I hate to have to agree with every word you have said here because of the horrible reality that it is. It tears at my heart and makes me sick to the very core because the truth really hurts but it had to be spoken and you have done stated this truth better than I ever could. We live in a very dark time indeed and this same group of Mass Murdering Sociopaths are asking for more money in plans for their upcoming war with China! I have never in my life been so disgusted with people who have absolutely no morals of any kind. The entire congress with few exceptions is in on this bought and paid for. I still made it known to my representatives that I do not support them for whatever it was worth. Thank you for stating what few others refuse to say.
Same here! Written every one of my elected officials and have blasted them on social media. Not sure if it will do any good but I can’t see what’s happening and not cry out, NOT IN MY NAME!! 😭🤬
Dick Durban, who has been SUPINE for the last decade, came out for a ceasefire today. So maybe your (our) contacting congress is beginning to have an affect. Don’t lose heart!
The Democrats DON’T DARE take my state, Michigan, for granted this time around! We have the largest Arab community outside of the Middle East and rest assured that NOT ONE will again vote for the Cadaver.
While I’ll be voting third party, Trump will trounce ByeDone in Michigan. ByeDone will feel like his spleen’s being torn out by weasels.
What ever happened to "We need regime change in Russia or they will invade Europe because Putin is another Hitler"? or "Whatever it takes for Ukraine to win"?
It's all because polls show that Americans no longer support the war in Ukaine.
I did the same after trying to learn the facts which clinched when Caitlin's first article appeared. Tammy Duckworth replied to my voter concern about genocide " Thank you for agreeing with my position". She was the only one who responded. These were the same results about the war on Russia.
If only someone in the office had at least read the heading of my email. Sadly once elected there is no leverage over DemoCant's in Northern IL. Even the none hostile phrase of This is of voting concern doesn't phase them. Tammy Duckworth wounded in Iraq doing her share in murdering the million and proud to do it. End Stage Capitalism thrives in the u.s.
Brought to you by the country spiritually exsanguinating from their profound concern about the Kurds of Iraq. It was that empathy which made it necessary to invade the oil-rich country and kill 500,000 women and children. But don’t worry, because Madeline Albright (“ there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t vote for Hillary”) said it was worth it. And they were just safe-keeping the oil for the poor Iraqis because they felt their pain from being down 500 k of their defenceless women/children. And of course they invaded Afghanistan because of their deep humanitarian angst about the lexicons of Afghan women. How can those women read propaganda if they can’t improve their literacy?! Duh! Any suggestion the invasion was about scheming to get their greedbag hands on Afghan minerals is a cursed lie. Even though they claimed to have discovered them ( nope). And they stayed 20 years after they knew BinLaden wasn’t there because the Afghans insisted they stay. Every country wants to impress on their people the sanctity of marriage and what more effective way is there, than to have weddings bombed by the invading thugs?
don't forget the low cost zero interest capital for WALL STREET® brought to you by US Marine Corps®-guarded opium fields, which exploded after we shooed the Tal-eye-ban away, and which has hence reduced since their CHinese-DNC-funded return...
ordo ab chai order out of chaos all brought to you by zio-BANKERS/freemasons/satanists/MIC/whatever.
Caitlin, to accept this claim: “The longer the massacre in Gaza goes on, the more people are catching a glimpse behind the plastic smiley-faced mask of the US empire and seeing the cold-eyed killer underneath”, is to forget years of propaganda.... but...maybe....one day! Some already understand what is going on, but there are many who simply read mainstream media.
I live in America and to be honest few here are objective about who we are and our role on the world stage or how destructive we can be. It's amazing how even very intelligent people can rationalize our flawed polices and wars.
Flawed is putting it mildly!! The US is no longer the hegemony it likes to think it is. It fact there is no better time then now to teach it a lesson it truly deserves. With all it's military resources not only depleted but spread throughout the world. Never in my life have I been more ashamed to be a US citizen.
Exactly! This is NOT the America I was taught about in school and although I always considered myself to be of above average intelligence, I am ashamed that it has taken me this long to see the truth about this country. It’s very unnerving to realize everything you were taught to believe in was an absolute lie. 😭
It's beyond sad Sherri and just when you think we might be able to revert to the way thing were - something else happens! Look at the crime IN THIS COUNTRY today! It use to be you were afraid of certain neighborhoods - today you are not safe anywhere!
