This overt gamification of life becomes more obvious and in your face day by day. Earn points for this chocolate cake, 10 more points before you unlock 20% to buy more stuff you don't really need, refer a friend for double points. I've bought into it because who doesn't like to get money off stuff but sometimes I do think what is this bs game I'm getting sucked into?

The young ones seem hardwired to think in points as rewards and punishments, even learning itself is gamified. This race to get to the next level is exhausting and distracting from just being and meeting your needs in a wholesome, holistic and meaningful way.

Thanks, Caitlin, for your thought provoking work and the gentle nudges towards individual and collective awakening.

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They're not hardwired, they're indoctrinated. The universe is revealed to them in the form of a game of games, and they learn by experience to interact with the game as if it were reality, or in extreme cases like hustle culture, come to perceive the game *as* reality. In effect, they mortify their flesh by re-embodying themselves in their property.

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Stinky: More and more I think you are an AI bot. Your comments are becoming pure gobbledygook.

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Don't make your illiteracy others' problem.

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Nicely stated - it's interesting how language is the first degree of disassociation. When humans see a tree, they immediately think "tree," and their evaluation and consideration ends.

They don't "see" or "feel" the lifeforce of the tree, the proximity to their home, the tree's longer lifespan, or what the tree's purpose is.

We don't connect with things - we label, categorize, determine something's relative value to us or our lives, and dismiss.

This is expressed in extreme in what you have labeled "the game." A complete disassociation from our world in lieu of everything's supposed value or lack thereof.

Amazing then, that when we slow down, and begin to be more present within our moments, the miracles of life on this physical plane begin to expose themselves to us. Or more succinctly, we begin to notice what was always being offered to us.

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When lots of corporate humans see a "tree", they think of "timber" and "harvest" and "board feet" and "net present value" and "profits".

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When I was teaching we had a Fall and Spring Outdoor School for the 6th graders. I unfortunately had to go one year and found that it was sponsored by Werehauser who had a “special curriculum” to show kids how to make a device that would then be used to measure board feet in a tree. I refused so they put a sanctimonious little man in there to show me my duty as a teacher. This was 20 years ago.

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Somewhere along the line we decided Nature was something that had to be conquered.

Now we think other Nations need to be conquered.

We don't understand yet as a species that we're all in this together.

It's our Earth and there is enough to provide well for everyone.

We hear there may be Aliens and think we have to protect ourselves.

No Alien in their right mind would come here. We can't even get along with each other.

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Philip Mollica: Speak for yourself. I do not feel the way your describe in your comment. When I see a tree I see beauty or maybe an ugly tree, but I see a tree.

Take that mouse out of your pocket.

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Timmy Taes: I didn't realize that I had singled you out lol!

Of course my comment was a generalization, and stands for most of us.

Next time I'll create an exclusion for Timmy Taes.

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Timmy is just another noise warrior crusading for the Protestant world order.

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Philip Mollica: Generalizations in general are a horrible idea. Personally, I think people named Phillip who only use one "L" in their name are odd. Does that make you odd?

Why is Hurricane Hilary only having one "L"? That is odd.

How do you know what "stands for most of us"?

Philip Mollica you are full of shit IMO.

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Since you don't like generalizations then I will be very specific.

Timmy Taes you sound very angry.

When someone is triggered and/or angry about something someone else does or says, it means that there is a piece of themselves that they do not accept.

You're not really angry at me - you're angry at yourself. I just happened to reflect it back to you.

I hope that you find some peace. Good day.

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Philip Mollica: Take your Psychology 101 bullshit and shove it up your ass.

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Oh how cute, another teenage basement troll who thinks he has "transcended" psychology.

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Spot on again. Thank you so much for your elucidations.

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Bingo, Caitlin! This is insane, and you've nailed it succinctly.

Another perspective on this comes from ancient Vedic tradition and the eschatological teachings of almost every major religious tradition: there comes a time when the world becomes so degraded that God brings it to an end and launches a new age. The present-day teacher Shunyamurti draws on those teachings as well as The Perennial Philosophy, postmodern psychology, and cutting-edge science to address this with full acknowledgment of how and why evil is playing out so outrageously right now at the end of Kali Yuga (the final epoch of time).

His teachings are freely available on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/satyogainstitute), Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/c-1065781), iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spiritual-teachings-with-shunyamurti/id312136041), and other social media platforms, as well as on his ashram website (https://www.satyoga.org/). You might find them clarifying and actually reassuring, though they call us to commit to transcending ego consciousness.

I send you many blessings and much gratitude for the courage and clarity of your own superb work in the world. Namaste.

