i was suspended by twitter many months ago supposedly over a few tweets criticizing zionism and its crimes. what else? you can post a picture of yourself holding a severed bloody head of incumbent POTUS and you're praised if you're a zionist. the genocidal criminals and parasites are in all positions of power and wealth but you are not allowed to criticize their crimes. i refused to delete any of my tweets, i chose to boycott twitter.
just yesterday, i left a comment on RT:" living on your knees under the gun and contant threat of war is no peace. the only way to achieve real peace is to eliminate the war profiteers and war criminals." a stalker left a response: "you're a nazi. your bigoted previous comments will be remembered." or something like that. i noticed the same replies left on others' comments by the same creep like "i know where you live, Nazi." later RT comment section disappeared and then reappeared in a totally unusable format.
the parasites, thieves, war criminals and their goons are doing everything to erase, suppress, silence, intimidate, scare, self-censor, give up, and play dead. but i believe that Genie is out of the bottle. people have already witnessed the truth. we already know our common enemy is the global cabal of capitalist neoliberal zionist fascist colonialist imperialists (pardon redundancy).
I never argued that Zionism isn't popular among Jews. That said, it in no way contradicts what I said. Zionists often wrap themselves in their religion as a shield to criticism, but I do not believe that is any more valid than saying all Muslims are terrorists. I stand opposed to Zionism as an inherently repressive and untenable European colonial aspiration which has since metastisized into an arm of the American MIC. Whether it's the body or the tail makes no difference. Those endorsing that idea meet my opposition; I care not what their particular religious fantasy entails.
If a Jew happens to promote those policies and you oppose them, then by all means do so. I hope you are not dimwitted enough to try and tell me that every single Jew has the exact same political beliefs.
I take back everything I said about GETTR.COM being for free speech. After I posted a lot of content about the Ukrainian Nazi's and posted content by Caitlin I was blocked all day with absolutely no response from GETTR.COM other than empty responses. I had over 7k followers and I guess GETTR.COM is against anyone saying anything other than the RUSSIA - BAD.
I deleted my account last night and note the only platform that has been true free speech has been GAB.COM.
For anyone wanting free speech do not expect GETTR.COM to be totally free speech. I guess they didn't like me posting content regarding the coup in Ukraine and all the corruption in Ukraine.
This is the New World. We have reached the new beginnings of total control and from here it can only get worse. The 'follow the leader' actions by sheep-like governments has been depressing.
Yes, I do feel sorry for the naive US sub-state of Ukraine, because there will be casualties, many of them and the people do not deserve to die for what their US installed politicians have allowed to happen. But I also understand the fact that this was a carefully engineered US initiative. It will end, not by negotiation, as the US will not let that happen having ensured that they have all their little satellites by the vitals, but by a catastrophic event.
Someone, somewhere will set off a nuclear warhead, on purpose, but offically by accident. There are so many of them around the globe under the control of the US navy, US army, US air forces everywhere, with personnel and weapons tucked away in every little corner of every little country the US dominates.
Then there are the apartheid Zionists in Israel, listed with over 400 ("one for every capitol") and probably anxious to show their well controlled puppets in the US what they can do. In 2003, Martin van Creveld, Israeli professor said "We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us”.
Israel needs to have a “mad dog” philosophy said Israeli General, the late Moshe Dayan who stated "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.”
This could well be the source of the nuclear first shot, showing the compliant two houses of government in Washington that they do control the USA. Absolutely.
As an additional comment to this likely scenario regarding Israel's use of a nuclear weapon, and quoting the UNZ Report today, 'Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett advised President Joe Biden not to enter into any non-proliferation agreement with Iran. Biden was non-committal even though it is an actual American interest to come to an agreement, but instead he indicated that as far as the US is concerned, Israel could exercise “freedom of action” when dealing with the Iranians."
Now what do we all think "freedom of action" means?
Imagine, in retaliation for such an event, one well placed nuclear device from Russia or China aimed at Dimona where Israel has its stockpile, could even bring the entire Middle East to an end.
I quibble over calling liberals leftists because I am a Marxist, and for me, anyone that believes in continuing the capitalist system is no leftist.
As I said, a quibble. I agree wholeheartedly agree with you on everything else. All who believe in democracy and in the old constitutional right to freedom of speech must all be allies against censorship from whatever source.
Not even four year old Kentucky Bourbon can successfully ameliorate the nausea I felt tonight watching our doddering political class publicly bathe in showers of self-righteousness and hypocrisy. Oh, and disgust. We can't forget the absolute disgust.
