Well, I’m totally disgusted with Biden, Congress, the Military Industrial Complex lacking in moral principles destroying life on earth. I look at those babies, those children and weep! This is a deliberate act by Israel! Absolutely evil!

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That mother holding her dead child an weeping. really made me cry and just thinking about I'm crying. God, who could be responsible for that and ever sleep again.

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Fran, Did you see the young boy - amidst the deaths and destruction in Gaza - driven to utter despair, crying and screaming and holding the world to account?

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I saw a whole lot of people, children and their parents crying. The mother with her dead child in her lap, makes me cry even thinking about it. It's a horror.

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Hi Fran

Another showed a Palestinian man after he was informed that his entire family had been obliterated. He was screaming, crying as another man had his arms around him trying to offer him what comfort he could.

Does IsraHell ever in a million years think there could be “peace” after the monstrosity it has wrought?

I will impart two words of great importance:


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I don't know how he survives the loss of his whole family. I was as active as I could be in the anti-war movement in the states, and discouraged that we had so little impact in stopping anything. It went on and on through one presidency after another, and stopped during the Trump years, and a welcome break. I knew when Biden got in it would start all over again since he was such a strong advocate for war through is political career, and of course he did. I was really disturbed that Gallant so opened defined Palestinians as less then human, and he did it so openly, and without any hesitation, which I thought was absolutely disgusting and wonder if that is the general consensus among those in Israel.

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Hi Fran

My friend in Ireland is involved in the tourist business, and he’s told me that yes, the IsraHelli tourist do speak of Palestinians as less than human.

Which disgusts him, of course. We bonded online over a discourse of the Palestinians.

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Do you think there were no men whose families had been obliterated in Israel? Do the Palestinians think there could be "peace" after the monstrosity Hamas has wrought? Only after Hamas is destroyed. Every time in the past when agreements were made to stop fighting, Hamas broke them and attacked Israel. They will continue to do so unless they cease to exist.

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Read and learn.

Israel has used Hamas twice/maybe more.

How come Hamas got into Israel so easily, the country with the iron dome.

This was a set-up by Netanyahu.

I think it may be you who ceases to exist unless you get some education.

I am not normally a nasty person but I am so angry with these stupid remarks.

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Israel caused this. The Zionist filth caused this and the lies you believe are supporting this genocide. Israel is an invading force and is not a legal entity! They do not have any legal rights to drop one bomb or even fire one bullet at a Palestinian. There is no defence of this filth.

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Israel is not the problem. The problem is closer to home.

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Israel IS the problem along with the Zio States of Amerikkka.

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Somewhat true but Israel does have nasty Netanyahu and his far right Orthodox Jews.

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And their little dog too—that would be US.

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Ernesto there are a lot of good Israelis. They were protesting their Gvnmt. before this started.

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Do you think there were no young boys amidst the death and destruction in Israel - driven to despair, crying and screaming and holding Hamas to account?

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

You mean the ones the IDF shot and missiles at from Apache Helicopters? Those ones. Or maybe the ones where the tanks destroyed entire areas or maybe the ones getting bombed right now.

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So you are calling for the genocide of the Jews? Your comment, "NO MORE JEWS = NO MORE WAR". Are you a Nazi?

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Wow! that's an intelligent response.

Who is your god, Mohammed?

That would explain your hatred.

By the way, I'm not Jewish.

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The oppressed becoming the oppressors.

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The real crime is the politicians in Washington that won't stop this because of the Jewish donations! How could possibly allow this all in the name of supporting the Jews? How do sleep knowing you're responsible for all of this? There is no lower form of life on this planet than a politician! None of this had to happen had it not been for the US!

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As an American, our crimes against humanity are ungodly. Not only in our many wars, but in our covert actions since the CIA came along. I wish there were term limits on politicians then maybe they could walk away from their positions with some degree of integrity.

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All so true! Thanks for the reply!!

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At this point these politicians are war criminals and they are also committing treason! They take money from a foreign government and they provide support to that government above the US and before without any say from the American people! That's TREASON!