Turkey is the one Country that can wipe Israel off the map! Iran doesn't want to get involved. But if things escalate and Israel does not stop - you're looking at another world war! Once Iran does get involved the US is licking their chops at the thought of destroying Iran. However Russia clearly supports Iran and if the US does attack Iran they are going to have to face RUSSIA!
Here's my point . . . one shot and Washington DC is now off the map !!I have longed for the day - there is a bullseye on the back of every politician with no place to hide! Sounds cruel but certainly not in comparison to the millions upon millions of deaths the US inflicted all over the world! Wipe out DC and you finally see world peace!
Well, if I had one wish for America it would be to encourage it to care about it's citizens who elected them into office, but they could only serve 2 terms, then they're toast. The longer they're e in there the more corrupt they become. Takes a while to sell your soul to the devil.
I personally don't think it takes a while to sell yourself to the devil - the way I see it is you have to be incredibly insecure and almost lonely but that's not the right word. Politicians remind me of the kid that came to school with tons of candy so everybody would like them and be their friend. Think about how people only like politicians in power and the second they're not in power anymore - well, there goes that!
I often wonder what poor Dubya is doing now? It's clear he never stopped drinking (that I always knew) when you look at him today! He looks like he aged a 100 years! Anyhow I digress, they only like you because you're someone! Just imagine going through your life like that! Having to buy your friends. Or how about people who actually work for a living? Could you imagine any ONE of the being able to do hard labor? Could you see Christie Chremes working on the GWB? The bridge would collapse! They really are so very pathetic! When I was a kid growing up the very worst job you could have was working for your local DPW - it meant you were not employable anywhere else!! I think what I love best is when they have to tour the Country during election season literally whoring themselves! Imagine having to touch that many complete strangers? OMG Shake that many hands - hug that many people - take that many pictures!
I just saw baby Bush being interviewed, and it was a very short clip, and the first think I noticed was how old he looked. True, 20 years extra on anyone doesn't help, but you were so aware of how badly he aged, and maybe because he seemed so thin I thought he might have taken up drinking again. I think Papa Bush put Cheney in charge of finding him a VP and he found himself. Personally I feel that was meant to be, since he's a neocon, a primary signatory on the Project for a New American Century which I knew about at the time, and made me very suspicious of the electoral results in Florida, which I felt gave baby Bush the presidency to carry out their many middle eastern wars. In regard to selling themselves to the devil, I look at it that one can loose their soul and die forever.
You raise two excellent points! VP-C actually hijacked Dubya and won't let Pappas Bush anywhere near him! It was so bad Sowcroft had to pen an article in the NYer deterring Dubya from invading Iraq a second time because he wouldn't take his calls. Remember the father did it the first time in 1990! It was rumored that Dubya went to his room at 9pm every night and was never, ever, ever to be disturbed! In fact there was an incident during him term where they did not inform him until 5am when he got up - that's how strict the rules were. I can't remember what it was and just that something did happen. It was clear he was still drinking which is how VP-C had complete control over him versus the father! All you had to do was look at his face during any press appearance to tell he was still drinking! You had to be blind not to notice it! BTW Laura loved her pills!! This man never stopped drinking a day in his life - why should he? They protected him!
Florida was the steal that started all of this! I've always felt the Democrats will always copy what the Republicans had already done! They stole it in 2000 with the chads and probaly in 2004 as well. There is no way Bush could've won his second term after the invasion of Iraq in 2003! And now we have 2020 and 2024 will be even worse! I beleive Hillary is already laying the foundation - if you think there is no way Biden could have ever won in 2020 it will be a lot worse in 24 - if Hillary becomes POTUS civil war will finally break out in this Country but especially if Trump is the nominee!
I never really thought about it. Intelligent people, educated people, are often in positions that imbue them with more power and too often use their position to create more harm, and simply have had a lot of practice at excusing their abuse.
"The US government is every bit as culpable in the massacre of thousands of Muslim children as Israel, because this entire massacre is happening with both its assistance and its express permission. But here is its government pretending to care deeply that one Muslim child was killed by an Islamophobic psycho in America."
This sums up everything wrong with the US in one paragraph. Supporting a genocide and turning a blind eye to war crimes being committed--perhaps even being a part of those war crimes with its own soldiers on the ground alongside the IDF--yet trying to paint a "caring, compassionate" face to the public at the same time. It's so nauseatingly anger-provoking that you can barely keep your dinner down. Somebody please come and take these genocidal maniacs out of DC and lock them away for good!
