Those orchestrating the war with Russia and sacrificing Ukrainian lives are truly despicable and should be prosecuted as murderers. Just as GWBJR and his cronies should be for their invasion of Iraq.

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The architects of both wars are the same self-promoting, morally twisted, parasitic chicken-hawks. Along with Kagan and Wolfowitz and Perle, we should remember that Rumsfeld and Cheney, both Bushes, both Clintons and, of course, Barack Hussein Obama all played their roles in killing persons they arbitrarily identified as enemies.

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It seems to me that multiple objectives are being completed here. 1.) MIC spending & refurbishment for "jobs at home". 2.) MIC spending for Russia/China - eventually upgrading both sides stockpiles. 3.) testing ground for the latest military tech for both sides. 4.) meat grinder - dead soldiers cost their counties little to nothing. (death cult) 5.) Destroying all the evidence of decades of spy-craft from all major nations with crooked interests/influence in Ukraine (just like say .... Afghanistan?)

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They’re wrong. Russia is getting immensely stronger while nato has severe cracks in its armor. The world is rallying around Russia as well. These minions in Washington miss the forest for the trees. China and Russia will likely retaliate simultaneously on the US soon. The karma here will be brutal. 500k dead Ukrainians and Washington’s claims windfall.. head shaking they can’t see what’s coming

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The whole idea is to divert Russian (and Chinese) economic growth into the wasteful morass of military spending. This is why Russia is trying to use minimal force in Ukraine. The US hopes to provoke them into conquering all of Ukraine, but Russia knows it can't afford it so it won't happen. I think the battle lines will stay as they are.

Some might ask, if military spending is weakening then why does the US do so much of it?

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Because the military-industrial complex here is basically a corporate endeavor. In countries with communist economies, CEO’s aren’t there to rake in the cash.

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They're not wrong - they don't care. They'll say whatever needs to be said while hoping that nothing dramatic happens for the rest of their lives.

They couldn't care less what becomes of the world once they're gone. They're atheists in the best sense of the word.

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Since when are atheists also bad? Please control your prejudices.

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Do atheists believe in afterlife? Or do they're think they're just "worm food" once they die?

That's the sense I used "atheists" in. Let me know if you still object and in what way.

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There is no afterlife -- for us and for bacteria and anything else.

But - there is a continuing thread of life on Earth for four billion years.

A biochemical “miracle” - discover magnificence of nature by reading, e.g. any of wonderful books by Prof. Nick Lane -- “The Vital Question”, “Power, Sex and Death” or “Transformer” -- and the miracle in each of your cells (all two trillion of them) -- mitochondria, which were bacterias two billion years ago.

You would appreciate your life more....

And please don’t spread your prejudices against freedom of all of us to chose our beliefs.

Your proud atheist who respect your beliefs...

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Are those references indisputable proofs? Or just some conclusions by some people, albeit scientists?

At any rate, "don't spread your prejudices" sounds like a demand that is uncalled for. First you'd have to prove I have "prejudices", second, that I "spread" them. This is Caitlin's forum, not yours, and she would decide what's appropriate and what's not.

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You are obviously beyond help and -- an embarrassment to your religion.

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I am an atheist too but I would never talk to someone, who holds certain beliefs, Boris you are out of line.

People believe all sorts of things and sometimes this is called comfort.

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It's not "bad" to hold a different viewpoint from yours, especially when you don't try to convert anyone like the christians do.

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It's not just Christians that look for converts. Ever been to a political rally. And what do you think the neo cons have been trying to do. They call it spreading dermocracy. A ballot box instead of a Bible, but both backed with a gun.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

What exactly were you trying to say? Did I ever say atheists were bad? Boris for some reason tried to put it in my mouth following some of his mental processes, but that's the question to him.


- some atheists are proselytizing

- not all Christians (see Orthodox) are

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I am an atheist, but I do not WANT anything to happen what these psycho/sociopaths do (for me it is about ethics and not fear of some god or flying coffee pot out there which makes me a 'good person') ... so what are my options? Killing? Voting? Hoping? Jump off a cliff? Running amok (which is rampant in this country)?

