These people - so cavalier about war. About sending thousands to their deaths. And Joe Biden - barely able to figure out which part of the podium he needs to exit from.
Whatever happened to diplomacy? Why is every goddamn act the US does now on a trajectory toward war? This country has gone mad, and plans to take the world with it.
Because "there's plenty of good money to be made supplying the army with the tools of the trade" (credit: Country Joe & the Fish). This was written during the U.S. war on Vietnam and is, sadly, even more true today.
Well, Biden along with his cohorts is nuts - not senile, nuts. What he proposes is the ultimate in cruelty, the horrendous end of everything, and over nothing. It's time we put a name to it: Insanity, and cruelty is the only true insanity. Even Christ 's last words confirmed it: "forgive them for they don't know what the hell they are doing" - something like that. Every other mental disorder is some form of anxiety, but the truly crazy aren't anxious at all - just the opposite. An attack on Taiwan is the macro version of putting nails through a human being's hands and hanging them from a cross. Just nuts. What else can you say?
Total aside from the topic - "The truly crazy aren't anxious at all - just the opposite." <- very astute observation. People who worry care about something or others, roughly, while the truly crazy are confident in their irrational beliefs.
I can't help feeling that the Russians are playing chess, the Chinese are playing Go, the U.S./NATO are playing cowboys and Indians. For the secure future of today's children, I cling to the hope that there is much defensive potential in IT as the U.S. clearly signals it thinks it can win hot wars on multiple fronts against other great powers. Because Afghanistan went so well? Well, it did for Raytheon.
And Vietnam was a windfall for Michelin and DuPont, and the the coup in Iran was for BP and Texaco, and the 1954 coup in Guatemala was for United Fruit. The song has ever remained the same.
One of the projects of is to pass "Protect the Guard" legislation in the 50 states. Such legislation would prohibit overseas deployment of National Guard units in the absence of a Congressional declaration of war. If you don't like what Biden and the Deep State are doing, elect state legislators who are committed to such legislation.
I think We The People need to go farther and take the military away from them! Pass an order (as they are supposed to be working for us) that we demand they turn over control of the military back to We The People. Unless we vote as a nation our sons, daughters and parents GO FUCKING NOWHERE! I would take it even further and send our military in to do their sworn duty to take out a corrupt government and take every last fucking parasitic politician and put them in the prisons they made for us! Biden in particular.
I agree with your sentiments, but "Protect the Guard" is actually possible today, without triggering a civil war and staying within Constitutional bounds.
OK. Wasn't clear you were quoting MSM. I'm surprised they accused the regular military of xenophobia, or maybe that was you entering the conversation again.
We don't just need regime change in Washington DC, we need to gut the unelected bureaucracy of the deep state (CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS & the Pentagon) that are the puppet masters of US wars. Biden is clearly insanely demented, but is he just conditioning the American public for what has already been planned for years before he took office?
Multiple things must happen simultaneously to derail this madness machine:
1) massive street protests in every major city in the country
2) media, academic, and foreign policy leadership must all speak out against war (both in China and demand an immediate negotiated settlement in Ukraine)
3) Congressional action to assert their exclusive war powers and rein Biden in and deploy the power of the purse to stop funding the war machine.
Sadly, absolutely none of that is happening - just the opposite in each case.
We should not make the mistake of believing that Biden himself is making any decisions about foreign policy. That the empire appears to be flailing on several fronts to maintain hegemony is a sign of its desperate attempts to stay at the top of the international power heap, like a cornered animal defending itself to the death. Sadly, though, death only awaits those who have no say in what's happening.
"Things never should have been allowed to get this far, and the US empire is showing us every indication that it intends to take things much, much further."
This begs the question: "Is full-scale nuclear war enough for you, Mr. President?"
I wonder why no mainstream media reporter is brave enough to ask this question.
The WEF is in control of this administration. They want war with China it’s clear. Be careful what you wish for, is my only thought.. This climate change leftist control will likely be the end of all of us in the US.