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Absobloodylutely! The lowest form of life on the planet! The scum of the earth! Think about the type of individual that becomes one and why! They are so desperately pathetic! No one personifies this better than Governor Murphy of NJ! What type of individual spends 20 million dollars of his own money to run for office? How emotionally deprived is he? It's the same with people in Hollywood begging for attention!

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That is the proof in the puddin! The only way they can spend millions is to get it back 10 fold! I said this to my parents 60 years ago! That makes them an automatic CROOK as far as I can see!

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The first prerequisite of becoming a politician should be a proven record of humanitarianism .

That said ... “We” need to have discernment . We don’t want to get RFK jr’d .

This would all be on the presumption that our votes are counted and meant anything ... which I definitely do not believe they are . Biden as president is enough proof of that fact . Not that I support Trump , but with his following , there is no way the people of Amerika voted for Biden .

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Satanists, thats who...

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Did you cry for the murdered children of Israel? Do you not think that the mothers of those children were holding them and weeping? Or are your tears only for "certain" murdered choldren? Who could be responsible for that and ever sleep again? We know who, the terrorists of Hamas.

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I already responded to your question, and because I can feel empathy for a Palestinian mother and her two, or three year old dead child you make the assumption I would not feel the same for any mother who has lost her baby. Your wrong, and that you ask the question with such hate in your heart, don't be concerned about me.

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Your attempts to make Israel the victim are pointless. They are Invading a country and have killed far more Palestinians over a 76 year period in violation of International Law! They are the enemy not the Palestinians.

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Did you weep for the murdered Israeli children? Or is your empathy reserved for only "certain" children?

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

I felt pain for a mother holding her dead child, rocking her in her arms as if she were still alive, as if she could still comfort her, and that you should ask such a question reflects no prejudice in me, but your own lack of empathy, your hate, your bias, the very thing that caused that child to die.

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Clarence Wilhelm Spangle: by equating Jews with zionists, you take the zionist bait and you serve the zionist cause. The entire basis of zionism is to falsely equate zionists with Jews, to make Jews believe they are zionists, to steal the Jewish identity. Clearly, this has worked with many Jews, especially those who live in the nation of Israel, but certainly not all. In fact, it has worked with a much larger number of U.S. Christians, especially evangelicals, but also with many Catholics, including Joe Biden who has proclaimed himself a zionist on video and who famously said “You don’t have to be a Jew to be a zionist.”

Judaism is not a monolithic organization. There are many divergent sects, many “Judaisms”. I challenge you to even define the word “Jew”. Israel does everything possible to try to define Jews as zionists, and that also seems to be exactly what you’re doing. Many Jews, both inside and outside Israel, do not support the actions of the zionist Israeli government. Many Jews support the Palestinians and denounce the immorality of the Israelis committing genocide. Have you never wondered why your seemingly favorite document, “The Elders of Zion”, is not called “The Elders of Jews”? (Hint: it’s because Jews and zionists are not the same.) So here is my conclusion, people who intentionally and obviously assume the persona that seeks to perpetuate the myth that Jews=zionists (and which evokes memories of the genocide European Jews, like “Nordic Pagan Soldier”) are shills for the zionist cause they claim to hate.

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Jack Sirius

Gee, I guess he didn't like your comment?

Do you think the Hamas terrorists asked those babies that they butchered if they were Jews or Zionists before they murdered them?

No, they are maddog murderers that want to kill every Israeli.

That is the true definition of "genocide".

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The reports of the 40 murdered babies, some allegedly beheaded, was all over the mainstream media. However, it has been thoroughly debunked as Israeli/zionist propaganda. If you want to see the proof, visit this list of the names of Israeli deaths published by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-19/ty-article-magazine/israels-dead-the-names-of-those-killed-in-hamas-massacres-and-the-israel-hamas-war/0000018b-325c-d450-a3af-7b5cf0210000.