{Somebody please come and take these genocidal maniacs out of DC and lock them away for good!}
It's certainly coming because the entire world is now watching - had it not been for the US support - Israel would not be able to continue. Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah speech today will determine everything! Even Russia's Wagner Group is planning to give Hezbollah high tech air-defenses. If this continues Israel will be responsible for wiping Israel off the map
How is it the word's leading terrorist state suddenly wants wage a war on hate when it perpetrates hate to justify its wars globally and has done for so decades. Empires are by definition racist as imperialism is racism.
In Canada our government is openly Russiaphobic and Sinophobic in large part because we are a colonized NATO state and these two countries are targets.
Biden has out done himself by creating his second "Axis of Evil"-- China Russia and Iran In the Bush II tradition. The MICC can only stay in business where there are countries to hate. ( It was Bushes speech writer, a Canadian, David Frum, who coined the term Axis of Evil.
A very sad side effect is that populations believe the bull shit and hate becomes internalized in our societies.
Lloyd Austin, US Secretary of Defence, said the other day that " America is a force for good in the world "!!!! If we don't laugh we will cry. Just one of many black/brown/women/minority faces that the empire cynically makes good use of to peddle their lies and propaganda. The unpalatable truth is that the empires past and present - always had a servile collaborator class to service their brutal domination. What Franz Fanon - the Algerian intellectual, activist, philosopher, who lived in the time of the French occupation of Algeria - termed " black skin; white masks ".
The genocide of the Palestinian people by Israel happening right now (courtesy of the old and new colonial powers) seem to have alerted many to the reality that the USA took over where the old colonialists left off. The old is still hanging on as greedy vassal states. And they are as culpable as the empire.
We should not forget British support for what the US does in the Middle East. It is reported today that there are some voices stating the UK government is very pro-Israel and anti-Arab in its dealings strategically and economically. It is also reported that Israel has 670,000 citizens living in 130 illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem with this having substantially increased this year, with an increase of 12,855 housing units across the West Bank this year, all without any comment, let alone criticism, from the UK. UK/Israel trade has increased 30% in the last year. It is completely unsurprising Hamas took the action it did. What would the US or the UK do if other countries moved into ‘their’ land. We know from the Falklands for the UK and Cuba for the US.
Trump Jr. Has been making development deals with Netanyahu in the West Bank and Trump has given him (Netanyahu) a high dollar suite in New York. I wonder how he will be able to use it with the law stripping his certificates in New York!?
...sorry , but again I have to post this!: "To learn what is good, a thousand days are not sufficient; to learn what is evil, an hour is too long." - Chinese Proverb
"Evil (ignorance) is like a shadow. It has no real substance of its own, it is simply a lack of light. You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, stamp on it, by railing against it, or any other form of emotional or physical resistance. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it." - Shakti Gawain
hmm, I'll try and be short? : as a kid, 1964, I was in Rome. I could not believe how these people collapse and become museums! Unfortunately, today I get it! Who ever or what ever created us, left some bad genes! , like : greed, selfishness, narcissism and most important!..psychopathic and sociopathic tendency, which don't have cure! . And how does one see this? Once they grab power all of them show up! They are afraid to death to lose this power! This is just beginning of 'human' trumpet!....
I hope Biden and his handlers realize that the administration's refusal to call for a ceasefire is going to be etched indelibly in the memory of Arab and Muslim Americans, and many who take human rights and international law seriously. I for one, a lifelong supporter of the Democratic party who has never once voted for a Republican and always for a Democrat, cannot see myself voting Democratic again for a long time. The sense of betrayal is deep. If I vote Republican, I will know whom I am voting for, and all things being equal, I will at least NOT feel betrayed by a Republican. But people like Biden and Harris and Fetterman and Sanders and Warren, who talk incessantly about the rule of law and human right to do this -- this is a turning point. I don't think that Democrats realize just how deep this betrayal is. Their calculation is: Time will take the sting out of the feeling and in any case, what are we going to do, vote Republican? That calculation is going to turn out to be wrong on both counts.
That would not strike terror into Dems' and Biden's heart. What would is to vote Republican. If African Americans had a standing threat to vote Republican en masse UNLESS the promises made to them by Democrats were delivered by the candidates, they would not have been taken so much for granted all these long decades and their lot would have improved much more than it has.
As things stand, Dems have cast themselves as the party of civil and human rights and International Law. They have failed on the first out of sheer lack of imagination and as a result of political incompetence (Reproductive Rights and Affirmative Action and Voting Rights have all been severly curtailed in the last 2 decades) As for human rights and international law, they clearly do NOT believe in them given that they won't call for a cease fire to stop the slaughter of a trapped civilian population, half of whom are children. So, no, I don't believe them anymore and I want to send a signal that they need to get their act together. They need to earn my vote back. In the mean time, I WILL indeed vote Republican -- i.e., for the party that has always shown its VERY, VERY ugly face. At the very least, I will be able to say that I was NOT lied to and fooled.
