When I confronted my NYTs-reading, Trump-hating, Colbert-watching Blue-check family member about the democratic party's censorship fetish, even he had the decency to be uncomfortable with it, unless he was just doing it for my sake.

When a former mouthpiece for an Israeli firm is chosen to be the font of information for the American government, expect nothing but bad things and BS to spring forth. It could not be otherwise.

I have never in my lifetime seen my government so brazenly divorced from the needs of the governed.

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"I have never in my lifetime seen my government so brazenly divorced from the needs of the governed."

It's been creeping in slowly over the course of multiple administrations, so as to avoid notice by a sleeping populace.

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My bookmark for the proper role of our fifth estate was Watergate, the Pentagon Papers, and the Church Commission revelations which resulted from both. Now such actions are impossible, and there is no way to overstate the peril this represents.

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You have a very cool name, riff mcclavin

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Nothing cracks me up then you loons crying about right wing censorship on facebook...The top-performing link posts by U.S. Facebook pages in the last 24 hours are from:

1. Fox News

2. Ben Shapiro

3. VOA Burmese News

4. Dan Bongino

5. Peachy Sunday

6. Fox News

7. Diabetes Awareness by GreaterGood

8. Ben Shapiro

9. VOA Burmese News

10. Dan Bongino

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DAY before....The top-performing link posts by U.S. Facebook pages in the last 24 hours are from:

1. Franklin Graham

2. News Channel 3 WWMT TV

3. Ben Shapiro

4. Ben Shapiro

5. Peachy Sunday

6. Nick Adams

7. Ben Shapiro

8. E! News

9. Sean Hannity

10. Ben Shapiro

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"Loose laws" allow censorship of Palestinians under the guise of "anti-semitism" and Christians/Israel under the guise of "islamaphobia" depending upon where the pendulum is. Or currently censorship of women who speak out against men in their sports, spas and bathrooms.

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Can you defend your word salad about Ayn Rand with receipts?

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Funny how no mention of CrowdTangle...The data company owned by Facebook which provided the data to the admin...there is no spying but that wouldn't get the clicks and outrage...SAD

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This isn't capitalist. This is closer to communism. That's why it's being compared to Soviet censorship or China or Cuba where the government censors everything against the narrative. Please stop blaming all the flaws of corrupt politicians on "capitalism".

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Multinational corporatism?

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