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Yes, the New Age has a name, the Age of Aquarius! The corruption of science by the abuse of technology is the Shadow of the scientific sign of Aquarius!

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And yet, we’re about to have the great transformation planet plow thru Aquarius in the next 20 years, starting about February. If you want to know it’s power, just look back on the last 15 years or more of Pluto in Capricorn—Capricorn being the old god Jehovah, authoritarian, punishing, limiting, corporate, capitalist, masculist, unyielding. It exposes all the ugly of each characteristic of the sign and rubs our noses in it until we finally repudiate it. Look at what it did to Israel. Aquarius is quirky, brilliant, changeable, individual, humanitarian and just a wee bit cold. Much better.

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Maybe, but it's a swan song. Planets have astrological influence one Saturn cycle on either side of their official recognition. Pluto having been discovered in 1930 (preceded by the professional-managerial class by *about* 30-40 years), and reclassified back to the diplomatic pool in 2005, the old ferryman's only got about 15 years more juice left in him. Just in time for a Spenglerian Second Religiosity under the sub-age of Pisces (1980AD-2150AD, by Charles E.O. Carter's sub-age theory).

The big stroke comes in 125 years or so, which will certainly not be *boring* for those around to enjoy it. After all the Joan Crawford "love" historically visited and enjoyed by the West over the Age of Pisces (1AD-2150AD), the people who arrive in that new era will find the transition bracing.

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... but refreshing!

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Indeed! I plan on being reincarnated by then, so I’ll check it out and get back to you Stinky! 😁👳🧙‍♀️🧌

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Right on Jeano! From the top down hierarchy of the plutocracy to the vertical collaboration of Aquarius. The shift from the US Pluto Return opposing US Mercury to Pluto conjunct the US south node ...and ultimately the Moon. What a struggle but the destination is clear: the Aquarian ideal of authentic gender equality denied by the plutocrats that appropriated the sign of Capricorn, INC as in embodiment, for their authoritarian corporate INC.


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Good info. And yes, Pluto on the South Node means Pluto opposite the North Node in Leo—authenticity will be the idea. But that’s many years down the road. Right now I’m just happy to see the “little corporals” of the world getting their asses kicked. A guy on Tucker was talking about how this is clearly a time of Revolution and I do feel it. When we last had this transit—1778 to 1798—we wrote and ratified our Constitution, the French killed off their aristocrats, and Shay’s rebellion against bad economic times was put down by a private militia. Aquarius is erratic, and transformation painful. Work for humanitarian ideals or Pluto will surely implement chaos.

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Yes, an authentic gender equality from within is a shift out of the binary into holism. Venus conjunct Mars in Aquarius on the US South Node on 21 Feb 2024 in conjunction to Pluto. Major transformation of consciousness under this

Venus in Leo cycle bringing in holistic leadership reforming the system.

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This is where you turn off the TV and radio for the rest of your life. It is brain poison to keep playing this game. I could spend the rest of my life camping in an RV at a state park. Check out frozen head state park if you're ever in the U.S. again.

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"People are not treated with care and respect, they’re treated in accordance with their point-scoring ability in the game."

Reality Is Worse: People with few/No points are shamed, humiliated, beaten arrested, involuntarily institutionalized, medicated, jailed, and murdered. There is an openly declared war on the homeless and poor. Business groups are hiring thugs to harass and assault them, with the support of the "liberal" "good people", see this story:

The Rise of Private Cops: How Not to Tackle Homelessness


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Being homeless is a wonderful way for the government to take away all your rights. Watching the situation in Maui unfold is really entertaining. It was a situation caused by the government and people died because of it. Now it's being covered up. Now the homeless are being brought into the picture to obfuscate the real reasons and divert attention from the real issues. Apparently the homeless are still living on the streets rather than being put in hotels or shelters. Rather discriminatory in my opinion. It's another epidemic that the government is ignoring and exacerbating .

Since they aren't good consumers they are expendable. A subclass of humans.

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Being homeless is a wonderful way for the government to take away all your rights. Watching the situation in Maui unfold is really entertaining. It was a situation caused by the government and people died because of it. Now it's being covered up. Now the homeless are being brought into the picture to obfuscate the real reasons and divert attention from the real issues. Apparently the homeless are still living on the streets rather than being put in hotels or shelters. Rather discriminatory in my opinion. It's another epidemic that the government is ignoring and exacerbating .

Since they aren't good consumers they are expendable. A subclass of humans.

