Frankly, the schizophrenic US 'policy' (if such a farce can be called that) has merely re-affirmed my long-held view that there is no 'Diplomatic' end to this Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing. Only the end of the Vile Zionist Entity (a la defeat on the field of battle) will end this Tragedy.

The American 'Elite' & leaders ought to be thanked; they have demonstrated LIVE to the whole world that they stand for nothing, & Force Alone is the language they speak.

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire

“I guess the only time most people think about injustice is when it happens to them.” - Charles Bukowski,

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The pundits, politicians, thought leaders and the rest of us have to start seeing how we treat each other as more important than making money. Instead of cutting back on health care, education, and money to help people living in poverty, it could be an idea to start taxing in a serious way, those that are making millions, billions, and even trillions of dollars and then using that tax money to make the lives of the people easier. And, of course, if we have any hope at all of seeing our poor earth revive and continue, we HAVE to stop these wars. I am not sure any of that will ever happen.

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Hi Caitlin. I started reading you after 7th of October and I have agreed with everything you have said. I thank you for your courage. However in this article came the first sentence I am not agreeing with: "We don’t know how to keep eight billion homo sapiens alive without destroying the ecosystem.” In a very general way, I would state that West does not know, very modern and historically privileged people do not know. Not a suprise!. But there are other people, other cultures, other regions, some that hold actually the “majority”, literally, who still remember that not so long ago we were able to have practices that were much more sustainable (from less production, less consumption to much less pollution). This happened while every Northern country entered into the race of making itself very dependent on oil, which means being very dependent on a cheap, easily accessible, extremely concentrated, source of energy to do things fast and intensively, in accelerating mode, for profit -while extracting and impoverishing other places and peoples-. At the same time, the “South” was convinced about “development” -legalizing extractivism-. Without this source of energy we would, probably, have continued our more wise, slow paced way of being, of existing. Modernity is not independent of the powers you see acting over Gaza now. It is not independent of Capitalism and thousands of associated ills. SO, coming back to your sentence: It is not the whole humanity that is jeopardizing what is left on the Planet. It is a particular culture. It is a way of understanding life. It is indeed a competition imposed by conquest using the military idea at industrial scale + the silent power organized by hegemonic economic ruling -again, one absurd idea over the rest of possibilities-. Research this: Not everybody base their existence on competition over the face of Earth. There is still solidarity, and me, at my age (45) still can say that I have had the chance to see that working in my country, Colombia. I saw this happening during my childhood among communities of peasants and it still happens, still surviving as the modern frontier expands to kill it, with all its twisted arguments that more and more people challenge and discredit by mere common sense -over there, the common sense is local!-. People in Colombia are killed everyday for defending their principles. Social leaders are called. So the resistance is being attacked, but still occurs and fluorishes. Go to Degrowth and research what it is (European self-criticism! well done). Go to post-development and research what it is. Go to the Latinamerican decolonial scholars and plenty of people writing in spanish or fighting in the territories in Latinamerica to see what are the solutions that those indigenous peoples and descendents of them, have proposed for decades to every socioenvironmental crisis on Earth. They are not heard in US, and still, that does not mean they don´t exist. They are part of the 8 billion. I am sure there are many more in Asia and in Africa. We are the majorities. Blaming the 8 billion for their ignorance is absolutely unfair. The West reveals its ignorance. The Southern elites are their arms and mouths and should also be blamed. But there are billions of people thinking differently. The dispossessed, the “nobodies”… very often the wisest.

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To make matters worse the presidential election should be null and void as both Biden and Trump are agents for the empire, both willing to do its dirty work as ordered. If Americans value their republic now is the time to speak.

The fact that these two are front runners speaks to just how critical is the situation.

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There is no time, no money for saving the planet and humanity. There is too much profit to be made and the USA with help from it’s toadies in Canada and France are about to occupy Haiti via their proxies from Kenya so there will be an endless round of murders of Haitian citizens to fund. So, no money for humanity, no time to learn to swim.

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The only way 8 billion humans can live sustainably on the earth is for each individual to be willing to sacrifice. Sacrifice comfort. Sacrifice convenience. Sacrifice consumption. Yet sacrifice is the one word no one wants to hear.

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"We’ve got some ideas about how this could be done, but we’ve never actually done it. In the extremely short amount of time this planet has had billions of humans on it, we’ve never come anywhere remotely close to figuring out how to avoid cataclysmic disaster and nightmarish dystopia. We’re still very much on that trajectory, and because of the competition-based systems we have in place, nothing is happening to steer us away."

Caitlin's last sentence in that citation hit the nail on the head. We need to get rid of an economic world order based on competition and replace it with one based on cooperation, the sharing of our now mostly abundant resources thanks to the technology provided to us by the Industrial Revolution rather than allowing a few to have near-total control over how it's disbursed and to allow 99% of us very limited access to. That is, only as much as we can *pay* for with money. Which means, get rid of competition for resources; get rid of class divisions; get rid of money, and eliminate the cause of over 95% of all serious human conflicts.

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The mass destruction of Korea in the 1950s The mass destruction of Vietnam in 60/70s The mass destruction of Libya and Iraq and too many countries ro name them all But to the last one Gaza all destroyed b y the same power thew US Neocon power. But Neocon is a mask of Zionism which controls both the country which is doing the destruction Israel- and the supplier of the means of destruction the U.S . Stupid evil is still evil. But highly intelligent and massively powerful evil is terrifying and we are living in its midst

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This needs to go viral. Guest whose idea it was to build the pier? Netanyahu suggested it to Biden 5 fcking months ago on October 22.


Biden like all US presidents is being told what to do by Israel. That’s much more than election interference that shitlibs are bonkers over thinking that Russia got Trump elected. AIPAC should have long ago registered as a foreign entity.

H/T Moon of Alabama

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American foreign policy is run by dual American/Israeli citizens and they are the last people to have an unbiased opinion of the region and the two peoples currently locked in an existential struggle. The scale of wanton murder by the Israeli Defence Force hasn't been seen since the slaughter of Russian Christians in the 20s and 30s by the Jewish/Bolshevik Cheka, NKVD, and the GUGB that eventually warped into the KGB in 1954. Is it a coincidence that we are dealing with the same murderers today?

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October 7th? Sure, you can't attack your attackers, your prison guards, your apartheid masters, the peversity of Jewish State of Jewish Occupied Palestine's theft of land and thousands shot in the knee-caps or point blank in the head.

Nah, sure, being occupied, being imprisoned, detroying families, nah, Oct. 7 was something else, not self-fucking-defense?

Get real. Then, we have putridity from Sy Hersh. Jesus, these people, these elites and semi-elites like Sy, living the New York Jewish journalist life, he just can't cut the umbilical cord of Dirty Dirty Israel.


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The Venus Project had some good ideas.

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"Saying it’s racist and evil to criticize Zionists is like saying it’s racist and evil to criticize conservatives. It’s a fucking political ideology."

Freedom of speech says we have the right to criticize any and all political ideologies. I guess that's why they want to take freedom of speech away from us like they do TikTok. They're fascistic, these Zionists.

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Thank you again. You write so well, it really helps what’s left of my sanity.

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If you want to understand the U.S. idea of how Palestinians should be treated for resisting colonisation, occupation anf apartheid, read the history of the U.S. and the hundreds of years of flat genocide they wreaked on the native Americans.

And if you want to see a real example of what Biden Blinken and the Israelis mean by a “two state solution” I suggest travelling around the U.S. and visiting the reservations that are the supposed territory of “sovereign” Native American “nations”.

As James Baldwin said pointedly, the European vision of the world is not only obsolete, it’s downright lethal to most people on the planet.

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