"scientific developments are largely kept secret, either because of military secrecy or corporate secrecy, or just scientists keeping their work under wraps to make sure they get the profits and the accolades from it. "

It goes quite deep. I once interviewed a scientist whose research was disconfirming to a key engineering assumption being pursued in his development group (sorry my mind has erased details). No one would publish his results (validated by others in his group) because it would have been threatening to ties with defense funding and journal editors were therefore muzzled. In essence, science benefits as much, possibly more, from disconfirmation as from confirmation, but even ignoring this specific case, publication of disconfirming results became a tough grind somewhere along the way. Science is no longer even close to a enterprise realistically open to scrutiny. But then we all should've learned that from the COVID lunacies, if we didn't know it already.

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Science was never "open to scrutiny".

Yes a few preached that theology

but the majority just wanted to keep the prestige they had accumulated by saying something that others thought "cool".

"We have met the enemy and he is us". Pogo

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That's one of the degenerate dynamics of heroic culture. If there were no "publish or perish" there would be a lot less bad science selling itself as good.

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Sep 1, 2023
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nothing like that good old capitalism to sneak its way into every conversation to taint it

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The R party and D party are a Uniparty feigning opposition. CSPAN is Kabuki Theater.

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At the time of his murder, MLK was in bad odor among American liberals for refusing to fall in line and support the Vietnam War, or at least to remain quiet.

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Martin Luther King was always in bad odor among American liberals. He was the most hated man in America during his life. That's why there are so many things named after him now: (1) they're glad he's dead; and (2) the bigdeals think they can buy off Black people with cheap tricks while doing nothing. I have to give respect to someone who could take so much abuse and keep a positive outlook, even if I think it's sort of crazy. Yes, the abominable _New York Times_ denounced him for not supporting the war in Vietnam. As Stokely Carmichael commented at the time, "They'll always tell you you can advance yourself by hurting somebody else, because that's what they do."

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Now democrats and rhinos ride around on the image of his burial coat tails..like obama did with every great orator he pretended to be one of....

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Similarly how Fred Hampton has been revived and intentionaly misquoted.

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I hope people take these testimonies seriously. The American Civil Rights movement was much more complicated and more profound than is now represented in histories and documentaries, at least by those I know about.

It seems that those attached to the ruling class are desperate to institutionalize or professionalize it and thus remove it from its roots, which was a movement of poor and working-class people. No wonder its history is being obscured as quickly as possible. The notion that a collection of poor people, seriously divided and with no connections, could overthrow a caste system that had lasted centuries and threaten the war, imperialism and police establishment was and is breathtaking.

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If the Establishment is good at nothing else, it is very good at determining whom to co-opt, whom to buy off, whom to neutralize, whom to ignore.

Sometimes more than one. Sometimes after the target is already dead.

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Quite often dead. But it's not just the Establishment; it's a popular practice on social media. Depict some supposed worthy, add an inscription, and it becomes instant scripture. Someone did that recently with a picture of Ezra Pound, and I had to remind them that he was an unrepentant fascist -- something of which they seemed to be unaware. The practice reminds me of the sententious greeting cards one is lectured by in stores catering to the PMC like Whole Foods. The PMC is schoolish and love to lecture one another. Naturally the Establishment would want to turn this popular practice to the purposes of propaganda.

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Essentially told to stay with the assigned program and not aim above the pay grade.

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Both the US and Canada are in advanced states of nullification as our systems , corruptions and institutions (namely democratic) are so conflicted and debased we impose anarchy on ourselves. The end result of reckless unaccountable capitalism and perpetual war.

If you blow out the foundations the collapse of the house is imminent.

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I think it fascinating how the conservative now distances themselves and worse still ignores all the heavy hand they had in creating this very morass we are now in and every time i brought it up was told i was unpatriotic and to move to another country instead of fixing this one..basically saying stay dumb and ignorant like they are to massage their ideology ... When the conservatives had the power they just created the future means to this end of this new fangled fascism. But you all want to ONLY blame the democrats as now they are the new psychopaths.. While you numpties cheered for every single Proxy war lie they run up the flagpole.. you all pretend to forget..where i don't.

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President Eisenhower saw it coming and tried to warn both, ourselves and the incoming President Kennedy - too little, too late.


Now the Military/Industrial/Intelligence/Banking/Media complex has gone Global and is trying to consolidate it's Worldwide Empire.