Ever hear of the Rothchild's? The Criminal Elite are in control of our government. Both parties are one under control of the people who bought them. How else can there be such a war budget?
Why not just ascribe the responsibility to God? Did the WEF declare that Assange and Snowden will die in prison or exile for exposing American crimes against humanity? Does the WEF require a Pentagon on steroids, with a $7 Trillion annual budget? Does the WEF insist that American cops should kill black males at regular intervals?
Calling anything associated with American greed, brutality or inhumanity the work of another entity sounds like a sorry attempt to coddle your misplaced affection for your homeland. If you know the history of America, then own it, ffs.
Global finance and central banks care not who governs the country and makes its laws. It only cares about controlling the money. The move is now on to not just control monetary policy but also fiscal policy. In fact I'd say its happening.
I'm constantly amazed by how cheaply politicians can be bought. Until "the people "see this as the reality and not the illusion of the sovereignty of nations then things will only get worse.
War with China. I don't think so. The US only pick a fight when the odds are heavily in their favour.
Is it soothing to your inner beast to see monoliths that are in your head? Billionaires don’t need to conspire to control nations, and that they do is not in and of itself evidence that they are dancing to someone else’s tune.
Certainly money is centralized institutionally, and it isn’t unrelated to national politics. Finance laws affect everyone, but financiers cannot dictate without consent. The money that is legally produced is done so by the labor of folks who don’t have enough of it to be comfortable. The 1% buy politicians and write their own laws, but even Charles Koch knows that a united front can reign havoc on him and his billionaire cohorts.
I would take issue with your assertion that sovereignty is an illusion. It is ignored by the USA, but ask the Iraqis if Iran isn’t sovereign. Ask Vladimir Putin why he sent troops to war in Ukraine.
The U.S. to the extent that it can defend itself from external threats is sovereign, but it is not representative of its population, and neither is the UK or the EU. In fact the U.S. is a useful litmus test. If a country refuses to make itself available to American corporate capital, and the U.S. is constrained from bombing or invading it, I would call it sovereign. Cuba? Si. Venezuela? Si. The embargo on Cuba by the U.S. is indecent, but the wanton exercise of power for spite doesn’t put Cuba’s sovereignty in question. It just shows how far from our professed values our leaders will go whenever it is politically expedient.
Not sure what you mean by the "inner beast in my head". Sounds like a concoction of your imagination, congratulations for having one. Imagination is in short supply these days.
the billionaire class you speak of are merely the salesmen, the marketing team. Now the 0.01% who have unimaginable wealth and influence over nations, they crack the whip. If they want to take Gates down, well Epstein documents surface and down he goes.
Re sovereignty of nations. I stand by what I said. Corporate America played both sides during WW2 and so it goes, even to Putin's invasion of Ukraine. The real action is behind the visible power structure, as one would imagine. Too much exposure leads to too many people asking too many questions, in spite of the best efforts of concealment by corporate media. Even Gates is being asked why his profit making philanthropy is so obsessed with jabbing every individual in the world, the 0.01% excluded of course.
The inner beast is perhaps righteous anger, which is an expression of love of one's fellow man. Much easier to remain comfortably numb of course
Biden seems to be acting like the drunk Yeltsin. We are really in trouble. Look how Yeltsin destroyed the Russian economy by allowing the oligarchs to run riot. Sound familiar. As Karl Marx said
"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce."
It is all a big giant John Wayne movie. The corn pop lie. The guy has been lying so long and shooting off his mouth for a long time. Did merica really select this vegatable to run merica?
These people - so cavalier about war. About sending thousands to their deaths. And Joe Biden - barely able to figure out which part of the podium he needs to exit from.
Whatever happened to diplomacy? Why is every goddamn act the US does now on a trajectory toward war? This country has gone mad, and plans to take the world with it.
Because "there's plenty of good money to be made supplying the army with the tools of the trade" (credit: Country Joe & the Fish). This was written during the U.S. war on Vietnam and is, sadly, even more true today.
