Jan 19·edited Jan 19

Some of us old people have been organizing and marching for change, against war, against climate destruction, against the pollution of oceans for years and years. I am now 78 and started demonstrating against Vietnam when I was 20. I have objected to every war since then and so have many other people my age. Even people in these comments. It has always been the elite, the ones who took it upon themselves to rule us, who have declared the wars, taken away the healthcare, started the foodbanks rather than give a basic minimum wage. We can only hope that the young people of today have not bought into the idea that big is best, rich is success, war will save us. AND I have a son who has often told his friends that I am way more radical than he is. So don't go blaming this mess on the entire older generation and don't naively put your hopes on a group of young people who have been brought up with privilege and sometimes entitlement.

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Who would have ever thought the concentration camp called Gaza would become the graveyard of the western empire and everything it stands for?

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Keep your focus on the injustice, Caitlin. Thank you.

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As a boomer and life long radical activist the struggle should not be seen as generational or about the failures of the older generations. Every generation has failed in its mission to fundamentally change society including that of our parents and our own. It’s a hard mountain to move. But we need to recognize that youth and elders should have a collaborative relationship and both can contribute. Elders can benefit from the fresh ideas and energy of the youth, and the youth can learn from the history and experience of the elders who led struggles in past decades, especially during more radical and hopeful times than now. And yes, I will criticize where I disagree regardless of how old you are.

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Unfortunately some of those young are being groomed as we speak to be the new empire managers. Most of the young are alright, but it only takes a few of them to pick up the levers and keep the rotten machine going.

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"Israel apologists would have you believe there’s been a sudden worldwide emergence of “Hamas supporters” everywhere rather than a normal and entirely predictable worldwide opposition to genocide."

This. And it gives me hope that there is a growing opposition to genocide. As Caitlin says, "Israel has lost the argument... Time for something new." Hmmm new? How about we never allow this sort of tragedy to happen again?

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I don't see how the young are going to so-called claw their way out of the madness their predecessors left them in and create a healthy world if all they do is play with iphones, eat fast food, ignore books, scorn their more-educated elders, and swallow the propaganda of the corporate elites.

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Check this out:

"+ Only 11 US Senators voted to enforce a US law that countries getting US weapons not use them to commit war crimes: Sanders, Hirono, Merkley, Markey, Warren, Paul, Butler, Lujan, Van Hollen, Heinrich, Welch. When it comes to the “international rules-based order”, we don’t even consent to follow our own."


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The ADL is trying to shut down substack.

The Oligarchy is trying to bamboozle us again.

Simplicius is is sounding the alarm.


I'm a boomer. I accept no blame for the choices I made. They were the best I could do given the information I had when I made those choices. I do acknowledge that now that I have more information, I wish I could change some of those choices.

Now there is more information. Other choices can be made. I do not blame any generation as a whole. I solely blame the Oligarchy. They set up and run the "casino" (political economic system) we now all play in. If you want different results, destroy the Oligarchy. Blaming one another accomplishes nothing. Anyone who doesn't realize this is an Oligarchic dupe.

Who is the Oligarchy? They are on the cover of Forbes. FDR was a member. One of those guys on Forbes might be another FDR. Or not.

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I do not at all agree with your premise that we are leaving a terrible world to the next generation. You see, the world is not made up of discrete generations, it is a continuum of newborns appearing and old one bowing out.

Did you ever reproach your parents for leaving you a shitty world? I would bet any money that you did not, and I would equally bet any money that your children will not make you that reproach.

Now, why is that? Because it is not your parents' "generation" that was responsible for what you were born into, it was the way the world had evolved. Similarly, it is not your "generation" that is responsible for leaving this "dogshit society", as you call it your children; it has been a continuous evolution.

Further on, your children's generation will not be responsible for changing society, they will build on the good parts of the society they find themselves in, and slightly modify the bad parts, a continuous work in progress that will be continued by your grandchildren who will build etc.

Do we carry no responsibility for this world? Yes, but only a fraction. Should we not do anything? Yes, as much as we can. In the context of this article, we owe it to liberate the Palestinians from the genocidal ZioNazi yoke and to destroy that yoke.

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I'm not happy that the university was bombed, so don't get me wrong. But since it was bombed, I hope at least it fell neatly into its own footprint. Like building seven. Now, what could the two possibly have in common...

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Caitlin you kick ass as opposed to fake journalists who just kiss Zionist ass

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‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 104: Israel’s unrelenting assault continues – ‘If we’re not killed by bombs, we die from the cold, starvation, or disease’

As Palestinians in Gaza continue to be starved and bombed by Israel, the U.S. has designated Yemen's Ansar Allah group as terrorists in hopes of intimidating their resistance against Israel's ongoing aggression.


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I fear the youth are bludgeoned by a very intense and sophisticated brain washing mind control system perception steering campaign they have been exposed to through their devices from birth...

All social media corporations are tottaly down with the censorship and algorythums designed to present only the status quo narratives and burry alternative real thought ideas and jurnaliamthat deviates from this "norm" deep down in results or simply block and delete.

Its very incidious how it's done too..

Even google the number one search engine is in on it and search results are curated to show a very slanted and one sided results that supports the establishment ,,, and still they are looking the PR war.

You can only lie and con people so far before they start sniffing it out and becoming suspicious but that is only for people who have any sense of integrity or intellectual courage to look past the wall of bull shit we are fed 24/7.

I wish I had more faith in the youth but I'm not so sure they are not falling for it too when all their parents have.

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The only merit Capitalism could leave to humanity is to fail destroying the planet so that Socialism is eventually embraced by all the peoples of the world and stop the fascists who’ve been controlling the west for decades.

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Tremendous stuff Caitlin, keep on knocking them out the park.

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