If you read Edward Slasvquat, then the, so called 'Multipolar World' of BRICS is really no better of a solution, and quite possibly the other side of the same bad coin:


Anyone who still believes that 'Science and Technology' will save us, even if it had a free hand, has obviously never seen 'Forbidden Planet':


Ultimately, it is our own psychology that is the real problem. We can point our fingers at any number of 'Bad Actors' outside of ourselves, but when it comes right down to it, our thoughts determine our lives and it is our own inner state that becomes our outer environment.

As long as we ourselves continue to be conditioned and unfree in our own minds then there will be no lack of tyrants and dictators seeking to enslave us in the 'outside world'.

The most difficult truth to face is the fact that, "Morbius, that thing out there, it's you!"

Yes, in the immortal words of the cartoon character Pogo: "We have met the enemy and he is us."

And the only place that we can successfully do battle with this enemy is on the battleground of our own heart.

Once we free ourselves from the Monsters that hold sway over us from within ourselves, then and only then, will their outer reflections dissolve away as wax melts before a fire.


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my recollection of the full speech was that eisenhower implied that academia was also “granted” as corrupt to every core

and yet it was he who preferred to give full reign to that rogue entity so he could golf his way to set the par as a “hands-off no war” president that could re/m/tain the MIC and the likes of kbr, etal that pro-phfit from destruction

of regime change coups that reign. today so transparent to see that presidential reins are no more than puppet strings being pulled since colonial banana republics and paperclip ops by them same operatives who’s aim is for the long runs they speculate as futures to game

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The hierarchically ordered governments comprising BRICS, and the transnationalism inherent in BRICS’ appeal doesn’t negate the benefits that can come from weakening the planet’s leading aggressor. BRICS isn’t being sold as a democratic system for a democratized new world order, but an alternative to the ironically labeled “rules-based-order.”


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We'll see how that works out. Could be that they end up adopting and enforcing a lot of the same unfortunate policies as the 'rules based order' has in mind for us already.

Or perhaps they'll just corner the rat and make it desperate to keep control and hold on to power...

I suppose that the best scenario sees the West turn into a third world country.

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The US is already a third-world country. Look around.

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I don’t reject your psychology based perspective out of hand, but if you begin from the premise that any alliance of nations is inherently biased against non-member states, I think you’re already politicizing mutual self interest, which sounds like a dogmatic approach. Virtually all of the BRICS founders lean toward the authoritarian model, so that mitigates, at least in theory, the likelihood that BRICS will have a predatory collusive profile mirroring the G7. It isn’t pie in the sky, but it also doesn’t have to be a militarized WEF.2

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I must admit, that is my biggest concern - that BRICS is just as tied in to the WEF agenda and that there will be little difference for you or I who comes out on top.

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Our psychology has become estranged from the ground of our being and, unmoored as such, until the proper therapeutic methods are applied, we can't help but manifest this kind of 'Dictatorship' in our 'outer' world.

There is, in fact, no 'outer world' per se. What we experience as an 'outer world' is a temporarily useful mirage interpreted for us by our senses that we are meant to grow beyond.

To accept the mirage as the Be-All and End-All of our lives is the utmost of folly which can only end badly and whose unfortunate consequences we see unfolding all around us presently.

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So much truth, it's hard to know where to begin to praise this piece!

It is mind-boggling to see how neolibs will shit all over Dr. West. I can imagine how they would have acted toward MLK Jr., and sad to say, they would have shitted all over MLK too. If you point out how racist and corporate-owned they sound, they shit on you as well. 2024 is going to be another "fun" presidential campaign. Bernie Sanders owes us all an apology for supporting and promoting these nasty neolibs who shit all over Dr. West today and his true socialist agenda of universal health care, housing for all, free education k-college, etc. Power to the people!

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How to get a society away from military worship is a tough call where the manufactured adulation of the military is in our DNA. Everyday we drive on streets festooned with images of enlisted men and women. We pass signs stating loudly "support the troops". When somebody tells you they're a veteran they are basically saying "you owe me". No one questions why we were in Iraq, Afghanistan or why we are involved in Ukraine. This goes for the countless interventions and wars this nation has been saddled with since its birth. But by consciousness raising and spreading the word we can gradually move in that direction, as long as the public does not constrain its dialogue to trivia, Hollywood and sports. I always wondered why it is so difficult to discuss serious issues in America.....you can't even get to first base.

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Not really. It's a 2500-year-old meme we could slag off simply by not teaching kids to like it.

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I saw some human today with a hat proclaiming their veteran status, along with a T shirt informing us that if we disrespect the flag, we disrespect those who gave their lives for Muh Freedom.

Which war was that?

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I always reply that, if they were American, one of the freedoms that person would have died to protect is the right to free speech which includes the "disrespect" of the flag, however one chooses to define it (and in my experience that sort define it as "failure to uncritically worship").