Yes. The Democratic party has failed. To see Biden 'sucking up to Israel/makes me want to vomit.
Israel is a 'rogue' country under Netanyahu.
He is responsible for the destruction of Israel and the people know this,
Orthodox Jews (Who study the Koran do not fight in the wars) they produce baby's the women are not allowed out of their homes.
They do not educate women.
Do not know what else to say?
One last comment from a friend of mine living in Hendon. London.
They were living there before the Orthodox Jews moved in.
There are fences around the Orthodox Jewish compound.
Razor wire.
My friend has the most beautiful house. Her neighbours are all Orthodox Jews. On the weekends they cannot sit in her beuutiful garden because the Orthodox Jewish kids.....kick a foot ball on astroturf. They are bored.
My friend and her husband have been trying to sell their house for 2yrs.
The Jewish Orthodox people want their property want their house but will not pay the price asked.
NOW my friends are living in an Orthodox Jewish community.
THIS is London NOT the Jewish Orthodox state of Israel.
When are the British going to understand?
England is a Country'
IF the Muslim community did this in England they would be vilified!.
Yes I would hope something like this happens Dear Gypsy. I know there are a lot of people in the USA who are as anguished about this as I am here in France.
I do wish someone other than war monger Biden was running.
You are on fire! I live in the heart of the "blood-spattered psychopathic murder machine." Psychopathic is the operative term. We have rampant sociopathy manifesting in our leadership. When I read your penetrating words I feel less alone in a country run by sociopaths fully complicit in genocide. While so many remain in a fear induced trance state, you grasp the magnitude of what is happening here, and are simultaneously able to articulate the root of this horror so well. Thank you.
I should say, "of my government". There's another angle to their bs about "countering islamophobia" and that's the implicit notion that it's us, the average citizen who's to blame for Islamaphobia, when our government embodies it, and has for decades.
There's that truth again! It takes quite a bit of effort to get people to disconnect themselves from that connection! I always ask if they are "Serial Killers" or "Millionaires" to start with and go from there!
They started by saving the world from communism in Vietnam. They have continued taking democracy around the world. And lots of other countries have supported them in their mission.
It HURTS to read this shit, because every word is true and I'm a citizen of the US. I've been protesting this since it was Vietnam that was hosting the carnage, but I don't protest loudly anymore, since it seems to have no effect. Tomorrow there will be a protest in DC. Should I drive seven hours to participate? Adding that much emissions to the atmosphere for the tiny benefit of one more person at the protest? Which likely won't be covered, or will be belittled by the media ("antisemitic"). No, of course I can't take a fast train--this country doesn't spend its tax money on such things, it all has to go to war profiteers, and health profiteers, and fossil fuel profiteers. And there must be an endless barrage of self-congratulatory noise about American exceptionalism, to try to hide the increasingly evident decline of this ugly empire.
I hate to have to agree with every word you have said here because of the horrible reality that it is. It tears at my heart and makes me sick to the very core because the truth really hurts but it had to be spoken and you have done stated this truth better than I ever could. We live in a very dark time indeed and this same group of Mass Murdering Sociopaths are asking for more money in plans for their upcoming war with China! I have never in my life been so disgusted with people who have absolutely no morals of any kind. The entire congress with few exceptions is in on this bought and paid for. I still made it known to my representatives that I do not support them for whatever it was worth. Thank you for stating what few others refuse to say.
Same here! Written every one of my elected officials and have blasted them on social media. Not sure if it will do any good but I can’t see what’s happening and not cry out, NOT IN MY NAME!! 😭🤬
Hi Sherri
All my Selected Officials will do is to reply, “I’ll keep your views in mind”.
Dick Durban, who has been SUPINE for the last decade, came out for a ceasefire today. So maybe your (our) contacting congress is beginning to have an affect. Don’t lose heart!
Yes. The demonstrations and contacting Congress and stories like this are starting to enter into their consciousness: https://apnews.com/article/biden-michigan-arab-american-reelection-bb86bc0059a6ea33fee8a1ec1b0ac743?fbclid=IwAR3Oazpo3vDVBAvZTB40o6ev34b1u5_b1eQ3Pi9uPraL1Z67hNPAD-o8U8w
The Democrats DON’T DARE take my state, Michigan, for granted this time around! We have the largest Arab community outside of the Middle East and rest assured that NOT ONE will again vote for the Cadaver.