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Being homeless is a wonderful way for the government to take away all your rights. Watching the situation in Maui unfold is really entertaining. It was a situation caused by the government and people died because of it. Now it's being covered up. Now the homeless are being brought into the picture to obfuscate the real reasons and divert attention from the real issues. Apparently the homeless are still living on the streets rather than being put in hotels or shelters. Rather discriminatory in my opinion. It's another epidemic that the government is ignoring and exacerbating .

Since they aren't good consumers they are expendable. A subclass of humans.

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bill wolfe: Look up the peasant's revolt in England in the 13th century. People do rebel from time to time. NEVER let the King live if you do revolt.

But most times, the King kills the rebels.

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Only if you're a heroic basement dwelling gamer.

Real effectiveness comes from destroying the bureaucracy that supports the sovereign. Just dump them and their life's work into the shredder without honor or dignity.

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

Monetary systems do not survive in space with no underpinnings. When the financial systems implode, we go, you go and they go. Without 100's of millions or maybe billions of people supporting consumption and consumerism to same degree, the top 5% will vanish.

What are these clowns going to do with their billions when there is nothing to spend it on or no future to save for? All the wealth in the world cannot stave off the final destination for all of us...DEATH and a relinquishing of our life histories. In that, these putrid excuses for humans are no better than the lowest earth worm.

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Ever seen "Don't Look Up!"?

That film might as well be a documentary, in that it describes observable reality more accurately than many films in that genre.

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Earthworms nourish the soil!😂

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Crixcyon: During feudal times there was no consumer class and yet the Lords and Ladies and Kings and Queens did just fine.

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They're going to establish a separate future of their own. Some call that a class system.

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But as Caitlin points out, it isn’t about money in the traditional sense -- a medium of exchange -- it is gaming the numbers on the screen. This is also about the fall of western civilization where number continues to be used in science and mathematics strictly as quantity. In western linear reductionist thinking, the integer is not considered autonomous, having meaning, a characteristic of quality found in the I Ching, for example. If number was treated holistically in western though, there would be meaning behind the gaming, where numbers provide wisdom, a stillness connecting to the infinite, rather than appeal to the animalistic ego desire ...for more!!!

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>animalistic ego desire ...for more

This is merely Christian propaganda laundered through the New Age movement. In actual historical fact, artisans, craft workers and others who controlled their own labor time did not acknowledge this game of competitive self-maximization. When times were good, they took more time off. It wasn't until well into the modern era, with the commons enclosed into property, that people started to submit to maximization.

All Greatness is a scam to make you love Smallness.

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This is an excellent analogy for the detrimental effects of “business” or as my late mother called it, “mad moneyism”. The notion that life should consist of competing rather that cooperating is fundamentally absurd.

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Video games are the new system of education that does the hard work of actually having to teach children and adults the indoctrination process of how to become social zombies. Remember, the Globalists don't want a smart population, only dumb and obedient. Game Over.

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So, this game where we these people are getting points from other people, then make scoring points harder for most. After that the earth has only a set amount of points and we share them with other living things and people. Yet a handful of players have more points than 75 percent of all players.

Here is the next thing, mass production, we are pulling massive resources rapidly for increased profits through supply side economics. We also aren't efficiently recycling our resources for balancing. We have deliberate forced obsoleteism where companies no longer support products to force consumers to buy new ones. Oh, if we have viable food products farmers can't sell, they dispose of them. If houses are available but too expensive for people, we just let them sit there, because...money.

Not only is the earth gamified, but the game is flat out rigged. To degamify it, we would have to have the majority of us think differently. This game is very addictive and people continue to play it despite constantly losing. People think they want to play this game because they think they will win, like winning the lottery. The earth doesn't even belong to humans alone, we live with many other living things and should and must take them into consideration. If too many of them lose, we will all lose.

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Brilliant interpretation of Neo-Liberalism achieving its goal -- making everything on the planet a commercial commodity with a price tag. By way of the Neoliberal alliance with postmodern “Woke” cult infiltrating global culture, the Ouroboros self-devouring is the unexpected unifying communal experience by way of daily shocks disseminated through news media. The spectacular crash of an ideology promulgated by the global oligarchy for the past 50 years and disseminated via their puppet cultural gatekeepers brings hope for a Great Awakening. This is full circle from the ignorance regarding the origins of unrestrained Liberalism engineered by traditional Liberal economist Milton Friedman and his “Chicago Boys”. Never mentioned about the heralded “Chilean Miracle” that left local production unprotected by way of drastically slashed import tariffs was the 30 percent of the population scrapping out a bare existence outside of the GNP! The “Chilean Miracle” myth was due to the death of all opposition in the bloody CIA backed 1973 coup. The installation of the repressive Pinochet regime crushed all memory of the Allende experiment of a truly Aquarian society. CJ calls up the Allende vision (crippled by US economic sanctions) as the beneficial alternative to unbridled capitalism: “We must build new systems in which we’re all collaborating toward the good of everyone and the good of our biosphere, not competing against each other to score more points.”

