Excellent. The “respect the dead” bs is always applied to the perps and not their victims. Respect the dead victims by calling war criminals exactly what they are and especially at their death when they are briefly the focus of attention.

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Your framing things this way was brilliant, as is so often the case; a talent not to be overlooked.

The default position when regarding the statements of any government should be one of healthy skepticism. With the United States, this skepticism can safely be increased 100-fold.

I don't believe the act of dying makes one noble; only living a decent life can do that. I suppose they say don't speak ill of the dead because they aren't around to defend themselves. You know who else isn't around to defend themselves? At least a hundred thousand Iraqis.

We must stop elevating the worst among us.

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It must be noted that I under-counted the number of innocent Iraqi dead due to criminals like Colin Powell by a mere 900,000, give or take, and didn't even get around to mentioning the number extinguished by him and his like in the bloody jungles of Vietnam.

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"The default position when regarding the statements of any government should be one of healthy skepticism." Really? Well, that's what the Founders told US, don't let government get Big because you will be taken down, and now we have 'Progressivism' and Colin Powell/International Socialist Gangsters. So much better than the real Constitution of course...hateful white men. And America BAD! It's not longer America it's some new 5th Gen Warfare speaking points. The propaganda is winning...

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Who are these international socialist gangsters that Colin Powell allied himself with?

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Here's a good link to find out, and also how to find the same info yourself (my only worry is why they are so eager for US to find out this information now?): https://youtu.be/UNg3Vnfu4Pk

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Whatever, thank God for the great equalizer against the 'pillow'.

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Colin Powell was a Puppet, that's it. It's not about America or anything really but corruption at the top of the pile (International). America was lost when it became 'Progressive' and bought into this whole scheme, sorry to say. So this is what you get...enjoy! So much better. Powell, he did what he was told by the DS, not America.

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Thank you for the kind words but please don't put me in a rank, or yourself either. Caitlin brings us both here and together we share and react to what she has to say. Leave the ranks to the Army.

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THANK YOU !!!!! - drowning in bipartisan hagiographies of a mediocre general who promoted Iraq invasion killing and injuring MILLIONS of people -- by shaking a bottle of anthrax at UN...

While another soldier is brutally punished -- now even by solitary confinement.

Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale Imprisoned In “Communications Management” Unit Designed For Terrorists == effectively in solitary confinement

Already Alexis de Tocqueville was consternated with use of this torture in the US - several centuries ago !!!

Daniel is the first person convicted for an unauthorized disclosure of information to the press to be incarcerated in a CMU, which the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) claims is for terrorists and “high-risk inmates.”


Brutal punishment is for spoiling St. Obama's legacy of “killing only militants”- with truth of mass killings by drones by Obama's criminally redefined terminology -- “militant” is any male above 18 year of age

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Note that his son, Michael Kevin Powell (born March 23, 1963) become deeply corrupt chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. There he spearheaded creation of monopolies and media concentration to only seven companies.

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A fictional reenactment:

Scene: Glass meeting room in open plan cubicle office of newsroom.

Big Boss Editor: "Alright, crew, Powell just died. We're not gonna use our normal obit which, as you know, is pre-written years in advance....because it was decided it wouldn't serve in the present more critical dot com social media environment....so...I need you guys to brainstorm an intro to bring him [Powell] in to the national convo in a beneficial way...."

....30 Minutes pass...as staff discuss.

Final presentation begins 35 minutes into the meeting:

Staffer: "Sir, our psyche team suggests we can lead with the top of mind topic, covid, highlight how he died of covid....and..."

Big Boss Editor[interrupting]: "But technically he didn't.....[die of covid]"

Staffer: "Yes sir, but psyche-crew say its our best lead in..."

Editor: "Ok...Ok...continue..."

Staffer: "Umm so we staff agreed that we follow the covid news of his death with a leading question...sorta one that answers 'how did he get it'..sorta thing..."

Editor: "hmm...."

Staffer2: "we could follow with an answer, y'know, like "he was vaxxed, but he got it anyway..' This ties in even more deeply to present relevant top-of-mind news space...and by now the viewer should be anchored in a completely different news frame from the one normally associated with Powell, sir..."

Editor: "Ok guys, I like your stuff....let's roll with it....I want copy on every network news desk in 2 hours tops....roll it"


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You assume that Bush had any power. He didn't, he was just the messenger for the real players. Presidents are nothing more than instruments of the State/Deep State now... Otherwise, it's just a spoof piece and is for sure dark humor.

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lol: For the R rated version, i'd throw in a description of one of BVSH's dialogues while he's "doin a line of coke off the desk".....lol.

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The hagiography on NPR this morning was very disturbing. Powell's only "crime" was of course his greatest -- lying to the UN about Iraq.


Maybe you'll would like to tweet to the writer of the story or contact him on facebook and tell him was a lying sack of .... he is.

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Note that this obedient apparatchik of ruling "elite" started early -- he investigated and whitewashed My Lai massacre issuing his finding about excellent relationship between population and US soldiers -- two years later, thanks to courageous whistleblowers, this and zillion other massacres emerged.

Continuity, Abu Ghraib horror was - "few bad apples only", still "secret" three-fingers in the eye torture in Guantanamo is "selective" only, Daniel Hale in solitary confinement but Assange will be treated "more humanely"

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"War is a Racket" and Colin Powell was a chief enforcer for the corporate gangster racketeers. He was not a patriot, b'cuz patriots don't lie to the people to start wars. He was a war criminal who followed illegal and immoral orders because he saw himself as a "good soldier."

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in an evil system, the worst elements (scum) float to the top, logically. from this truism flows all the other analyses, opinions, conjectures, etc. thank you Caitlin for putting these awful realities in clear, incisive, and thus enjoyable (!) writing, again.

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Powell was just another Puppet, black or not. That's about it...that's the real message. 'The They' owned him and in reality land they may have found him to now be a possible loose end. Plus, don't overlook he was sooooooo well 'fully vaccinated'. I bet. Otherwise blaming 'America' or Blue or Red, White Males, etc., is just chatter as usual and it's what The They want Caitlin. Cheers, j

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Oh, I forgot to mention that he may not really be DEAD. God Only Knows. Of course, that's a stupid Conspiracy Theory like the Deep State exists. Whatever...

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