The image stuck in my visual system comes from a video of Pelosi climbing into an SUV as she fled the scene after her Russia-China-connection comments. Harangued by shouts of protestors, she peremptorily raises her hand like the aristocrat she perceives herself to be, waving off the objections of the peons. It's quite telling. These long-term congressional residents, corruptly funded by AIPAC et al. have lost all conception of the idea of public service, of populace representation, and deep down in whatever neural circuits remain, perceive themselves as above the fray. Of course they sympathize with Israel. They are the god's chosen people; they get it. Everyone else is mere chattel; rubbish.

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"Democrats Are Demented Genocidal War Sluts"

Republicans are no better...but that is because they are two sides of the Deep State coin.

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Just as October 7th was a pretext, the attack on US troops is a pretext.

Pretend three US soldiers were killed on a bad weekend in Nevada. Would the Pentagon demand that Reno be bombed?

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Any so called 'War' with Iran means 200+ USD per barrel of Oil overnight & the Implosion of the Global Economy courtesy of the Sea-mining & shutting down of the Straits of Hormuz:

So the collective 'Biden' Regime & its lackeys can try & be as Dystopian & Detached as they wish, it will not help them when practical 'realities on the ground' Crumbles American society from within & yields Violent Revolutions across every Western Nation due to 80%+ reductions in living standards.

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I wish you weren’t 1000% right.

It has never been laid bare so completely. As though on a dare, they are doing the most heinous crimes in full view of the world with no care to what they are doing to an entire population and culture. And we’re witnessing just a small portion of the atrocities.

Who the fuck have we become?

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One Party, Two Faces. Pelosi's clearly insane, and Biden's just off his rocker, while AOC continues her careerist climb into the nest of Democratic Party leadership: "She wants to be Pelosi!" (thinking of the Ramones tune "I want to be sedated"). All in all, an End of the Empire kind of look...

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Please stick with us. We need General Strikes for the common good. Your courage and truth telling is helping us get there!

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True...as they are aided and abetted by neocon RINOs.

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This again is more evidence that this planet is the insane asylum of Universe. Fear runs it. Always has and still does. An egomaniac nightmare.

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The plans to attack Iraq were in place for years before the actual assault. The perpetrators were waiting for a good cover story/plausible reason. 9/11 was the opportunity/ initial cover story. When that story turned out to be too full of holes, they made up "weapons of mass destruction." Likewise, military plans to attack Iran have been in place for years. Various politicians and neocons have urged attacking Iran for years, but there has not been a good enough opportunity/cover story for the ignorant public to swallow. Now they have their cover story.

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the US is as f---ed up as Israel.

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They just can't seem to say no to the MIC kickback money. Their problem is their greed!

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The FBI should be investigating Pelosi and her illegal insider trading. Pelosi is insane AND a war criminal.

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Bring on the moronic/shit/fake liars and more bombs.

None of us can get away from this we are being slowly saturated with gobbledy-gook inane and I mean INANE master criminals. Lock the whole bloody lot of them up.

Simplisicus on here today wrote a wonderful narrative of Biden asking Switzerland to send a very convoluted message to Iran!!! What?

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There is little difference between the Republicans and the Democrats and Democratic presidents have done more war than Republicans. Most politicians just say want they want to say, irrespective of whether it is the truth or not or whether it actually makes any sense. As I have said previously, it is the wealthy elite which runs the West and it is irrelevant who is the leader or which party is in power. There is nothing democratic about it and, as has always been the case, most of the public goes along with it.

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It makes me sick 🤢

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