"A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is, when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud." ~George Orwell

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Ansarallah have already begun deploying Sea Mines & ASBMs to counter US aggression.

Northern Yemen is mountain terrain where ‘boots on the ground’ will fare poorly UNLESS they are locals with the relevant know-how.

This war will BREAK the back of the Empire of Lies. Bankruptcy & Implosion is now the inevitable end result of such a futile war!

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Well, I’m disgusted with Biden and USA! Not in my name are people, countries harmed.

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Usa needs a BIG lesson 💥 sick society

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The US starts another war with the Houthis that will lead to American commercial ships being sunk... If you didn't think we were being screwed over by our government that uses our tax dollars to murder people around the world, our government wants to destroy our ships and kill American merchant marines as well. Go figure!

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“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” - Mahatma Gandhi

“When you begin a journey of revenge, start by digging two graves: one for your enemy, and one for yourself.” - Jodi Picoul so ......I''ll stop here!

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Sabrina Singh, John Kirby, Karine Jean Pierre - where do they find spokespeople like this without a single shred of human integrity? Is there a special indoctrination training programme they get sent to?

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In sum, Briben is a shitstain on the face of history.

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Thank you for this perspective. Just another day on Substack, exposing the failures of the US.

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Its over for the empire. Now the only question is how much more damage will they do before they wake up, if ever. Biden should be behind bars. He will be as famous as Nero, fiddling away while Washington burns. The presidential race is a mockery as sane voters can only choose "none of the above". That is how I will be voting in our next federal election. Party politics in Canada and US are as dead as the empire.

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The USA is gone, over, finished. Now it's just a question of mopping up! Although I respect John Mearsheimer this was superlative. If you can't watch it in it's entirety, watch it in snippets as I often do. In fact I watched it twice it was that good. Unlike John Michael puts all the pieces and variables together. I highly recommend watching this

Russia, Iran, and the Red Sea

NATO's War Economy Collapses

Michael Hudson • Thursday, January 18, 2024 • 10,200 Words


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Vile actions speak louder than liberal lies. I am dreading to hear the decision on Israel from the World Court. I am going to vote third party, keep signing online petitions, boycott the Zionists, read Caitlin's Newsletter and protest if one comes to my town.

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USA, "but I'm not hitting you" *smack*

This reminds of when I would horse around with my brother and clutch my brothers hand and say stop hitting yourself while I slaped his face with it..(no hard, so don't get all karen)

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It is, of course, election year and as many governments have found, having a war increases votes. A prime example of this was the UK’s Falklands war which Thatcher launched as a means of boosting her popularity. Biden won’t win against Trump unless he kills some people to show how great America is.

The US also hasn’t won any of the wars (or conflicts or whatever the US calls them today) it has been involved in, except the Civil War which even it couldn’t lose.

It’s all a very odd mindset.

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For those of us who have been disgusted by the US's eight decades of disregard for one of its most important laws--that it must have a declaration of Congress to go to war--this latest rhetorical twist is a further insult:

This use of our military to kill people and blow things up in a foreign land can't be a war, because if it were a war, the US Congress would have had to declare it. They didn't, so it's not a war.

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The Empire loves murder. When it isn't facilitating murder by proxy, carrying out mass-murder of foreigners by its own bloodied hands, its destroying its own citizens at home. Truly an evil entity that despises humanity.

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