Mar 19·edited Mar 19

'Blue people and green people'. I think it's indicative of the decline of our civilisation that something as easy to understand as a straightforward campaign as genocide, needs to be further reduced to simple, childish language and imagery as though it was a kiddies cartoon or bedtime story, in order to help adults to grasp the morality of the situation.

Unfortunately, concepts of morality or justice still elude a majority of said adults.

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"You can’t equate the violence of the oppressor with the violence of the oppressed. They’re not the same, and the oppressor is the ultimate source of the violence from both sides".

Another golden nugget from Caitlin. The fact that Caitlin has to explain an obvious truth ( with imagery) that the rampaging genocidal violence of Israel cannot be equated with Hamas's retaliation; that there is absolutely no moral equivalence; that whatever violence Hamas is accused of is the cause and effect of the oppression they are subjected to, speaks volumes for the dystopia we live in right now.

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"Supporting mass murder because of your religion is not a legitimate position to have."

This message really needs to get through to many mainstream Protestant denominations. They seem to think they can have it both ways--kiss up to Zionist interests and preach "Love your neighbor" at the same time. Mass murder is evil. It's contradictory to the loving your neighbor. You'd think even the dimmest bulb in the box could figure that out.

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Supporting mass murder…there is no legitimate reason! I’m ashamed of Biden, Congress, Americans who do ignorantly or deliberately support Blue Israel’s deliberate murder of Green Palestinians.

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When Africans decapitate and dismember human beings with machetes, they are "savages". When Westerners decapitate and dismember human being (and crush them under concrete) using bombs, they "have advanced armaments"

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19

Somehow, I wish I knew how, oppressors have to go because they just cause more hate and more oppression. I just keep talking and disagreeing with everyone who says so and so is that way because they are.......choose an ethnicity, a religion, a skin colour. I object all the time. But so far, it has not changed the world.

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Most of the world's nations following the usa are doing State Terrorism against China vis a vis Taiwan, which is a province of China. Of course the most active war criminal, genocidal, crimes against humanity, Holocaust doing "nation", ... the usa is also the world's leading State Terrorist against China RE: Taiwan, also Tibet, also usa lies on Tiananmen Square "massacre" which never ever happened.

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If the "blue guys" are the occupiers of the "green guys", then the "green guys" have the RIGHT in international law to resist that occupation, including by armed struggle.

Ralph Wilde - a prof at UCL and an expert on international law - has given dozens of quite brilliant talks over the last decade.

Tracing the occupation of Palestine since WWI in the context of what was legal AT THE TIME, Prof Wilde's conclusion is that "Israel" is EXISTENTIALLY illegal: it has no legal right to exist and Palestine should be returned to the Palestinians immediately.

Given the total lack of archaeological evidence for the Old Testament narrative, the Zionists cannot use claims based on the congeries of nonsense to argue against Prof Wilde's analyses. [Palestine was, at all relevant times in the Old Testament timeline, an Egyptian province. The "Exodus" was the equivalent to leaving NY state, going to New Jersey and calling that an 'exodus' from the United States.]

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"Say you’ve got a group of blue guys and a group of green guys."

If it was any other country besides Israel I think more people would agree with you. But for some reason lots of people think that Israel is the victim in this because they refuse to look at history.

I told 2 Israel apologists who said there is no evidence that Israel is committing genocide to look at the South African case that laid out the evidence and the court agreed with. One said he didn’t know what I was talking about and the other said that the case was dismissed.

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We are not winning the fight against Israel.

I went on WAPO last night and looked at comments. Went to bed and couldn't sleep. The insanity of the remarks is enough to make one drive a tank through all the commenters.

Hamas this. Hamas that. Hamas needs to be destroyed. Let Israel live in peace.............I try and send these people to substack or alternative news!

In my opinion everyone who is against MSM and who still has an account get on there and refute some of the comments and send them somewhere else. It's the ONLY way to get something done.

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"Don’t Equate The Violence Of The Oppressor With The Violence Of The Oppressed" That's a reality that the masses desperately need to understand!

I consider the results of police brutality with exactly that principle. People oppressed with poverty and oppressed with police brutality and oppressed with racism don't share the same responsibility for acts of violence as the perpetrators of poverty, police brutality and racism.

While violence is always outside my value system, I don't hold the same contempt for the oppressed as the oppressors. I take it as communication. The same thing with Hamas and Oct 7. While that was horrible and I don't condone it, I understand it and pardon it. I don't for Israel's continual and brutal revenge after that. The result of Oct 7 should be a call to the negotiation table, not magnitudes more of the original violence.

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The Israeli argument (blue guys) is that the green guys MADE THEM DO IT.

Recall the disgusting quote by Golda Meir?:

"We can forgive [the Arabs] for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with [the Arabs] when they love their children more than they hate us..."

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Dana Fucking Jewish Only, Zionist Always, Israel First BUSH?

Edward Bernays' proteges, the lot of them. Evil like Eddy and his cancer stick promotions.

My friend from down under, in Brisbane, FYI.

Aussies are as fucked as the Yanquis. Apologies!


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Question.... What happened so that Israel can bring so much suffering to others? What is it that justifies genocide in the hearts of millions? As a nation, how did its members become agent of genocide, but even more so how can some of its members, Jill Stein for one, Noam Chomsky for another, voice such empathy towards those who are enduring the genocide? What causes the atrocities that are occurring before the eyes of the world?

I don't have answers, does anyone?

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An analogy, not unlike Caitlin's; In America we claim to have as Individuals the supposed GOD given (Natural) Right to defend not only ourselves but those we deem to need defending. As such it was codified in the US governments Constitution, many states have recently allowed a larger portion of the American people to defend themselves without buying a permission slip as it is a Natural Right. Even a rabbit will bite if it fears for it's life or is threatened. Yet with this immense power of Guns at our finger tips, the largest amount of crime is in those places that don't allow self defense with proper force against the aggression. On the other hand those employed by the US government go world wide using guns and threats of violence to Invade, loot and control the governments of other people. The first thing any invader does is disarm the population. The GENOCIDE in Gaza is the Direct result of the invasion of the area by force to Install Zionist Apartheid Israel and allow them to steal more land, kill more people, aquire nuclear weapons, all with full consent of UK and US. Israel built the largest Open air Concentration Camp, controls the electric, and water supplies,patrols Palestinian coast, closed Palestinian airport many years ago and built a wall to further cut them off from the world. The Palestinians are in poverty, with zero infrastructure, being systematically starved, and murdered by an ideology of hate hiding behind Religion. They have EVERY RIGHT to Defend against their oppressors. Just as Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Argentina as well as Donesk, Lugansk, Crimea, Yemen have to defend against the US aggressions via their Ukraine proxy puppet regimes. In America we won't fight for our own freedom from oppression but we will travel the world to oppress others for profit. April 15th Americans will pay tribute at the threat of force so the Empire can continue it's destructive agenda. April 19 1775 is the day the citizens fought back against their government and won. Since that war, no soldier has fought for the freedom of Americans. Only the profit of the BORG.

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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