I recall the father of a dead soldier who actually bought coffee for the Westboro Baptist Church that was protesting his son's funeral, exclaiming that if he truly believed his son died for American freedom, then he had to accept that their right to protest as part of that and chose to see their actions as reassurance that the freedoms his son died for were intact and safe. We can have a whole other convo on the WBC, but the fact is the First Amendment doesn't become null and void if the expression in question is upsetting or challenging or even hurtful to some, or if the speaker or speech is unpopular or disingenuous or you simply believe them to be. And it takes a lot of guts for someone to uphold that on possibly the worst day of your life.

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Politics are a dumb show to distract the populace from the corporate interests of Empire.

There is no political solution to that problem. As long as we keep buying what they are selling tyranny and war will continue uninterruptibly.

It looks as if Timothy Leary was right after all:


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I work in biomedical research at the NIH. I think Caitlin is referring to data sharing. I would also add that too many researchers do not want to share their data because they fear other researchers will uncover errors and questions their conclusions. I would also add that sharing research participants data should require reconsenting - even if they have consented in the past. It is a lot of work but ethical science.

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Compliments on another insightful newsletter. While we have slightly different View Points , We Do See the Same Shiat.

The "proper" Tool to Use is possibly A question needing clarification/ discussions.

If "Voting" is an option ... I'm going with Trump. His Enemies are My Enemies, Garland, Wray, and If it gets the FIB, ATF, and DoJ dogs, EVICTED then Convicted as a Start, I'm happy Domestically. If the Ukraine War ceases Fire then I'll breathe a bit easiier on WW3, Trump can Do that, even Democrats agree Trump has Putin's ear...... Russia Russia Russia Mueller FIBster Hoax and Bill Barr CoverUp of Epistein and much more.

So should We join the Blacks who cheered Trump's calvacade thru the "Deplorable" Black streets of Atlanta??? A Mug Shot Creates unExpected Allies, like songs about "Rich Men North of Richmond" created similar bonds.

If We Do Not Have the Option of more Legitimate elections or elections at all; then that another horse to ride. Si vis pacem, para bellum. I can only hope that our budding "Alliances" would "Hold" in such a devolving scenario, like an economic collapse, courtesy of the NWO Mother WEFers.

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"kick them hard in the nuts and keep kicking til they leave." - no, keep kicking until they're sterile.

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Luxury, then, is a way of

being ignorant, comfortably

An approach to the open market

of least information. Where theories

can thrive, under heavy tarpaulins

without being cracked by ideas.

– Imamu Amiri Baraka, from "Political Poem"

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All politics as it now exists, is fake. But we have to go with what should and can be: honest, representative government and honest representative candidates for office. I have no sympathy with those who seem to actually believe that millions of people can efficiently run a country without

representative government. Every decision would be a trial that no one would win, especially ordinary people. Elites would fill the gap, even more enthusiastically than they do now, and every country (except socialist - they have no such delusions) would be an unimpeded corporate state.

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Elitres wouldn't exist without the state. Any that did could be easily enough prevented from reproducing by numbers of people unwilling to put up with drama.

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I'm not sure about them. Fascism comes about when a state fails, and fails because it didn't support ordinary people in the first place. No, total lack of government - when you're talking about hundreds of millions of people - spells chaos, disaster and slavery for the masses. It has never worked before. Truly representative government in a democratic socialist state is the best model.

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Where did you get that theory from, bourgeois demoacrats? Fascism is not a failure state, but liberalism in safe mode.

"It has never worked before" is a reactionary non-argument. Occupy Sandy worked better than the state, therefore it had to be shut down. Mutual aid systems have worked before. It is only liberal boomers who believe that you not being able to order a latte at any hour of the day is "chaos omg". Your political imagination is moribund.


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I don't support just any government- where did you get that idea? What we have is not democracy, and I never claimed it was. Your imagination is extremely limited if you think millions of people can organize themselves in a fair, progressive way; when has that ever happened, except in a wine-making monastery in the hinterland somewhere that Richard Wolff likes to cite? We are inundated with crime, graft, war profiteering that encourages more war, and you think removing the admittedly inadequate stops we have will do it?

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so true the raging cognitive dissonance of PMC empire simps who cannot learn any lesson from the deplorable plebs

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After reading this article I can only surmise Caitlin HATES Capitalism

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Thanks for being the modern Paul Revere you are. I don’t think anything positive will begin to happen until the empire implodes. It’s going to happen. Every day more eyes are opened to what is going on right out in the open for all to see.

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