In either case I won't waste another second of my time on you and your foolishness.

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I explicitly said that the virus likely was a US funded bioweapons gain of function research project that likely escaped from an NIH funded lab in China. That is NOT "the establishment lie". In fact, the establishment still considers that a "conspiracy theory". The fact that you can't accept that its quite revealing.

The VAERS data are not reliable. Period. And it is not causal. Period. It is self reported, voluntary, and not diagnostic (curious, coming from a crowd that rejects data from death certificates and autopsies!)

I have zero relationship to "the establishment". I don't "believe" anything, I'm skeptical and look for evidence and question everything. Stop the ad hominem, it's not a good look.

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Just finished eating an English muffin w/ a hard-fried hen’s egg & bacon (the candy of meats) on it, and so want to state the old environmentalist mantra: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

That 3R slogan’s a pointless platitude for the cynics, but seeing the bacon grease accumulating and thinking of the tons of animal & vegetable fat (lipids) thrown away, we healthily skeptical #CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers) call for a #NewNewDeal abolishment of Waste. #WasteNotWantNot, right?

So, here’s a chant for us: Apathy & Complacency, they’re our common enemy (x3).



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Politicians are so so seriously corrupt I become debilitated at times dwelling on it. I have not given up but keep my torch and pitchfork close by. It is the only answer.

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"Elections Are Like A Toy Steering Wheel For Babies"

This is EXACTLY what I told an election-believer colleague of mine, scolding me that "you don't even vote"... and the same Maggie example :P... Great minds think alike :P...

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The more we know about the foreign and domestic affairs of the USA, the more we get the impression that, in addition to the political leadership of the USA (this includes both the Democratic and Republican sides, which actually form a whole), it is a huge criminal organization !

Compared to them, the criminal organization led by Don Vito Corleone, seen in the former exciting movie The Godfather, is just a harmless association of knights and Sunday girl choirs !

I read somewhere (it has since disappeared strangely from the internet :) ) about the strange deaths surrounding the Clinton clan, where anyone who knew anything incriminating about them was guaranteed to commit suicide, or die in a gang war shootout, or become the victim of a murder that looked like a robbery, compared to the former Borgia a poison-mixing dynasty was a harmless family dedicated to making people happy !

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Plenty of material describing the gangster essence of the USA. The latest is "One Nation Under Blackmail" by Whitney Webb. It's a worth having as a reference, if nothing else.


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Szpasziba !

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