I have a better understanding why so many people are flag wavers and Bible thumpers; it makes things like this so incredibly easy.
I basically tuned in for any relevant War News. I discovered -- surprisingly -- that the United States does not support bullies, which will no doubt come as a great shock to the Palestinians. When our geriatric Fearless Leader shuffled off to his domestic agenda, I bailed; my guts admittedly lacking.
Hope I don't get Substack thrown off the internett for saying this, but RT has now gone over to Odysee.com. I'm surprised how much better Odysee seems compared to the other Youtube alternatives. That's probably what RT thought too. Poor bastards. They were the most watched news network on Youtube despite being, without doubt, the most suppressed channel on all of Youtube the last seven years.
I just quoted Caitlin's last post, Every Enemy of the US is Hitler, in my YT episode Are YOU Ready to Save the World? I go into how to undo empire-thinking as a spiritual practice. For the curious: https://youtu.be/bN3DVJ8Uk04
I think if people consider that this war started 8 years ago with the US State Department-sponsored Maiden putsch on Russia’s border, in a country whose name literally mean “the border,” then what’s playing out now looks more like an attempt to end something that started 8 years ago, which was essentially a modern “Operation Gladio.”
Here in Canada, our Deputy Prime Minister and WEF Borg Chrystia Freeland was caught standing with actual Ukrainian neo-Nazis groups, again…
For those who aren’t familiar with Operation Gladio and the history of Anglo-American “rat lines,” to quote from “Immune to Irony: Nazi Collaborators and Authoritarian Personalities Denounce Russia”:
“After having been established by the CIA, NATO and MI6 in 1956, Operation Gladio saw hundreds of terrorist cells deployed by former leaders of Nazi intelligence embedded across Europe who were used to kill civilians and troublesome politicians while stoking the fires of anarchy along the way. These acts of terror were in turn used to justify the excessive “emergency management” by oligarchically captured trans Atlantic nations throughout the Cold War based upon the logic that “the war against communism justifies everything… including fascism”.
While some say that the Gladio Operations were cancelled when the Soviet Union disintegrated, evidence points to a very different picture.
One particularly loud case is found in the figure of Andriy Parubiy, founder of the neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine who was appointed to serve as Secretary of the National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU) in the post-regime change putsch managed by Victoria Nuland and overseen by Joe Biden.
It is noteworthy that Parubiy, who has close ties to Freeland (herself the proud granddaughter of Hitler collaborator Michael Chomiak) cozied up to Justin in 2016 while seeking weapons, training and other logistical support from Canada. Meetings between Canadian politicians and leading neo-Nazi groups from Ukraine like the Azov Battalion continued to be so frequent that the Ottawa Citizen reported on November 9, 2021 that:
“Canadian officials who met with members of a Ukrainian battalion linked to neo-Nazis didn’t denounce the unit, but were instead concerned the media would expose details of the get-together, according to newly released documents. The Canadians met with and were briefed by leaders from the Azov Battalion in June 2018. The officers and diplomats did not object to the meeting and instead allowed themselves to be photographed with battalion officials despite previous warnings that the unit saw itself as pro-Nazi. The Azov Battalion then used those photos for its online propaganda, pointing out the Canadian delegation expressed “hopes for further fruitful co-operation.”
There has already been something like 14,000 Ukrainians killed in the East because they sought to resist the Ukrainian puppet regime that the Anglo-American establishment installed in 2014.
Again, what’s unfolding now with Russia taking direct action doesn’t seem like a new war, but properly understood, it’s more likely a calculated move to put an end to a war, one conducted by the West using “Low Intensity Operations,” which is how the Western oligarchy has tended to operate since the post-war period. “Low Intensity Operations” like what they did in Ukraine have tended to be the modus operandi, aside from those times when they did go to outright war, in which something like a million Iraqis died, and they used “shock and awe” tactics to bomb museums, water systems, everything, resulting in mass casualties.
For an outright invasion and war of aggression, Russia seems to be taking a much different approach than the US and its shock and awe, which all the Western media at the time supported. Russia’s does want to end the Western-controlled puppet regime that is continuously armed, but it’s actions suggest it’s intentionally trying to avoid killing civilians, unlike the US.
Wondering if those oversized goons in Ottawa that beat up peaceful protesters were brought in from Ukraine. They were all very large men, had no insignia and did not communicate with people at all. They did not seem like regular Canadian police at all, more like cyborgs. Their vibe was unexplainable to regular Canadian people. They just didn't seem like Canadian police.