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To borrow from Carl Sagan."..we are made up of the very same atoms that came into existence with the Big Bang........ we are the eyes and the ears of the universe listening to itself". Perhaps the "Afterlife" is to return to the all - encompassing existence from which we emerged.

Or as some traditional cultures believed, we are all children of the Mother, and when the time comes Mother calls her children home.

There are more believable and comforting theories out there than an old bearded, white patriarch telling us how to be.

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For sure if Carl Sagan himself weighed in on the subject then there can be no further argument...

But seriously, no one knows whether there's afterlife or not. Believing there is one and that one's behavior here and now carries consequences can not but help one behave much better here. An atheist by definition does not believe so for him it's much easier to have no scruples about anything at all. That's all I wanted to say initially.

That is, I do not give a damn whether one is atheist or not and so the aggressive ones that without fail pop up as soon as their thin skins are punctured - in their opinion - should just take it easy. The "truth" is on their side, according to them, so why get their panties in a twist so easily?

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Carl Sagan wrote three (3) wonderful books on the subject and dangers of ignorance -- you obviously didn’t read any of them.

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"Believing there is ( an afterlife ) and that one's behavior here and now carries consequences can not but help one behave much better here."

If you'll pardon the Pythonesque, 'No - one expects the Inquisition'. No religion can wash their hands of blood.

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well, it's like saying that christians have no true morality, because their notion of wrong and right is solely based on what this vague, undefined ghostly personality supposedly said in an old book (edited and often interpreted by others claiming divine authority). is avoiding punishment from some higher authority all there is to 'morality'?

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You don't have to believe in god to believe in an afterlife.

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I’m an atheist. This idea that atheists have no sense of right and wrong and are purely selfish is completely off base. Every atheist i know has become this not by default but through research, education, deep thinking and lots of time. Atheists like myself believe we are in charge of own life and therefore what we do has a material effect on people and the world. It’s the opposite of what you’re implying honestly. We’re calm, at peace because we believe this is the only life we get. Grouping atheists with evil/narcissism and one looking to enrich their own life is way off in general.. Generalizing period is typically a mistake.. That said, i understand what you meant.

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"this is the only life we get" - and that's what Kristol and his ilk are thinking. They don't give a shit what happens after they're gone. A true believer can never be like that.

OK, so he's a "bad" atheist if it makes you happy.

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No - you are just silly and full of prejudice. History is full of horrors created by your “true believers”

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Welp the greatest mass murder in modern history has been perpetrated by atheists. From Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot millions of people have been summarily murdered. The CCP is still killing people of ANY faith. There have been many murders in the name of religion, it’s just that the atheists have been exceptionally proficient at it.

I know that simply proclaiming faith or the lack there of isn’t a character inventory. Ppl of all walks are judged by deeds, not words. Even ppl of faith have free will, having faith is a choice that does not require leaving your brain at the door.

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People call themselves many things, including "true believers". But one is judged by one's deeds, not words. The horrors perpetrated by those you called "true believers" would have to be attributed based on that.

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Maybe they are Satanists and believe the Devil will honor and reward them.

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Maybe they are. But in this particular regard they're undistinguishable from atheists. Well, "bad" ones, to accommodate the OP.

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You're correct — they don't care, because they're criminally psychopathic. Believing in god is irrelevant.

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Not believing helps, not hinders. As another commenter mentioned they might be satanists, so also believers.

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Perhaps atheists in the worse sense? Religious beliefs, if you must have them, shouldn't be politicized. Most though, are quite ridiculous, and no more moral than Tai Chi or Yoga: something that makes you feel good isn't necessarily good in the moral sense. Like drinking or drugs. Who knows, perhaps there is another life after this. Could be, but so what? We are given one life at a time, that is sure. In any case, messing up this life doesn't portend well for the next, if there is one.

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W said that God told him to invade Iraq.

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gee dub

also claimed

'that dick tole me to in-

vade the Wrong country!'


yet he Still cannot wash

the Blood of his hands

no matter how Many

times he paints him-

self in the shower.

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It's inconsistent with the hypothesis that neocons are atheists.

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And whose hypothesis is that?

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The person who wrote " They're atheists in the best sense of the word."