While I’ll be voting third party, Trump will trounce ByeDone in Michigan. ByeDone will feel like his spleen’s being torn out by weasels.
Biden is so strung out on methamphetamine that he doesn't feel anything anymore.
Correct. They respond only to campaign contributions, poll numbers, and negative press. Anything else is just pablum for the masses.
What ever happened to "We need regime change in Russia or they will invade Europe because Putin is another Hitler"? or "Whatever it takes for Ukraine to win"?
It's all because polls show that Americans no longer support the war in Ukaine.
I did the same after trying to learn the facts which clinched when Caitlin's first article appeared. Tammy Duckworth replied to my voter concern about genocide " Thank you for agreeing with my position". She was the only one who responded. These were the same results about the war on Russia.
If only someone in the office had at least read the heading of my email. Sadly once elected there is no leverage over DemoCant's in Northern IL. Even the none hostile phrase of This is of voting concern doesn't phase them. Tammy Duckworth wounded in Iraq doing her share in murdering the million and proud to do it. End Stage Capitalism thrives in the u.s.
CarbonCopy, I copy. As in 100%!
Brought to you by the country spiritually exsanguinating from their profound concern about the Kurds of Iraq. It was that empathy which made it necessary to invade the oil-rich country and kill 500,000 women and children. But don’t worry, because Madeline Albright (“ there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t vote for Hillary”) said it was worth it. And they were just safe-keeping the oil for the poor Iraqis because they felt their pain from being down 500 k of their defenceless women/children. And of course they invaded Afghanistan because of their deep humanitarian angst about the lexicons of Afghan women. How can those women read propaganda if they can’t improve their literacy?! Duh! Any suggestion the invasion was about scheming to get their greedbag hands on Afghan minerals is a cursed lie. Even though they claimed to have discovered them ( nope). And they stayed 20 years after they knew BinLaden wasn’t there because the Afghans insisted they stay. Every country wants to impress on their people the sanctity of marriage and what more effective way is there, than to have weddings bombed by the invading thugs?
Madeleine Albright Doctrine briefly examined here, among other things . . .
don't forget the low cost zero interest capital for WALL STREET® brought to you by US Marine Corps®-guarded opium fields, which exploded after we shooed the Tal-eye-ban away, and which has hence reduced since their CHinese-DNC-funded return...
ordo ab chai order out of chaos all brought to you by zio-BANKERS/freemasons/satanists/MIC/whatever.
Caitlin, to accept this claim: “The longer the massacre in Gaza goes on, the more people are catching a glimpse behind the plastic smiley-faced mask of the US empire and seeing the cold-eyed killer underneath”, is to forget years of propaganda.... but...maybe....one day! Some already understand what is going on, but there are many who simply read mainstream media.
I live in America and to be honest few here are objective about who we are and our role on the world stage or how destructive we can be. It's amazing how even very intelligent people can rationalize our flawed polices and wars.
Flawed is putting it mildly!! The US is no longer the hegemony it likes to think it is. It fact there is no better time then now to teach it a lesson it truly deserves. With all it's military resources not only depleted but spread throughout the world. Never in my life have I been more ashamed to be a US citizen.
Exactly! This is NOT the America I was taught about in school and although I always considered myself to be of above average intelligence, I am ashamed that it has taken me this long to see the truth about this country. It’s very unnerving to realize everything you were taught to believe in was an absolute lie. 😭
It's beyond sad Sherri and just when you think we might be able to revert to the way thing were - something else happens! Look at the crime IN THIS COUNTRY today! It use to be you were afraid of certain neighborhoods - today you are not safe anywhere!
Turkey is the one Country that can wipe Israel off the map! Iran doesn't want to get involved. But if things escalate and Israel does not stop - you're looking at another world war! Once Iran does get involved the US is licking their chops at the thought of destroying Iran. However Russia clearly supports Iran and if the US does attack Iran they are going to have to face RUSSIA!
Here's my point . . . one shot and Washington DC is now off the map !!I have longed for the day - there is a bullseye on the back of every politician with no place to hide! Sounds cruel but certainly not in comparison to the millions upon millions of deaths the US inflicted all over the world! Wipe out DC and you finally see world peace!
Well, if I had one wish for America it would be to encourage it to care about it's citizens who elected them into office, but they could only serve 2 terms, then they're toast. The longer they're e in there the more corrupt they become. Takes a while to sell your soul to the devil.