Noticed a while back that I couldn't mention ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine in any comment on Common Dreams or Naked Capitalism. There will be no drawing outside the lines of the Big Pharma prescribed narrative regarding COVID. Now with the current escalation of censorship regarding Ukraine on Twitter & elsewhere, we are forced into binary thinking. OK, if that's the way it's going to be, I choose the Russians over the Nazis. Where did 'dissent is the highest form of patriotism' go to die?
Ukraine got used by the USA just like Meyer Lansky got used by Golda Meir.
The movie is on Prime. The relevant scenes are maybe 5 minutes of the movie. But Lansky was requested to support Israel. He did. The movie hints millions, could have been more, could have been less. But when Lansky, a Jew, wanted to "return" to Israel he was denied.
The "ultimate crook" got used and abandoned by an even bigger crook.
I think that when people ask me how I can "justify" supporting Russia, I'll have to use this metaphor. I'm fairly certain no one would demand I me support Lansky. But I could be wrong.
Has anyone noticed how "news" about Israel has been rather muted for the last 2 years?
The only time Israel is on the news is when ongoing land-theft, crop destruction, "settler" instigated murder reaches the boiling point, and Palestinians decide to do something about it. Then it's reported as victim Israel suffering from those crazy unreasonable Arabs or as an ongoing intractable and hopelessly complex "conflict" between two equal sides with no beginning, no ending, and no resolution. Both versions are lies used to maintain an unjust and bloody status quo, which naturally benefits American power interests, the Zionists, and the weapons manufacturers. It's as disgusting as it is predicable and transparent. And on top of that, we're not even allowed to talk about it as a questionable policy in any real sense with the political establishment that supports it.
As to Ukraine, I'm remembering the total news blackout about Hunter Biden's laptop in the weeks before the election, since defeating Trump was the primary goal. Now it's Russia in Trump's place, and we're all supposed to forget about the coup, the Nazis, and wall to wall corruption, simply because supporting Ukraine perfectly aligns with western goals.
It would be nice to be treated like adults who could look at Ukraine's warts and still condemn Putin's authoritarianism and irresponsibility, but since when has that happened? America's gross hypocrisy and selective moral outrage is only going to be re-targeted to the next conflict, (assuming we survive the current one) and the next one after that, and, just like Putin, our political class shuts down more and more independent media in the name of quelling "misinformation," almost like they're doing it for our own good. First it was COVID, now it's Russia, and I'm sure some other bogyman will be dredged up after that.
Of course, censoring and quelling those who criticize Israel has been going on for years, and both parties are just fine with this form of censorship. Only when it turned on Trump did republicans notice, but of course, as they constitute some of the most rabid Zionists, censoring those critical of Israel will remain in place as it always has even as they squeal about their own censorship.
This is not surprising. The mass formation occurred after November, 2016. Hatred of Trump justified several political prosecutions, notably Michael Flynn, as well as the 3 year Mueller investigation that uncovered no criminal behavior on the part of Trump and a bogus impeachment trial. The Democratic masses were then easily manipulated into Covid paranoia, especially when early on Trump expressed some doubts. Every step Trump took was declared to be wrong at the time and wrong when he reversed it. Warp Speed was wrong until after the 2020 election, then it could no longer be questioned. The mob hung on every word of Saint Tony. Masks were needless, then required, then multiple layers. The Democratic partisans are so hypnotized that they can be directed at any target and will attack relentlessly.
Our condemning Putin for shutting down independent media and arresting peaceful protestors provides an ironic backdrop to our own increasingly shrill war on "disinformation." It all has a very debauched late empire feel about it.
The West is increasingly coming to resemble the nineteen eighty-four society, showing remarkable prescience by the author. Most people in London in nineteen eighty-four were poor, and here we have the WEF telling us we'll own nothing, and be happy – and are hatching plans to make sure we own nothing, at least, and they will inform us we're happy and we'd better believe it – because, after all, Big Brother loves us.
i was suspended by twitter many months ago supposedly over a few tweets criticizing zionism and its crimes. what else? you can post a picture of yourself holding a severed bloody head of incumbent POTUS and you're praised if you're a zionist. the genocidal criminals and parasites are in all positions of power and wealth but you are not allowed to criticize their crimes. i refused to delete any of my tweets, i chose to boycott twitter.
just yesterday, i left a comment on RT:" living on your knees under the gun and contant threat of war is no peace. the only way to achieve real peace is to eliminate the war profiteers and war criminals." a stalker left a response: "you're a nazi. your bigoted previous comments will be remembered." or something like that. i noticed the same replies left on others' comments by the same creep like "i know where you live, Nazi." later RT comment section disappeared and then reappeared in a totally unusable format.
the parasites, thieves, war criminals and their goons are doing everything to erase, suppress, silence, intimidate, scare, self-censor, give up, and play dead. but i believe that Genie is out of the bottle. people have already witnessed the truth. we already know our common enemy is the global cabal of capitalist neoliberal zionist fascist colonialist imperialists (pardon redundancy).
Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. I condemn beliefs, not people.
I never argued that Zionism isn't popular among Jews. That said, it in no way contradicts what I said. Zionists often wrap themselves in their religion as a shield to criticism, but I do not believe that is any more valid than saying all Muslims are terrorists. I stand opposed to Zionism as an inherently repressive and untenable European colonial aspiration which has since metastisized into an arm of the American MIC. Whether it's the body or the tail makes no difference. Those endorsing that idea meet my opposition; I care not what their particular religious fantasy entails.
If a Jew happens to promote those policies and you oppose them, then by all means do so. I hope you are not dimwitted enough to try and tell me that every single Jew has the exact same political beliefs.
Fuck that noise.
I take back everything I said about GETTR.COM being for free speech. After I posted a lot of content about the Ukrainian Nazi's and posted content by Caitlin I was blocked all day with absolutely no response from GETTR.COM other than empty responses. I had over 7k followers and I guess GETTR.COM is against anyone saying anything other than the RUSSIA - BAD.
I deleted my account last night and note the only platform that has been true free speech has been GAB.COM.
For anyone wanting free speech do not expect GETTR.COM to be totally free speech. I guess they didn't like me posting content regarding the coup in Ukraine and all the corruption in Ukraine.
Your last line is good advice, David.
This is the New World. We have reached the new beginnings of total control and from here it can only get worse. The 'follow the leader' actions by sheep-like governments has been depressing.
Yes, I do feel sorry for the naive US sub-state of Ukraine, because there will be casualties, many of them and the people do not deserve to die for what their US installed politicians have allowed to happen. But I also understand the fact that this was a carefully engineered US initiative. It will end, not by negotiation, as the US will not let that happen having ensured that they have all their little satellites by the vitals, but by a catastrophic event.
Someone, somewhere will set off a nuclear warhead, on purpose, but offically by accident. There are so many of them around the globe under the control of the US navy, US army, US air forces everywhere, with personnel and weapons tucked away in every little corner of every little country the US dominates.
Then there are the apartheid Zionists in Israel, listed with over 400 ("one for every capitol") and probably anxious to show their well controlled puppets in the US what they can do. In 2003, Martin van Creveld, Israeli professor said "We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us”.
Israel needs to have a “mad dog” philosophy said Israeli General, the late Moshe Dayan who stated "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.”
This could well be the source of the nuclear first shot, showing the compliant two houses of government in Washington that they do control the USA. Absolutely.
As an additional comment to this likely scenario regarding Israel's use of a nuclear weapon, and quoting the UNZ Report today, 'Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett advised President Joe Biden not to enter into any non-proliferation agreement with Iran. Biden was non-committal even though it is an actual American interest to come to an agreement, but instead he indicated that as far as the US is concerned, Israel could exercise “freedom of action” when dealing with the Iranians."
Now what do we all think "freedom of action" means?
Imagine, in retaliation for such an event, one well placed nuclear device from Russia or China aimed at Dimona where Israel has its stockpile, could even bring the entire Middle East to an end.
Such is the current Biden created climate today.
Not since Eisenhower has an American politician dared to stand up to Israel. We could sure use some.
I quibble over calling liberals leftists because I am a Marxist, and for me, anyone that believes in continuing the capitalist system is no leftist.
As I said, a quibble. I agree wholeheartedly agree with you on everything else. All who believe in democracy and in the old constitutional right to freedom of speech must all be allies against censorship from whatever source.
Not even four year old Kentucky Bourbon can successfully ameliorate the nausea I felt tonight watching our doddering political class publicly bathe in showers of self-righteousness and hypocrisy. Oh, and disgust. We can't forget the absolute disgust.
I have a better understanding why so many people are flag wavers and Bible thumpers; it makes things like this so incredibly easy.
Oh, so you had the guts to watch the SOTU? I'll just read the reviews....
