Nice, informative screed, Caitlin. "...why not be honest about it?" Indeed. All I knew about Austin before reading this was his rather embarrassed but honest testimony before Congress that "... it's a small number ... we're talkin' four 'r five ...." trained fighters remaining with "moderate" rebels, the rest having run away mainly to join ISIS. So yeah, I hoped he'd at least be better than Flournoy. Thanks for setting me straight on that.
Your suggestion that we go full monte honest and appoint corporation to be the head of the US empire is brilliant, except that we did that years ago. It's rather ironic that it will require a Congressional waiver to appoint Austin due to his military service, but no such waiver is required as a result of his employment by military contractors.
I disagree with your pick for the CIA Caitlin; Amazon is needed at the department of Labor.
Yes but a Black face makes it PC even if the Saudi run Jihadists butcher Black folks in Africa.
Nice, informative screed, Caitlin. "...why not be honest about it?" Indeed. All I knew about Austin before reading this was his rather embarrassed but honest testimony before Congress that "... it's a small number ... we're talkin' four 'r five ...." trained fighters remaining with "moderate" rebels, the rest having run away mainly to join ISIS. So yeah, I hoped he'd at least be better than Flournoy. Thanks for setting me straight on that.
Your suggestion that we go full monte honest and appoint corporation to be the head of the US empire is brilliant, except that we did that years ago. It's rather ironic that it will require a Congressional waiver to appoint Austin due to his military service, but no such waiver is required as a result of his employment by military contractors.
LOL! Cut out the "middle men/man". I love it! Brilliant! Would be much more transparent.