After a summer of Black Lives Matter protests The System offered us the author of the Crime Bill and a Cop as the answer to Trump. Our system appears broken, but it's actually operating at peak efficiency.

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If the system keeps doing what it does we know what the system is for.

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Are the trains running on time yet?

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I love seeing the same shit the hippies were saying in the 80's and 90's coming from a new generation of heads in these "Whoring Twenties" . Keep at it Cait, but watch your six and thanks for lightening up on American activists. We're not all complacent corporate tools, complicit in the genocidal racketeering of the predator class. . They shot me in 1987 for publishing things in public they didn't want the public to know at the height of Contragate.

You want some real simple arithmetic? Since 1999, the Pentagon, which has never passed an audit, has misplaced $21 trillion , about 2 trillion of it disappearing from the WTC a day or two before the attack. $21 trillion is about the same amount the predator class stashed offshore during that period. The numbers are simple and the truth behind the numbers , also pretty simple. Digging through the mountain of disinformation obfuscating the truth with pure shit is what will be nearly impossible. If you've never read it, Mark Lane's "Plausible Deniability" gives a lot of insight into how the "Big Lie" is crafted.

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Hello, I spent 80s-90 protesting and following the Christic Institute. At Concord we tried to stop arms shipments to Central America. Did you even read up on the story of Rios Montt? Once a member of Light House Ranch in Humboldt County? Dark stuff. Also, I learned of Mena in 1992 while working on Jerry Brown's campaign, and fully understood his relationship to the Bushes. Notice, after Clinton was election, no one heard of Iran Contra every again, and no Bush ever participated in the Lewinsky BS. Clintons are the sleaziest.

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and another correction. Damn. ... fully understand Bill Clinton's relationship to the Bushes. We heard some first hand reports in 1992.

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correction, Did you EVER....

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1992, after we had numerous associations and fone calls with Christic and Mikeljohn, then our book went to press, my home was torched 2X. You can imagine what I thought, as we had also been spreading the Mena story we had learned about earlier that year. The arsons happened just a week before Bush left office.

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Wearing a flower in your hair when going to San Francisco was sometime between us '66 and '68. I dunno what those guys were in the '80s.

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What most people on the left engage in is what Chris Hedges calls hopeless hope. There is no solution. The problem is us, all of us...George Galloway believes in Parliamentary democracy because that's all he has. That's the best he's got. Rule of law...and what was something called 'democracy'; a flawed but 'best we got' system and it is in free fall with all the major players are in control will remain so having their mandates secured by the powers of military, banking and corrupt religion. The 'extraterrestrials' are our only hope...how hopeless is that?

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People need to move past the idea that they need 'leaders' and realize their own inner strength.

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Which will be when? .....the 12th of never...they vote for this trash in their millions...

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There's a monumental difference between individual thought and groupthink. The powers that be understand this and is at the core of their MO. 'Voting' is an artificial construct, just the same as fiat money. Both enslave the human being without the financial burden of guards, chains and whips... much more efficient.

But we have 37 types of toothpaste and 73 brands of sneakers... so we know we're free.

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I came to conclusion that UFOs were real, they are human time traveling through wormholes, to regain their genetic integrity and take samplings back to where they came from because the planet was trashed in their future space.

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I'll try here instead of Medium. The world started unraveling for reals in 1784 with the patent on James Watt's steam engine that could...with coal. It's been going faster every century since then. In 1945, on July 16, the real acceleration to the end began in earnest(The A-bomb followed by the H-bomb in '52, I believe). That's the last time humans had to halt their imminent destruction. We're now on borrowed time. It's beyond human, or governmental control. Sorry. Peace, The Ol' Hippy

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Yep. The reason I NEVER had children. Who in their right mind would sacrifice children to this madness?

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I am childless also by a choice made in '73 when I was 19, as the world was overpopulated even then. It's about doubles since. And the "Nam was finally winding down. Just replaced or really, a continuation of rampant imperialism. Yech.

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People get rid of God...and start believing in the scientifically proved wrong 'spontaneous generation of life' nonsense and then realise how messed up we all are and how screwed the planet is and then pray that little green men from another dimension will save them...or miraculously, our consciousness will be raised in a couple of decades and we'll all come to our senses just in time and create My Little Pony la la land for all humanity.