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I have come to believe, the peaceful transition to Socialism no longer exists. The Monopolists believe nuclear war is survivable. They will destroy most of us to acquire it all. My favorite topic now, What would Marx say.

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Neutron bombs (the ideal capitalist weapon - kill the people, preserve the infrastructure) did not exist in Marxs time. Nor did the internet,mass media, technology, military police state, digital currency etc al. Marx is outdated and believed in a violent overthrow of the capitalist system.

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"Stop trying to turn me into a religious prophet you Schweinhunden"

Why do you need to preserve the form of Greatness that makes games necessary?

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No problem, you won't hear from me.

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I was puppeting Marx in an attempt to re-situate him from an ideal supreme judge (aka god) to an intellectual who's left the world holding some very interesting ideas with some very rough edges.

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All Google search to my inquiry ( “FDA approval of Ivermectin” ) states that FDA approval of Ivermectin for Covid is not true -- literally 100s of items explicitly state it is NOT true to my inquiry.



• On Tuesday, August 8th, a DOJ attorney testified in a Louisiana courtroom at an FDA hearing that the FDA had always allowed physicians to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19. For some in the courtroom it was a startling untruth to unexpectedly hear, but she did state that.

• A lawyer representing the FDA said “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin to treat COVID.” That lawyer is Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA. She made her comments during oral arguments on August 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

We live in an Empire of Lies as intelligent Putin calls US…

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All factually true (but effectively false). *As I understand it*, FDA's part was only to run "horse paste" propaganda and let those "totally impartial" licensing boards do the dirty work of managing capital in their respective fields.

Also, the Epoch Times is a pro-Western propaganda operation connected with Falun Gong and not fit to believe.

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Correct on Epoch Times -- it is published by Falun Gong “religion” fanatics ....

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Probably the best yet from Caitlin. Clear, concise, forensic analysis. I really have nothing to add

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Lastly, there are no fixed rules, the rules of the game change at the whim of those in the lead. (Caitlin overlooked this.)

So we only need to revert to the hunter gatherers lifestyle (like Native Americans who are now being denied water rights by the US supreme court in defiance of a signed treaty).

I'd be delighted if Musk would move to Mars and take the rest of the idiotic sociopathic billionaires with him. We can throw in the military, federal government and federal reserve as a bonus. Just as long as they promise not to return for vacations . Redesigning their mega yachts may be a problem since there are no oceans, but that's their problem. Teslas should work fine. And if they dump billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere it will help warm up the planet. Everyone can be happy.

To get started, can we establish a national holiday boycotting the major corporations for a month? Call it National Minimalist Month. It might make them feel unwanted and hurry them on their way.

Let the Revolution begin!

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Boycotts do work. They have to be coordinated and targeted as was done to the South African apartheid regime. Israel comes to mind , want less, have less, love more.

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So my question is why does this idea of a boycott (consumers strike) fall flat on it's face here of all places? It's generally agreed that the corporations are responsible for the demise of the planet, consumerism is to blame, greed, avarice and narcissist behavior are to blame and yet here is a simple solution that can be easily implemented but no one wants to attempt it? So what's to be done? Continue to bitch and moan and point the finger at others?

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In a physical world—or in any convincing simulation—there will always be a wealth game. When that game is limited and controlled by certain collective systems of myth, religion, ethics, law, politics, and economics, it can be manageable. Perfection is impossible. Utopia means “nowhere.” But some systems do control the worst among us (for a time).

World history, however, proves that the wealth game never stays manageable, because eventually wealth = power, and that power always devolves into the power to dominate. (Show me one example when that was not the case.) The real reserve currency of this physical world is economic and military power. In the global capitalist game, wealth points equate to power points, and power allows and even encourages amoral domination, war, hegemony, and psychopathy (aka, evil). The richest/most powerful people eventually begin to explore and revel in the ways their wealth allows them to dominate others, including spouses, children, neighbors, employees, customers, citizens, even animals and ecosystems, and eventually strangers and foreign nations. If there is no higher power—usually a government and/or religion—the wealthy/powerful know no limit. At some point, these people have the power to ignore all those systems that control their lesser beings—i.e., us. They control the institutions of power—the governments, religions (currently the one known as Scientism), and even the myths (by Hollywood and the media). However, history does suggest there is a limit to this game, which is that when power allows the wealthy/powerful to control the rules—the “rules based order”—the end is near.