Older proto types being put in positions of power,without having sane advisors in place..
"WHO care a Fuck syndrome" is becoming obvious........
Well, Biden along with his cohorts is nuts - not senile, nuts. What he proposes is the ultimate in cruelty, the horrendous end of everything, and over nothing. It's time we put a name to it: Insanity, and cruelty is the only true insanity. Even Christ 's last words confirmed it: "forgive them for they don't know what the hell they are doing" - something like that. Every other mental disorder is some form of anxiety, but the truly crazy aren't anxious at all - just the opposite. An attack on Taiwan is the macro version of putting nails through a human being's hands and hanging them from a cross. Just nuts. What else can you say?
Total aside from the topic - "The truly crazy aren't anxious at all - just the opposite." <- very astute observation. People who worry care about something or others, roughly, while the truly crazy are confident in their irrational beliefs.
I can't help feeling that the Russians are playing chess, the Chinese are playing Go, the U.S./NATO are playing cowboys and Indians. For the secure future of today's children, I cling to the hope that there is much defensive potential in IT as the U.S. clearly signals it thinks it can win hot wars on multiple fronts against other great powers. Because Afghanistan went so well? Well, it did for Raytheon.
And Vietnam was a windfall for Michelin and DuPont, and the the coup in Iran was for BP and Texaco, and the 1954 coup in Guatemala was for United Fruit. The song has ever remained the same.
I believe the part where they say each time "There is no change in US Policy" because that policy appears to be war wherever you can get one!
One of the projects of is to pass "Protect the Guard" legislation in the 50 states. Such legislation would prohibit overseas deployment of National Guard units in the absence of a Congressional declaration of war. If you don't like what Biden and the Deep State are doing, elect state legislators who are committed to such legislation.
I think We The People need to go farther and take the military away from them! Pass an order (as they are supposed to be working for us) that we demand they turn over control of the military back to We The People. Unless we vote as a nation our sons, daughters and parents GO FUCKING NOWHERE! I would take it even further and send our military in to do their sworn duty to take out a corrupt government and take every last fucking parasitic politician and put them in the prisons they made for us! Biden in particular.
I agree with your sentiments, but "Protect the Guard" is actually possible today, without triggering a civil war and staying within Constitutional bounds.
I don't think it's "far right crazy" to oppose xenophobia and the resulting military interventions on the other side of the world.
OK. Wasn't clear you were quoting MSM. I'm surprised they accused the regular military of xenophobia, or maybe that was you entering the conversation again.
No worries, not annoyed.
We don't just need regime change in Washington DC, we need to gut the unelected bureaucracy of the deep state (CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS & the Pentagon) that are the puppet masters of US wars. Biden is clearly insanely demented, but is he just conditioning the American public for what has already been planned for years before he took office?
Multiple things must happen simultaneously to derail this madness machine:
1) massive street protests in every major city in the country
2) media, academic, and foreign policy leadership must all speak out against war (both in China and demand an immediate negotiated settlement in Ukraine)
3) Congressional action to assert their exclusive war powers and rein Biden in and deploy the power of the purse to stop funding the war machine.
Sadly, absolutely none of that is happening - just the opposite in each case.
We should not make the mistake of believing that Biden himself is making any decisions about foreign policy. That the empire appears to be flailing on several fronts to maintain hegemony is a sign of its desperate attempts to stay at the top of the international power heap, like a cornered animal defending itself to the death. Sadly, though, death only awaits those who have no say in what's happening.
We are the EVIL EMPIRE
Uh huh. I don't identify with the United States dude.
"Things never should have been allowed to get this far, and the US empire is showing us every indication that it intends to take things much, much further."
This begs the question: "Is full-scale nuclear war enough for you, Mr. President?"
I wonder why no mainstream media reporter is brave enough to ask this question.
attacking an island across a sea is really really hard, you think D day was difficult, try it with modern weapons. i doubt china would go for it
Isolating an island is very easy with modern weapons, but since Taiwan has a very large opposition party, I doubt China needs to go for it.