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normally, the christian god will forgive them if they repent. but maybe that's different in (russian) orthodoxy?

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I doubt they think about it, believe or care.

Sociopaths care only for self and power, and we surely are ruled by sociopaths.

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i googled "can sociopaths repent?" and "can true christians be sociopaths?", interesting ... but not incompatible at first glance.

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Good to hear that Russia is stronger since all this conflict. And US plotters will be surprised at the results when they don't match up with their vision.

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Totally agree.

All their arrogant over-think will come to this: Shitfire, who knew?!

And they may be playing us (middle Americans) as the secure Queen piece before checkmate, but given the elite capture of our sociopathic overlords, the thought of surviving the weapons of mass destruction is subject to the laws of unintended consequences -- to be fully realized as the state of (fallen) nature ascends from the bottomless pit. Identified as ‘coarse, brutal, and short .’

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I see this in no possible way weakening china, they got loads of cheap fuel, and really had little to do with the whole affair

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Yeah I gotta question the mentality that this is or will weaken China. I’ve also read that our strategic stockpiles have been plundered to an imprudent low making any future need to actually defend our selves harder.

The powers that be are inept morons who hold most Americans in contempt anyway so I doubt they care about any repercussions.

As long as their own pockets are heavily lined they are certain they can escape retribution themselves.

No one with even half a heart would be anything but horrified at the loss of life and the misery war visits upon the people it comes to.

I don’t see where diplomacy was even attempted. This neocon admin and the crazies on both sides have brought shame upon us all. I do not forgive them.

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For what reason would China and Russia do this?

They don't need to.

US is finished maybe they will come in and pick up the pieces.

Not every country thinks the way the US does thank heavens.

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From Afghanistan to Ukraine and every Made in America debacle in-between, no one gets everything more wrong than Bill Kristol.

“A Neocon Monster: The Ruinous Lies & Crimes of Bill Kristol, Now a Major Foreign Policy Thought-Leader in the Democratic Party | SYSTEM UPDATE” - Glenn Greenwald


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For a salesman truth doesn't much matter. What does matter is MAKING THE SALE. Mr. Kristol does very well with that.

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Bill Kristol raises his hooded cobra face again. He should live here in Canada: we love fascists and fascist supporters here - like murderous separatist Khalistan SFI movement. Check their record in Canada - not pretty. Canada is a veritable first choice for violent separatists. We invited the SS murderer and Ukraine supporter, Yaroslav Hunka, to speak before parliament, and now we are trying to pin that little faux-pas on the speaker of the house when his job is merely to oversee an orderly procedure, not select any guest speaker whatever.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

That video should be watched by everybody who cares. The Parliament giving a standing ovation more than once to an SS galizische Nr. 1 division member.

Canada - Heil Hitler! Sieg Heil! "Nazi Canada" is the designation I'll be using from now on.


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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

Even if the Speaker of the House was entirely and solely responsible for inviting that criminal, why did nobody in the government of H.M. Dominion speak up? Can they not operate google?

And why did the Parliament all applaud like trained seals or performing monkeys? Are they incapable of asking questions or doing research?

They're only ashamed at the backlash.

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"Earlier, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) said “deeply troubled & disturbed” that Hunka “was celebrated with a standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament.”

In a statement, it added, “Canada’s Jewish community stands firmly with Ukraine. But we can’t stay silent when crimes committed by Ukrainians during the Holocaust are whitewashed.”"

See, no matter what they will stand with Ukraine. What a people!


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They won’t even mention the genocide committed against the Ethnic Russians in the Donbas which is part of Russia now and continues to be shelled like it has been for almost 10 years now. I don’t understand Jewish people supporting Ukraine and the continuous atrocities committed against the Palestinians by Israel. Six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust. They of all people should know better than this. Makes no sense!! These Ukrainian Galicians were not freedom fighters at all. They were full blown Nazi Collaborators and murdered innocent men, women and children in what was then Soviet Ukraine. This monster who the Canadian Parliament gave a standing ovation to was one of them. These monsters murdered Jews, Poles, and yes some of their own people(Ukrainians that wanted no part of this hateful ideology). Just like the Azov battalion & other forces of Ukraine have been doing to ethnic Russians in the Donbas. It needs to STOP!!