Hey Fran!
I personally don't think it takes a while to sell yourself to the devil - the way I see it is you have to be incredibly insecure and almost lonely but that's not the right word. Politicians remind me of the kid that came to school with tons of candy so everybody would like them and be their friend. Think about how people only like politicians in power and the second they're not in power anymore - well, there goes that!
I often wonder what poor Dubya is doing now? It's clear he never stopped drinking (that I always knew) when you look at him today! He looks like he aged a 100 years! Anyhow I digress, they only like you because you're someone! Just imagine going through your life like that! Having to buy your friends. Or how about people who actually work for a living? Could you imagine any ONE of the being able to do hard labor? Could you see Christie Chremes working on the GWB? The bridge would collapse! They really are so very pathetic! When I was a kid growing up the very worst job you could have was working for your local DPW - it meant you were not employable anywhere else!! I think what I love best is when they have to tour the Country during election season literally whoring themselves! Imagine having to touch that many complete strangers? OMG Shake that many hands - hug that many people - take that many pictures!
I just saw baby Bush being interviewed, and it was a very short clip, and the first think I noticed was how old he looked. True, 20 years extra on anyone doesn't help, but you were so aware of how badly he aged, and maybe because he seemed so thin I thought he might have taken up drinking again. I think Papa Bush put Cheney in charge of finding him a VP and he found himself. Personally I feel that was meant to be, since he's a neocon, a primary signatory on the Project for a New American Century which I knew about at the time, and made me very suspicious of the electoral results in Florida, which I felt gave baby Bush the presidency to carry out their many middle eastern wars. In regard to selling themselves to the devil, I look at it that one can loose their soul and die forever.
You raise two excellent points! VP-C actually hijacked Dubya and won't let Pappas Bush anywhere near him! It was so bad Sowcroft had to pen an article in the NYer deterring Dubya from invading Iraq a second time because he wouldn't take his calls. Remember the father did it the first time in 1990! It was rumored that Dubya went to his room at 9pm every night and was never, ever, ever to be disturbed! In fact there was an incident during him term where they did not inform him until 5am when he got up - that's how strict the rules were. I can't remember what it was and just that something did happen. It was clear he was still drinking which is how VP-C had complete control over him versus the father! All you had to do was look at his face during any press appearance to tell he was still drinking! You had to be blind not to notice it! BTW Laura loved her pills!! This man never stopped drinking a day in his life - why should he? They protected him!
Florida was the steal that started all of this! I've always felt the Democrats will always copy what the Republicans had already done! They stole it in 2000 with the chads and probaly in 2004 as well. There is no way Bush could've won his second term after the invasion of Iraq in 2003! And now we have 2020 and 2024 will be even worse! I beleive Hillary is already laying the foundation - if you think there is no way Biden could have ever won in 2020 it will be a lot worse in 24 - if Hillary becomes POTUS civil war will finally break out in this Country but especially if Trump is the nominee!
Intelligent people are more prone to rationalization, because they are better at symbol manipulation.
I never really thought about it. Intelligent people, educated people, are often in positions that imbue them with more power and too often use their position to create more harm, and simply have had a lot of practice at excusing their abuse.
Power attracts sociopaths the way catnip attracts cats.
Except that catnip is basically harmless.
Unlike cats.
Cats GET IT.
I’ve always maintained that good common horse sense beats the shit out of being an overly-educated know-it-all.
The question is whether one allows abstraction to dominate one's thinking.
Cats, as a rule, don't do abstract thinking much, and so are immune to certain aspects of cognitive dissonance.
"The US government is every bit as culpable in the massacre of thousands of Muslim children as Israel, because this entire massacre is happening with both its assistance and its express permission. But here is its government pretending to care deeply that one Muslim child was killed by an Islamophobic psycho in America."
This sums up everything wrong with the US in one paragraph. Supporting a genocide and turning a blind eye to war crimes being committed--perhaps even being a part of those war crimes with its own soldiers on the ground alongside the IDF--yet trying to paint a "caring, compassionate" face to the public at the same time. It's so nauseatingly anger-provoking that you can barely keep your dinner down. Somebody please come and take these genocidal maniacs out of DC and lock them away for good!
{Somebody please come and take these genocidal maniacs out of DC and lock them away for good!}
It's certainly coming because the entire world is now watching - had it not been for the US support - Israel would not be able to continue. Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah speech today will determine everything! Even Russia's Wagner Group is planning to give Hezbollah high tech air-defenses. If this continues Israel will be responsible for wiping Israel off the map
"blood-spattered psychopathic murder machine"
Amen, sister.
