Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

I love you. I love the feeling I had when I read this. I love the feeling of seeing billions of people doing all of this while laughing. I love you and everyone who loves this and laughs while sharing this and conspiring together while loving and laughing. Laughing at the gorgeous power we the people of everywhere have. I love you all.

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Ditto ditto ditto. And love you too, JP.

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"Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure on your smartphone. Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure on the street corner. Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure in conversations with friends and family. Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure too severely and from too many directions for there to ever be any hope of its regulation or control."

I'm up for it. Let's keep thinking for ourselves and sharing our thoughts with others. Let's encourage them to develop critical thinking skills. Let's sit back and watch the whole corrupt system implode.

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"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels ... upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop!" ~~~ Mario Savio, Berkeley, 1964


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Sorry, I clipped that quote from Wikipedia and it was edited and left important stuff out:

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it — that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!:

Speech, Sproul Hall, University of California, Berkeley (1964-12-02).

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That was beautiful and funny and inspiring. It shall be shared

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At this point, people who use the term "misinformation" out themselves as full of shit liars.

Honest people don't decry "misinformation".

Honest people spread good, valuable, clear information that sheds light on all the bullshit, including fools who have nothing better or stronger than, "Misinformation! Misinformation!"

If they're wearing suits, they're liars. Don't trust them. Versace doesn't impart intelligence. And if you can't look good in blue jeans, Prada just proves the point.

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PLEASE, God, help us - cognitive infrastructure??????? To accept that means to accept that we are somehow robotic. I am sorry.

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IMHO, don't get stuck on words, use them with yr own definitions, as I believe this essay does.

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when I use a Word

Humpty Dumpty said...

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Perhaps the dimwits who took Ayn Rand seriously see '1984' as a blueprint for a better society?

What else could explain their behavior?

'They have no plan. There is nothing clever behind this. It's just chaotic action,' says President Putin.

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You must desist dear Caitlin - lest you continue to spread "dangerous forms of information" - the demented baked ham occupying the White House, will not approve. He will blow up your pipeline, destroy your bridge, slaughter your family and place the blame squarely on you. Cruel but fair, as "Toria" would say. . . .

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I trust you're being facetious, but I've long said when they bury me, the last shovel full will cover my raised middle finger. P.S. Lest you missed it, a short essay on Julian: sacredmockingbird.com

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I can assure you - your trust is not misplaced - and the mockingbird shall never enter extinction

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Mamas against AI and securitized toddlers as social impact markets 🤪

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For a start we could demand of every politician, economist, think tank denizen, lobbyist, a full disclosure as to wealth, political associations, worldview - subject to change of course - and yearly income over $100,000- as well as possible use of income/wealth tax havens. This is as essential information as any qualification, and can be ascertained, in any case, through public records. But forcing someone to publicly declare it themselves in advance of taking public office or position, is disarming and equalizing.

Lifestyle and income constitute cognitive infrastructure, or the lens through which a person interprets the world. It is much more relevant at this time of wild economic disparity than the adorable three-year-old twins, loyal spouse, or stamp collection. Those who are unwilling to make such disclosures should not be in a position to determine the income and lifestyles of others.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

Cognitive Infrastructure

Mind Control



Mass Hypnotism


Imagination and Ideas

Mind Opening


Consciousness Expanding

Learning and Evolving

Unlimited Possibilities

Our leaders are living in the dark ages

We can be visionaries

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I wanna have a phoenix reincarnation orgasm in the forest,,,

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As long as it disrupts the cognitive infrastructure.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

I have no idea... what it even is but i sure hope it comes up to snuff.. i mean orgasms tend to disrupt my cognitive infrastructure pretty good usually...

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‪I’ve been saying this since at least 2007 and even sued in 2016 in Manchanda v Google in the SDNY in 16-CV-3350 (JPO) but was summarily dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist” while all the bad guys were protected by Communications Decency Act (“CDA”) 230.‬

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I've been a conspiracy factualist since the 70's. I've said, "I told you so" way more often than "I was wrong." That could be a character flaw.

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My problem is with words. They are important! I do agree that Caitlin’s essay is more about the action and we should do.

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Damn good one! Don't forget to kick 'em in the nuts at every possible chance too! The Cockroaches Infesting America, along with The F'n Bunch of Idiots, need to go. We've got the facilities, just let the innocents out of jail and put the culprits in VERY LONG time-out. Like 200 years or so.

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