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One of the most infamous Ukrainian oligarchs is Igor Kolomoiski, a Jew, who financed Azov among others after the 2014 coup. Back then he flashed a t-shirt saying "жiдобандера" which is combination of two words: pejorative for a Jew, spelled in Ukrainian (жiд) and an adherent to Stepan Bandera (бандера). Basically - "banderite-kike".

What else is there to say?

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The irony being that in Jewish folk memory, Galicians were the stupidest and most orgish antisemites of them all.

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I've seen photo evidence of early Banderite atrocities against human beings that I wish I hadn't seen. A recent Azov video records these bastards boasting they "enjoy killing'', therefore are bound to win. Nazis run the show in Ukraine, yet the West doesn't care. The hatred of Russia is so palpable and irrational they would support Beelzebub in wrecking them. They won't succeed even so, but the stench of demons will never wash off.

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Right, but in pursuit of profit, ultimately, they will sell out anything and anyone. Poles are doing basically the same. The others seem to prefer staying coy, but these guys are very open and proud about it.

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I know the Polish mentality well. Too many Poles would gladly slit their own children's throats if that meant that an American would pat them on the head and call them a good dog. That goes double if their children's deaths would somehow spite Russia.

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This is a great example of gaslighting the public that's been going on for a long time. It's been working rather well, so the practice will continue.

In any case, Zelenskiy knew. The Jew who is celebrating a Nazi. But it won't matter as the Jewish organizations, while disagreeing with Canada on this, "stand with Ukraine" firmly.

Here's "Jason Cherniak, a Jewish lawyer from Richmond Hill who was present in the Parliament for Zelensky's speech, said he also stood up and applauded Hunka assuming he was a “partisan who fought communist occupation after WWII.”


His ignorance about WWII is astonishing. The fucking lawyer to boot.

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He is either lying or is willfully ignorant, that is, he didn't do basic research because he knew that he wouldn't like the answers he got.

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Who did they think Hunka was? And yes, their utter reverence was disgusting. Maybe they should be better acquainted with the Ukraine issue before they slavishly support and throw money at it -money Canadians badly need, or aren't they aware of that either?

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America has made the most monstrous miscalculation in world history. Over the last half century they have spent trillions of dollars building the world's biggest army ,navy and air force with over 800 bases spanning the world. The problem for the USA is the future of the world is being decided economically where the multipolar world is emerging and it is all about trade pacts, reciprocity, rapprochement, new alliances and building infrastructure .

Of course the pathetic Western media doesn't report any of this.

While Washington wages war, the rest of world is waging peace and prosperity for better futures.

Militarism doesn't get the job done, peace, civility and good will do.

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US also committed another monstrous crime against humanity.

It designed and developed Covid-19 virus that escaped from its Chinese subcontractor lab - killing 18+ million people, resulted in global lockdowns, massive censorship, etc.

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The idea is that China can be forced to waste such a large proportion of its wealth on defense that its economic growth will be inhibited.

The folly of wasting a large proportion of your own wealth to this end should be obvious. It seems especially silly to engage in a war of attrition with someone larger than you. That's not all : the whole thing makes it evident that the USA is evil, thus causing loss of international support to the BRICS block. Exactly what they should not have done. In short, so far the USA is losing their World War Three. I see no way they can turn this around. Even if there were a way the US would not do it, committed as they are to their course.

Once they lose the EU it's all over. But that won't stop the USA. They'll just keep making it worse.

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Thank you, kind sir. I couldn’t have said it better myself. We need to wage PEACE, not war. I wish you could talk to some of my family who believe the mainstream media. I’ve tried, get no where. It’s very sad.

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Will the US ever join actual civilization?

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The amount of Russophobia in US is truly astonishing.

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Most i know are pro-Russia at this point. Only the MSM crowd who can’t wait for the vaccine are Russophobic.. The media would have you believe people hate Russia nothing could be further from the truth in reality. At least here in AZ that’s true.

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I hope you are correct. On Substack I see opposite examples - rabid Russia haters

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Unfortunately, I see the opposite.

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America has needed evil empires in order to keep Americans stupid.

