First off, thanks for mentioning pro wrestling, a completely indefensible guilty pleasure of mine.

It's amazing that the same gang that lies consistently about drone strikes, Assange, COVID death rates, Venezuela, and Israel is supposed to be taken seriously regarding China.

In a land of 330 million people, the bland uniformity of our media and our congress constitute giant red flags.

I'm becoming increasingly convinced that those believing in mainstream propaganda do so willingly because it scratches some itch deep in their ego. Knowing this helps not at all.

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It's disappointing what a distraction China is even among those who understand the planpanic is a globalist attempt to bring about totalitarian rule and kill off a bunch of useless eaters. They pretend that the virus was created in China and deliberately spread around the world, but it's clear that planning for the planpanic went on for decades and that the instigators are people like Claus Schwab, Bill Gates and Tony Fauci. Much funding for GoF research at Wuhan came from Fauci's NIAID, laundered through the EcoHealth Alliance.

So let's take the worst case, that WIV was one of several labs that contributed to the development and release of SARS-Cov-2, and that the Chinese played along with globalist plans to unleash Covid-19 throughout the Western world. Consider what Napoleon reputedly told his marshals at Austerlitz, "the enemy is making a false move, why should we interrupt him?” Indeed, Western leaders have declared that China is an enemy, so why would they want to stop globalist leaders from destroying their own empire?

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"China is going to take over and give me a social credit score" is the new "Muslims are going to take over and impose Sharia law."

We already have a social credit score, it just isn't publicized yet.

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The internet and truth will be the empire's demise.

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CCP shilling bitch. You will never say one bad word about your CCP master.

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Thank you for demonstrating the brainwashed idiocy described in this article.

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Rudeness combined with ignorance is not the most winning combination.

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