The good news is the number of people plugged into MSM is waning.

The bad news is, it still exists.

Back in the 80s I think it was there was a Sunday talking heads show out of Washington, D.C. I used to watch. When that ads came on it was Archer Daniels Midland showing those big harvesters, GE showing nuclear plants and submarines, General Dynamics showing fighter jets, and Monsanto showing foreclosed family farms. Kidding; more of those big harvesters.

I didn't think much about it, only noting it's strangeness because I never saw those ads anywhere else, and I watched lots of TV back then.

Only later did I realize their purpose: those conglomerates were buying influence over which guests could be on and what came out of their mouths; the exact same thing these psychopaths Caitlin mentioned are doing today.

I've found if I talk to someone spouting nonsense it's a good bet they're still plugged into MSM.

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Ah, the good ole days. I used to watch those Sunday morning “news” shows, too. My favorite ad was from an obscure company called BASF. They used an especially memorable advertisement: “We don’t make the products you buy. We make the products you buy better.” I watched those ads for years before I learned that BASF was (and is) the largest chemical company in the world. Their latest formulation, Dicamba, is like Roundup—an herbicide that kills everything except the crops grown from their patented GMO seeds. In the years that BASF was a main sponsor of those Sunday shows, I suspect there were zero honest segments on water or air pollution, or on the harmful effects of GMO crops. I think we all understand on some level that sponsors completely control the message, but after a lifetime of hearing “this show is sponsored by” our brains completely turn off to what that really means. Fortunately, "alternative media", like Caitlin's posts, helps remove the toxic BASF "spiritcide" we've been exposed to most of our lives.

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Yes! I can still hear that BASF jingle in my head, along with the chipper "Sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" on those dreary NPR segments I used to subject myself to. My 95 year old mother tunes in to Brian Williams and Rachel Maddow, but anyone with access to the Internet really has no excuse for doing so.

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I find it hard to live with grace. I’m toast.

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They know they have to keep people contented or things will not go in their favour. So your piece is not far off lol.

All the more, people’s discontent should be encouraged. We should encourage people’s discontent and disgust with the current matrix, but at the same time offer something beautiful and visionary which they can fight for, share, and educate their friends with, and have fun doing it all.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Despite other issues, nations like China have a vision with things like the Belt and Road Initiative. Russia has a vision. And much of Eurasia is ultimately encompassed in this vision. All the while, the West retreats into further levels of delusion, alternate realities (whether with drugs, entertainment, social media, etc).

Great leaders like FDR, Kennedy, Lincoln, MLK all had a vision. From electrifying the Southern United States after years of swamps and slave-economies with Roosevelt’s Tennessee Valley Authority, to the Apollo Program which yielded a $10-$14 return for every dollar spent thanks to all the spin-off technologies that were then integrated into civilian economies, the world over needs a vision of great projects and goals that will actually develop and increase the productivity AND creativity of nations and people’s. And it also needs an artistic culture that awakens and sparks that natural creativity innate in human beings.

The oligarchical system on the other hand seeks to destroy creativity, or at least pervert it; it seeks to eliminate sovereignty, and the real productivity of nations and people (as opposed to the Wall Street speculative orgies on homes, food, currency, resources—everything that countries need for a healthy and stable economy with a long term perspective, rather than a short-sighted high profit model).

People are proud when they can say they built or created something, and they contributed to the next generations—to the future. When they feel all sense of purpose has been taken away, they retreat into self-absorbed fantasy, distractions, drugs, entertainment (as opposed to real art), anything to avoid the reality, or “cope.” However, despite sheer levels of ugliness and destruction, if people have a sense that they can actually be a part of something bigger, to reverse the destruction, and create something new and better that is rooted in humanity’s true nature, rather than a brave new world perversion, then they will fight, they will become creative.

They won’t let themselves, their children, and the future be enslaved.

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There don't seem to be any Rome G20 demonstrations today in The Virtual Reality.

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BDS, sabotage, disrupt, mess up their order. feed garbage into their "data stream". fake outrage, distort their perception of us, put fear into their mind, etc etc etc. we are many, and they are just a few.

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Thanks for pulling the curtain back and exposing these billionaires for what they are--wannabe demigods. It's time to start building the guillotines.

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LOL! Where fantasy meets reality in the rubber road of the billionaire Class.

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Caitlin was just praised on Matt Tiabbi’s substack - Matt just did a piece on the “Go Brandon Go/Fuck Joe Biden” nascar chant.

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They are now substituting their new show, Join the Matrix, reality (TV+Computer Devices) as legacy TV viewing is waning. BETA and now this? I'm sure it wasn't planned... TV did wonders for them! I believe that this new Reality Show, as with TV, will work very well. Most people in the Western World are convinced Socialists already/solid: Government is good, it knows better than you, it's 'science' (knows Green New Deal is good it's not fake news' propaganda, and accurate, all because of Man (especially White Man), knows printing money is good (Keynes rocks!), knows Democracy is better than a Republic (f'the Constitution is a dead letter), knows they are Smarter and Better than the Bad People, and know taking and redistributing money (debt) is the way to go to save The World. Generally speaking they already KNOW this is going to work. Some might think they haven't tested it already? Hilarious. From their 1,000,000+ Terabytes of data that rivals (or meshes perfectly) with the NSA's/Corps in Charge (Vanguard/BlackRock Etc)? Yeah, they know. What to do? What to do? Wring hands mostly by the Socialist Left (who loves complaining endlessly about all kinds of fake news) and accuses anything and anybody, as the 5th Gen Warfare Plan has already guided them to this point, as the World Plan continues to be rolled out. Gonna be so much better! Build Back Better! America, is still the only problem for them at the grass-roots level because we still own weapons and ammo, and a portion of the military will not go with The They, at least The They know that too. There is a rebellion growing right now in America and we have means. The rest of the Western Free Slave World, already lost the war when they gave up their weapons and surrendered (now wearing the mask and taking the jab and Vaccine ID card and whatever The They SAY). Soon the final War of Words will be completely removed from them too, for their own good! All you can do now is try and be ready. But their own words, as Caitlin quoted, is the new normal reality already. JMO... Cheers, j

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