Prior to nuclear weapons, “the end” only meant the end of a people (as tragic as that always is if you’re one of them) or even just a way of life. The end never before meant all people and all forms of sentient life. History is littered with the debris of ruined non-nuclear power games—Babylon, Rome, Spain, Britain. As we know, the problem with the current wealth game is that there is now a nuclear option, and the ultimate expression of power is now the ability to literally end not just this game for its players, but all games for all players for ever. Imagine the ultimate rush of power the psychopath will feel as he or she presses The Button.

If we, as a species, allow the worst among us to continue their unlimited domination over us, perhaps that is the end we deserve.

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

One wonders if it is all just random nonsense, i.e. Waiting for Godot absurdity, or there is some kind of teleological endgame that perhaps is founded within the enigma of consciousness itself - which reality appears to be fine-tuned - with unbelievable precise mathematics and unimaginable required sequences for life to even exist.

Maybe this is a learning period for the species before we gain the technological ability to leave the cradle of Earth for good. That if we destroy our cradle, then perhaps we do not "deserve" an incredible future that could await the species.

Or maybe it's all just an accident. Consciousness a happenstance byproduct of still not understood processes - but of which teleology is a fantasy sticker we put on to our paltry lives to give meaning to the absurdity underlying a mechanical universe. For here we are, worrying so much about the future of everything - when we ourselves have but a few decades more before we wink out of existence. We have this fantasy of continuing existence - and our minds fail to understand an end comes - we cannot imagine beyond our non-existence - and think there is still meaning in it. Our mind thinks continuity - but is it just a phony mirage?

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You ask all the questions that still—for me—don’t have any completely satisfying answers, despite respectable efforts by the likes of Lao Tzu, Gautama, Plato, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, the Wachowski sisters, etc. My own current thinking/imagining seems to lean toward the dualist mythologies of gnostics and Manichaeans, since it seems, if we are brutally honest about the evidence of our own senses and if we recognize how lies more often than not seem to so easily prevail over truth, that this “material world” (that the scientists tell us is all there is) is essentially evil with perhaps a small amount of good mixed in—the good arriving here by accident during creation, or by being kidnapped or captured (like POWs) by evil and now being held against its will and trying to escape. The ancient myths about such things are quite colorful and varied, and far more imaginative, complex, and satisfying (to me) than the drab religious myths of orthodox Judaism/Christianity. But ultimately, I’m not sure humans have sufficient sensory inputs or the cognitive capacity to grok it well enough to even begin to understand consciousness (or being). Are we people dreaming we’re butterflies or butterflies dreaming we’re people? Do we see the world as shadows on Plato’s cave wall? Even the Apostle Paul admitted we “see through a glass darkly”. And now Nick Bostrum has lots of us thinking “reality” is just a really advanced computer game and we are all just algorithms in the mind of some AI. If Bostrum is right, it sure would explain how purely evil people like Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, Victoria Nuland, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab seem to run the world, and why we feel we have so little chance of defeating them in the final boss fight while simultaneously believing it will be fun as hell to try. Still, even if we never find any definitive answers to all the questions you raise, looking for the answers—the journey not the destination—may, in the final analysis, be the point of it all. OTH, if that's the case, I'll be among those complaining about how the game/movie ought to have been a lot better. Cheers.

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Aug 20, 2023·edited Aug 20, 2023

Well that's just it though, as Ann Rice quipped, if death really is the end, you won't even get to know the answer or have a chance to "complain". You'll die never knowing what any of it was about. You won't even get the satisfaction of an answer to the question of your existence, and for many, a life full of suffering.

But then there is the question of why is there anything at all? Or even, as Stephen Hawking once remarked, "Why does the universe go through all the bothering of existing?" I find myself confronted with these type of existential questions more and more, as the hourglass of sand of my own mortality begins to run out. What was it all about? What is any of it about? Why all the suffering for so many powerless tragic victims in the world? How do you square the awful suffering of so many - with the all to human aspirations of love and desired personal growth? Or is it all just a stage play - as you say, we are butterflies dreaming we're people? Then all the blood and suffering is simply pretend blood and suffering - and our actual reality of being lies beyond the pretend stage of human life. Could this be the case? And there are many hints (even scientific hints) that this may be possible. But still - there is the violent brutality and silence of death itself. Where a soul is ripped away from our reality permanently with no reverse gear.

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JackSirius: Your comment is a long one stating the obvious. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely said by Lord Acton is a lot shorter.

There is no changing human nature. Maybe we can moderate OUR OWN human nature if we try. But a top-down approach never works.

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