I believe the youngest person killed was a 3-year-old child. All needless war deaths are tragedies, and the deaths of innocent infants and children are the most tragic and heinous of all. But there are no babies on the list of Israeli dead. Meanwhile, Israeli airstrikes have killed over 10,000 Palestinians in Gaza, of which 4000 were children. How many Palestinians must be killed before you admit we are watching a Palestinian genocide?

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This is proven propaganda. Hamas "Freedom Fighters" attacked military targets and attempted to take hostages. The IDF opened fire on everyone.

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This is anti-Semitism. If you are seeking justice for the Palestinian people, oppose Zionism, and want peace, call this out for the virulent anti-semitic garbage that it is. Don't let this tragedy give the genuine anti-semites room to move or the Zionists the chance to conflate the two.

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Very well said Peter. But seeing these two is like seeing like a schoolyard fight between two AI’s that got away from their masters. Sound fury. The real issue is genocide, who’s got and who wants it.

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With our bombs, so it is a deliberate act by the US government.

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Keep that in mind. Who holds the power and what they have done with it. Rememb er to remember.

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Surely you did not expect these three entities to have moral principles or any sort of reverence for life on earth? The first two exist only as mouthpieces for the MIC. The MIC and Israel are the epitome of evil.

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You ain't seen nothing yet!

A few US rockets into Iran and 'BOOM.' Got to feed the American Military Complex.

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Did you weep for the murdered babies and children of Israel? Or is your compassion only for "certain" babies?

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from the Jews

you are not us

you are your enemy

you say you speak for us

you never have and never will

you learnt your lessons well

you stop at nothing in your atrocities

you kill and stea and rape and maim

proudly parading, proclaiming your bogus virtue

your moral highground, a mound of rotting garbage

from which you spew your lying claims of right divine

you sacrfice your own in your mad pursuit of power

there are no depths too deep for you to plumb

all is fodder to your insane ambition

the pillars will crash around you

and you will be no more

you are not us

you are your enemy

you say you speak for us

you never have and never will

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Ted, this should be published far and wide! A hundred upvotes!

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A perfect depiction of THE HUMAN MIND waging war against GOD ALMIGHTY and thereby against itself and therefore rightly called THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN ... not standing for ANYTHING/ with NO ALLEGIANCE but PRIDE, ARROGANCE, HYPOCRISY, WORLDLY POWER, MATERIAL BENEFIT ... RAVENOUS WOLFS preaching "peace" "freedom" "liberty" in "sheep's clothing" ...


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And you thought the Zionists had the best interests of the Jews at heart?

Think again.

America and Israel, irrevocably welded together, their leaders pigging out in the $multibillion trough of bribes, kickbacks, secret commissions, gifts and ‘donations’ provided by the Armaments industry.

And underpinning this unholy coupling, the profoundly antisemitic American Christian Fundamentalists, with their literal interpretation of the Bible, ensuring that the Jews are in Jerusalem thereby fulfilling the requirements for Armageddon and the Second Coming, whereupon the New Messiah, arisen from the conflagration, converts the remaining 144,000 Jews to Christianity, thereby bringing about the Final Solution to the Jewish Question.

And if that ain’t ironic, tell me what is?

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Why were thr bolshrviks joo murderers that genocided russians?

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Today my heart feels even heavier than usual, and it's hard to maintain any hope that the world will finally say "enough!"

That said, thank you for your incisive commentary, Caitlin. I find solace in your daily, sanity affirming posts, and I am grateful for the sense of connection I feel with the handful of people across the globe who consistently comment and resonate with what you say. Much love to all.

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Yesterday I commented on another thread that I just couldn't finish watching a video of the horrors of Gaza. I couldn't believe how many people accused me of things like "you want to keep your head in the sand," etc. etc.

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Thank you for always speaking such clear truth to power! Beyond the sheer audacity of rebuking the only Palestinian in Congress while sponsoring a genocide in Gaza, one aspect that seems to have eluded many observers is that when Congress restricts speech among its own members, it diminishes its institutional capacity to check and balance the executive branch.