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Check out moving CHILDREN OF THE STARS. I think it is free on Tubi TV

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Thank you Sandi. I live in the UK and it seems that Tubi TV is not available in Europe (I thought the UK had left Europe?) I will search for it elsewhere.

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“If there are ETs visiting us they probably already treat this planet more like a home than we do.”

I feel this statement to my core. The psychopaths that make the biggest horrific impact on our Earth, our Home, sadly would give ET’s the false impression that the reat of us don’t deserve to live here. Those psychos don’t deserve to be here on this beautiful planet, maybe they’ve internalized this and that’s why they’re tryna escape to Mars.

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Joe Biden adopted a "contrite" "man o' the people" demeanor as part of his presidential communications theme and strategy. The "contrite" look is ....to say "sorry" to the madcap Trumpers for stealing "their election" from them, and.....to say "sorry" to his plural Democrat base for knowing he won't deliver on a single thing! I'd say the "contrite" look fits his presidency!

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I don't much like Caitlin's reference to "black on black crime." Nobody's trying to use that as an excuse to bomb Minneapolis back to the stone age. They just want that crime investigated and cleared. There are 3 kids (10 years or less) in Minneapolis hospitals with gun shot wounds to the head.

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While a bit overamplified, most of Caitlin's characterizations are fair. However, proposing scorning our service personnel is begging for a military coup. The US military continues to strive to stay as apolitical as circumstances allow. Trump was a real test, and DOD passed - maybe not with a B+, but they passed. Yes, we get the occasional General Flynn's. However, if you look at the insurrectionist line-up, CNN reports than only 1 in 10 had any military background at all. Only one retired senior officer (a LtCol) was involved. A handful were active duty, the rest were reservists (weekend warriors) with brief, if any, active military experience past boot camp. Then there were a few retired enlisted career people. Most people with military backgrounds of any kind were from out of state. As the event was in DC, which is swarming with career military and the highest-ranking officers, that puny turnout is noteworthy.

That is not to say that white-supremacy, misogyny, racism, and support for insurrection is not present in the active ranks. Until the mid-1970's, systemic racism was woven into military regulations which limited various races and ethnicities (e.g., Filipino's) to supply, food service, and laundry work. Black officers were extremely rare. Women were barred from field and shipboard combatant roles. Today, that is all changed. We even have females captaining warships and serving as admirals and generals.

If civilians start disrespecting our service personnel, it will be like herding sheep into the arms of the KKK and militia groups. Believe me, an armed insurrection supported by the military will succeed. Just like in Myanmar, baseball bats and slingshots are no match for rifles and tanks and jets. Belarus, Egypt, parts of Africa and S. America are already military dictatorships. It is likely that eventually Iraq and Libya will devolve into military dictatorship after the US moves on. So perhaps focusing antiwar animus on uniformed service members should be carefully considered.

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Remember that even Spielberg's "ET" was all about shipping him back to where he came from.

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This is your best ever, quite sharable. I have been saying this for over 50 years, all Americans do is re-invent the monarchy with their array of celebrity aristocrats. Commercial capitalism makes this possible. Manufactured consent.

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"In 2016 the most corrupt and murderous government on earth" That's definitely true in shear numbers, but I wonder per capita who the winner might be. And where do these murders occur and to whose benefit. Then also factor in hardcore systemic racism and a delusional superiority complex. Strike at the root.

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I think it is more that Americans have been trained to hate the poor. This is part and parcel in a classist and imperialist culture. No one wants to be around "losers", the marginalized, or the downtrodden. People hate the elderly too, especially elderly single women! Witch burning never really did die.

I think it was several years ago, and might have been Max Alvarez, who reported that 50% of those killed by police suffer addiction and/or mental health issues. What is too obvious is that what we have is a mental health crisis no one wants to pay for, which is debilitating people and the families, neighborhoods, across the nation. A friend once called them the shock troops on the streets. . That crippling factor is useful to the powers-that-be.

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I'm speaking about real time colonizers, ethnic cleansers, and hardcore racists. Hint: America's 'greatest ally'.

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Wow. You really messed up your interpretation of what I said. You are the one who appeared to distill it all down to "systemic racism" with absolutely no clarification -- as "whiteness" and "blackness" seems to be a constant dividing component in Cancel Culture lingo. It was a bit of sad humor on the "witch burning" tendencies. I do not think of us as much different than the Roman Empire, perhaps, ripe for another Dark Ages.

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