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I know. Was told by a family member that Russia is not a democracy, yet I’ve seen evidence to the contrary. I don’t know where this ignorance comes from. I follow people online who actually have been to Russia & some of them are Americans living there & they seem to have no problems. Yo people it’s Russia, not the former USSR. 🤣

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Making the world safe and profitable for the American empire.

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"Ukrainian men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground

'Cause for our Democracy’s sake they need to get mowed down"

NPC Parody of Rich Men North of Richmond: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/poor-womxn-portland-rich-men-richmond-parody

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This is not going to turn out like he thinks. Russia is far stronger militarily than it was 2 years ago, it’s economy is starting to hum and they’ve been learning how to destroy our best weapons. The problem with Kristol and company is they believe the crap the media puts out.

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"If they can do it to them, they can do it to you."

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Excellent writing Caitlin 🙏

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I love how the empire managers are slapping themselves on the back saying this war is 'strengthening NATO'. The jury is out on that. NATO may actually being split and weakened. Give it another 3 to 5 years.

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If the rulers in the US and EU have to preside over a wholesale massacre of citizens to retain the status quo, they will do so without a moment's hesitation.

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I’ll take the under. Europe’s economy has been seriously set back by NATO, sanctions and the destruction of Nordstream. It shouldn’t take 3 years for most of Germany’s neighbors to recognize that their elected leaders are bent, that America has a long history of shitting on its allies, and that Russia is no threat. And if this war isn’t over in a year, some of the eastern members of NATO, ever itching to strike at Russia, will likely trigger a decision to either ignore a spontaneous Russian-NATO exchange or turn up the heat and pray that it doesn’t escalate to nuclear MAD.

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I knew the USA would love to blow up Nordstreem but didn't believe they would actually do it. A huge act of war. And the EU just sat there and took it in the chops. For a while anyway. I find it hard to believe that the US will get away with that in the long run.

Note that the only reason China is an enemy is that they are large and successful in business. Note further that the same criteria applied to the EU. This makes them just as much an enemy as China. But the EU is pretty much defenseless, so they were the juicier target.


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And for those who may not be aware of the fact, Bill Kristol was the co-founder and chairman of the Project for a new American Century and a signatory on the key position paper of the project, Rebuilding America's Defenses, (where they stated that the process that would need to be undertaken in order to assure America's dominant position in the world "...is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."

This, just before 9/11.

Bill Kristol and the other members of PNAC have been going through the revolving door between unelected government positions and the private sector and back again ever since Ronald Reagan was President of the United States.

If you've ever wondered who the 'Invisible Government' is compromised of...


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Here is a partial list of people involved with PNAC:


If we were to Google each of these names to see in what ways they, or their relatives have continued to be involved with the government or in which positions in the 'Private Sector', I'm sure that we would find it most revealing.

Two names in particular stand out - Richard Armitage, whom President Biden recently sent to Taiwan as part of an 'unofficial delegation' and Robert Kagan, whose wife is none other than Victoria Nuland.

There are many more, involved in various positions throughout the government, as journalists, as educators, as CEO's or on the board of directors of relevant Trans-National Corporations and as members of numerous 'Think Tanks' and NGO's concerned with promoting and supporting 'Democracy' and 'Democratic Ideals' throughout the world.

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We can't 'vote' them out of office because they were never elected in the first place...

And what about all of these 'Non Governmental Organizations' ?

Who gave them the authority to tell us what to do?

What is the world coming to?

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This is the most wanton, vile propaganda ever foisted on the American people, against their will, against the economic interests of our national Treasury, against the protocol of Congress to provide unified political policy for the exercise of war powers, and for a statement of mission as well as ‘mission accomplished’. No one can give account of how the vast amount of money is actually allocated, with specific results or limits. It’s just an open kitty in the Treasury basket next to the koolaid sweetened bowl of blood and goat’s milk processed for our woke Zulu warriors, and Ukrainian peasant cannon fodder. In a few words, it’s the great whore of Babylon drunk on the blood of saints and slaves alike, declaring her royal place as a sociopathic overlord.

Hunter should know her by name, and all her tricks too.

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Kristol is the worst.

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Kristol and the neocons are the enemy of America!

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