I basically tuned in for any relevant War News. I discovered -- surprisingly -- that the United States does not support bullies, which will no doubt come as a great shock to the Palestinians. When our geriatric Fearless Leader shuffled off to his domestic agenda, I bailed; my guts admittedly lacking.
Censorship now is the norm. Diversity of positions on an issue it fully discouraged. Control tactics out of control.
The new McCarthy era.
Facebook algorithm also limits your interactions if you like some posts against the "guiding line" or you do not "like" posts about Ukraine
Hope I don't get Substack thrown off the internett for saying this, but RT has now gone over to Odysee.com. I'm surprised how much better Odysee seems compared to the other Youtube alternatives. That's probably what RT thought too. Poor bastards. They were the most watched news network on Youtube despite being, without doubt, the most suppressed channel on all of Youtube the last seven years.
I just quoted Caitlin's last post, Every Enemy of the US is Hitler, in my YT episode Are YOU Ready to Save the World? I go into how to undo empire-thinking as a spiritual practice. For the curious: https://youtu.be/bN3DVJ8Uk04
Touché Caitlin.
I think if people consider that this war started 8 years ago with the US State Department-sponsored Maiden putsch on Russia’s border, in a country whose name literally mean “the border,” then what’s playing out now looks more like an attempt to end something that started 8 years ago, which was essentially a modern “Operation Gladio.”
Here in Canada, our Deputy Prime Minister and WEF Borg Chrystia Freeland was caught standing with actual Ukrainian neo-Nazis groups, again…
For those who aren’t familiar with Operation Gladio and the history of Anglo-American “rat lines,” to quote from “Immune to Irony: Nazi Collaborators and Authoritarian Personalities Denounce Russia”:
“After having been established by the CIA, NATO and MI6 in 1956, Operation Gladio saw hundreds of terrorist cells deployed by former leaders of Nazi intelligence embedded across Europe who were used to kill civilians and troublesome politicians while stoking the fires of anarchy along the way. These acts of terror were in turn used to justify the excessive “emergency management” by oligarchically captured trans Atlantic nations throughout the Cold War based upon the logic that “the war against communism justifies everything… including fascism”.
While some say that the Gladio Operations were cancelled when the Soviet Union disintegrated, evidence points to a very different picture.
One particularly loud case is found in the figure of Andriy Parubiy, founder of the neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine who was appointed to serve as Secretary of the National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU) in the post-regime change putsch managed by Victoria Nuland and overseen by Joe Biden.
It is noteworthy that Parubiy, who has close ties to Freeland (herself the proud granddaughter of Hitler collaborator Michael Chomiak) cozied up to Justin in 2016 while seeking weapons, training and other logistical support from Canada. Meetings between Canadian politicians and leading neo-Nazi groups from Ukraine like the Azov Battalion continued to be so frequent that the Ottawa Citizen reported on November 9, 2021 that:
“Canadian officials who met with members of a Ukrainian battalion linked to neo-Nazis didn’t denounce the unit, but were instead concerned the media would expose details of the get-together, according to newly released documents. The Canadians met with and were briefed by leaders from the Azov Battalion in June 2018. The officers and diplomats did not object to the meeting and instead allowed themselves to be photographed with battalion officials despite previous warnings that the unit saw itself as pro-Nazi. The Azov Battalion then used those photos for its online propaganda, pointing out the Canadian delegation expressed “hopes for further fruitful co-operation.”
There has already been something like 14,000 Ukrainians killed in the East because they sought to resist the Ukrainian puppet regime that the Anglo-American establishment installed in 2014.
Again, what’s unfolding now with Russia taking direct action doesn’t seem like a new war, but properly understood, it’s more likely a calculated move to put an end to a war, one conducted by the West using “Low Intensity Operations,” which is how the Western oligarchy has tended to operate since the post-war period. “Low Intensity Operations” like what they did in Ukraine have tended to be the modus operandi, aside from those times when they did go to outright war, in which something like a million Iraqis died, and they used “shock and awe” tactics to bomb museums, water systems, everything, resulting in mass casualties.
For an outright invasion and war of aggression, Russia seems to be taking a much different approach than the US and its shock and awe, which all the Western media at the time supported. Russia’s does want to end the Western-controlled puppet regime that is continuously armed, but it’s actions suggest it’s intentionally trying to avoid killing civilians, unlike the US.
Wondering if those oversized goons in Ottawa that beat up peaceful protesters were brought in from Ukraine. They were all very large men, had no insignia and did not communicate with people at all. They did not seem like regular Canadian police at all, more like cyborgs. Their vibe was unexplainable to regular Canadian people. They just didn't seem like Canadian police.