The WEF is in control of this administration. They want war with China it’s clear. Be careful what you wish for, is my only thought.. This climate change leftist control will likely be the end of all of us in the US.
Ever hear of the Rothchild's? The Criminal Elite are in control of our government. Both parties are one under control of the people who bought them. How else can there be such a war budget?
Why not just ascribe the responsibility to God? Did the WEF declare that Assange and Snowden will die in prison or exile for exposing American crimes against humanity? Does the WEF require a Pentagon on steroids, with a $7 Trillion annual budget? Does the WEF insist that American cops should kill black males at regular intervals?
Calling anything associated with American greed, brutality or inhumanity the work of another entity sounds like a sorry attempt to coddle your misplaced affection for your homeland. If you know the history of America, then own it, ffs.
Global finance and central banks care not who governs the country and makes its laws. It only cares about controlling the money. The move is now on to not just control monetary policy but also fiscal policy. In fact I'd say its happening.
I'm constantly amazed by how cheaply politicians can be bought. Until "the people "see this as the reality and not the illusion of the sovereignty of nations then things will only get worse.
War with China. I don't think so. The US only pick a fight when the odds are heavily in their favour.
Is it soothing to your inner beast to see monoliths that are in your head? Billionaires don’t need to conspire to control nations, and that they do is not in and of itself evidence that they are dancing to someone else’s tune.
Certainly money is centralized institutionally, and it isn’t unrelated to national politics. Finance laws affect everyone, but financiers cannot dictate without consent. The money that is legally produced is done so by the labor of folks who don’t have enough of it to be comfortable. The 1% buy politicians and write their own laws, but even Charles Koch knows that a united front can reign havoc on him and his billionaire cohorts.
I would take issue with your assertion that sovereignty is an illusion. It is ignored by the USA, but ask the Iraqis if Iran isn’t sovereign. Ask Vladimir Putin why he sent troops to war in Ukraine.
The U.S. to the extent that it can defend itself from external threats is sovereign, but it is not representative of its population, and neither is the UK or the EU. In fact the U.S. is a useful litmus test. If a country refuses to make itself available to American corporate capital, and the U.S. is constrained from bombing or invading it, I would call it sovereign. Cuba? Si. Venezuela? Si. The embargo on Cuba by the U.S. is indecent, but the wanton exercise of power for spite doesn’t put Cuba’s sovereignty in question. It just shows how far from our professed values our leaders will go whenever it is politically expedient.
Not sure what you mean by the "inner beast in my head". Sounds like a concoction of your imagination, congratulations for having one. Imagination is in short supply these days.
the billionaire class you speak of are merely the salesmen, the marketing team. Now the 0.01% who have unimaginable wealth and influence over nations, they crack the whip. If they want to take Gates down, well Epstein documents surface and down he goes.
Re sovereignty of nations. I stand by what I said. Corporate America played both sides during WW2 and so it goes, even to Putin's invasion of Ukraine. The real action is behind the visible power structure, as one would imagine. Too much exposure leads to too many people asking too many questions, in spite of the best efforts of concealment by corporate media. Even Gates is being asked why his profit making philanthropy is so obsessed with jabbing every individual in the world, the 0.01% excluded of course.
The inner beast is perhaps righteous anger, which is an expression of love of one's fellow man. Much easier to remain comfortably numb of course
There are US of Arrogance and lies... who have sent forces to nUkraine that are getting killed there.
"Unlike nUkraine..
Is a liar lying lie.
Pants on fire
Biden seems to be acting like the drunk Yeltsin. We are really in trouble. Look how Yeltsin destroyed the Russian economy by allowing the oligarchs to run riot. Sound familiar. As Karl Marx said
"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce."
It is all a big giant John Wayne movie. The corn pop lie. The guy has been lying so long and shooting off his mouth for a long time. Did merica really select this vegatable to run merica?
Lowest common denominater running the show.
This filth all have to go before they annihilate the planet!