Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. Or screaming. Or damaging the drywall with your forehead. Thanks for your help.

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True. A US Navy destroyer chose to cruise the Taiwan Strait to wave dicks at China; Chinese warship shows up so the crew can point and laugh.

Actually, it was most kind of the Chinese to refrain from opening fire. The US is not so tolerant of anything it feels is intruding in its “space.” The latter of course defined by the US government as “whatever we say it is.”

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Is that really how the US government defines such things, "whatever we say it is"?

As I have said before, a couple of armed nuclear submarines parked off the coast of New York, international waters of course, may be the only event the make the US realise the world is not their sole domain, that the US is not master of the universe and that there are other points of view to be considered.....in everything.

As I have also said before the US displays of arrogance, not just limited to one to two countries but regular performances in all geographies, do nothing but build an even larger list of countries that have learnt to bide their time until the US makes a mistake, or when another country offers a better deal, exampled every day by the gradual consideration and moves to discarding the US dollar as the international trading currency, on the increase.

First step on the road to 'payback'........but a very big step in reality.

It seems to me to be too late for the US to change its ways, its arrogant policies, its constant power plays. The military / imdustrial profiteers and Israel now control the USA from top to bottom and the crowding activities off the coast of China will eventually cause an incident. The are likely designed to do just that.

No one wants to see another Cuban Missile Crisis as in 1962. But some how soon we need to see a geographic threat to the US to make them clearly realise that others live on this planet, not just American profiteering arms manufacturers with their drones, depleted uranium shells, warships, aircraft and 800 military bases worldwide and with all commands getting the nod from the 'chosen people', Netanyahu's nasties, 400 nuclear weapons primed and ready to serve their cause in the oil rich Middle East.

(For interest, 1500 years of oil reserves in Venezuela, then comes Saudi, then Iran, but way down the lis we see just 11 years of oil reserves in the USA). Relevant do you think?)

The clock is ticking. WWII ended with just two bombs. Just one could start WWIII. Even the very unsteady military mouthpiece Biden, must know that. Surely.

Right now, because of the above, the US is a sitting duck. How many people live in New York City?

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WWII ended with just two bombs - WWII was already ended - the US dropped those bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki just to try and intimidate Russia. After Russia seemed to be the main reason that Germany lost. And THEN the G7 meets in Nagasaki and uses Nagasaki (right after the US dropped a nuclear bomb on it - and its civilians) as a scary thing Russia might do. With NO shame displayed by the US, and no blame displayed by Japan. WTF. IMO, what the US did was give a very necessary early warning to Russia that Russia needed to think about having nuclear bombs of its own.

As usual, the US truly honestly believes it is the only country with a dick. And though that dick requires more and more ruinously expensive Viagra.

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YES THE days of the self.appointed World Policeman are on the wain...

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Hilarious, but sad, in highlighting how absurd and insanely hypocritical are US propagandists.

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The world's bully is getting its feelings hurt by being bullied itself. It better get used to it if it keeps on encroaching the Middle Kingdom.

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Reminds me of a Tucker Carlson clip I saw yesterday on YouTube, where he points out that Chinese companies are building infrastructure in South America and the Caribbean. And then he comments, "This is OUR hemisphere!" (My respect for Tucker has been fluctuating violently of late!)

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Belief in some form of the Monroe Doctrine [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_Doctrine] is deeply entrenched in the US. But somehow Americans seem unable to imagine that other great powers want to have a sphere of influence too.

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The Hemispherists are very suspicious of the Globalists!

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I understand they actually built their country between a ton of US military bases in a shocking act of aggression

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similar sounding to all those middle eastern countries having OUR OIL under their sand ...

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Damn right, little commie antagonists.... / Sarc.

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Stop trying to make fun of America. We can do that ourselves.

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But surely, the more the merrier !!.

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Nailing it once again, Catelin! There are no words fit to praise your work.

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US Hypocrisy shining brightly! So weary!

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T'was me, I'd place as many Chinese warships in the Florida Strait as there are American warships in the Taiwan Strait, and start working on placing as many Chinese military bases in Canada and Mexico as there are American military bases encircling China.

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odd thought ...

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incomplete sentence

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The most minimal incomplete sentence possible.

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Punctuation is part of grammar but not content.

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There is a large glossary of terms missing in these times. One of them is "brinkmanship" which was coined by none other than John Foster Dulles(brother to the infamous Allan Dulles). It means to keep your opponent of the cusp war with endless provocations, in hopes they will capitulate or start a war where you can claim to be on the defensive.

Just imagine what would happen if a Chinese warship showed up near San Diego California!

This is also known as "gunboat diplomacy" on the part of the US, just as was Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.

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Greetings from China. In Singapore recently, defense minister Li Shangfu 李尚福 asked the audience (a) what, since this is an Asian security conference, are countries from another continent doing here? (b) why, throughout the conference, China is considered "expansionist", "aggressive" and "bullying" only at its doorsteps but never at other countries? In both cases, he meant not only the US but also Germany, UK, Europe etc. Hey, whitey, care to enlighten us with some answers?

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I wonder what media would say if the Chinese were to sail between Cuba and the u.s.? I would pay to see it. I have to ask why that isn't on China's schedule for next week?

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I am ex-navy and we followed Russian subs and ships in and out of Cuba all through the 70's. Most times very aggressively!

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You've given them the idea.

Am sure it's now on the Agenda for their next weekly meeting..

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In a possibly related story, GOP stalwarts and centrist Democrats are hurriedly negotiating towards a Constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to stupidity.

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It is difficult not to be sarcastic on this issue. What can you say? it is so fucking ridiculous. You can imagine the hell breaking loose were the situation reversed and Western waters and air space hosting Chinese or Russian military ships, planes and maneuvers. The Chinese must and will continue to showdown these idiots, because it's either now or later.

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Perfect Onion headline!

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No idea what China is doing in the China sea. It's nuts.

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