Noticed a while back that I couldn't mention ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine in any comment on Common Dreams or Naked Capitalism. There will be no drawing outside the lines of the Big Pharma prescribed narrative regarding COVID. Now with the current escalation of censorship regarding Ukraine on Twitter & elsewhere, we are forced into binary thinking. OK, if that's the way it's going to be, I choose the Russians over the Nazis. Where did 'dissent is the highest form of patriotism' go to die?
Ukraine got used by the USA just like Meyer Lansky got used by Golda Meir.
The movie is on Prime. The relevant scenes are maybe 5 minutes of the movie. But Lansky was requested to support Israel. He did. The movie hints millions, could have been more, could have been less. But when Lansky, a Jew, wanted to "return" to Israel he was denied.
The "ultimate crook" got used and abandoned by an even bigger crook.
I think that when people ask me how I can "justify" supporting Russia, I'll have to use this metaphor. I'm fairly certain no one would demand I me support Lansky. But I could be wrong.
Has anyone noticed how "news" about Israel has been rather muted for the last 2 years?
The only time Israel is on the news is when ongoing land-theft, crop destruction, "settler" instigated murder reaches the boiling point, and Palestinians decide to do something about it. Then it's reported as victim Israel suffering from those crazy unreasonable Arabs or as an ongoing intractable and hopelessly complex "conflict" between two equal sides with no beginning, no ending, and no resolution. Both versions are lies used to maintain an unjust and bloody status quo, which naturally benefits American power interests, the Zionists, and the weapons manufacturers. It's as disgusting as it is predicable and transparent. And on top of that, we're not even allowed to talk about it as a questionable policy in any real sense with the political establishment that supports it.
As to Ukraine, I'm remembering the total news blackout about Hunter Biden's laptop in the weeks before the election, since defeating Trump was the primary goal. Now it's Russia in Trump's place, and we're all supposed to forget about the coup, the Nazis, and wall to wall corruption, simply because supporting Ukraine perfectly aligns with western goals.
It would be nice to be treated like adults who could look at Ukraine's warts and still condemn Putin's authoritarianism and irresponsibility, but since when has that happened? America's gross hypocrisy and selective moral outrage is only going to be re-targeted to the next conflict, (assuming we survive the current one) and the next one after that, and, just like Putin, our political class shuts down more and more independent media in the name of quelling "misinformation," almost like they're doing it for our own good. First it was COVID, now it's Russia, and I'm sure some other bogyman will be dredged up after that.
Of course, censoring and quelling those who criticize Israel has been going on for years, and both parties are just fine with this form of censorship. Only when it turned on Trump did republicans notice, but of course, as they constitute some of the most rabid Zionists, censoring those critical of Israel will remain in place as it always has even as they squeal about their own censorship.
This is not surprising. The mass formation occurred after November, 2016. Hatred of Trump justified several political prosecutions, notably Michael Flynn, as well as the 3 year Mueller investigation that uncovered no criminal behavior on the part of Trump and a bogus impeachment trial. The Democratic masses were then easily manipulated into Covid paranoia, especially when early on Trump expressed some doubts. Every step Trump took was declared to be wrong at the time and wrong when he reversed it. Warp Speed was wrong until after the 2020 election, then it could no longer be questioned. The mob hung on every word of Saint Tony. Masks were needless, then required, then multiple layers. The Democratic partisans are so hypnotized that they can be directed at any target and will attack relentlessly.
Our condemning Putin for shutting down independent media and arresting peaceful protestors provides an ironic backdrop to our own increasingly shrill war on "disinformation." It all has a very debauched late empire feel about it.
Don't you know, when we do it, then that makes it OK!
RT still accesibile but with "fraud warning"...
Thank you and -- a very refreshing and longer-term view:
Has Putin Miscalculated? | With Pepe Escobar | Part 1 of 2 – March 1, 2022
"Something went wrong" when I tried to like this
Yeah, I reported it to substack but they haven't done anything about it. If you refresh your web page your like usually shows up.
Nothing better than a mass boycott to solve this...
The West is increasingly coming to resemble the nineteen eighty-four society, showing remarkable prescience by the author. Most people in London in nineteen eighty-four were poor, and here we have the WEF telling us we'll own nothing, and be happy – and are hatching plans to make sure we own nothing, at least, and they will inform us we're happy and we'd better believe it – because, after all, Big Brother loves us.