How is it the word's leading terrorist state suddenly wants wage a war on hate when it perpetrates hate to justify its wars globally and has done for so decades. Empires are by definition racist as imperialism is racism.
In Canada our government is openly Russiaphobic and Sinophobic in large part because we are a colonized NATO state and these two countries are targets.
Biden has out done himself by creating his second "Axis of Evil"-- China Russia and Iran In the Bush II tradition. The MICC can only stay in business where there are countries to hate. ( It was Bushes speech writer, a Canadian, David Frum, who coined the term Axis of Evil.
A very sad side effect is that populations believe the bull shit and hate becomes internalized in our societies.
Wow! What a double standard. Biden should demand a ceasefire. It'll stop the killing, and he looks worse the more it goes on.
Not that I had much anyways, but I've lost so much faith in and respect for leaders who vetoed or abstained from the vote to call for a ceasefire.
The deaths are profitable.
"After what appears to have been an attack by Ukrainian Intelligence on this website..."
Explain, please.
Lloyd Austin, US Secretary of Defence, said the other day that " America is a force for good in the world "!!!! If we don't laugh we will cry. Just one of many black/brown/women/minority faces that the empire cynically makes good use of to peddle their lies and propaganda. The unpalatable truth is that the empires past and present - always had a servile collaborator class to service their brutal domination. What Franz Fanon - the Algerian intellectual, activist, philosopher, who lived in the time of the French occupation of Algeria - termed " black skin; white masks ".
The genocide of the Palestinian people by Israel happening right now (courtesy of the old and new colonial powers) seem to have alerted many to the reality that the USA took over where the old colonialists left off. The old is still hanging on as greedy vassal states. And they are as culpable as the empire.
There’s a word for people like Austin: “Token n-word”.
We should not forget British support for what the US does in the Middle East. It is reported today that there are some voices stating the UK government is very pro-Israel and anti-Arab in its dealings strategically and economically. It is also reported that Israel has 670,000 citizens living in 130 illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem with this having substantially increased this year, with an increase of 12,855 housing units across the West Bank this year, all without any comment, let alone criticism, from the UK. UK/Israel trade has increased 30% in the last year. It is completely unsurprising Hamas took the action it did. What would the US or the UK do if other countries moved into ‘their’ land. We know from the Falklands for the UK and Cuba for the US.
Trump Jr. Has been making development deals with Netanyahu in the West Bank and Trump has given him (Netanyahu) a high dollar suite in New York. I wonder how he will be able to use it with the law stripping his certificates in New York!?
...sorry , but again I have to post this!: "To learn what is good, a thousand days are not sufficient; to learn what is evil, an hour is too long." - Chinese Proverb
"Evil (ignorance) is like a shadow. It has no real substance of its own, it is simply a lack of light. You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, stamp on it, by railing against it, or any other form of emotional or physical resistance. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it." - Shakti Gawain
How do we shine a light on it? (Without being assassinated as were MLK, JFK, Gandhi etc ad Infinitum ad nauseam.?????
...and Jesus Christ.
hmm, I'll try and be short? : as a kid, 1964, I was in Rome. I could not believe how these people collapse and become museums! Unfortunately, today I get it! Who ever or what ever created us, left some bad genes! , like : greed, selfishness, narcissism and most important!..psychopathic and sociopathic tendency, which don't have cure! . And how does one see this? Once they grab power all of them show up! They are afraid to death to lose this power! This is just beginning of 'human' trumpet!....
I hope Biden and his handlers realize that the administration's refusal to call for a ceasefire is going to be etched indelibly in the memory of Arab and Muslim Americans, and many who take human rights and international law seriously. I for one, a lifelong supporter of the Democratic party who has never once voted for a Republican and always for a Democrat, cannot see myself voting Democratic again for a long time. The sense of betrayal is deep. If I vote Republican, I will know whom I am voting for, and all things being equal, I will at least NOT feel betrayed by a Republican. But people like Biden and Harris and Fetterman and Sanders and Warren, who talk incessantly about the rule of law and human right to do this -- this is a turning point. I don't think that Democrats realize just how deep this betrayal is. Their calculation is: Time will take the sting out of the feeling and in any case, what are we going to do, vote Republican? That calculation is going to turn out to be wrong on both counts.
You have a vote............Cornel West.