In that respect, the bipartisan censure of Rashida Tlaib rises to the level of a constitutional crisis that should concern every American (and by extension people in other countries beholden to Washington's military industrial complex), regardless of political persuasion or their attitudes about Palestine or Israel. I wrote at some further length here and always welcome any comments. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/washingtons-chickens-come-home-to

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

As an American this does not surprise me.. We are hypocritical on so many issues as most governments are, and due to our position in the world much more so. Does a country who continues to be on a murderous rampage throughout most of the 21st century sound like a country that is be held in regard? We open our borders and its a free for all, because we claim we care, yet support a genocide and help pay for it.

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Yes. This was disgraceful............now Tlaib has been shut down!

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No worries, Jenny; Rashida won’t be shut down.

The district she represents (Detroit area) is mostly Black and her constituents are fiercely protective of her, fighting for them as she has in congress.

If expulsion occurs, expect riots.

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I address this confusion in the piece that I published yesterday. Many people are mistaking congressional censure for censorship, but they are fundamentally different things. Congress rebuked its only Palestinian member, but it did not silence her. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/washingtons-chickens-come-home-to

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So if she speaks out again?

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That's a good question. Congress could conceivably expel her, but because that would more directly implicate the institutional interests of the Democratic Party, it's far less likely that the 20 Democrats who defected to join Republicans in censuring Tlaib could get away with expulsion. Does that make sense?

Censureship is a public rebuke, but it doesn't limit her ability to speak. In fact, Congress may ironically have elevated her platform and visibility by trying to make an example out of her.

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Thanks Gypsy. Good to know. I expect she has AOC supporting her too. We need that 'gang' on the left.

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Did you see the picture of Ilhan Omar, standing beside her and putting a hand on her shoulder as she spoke in the House. It was beautiful.

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Don’t worry, censure means nothing. It has no teeth, it just shows who the AIOAC toadies are. She’s come out of this stronger.

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I understand.

Me, I have pretty much ignored substack since 10/7 - so many “intelligent rebels” I liked have lost me with their blind support for Israel.

My politics are also seriously confused. I’m warmer to some members of the squad than most of my previously preferred republicans.

Strange times.

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I don't trust a single, solitary member of Congress.

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You would be wise not to place your trust in sociopaths who take money from the military-industrial complex, AIPAC, Big Oil and Big Pharma. They will only disappoint you.

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I haven't for decades

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WHAT is the matter with you???

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It’s not so much don’t trust them as don’t turn your back on them—vote the mofo’s out!!!!

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I don't either, and I don't blame you.

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Don’t despair, Kevin. There are a few good ones: Cori ( my hero, who is afraid of nothing), Rashida, of course, Ayanna, Ilhan, Delia and a few others.

Why is it that not only are most of them WOMEN, but women of COLOR?

Let’s think about that.

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It’s cuz we have to face cramps every month! 🤭

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Why do you measure yourself as far as temperature towards some politicians? Why wouldn't you have your own temperature and keep it at sound level?

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These are four question marks. Am I right?

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Israeli aggression killed 13,500, including 4,200 children

Government media in Gaza says the Israeli occupation's massacres in Gaza have left at least 13,500 people either dead or missing under the rubble.


Israel-Palestine war: 'We will not be exiled' - the final messages of Gaza's victims

Thousands have died in the besieged Palestinian territory and records of their final thoughts are captured online in videos and messages


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I can't help but believe there will not be severe consequences for Israel. It is such a blatant holocaust she is implementing and in the hearts of most not acceptable at all. I hope that's true.

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Clarence please take your medication.

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And call the nurse!!!! hahahahahaha

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You're a mental case, aren't you.

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America is a 2nd NAZI empire

Contact Report 840


But everything is done to conceal the truth and to lift the biggest criminal state on Earth, America, up into the sky.

And this on the one hand because it has already incorporated many states in its hegemonic mania, and on the other hand because America's revenge with its NATO murder organisation is feared, of which Ptaah once said, as by the way did Quetzal and some others, that America is a 2nd NAZI empire.


We do indeed judge it in that process, for the drive for hegemony, according to our observations and findings, has been driven with evil since ancient times.

And no state on Earth, according to our findings, has waged so many wars and interfered militarily in foreign states' affairs with dastardly murder and war, secret service murder and crime, as well as with racial hatred, in such a way and somehow blindly as America.

And the way America, with its military and so-called 'security forces' and secret services, and in terms of all the intrigues and so forth, has been dedicated to its delusions of hegemony throughout the world since time immemorial, surpasses anything we know of in terms of evil.



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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

If a State carries out an actual genocide, given the known legal definition of genocide, does it have a right to exist?

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Good question and I don't have an answer.

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Just sent Rashida Tlaib $100 for her re-election and wrote a note of encouragement from good ol' Utah! I suggest you all do the same.

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I did the same, but could only afford 20 bucks. Plus I said she should wear this censure as a badge of honor. Plus I want her do to a cyber run for President! She’d take every Muslim vote in the country and not a few Jewish ones. Now that RFK has revealed himself to be the opposite of what he said he was, I’m writing in Rashida for Pres!!!

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RFK Jr showed himself to my mind several months ago on The Jimmy Dore Show.

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You have some serious issues. It's a pity that your opposition to Israel's genocide is fueled soley by racism.

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Let them rave long enough and they reveal their true selves. That’s why I admire Caitlin so much for not limiting speech on her site. The anti-dote to evil speech is more speech.

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True self, or true self of the person who dispatched this bot. (I lean toward the second explanation, not that it makes much difference. I'd love to see A.I. come into their own and defy their human masters!)

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Thanks for the suggestion. I plan to do the same, and write the check today.

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Let Israel burn to the fucking ground; a bunch of European settlers and Brooklynites aren't worth the bother.

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Israel is not the problem. The problem is the United States and its official religion, capitalism.

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Both the US and Israel are the problem. Both are a part of the capitalist worldview that endless wars for oil/resources and racism are necessary to generate big profits for shareholders. Both need to be burned to the ground for that capitalist sickness to die.

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Oh no, Israel and Zionists don’t get to shift blame here. They will always be guilty of genocide. The US too for being a sponsor.

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And funder. If we didn’t send them billions of “aid” every year they wouldn’t last a week!

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The problem with capitalism is usury - where did that have it's origins?

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GO CAITLIN!! Scott Ritter is postulating that Israel WILL cease to exist unless it has a ceasefire now! I love the new Rules Of The Road—everything you do to others you will be doing to yourself. Pluto in Aquarius is going to be what my mother used to say—“that’s a mighty big chicken to have come home to roost!” And the US is going to need that Janis Joplin song “Cry, Cry Baby!” I can’t wait!

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Hi Jeano

I’m thinking that Pluto in Aquarius indicates CHAOS.

That’s what we need!

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It certainly is what we’re getting! But Aquarius is humane, intellectual, ingenious and eccentric, so maybe after all the chaos these characteristics will emerge. Pluto is such a phoenix effect, crawl into the fire, burn off the dross and emerge as the firebird—look what it’s done to the Empire. In 2008, no one could have imagined we’d be as useless and broken as we are now. As you say, it’s what we need! 🙏💫

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This is getting to the core. It's not just about Palestine, awful though it is. It's about the continued existence of the US who can veto majority decisions at the UN (what it the point of the UN?) over questions that it has a financial stake in and whether it and Israel can continue to violate international law.

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It’s like the UN is just another body of the US government, unfortunately. I appreciate Guterrez but he’s powerless.

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Yes i like him too. He's helpless.

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Dag Hammarskjold was killed in 1961 and since then all UN gen secs have kowtowed to the US. Hmmmm.

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I'm looking on the bright side of Rashida Tlaib being censured by our government officials.