That would not strike terror into Dems' and Biden's heart. What would is to vote Republican. If African Americans had a standing threat to vote Republican en masse UNLESS the promises made to them by Democrats were delivered by the candidates, they would not have been taken so much for granted all these long decades and their lot would have improved much more than it has.
Would you believe the promises?
As things stand, Dems have cast themselves as the party of civil and human rights and International Law. They have failed on the first out of sheer lack of imagination and as a result of political incompetence (Reproductive Rights and Affirmative Action and Voting Rights have all been severly curtailed in the last 2 decades) As for human rights and international law, they clearly do NOT believe in them given that they won't call for a cease fire to stop the slaughter of a trapped civilian population, half of whom are children. So, no, I don't believe them anymore and I want to send a signal that they need to get their act together. They need to earn my vote back. In the mean time, I WILL indeed vote Republican -- i.e., for the party that has always shown its VERY, VERY ugly face. At the very least, I will be able to say that I was NOT lied to and fooled.
Ahmed if I was in the USA
Yes. The Democratic party has failed. To see Biden 'sucking up to Israel/makes me want to vomit.
Israel is a 'rogue' country under Netanyahu.
He is responsible for the destruction of Israel and the people know this,
Orthodox Jews (Who study the Koran do not fight in the wars) they produce baby's the women are not allowed out of their homes.
They do not educate women.
Do not know what else to say?
One last comment from a friend of mine living in Hendon. London.
They were living there before the Orthodox Jews moved in.
There are fences around the Orthodox Jewish compound.
Razor wire.
My friend has the most beautiful house. Her neighbours are all Orthodox Jews. On the weekends they cannot sit in her beuutiful garden because the Orthodox Jewish kids.....kick a foot ball on astroturf. They are bored.
My friend and her husband have been trying to sell their house for 2yrs.
The Jewish Orthodox people want their property want their house but will not pay the price asked.
NOW my friends are living in an Orthodox Jewish community.
THIS is London NOT the Jewish Orthodox state of Israel.
When are the British going to understand?
England is a Country'
IF the Muslim community did this in England they would be vilified!.
Hi Jenny,
I’m voting for Dr. West early and often.
Oh Gypsy that's great. I really hope it makes some difference.
Hi Jenny
He won’t win, but if he garners enough votes, it may put the fear of god into the Democrap’s hearts.
Dissatisfaction expressed. Dr. West is a true old-time progressive.
Yes I would hope something like this happens Dear Gypsy. I know there are a lot of people in the USA who are as anguished about this as I am here in France.
I do wish someone other than war monger Biden was running.
Biden knows. He doesn't care, especially as Team R is equally bloodthirsty.
You are on fire! I live in the heart of the "blood-spattered psychopathic murder machine." Psychopathic is the operative term. We have rampant sociopathy manifesting in our leadership. When I read your penetrating words I feel less alone in a country run by sociopaths fully complicit in genocide. While so many remain in a fear induced trance state, you grasp the magnitude of what is happening here, and are simultaneously able to articulate the root of this horror so well. Thank you.
So true and so f*king disgusting. I'm ashamed of my country.
I should say, "of my government". There's another angle to their bs about "countering islamophobia" and that's the implicit notion that it's us, the average citizen who's to blame for Islamaphobia, when our government embodies it, and has for decades.
Well-said , Lori!
There's that truth again! It takes quite a bit of effort to get people to disconnect themselves from that connection! I always ask if they are "Serial Killers" or "Millionaires" to start with and go from there!
They started by saving the world from communism in Vietnam. They have continued taking democracy around the world. And lots of other countries have supported them in their mission.
It HURTS to read this shit, because every word is true and I'm a citizen of the US. I've been protesting this since it was Vietnam that was hosting the carnage, but I don't protest loudly anymore, since it seems to have no effect. Tomorrow there will be a protest in DC. Should I drive seven hours to participate? Adding that much emissions to the atmosphere for the tiny benefit of one more person at the protest? Which likely won't be covered, or will be belittled by the media ("antisemitic"). No, of course I can't take a fast train--this country doesn't spend its tax money on such things, it all has to go to war profiteers, and health profiteers, and fossil fuel profiteers. And there must be an endless barrage of self-congratulatory noise about American exceptionalism, to try to hide the increasingly evident decline of this ugly empire.
One ray of hope, my friends in Chile wrote me, the government sent the israel ambassador home. I would love to have been there for the eviction ha.
Columbia as well, Landru!
Ityonly a matter of time for the rest of South America to follow suit.
That's sweet! I would like to have seen that too!