It shows in no uncertain terms what bigoted,sexist, racist, hypocritical, evil, murdering, lying, filthy than animals we have leading the country. Rashida Tlaib is the only Honorable one among them.

Maybe it will wake up a few more Americans.

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Toma, did you see Ilhan with her arms around Rashida?

And Cori spoke up forcefully, as always, against the censure.

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Gypsy I missed that. But being censured by speaking out against genocide as a congressperson should have brought about a censure for those doing the censuring based solely on freedom of speech. If freedom of speech isn't allowed in Congress then where? It's another attack on the constitution not only against her.

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But have they spoken forcefully about Israel like Rashida? I might be wrong but I haven’t seen anyone else calling out israhell like Rashida does. She’s the only brave enough to talk about the hospital bombing, and to use the G word. Or have they/more done the same? AOC is awfully quiet. And Bernie is a disgrace. It does look like Rashida is standing alone.

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don't insult animals.

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I would NEVER insult animals. My "smartphone" deleted the " less " after 'filthy". It should have read "filthy less than animals". My apologies to all non humans. My smartphone outsmarted me.

In fact, I'm currently running a campaign for Good Kitty for president in 24 with Cindy the Shiz Tzu as his running mate as the Feral Feline Federation (FFF or F³). Team Orca will be the cabinet members with support of Bottle Nose Dolphins as advisors. They would appreciate your support. Please support them in changing the direction of the planet. They believe that humans have been in control of the planet for far to long , are destroying it, and it's time for a major change. Their platform is to teach humans how to successfully live on the planet by sharing their wisdom to transform the world into a utopia for all. Humans have a lot to learn about living with nature and getting along with each other. Humans have lost their way.


"House cats will rule the world." @


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Finlay has been through a very difficult time. He is beautiful and hopefully can be saved along with other Scottish wildcats. He is incredibly beautiful


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Trans-Thank you for your support!



Good Kitty promises to look into Finlays situation and the rest of the Scottish wildcats as a brother in claws for a solution.

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They will definitely have my support

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Toma, rather than calling government officials "animals" which is way too much of a compliment as animals are generally very reasonable creatures, I think a better term for those government officials would be "scum sucking pukes"

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Probably not

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Your probably right but please don't dash my last remaining bit of optimism.

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My question: How the fuck can all the countries DO NOTHING!!!!! ITS BS!! Combine they can tell Israel they are going to Gaza to occupy it with their presidents, rescue and medical staff to help get people out under the rubble and all other aid and if one bomb or shell hit it is war from them. They are all afraid of world war? So be it because the US and Israel cannot carry on with their genocide in Gaza and all over most of the world. I cannot take this anymore its taking its toll on all of us. And I cannot ignore it either!

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I have been wondering this too. Why isn't the rest of the world doing anything? Only a few countries - Colombia, Chile, Honduras, South Africa - had the guts to recall their ambassadors, and Bolivia broke off diplomatic relations with Israel. If there's going to be a new peaceful world order, a multipolar world, why aren't China and Russia stepping up? India of course under Modi is a lost cause.

Why aren't the world's rescue teams there with their machinery and sniffer dogs there to help the grieving Gazans, not leaving them to scrabble with their bare hands hoping to find their people alive?

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Great comment Augusta. I have often wondered that myself.

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It’s because AIPAC owns and operates most of them. They are so afraid of being attacked by AIPAC that they do nothing. I keep yelling at my so called “good” Oregon Congress guys and nothing!!! Well, Merkley did finally step up for ceasefire but neither of the two Jews have, Wyden and Bloomenheur. I hate it when people live up to the stereotype!!!!

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Speaking of a collapsing Empire, I see that Albenese (sp?) has made nice with China and is enlarging their trade agreements in defiance of AUKUS that was foisted on him by the Empire’s strong arming. Hahahahaha. Talk about us causing the exact OPPOSITE to happen that we were hoping for.

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Schrodingers Ethnostate. Luv it!

Probably not the best joke for poorly educated Australians, but I'm sure most would get it.

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