May 1Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

You're a hell of a poet Guerilla Poet.

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Hiding the sunken eyes of a demented soul, behind dark glasses. Yes it's the puppet potus. It's also every cop and soldier supporting the regime here and worldwide for a share of the loot without remorse .

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As long as he got his laundered percentage and his family was taken care of and he has gas for the Corvette, what’s the big deal; it’s the way the Caring Compassionate Progressives conduct their Foreign Policy Money Dumps and military misadventures at the expense of screwing their Citizens monetarily and persecuting those who disagree!

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That's for sure. I wonder what Mike Johnson got taken care of.

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As one wise soul put it, most Republicans are actually Democrats if you peel back the facade, basically fakers.

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But some insist there are real republicans out there somewhere. With their leader DJT in front.

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When some has the guts to stop birthright citizenship for non-citizen parents; making crossing our border a felony; and hiring illegals a felony, call me!

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Plenty hot air balloons out there. No phone plan will cover the number of calls to be made for those.

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You among the useless bloviating with little to say!

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May 1·edited May 1

The posturing christians are the worst of all sinners. Modern day Pharisees. He's got an attack surface probably a mile long for blackmail.

Remember what Snowden revealed:


In one instance revealed they tapped phones in the entire Washington DC i.e. everyone on Capitol Hill who makes the laws and everyone in the executive branch. But its not only congressmen.They are also tapping phones of foreign leaders to ensure blackmail and compliance:


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Captures this present moment which no sane person wants to hold onto, but which history cannot help but reckon with... someday. At least with this poem we can now say that that we knew in the present just what we were dealing with, and just what it was we were expected to extoll as the lesser of two evils.

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Aviator Sunglasses. Brilliant poem. Could just as well have been called Genocide Joe. What a potent way to describe the horror, the brutality, the ignorance, the injustice, the violence, the vulgarity, the destruction, the depravity, the sinister mindless indifference, the blood-curdling monstrous evil that irresponsible brazen power without conscience has wrought. A brilliant poem.

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But unlike Trump, he's decent!

[Edit: Irony alert, if needed. Of course I don't mean this literally.]

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So then he does overtly and sometimes

less conspicuously consent to genocide,

but he’s ever so decent about it!

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Compared to FJB FDT is decent. Truly both are scum.

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Just disagree with him and the FBI will be at your doorman’s Merrick Garland will prosecute!

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That's why you agree with Genocide Joe, I see 🤣🤡

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[Edit: Irony alert, if needed. Of course I don't mean this literally.]

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? Did you forget the \s (sarcasm) tag? What part of actively supporting genocide qualifies as decent? Or maybe you misspelled "demented"? Help me out here...

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I didn't forget it. I thought it was self-evident. Thanks for the benefit of the doubt, though. :)

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"Dark Brandon" glasses

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Thank You Caitlin

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Can't "like" Caitlin. Horrifically real.

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Caitlin does not live in the real world; she will change her compassionate tune fore every miscreant and terrorist when they kill a few of her friends and loved ones, and the criminals over run her abode.

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A swift negative comment, Gene.

Unless you are into mental SM I suppose you are not a subscriber so your swiftness must be attributed to the algorythm that summoned you. I'm not interested in how much a ghoul makes nowadays but I do wonder how much it takes from your self.

How much, Gene?

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I have been around Carlin’s bleeding heart commentary since her days on Medium where Progressivism flourishes and Libertarian & Conservative comments get you jailed for attempting to have a legit discussion!

She obviously has lived in a rarified world where she has not had to deal with personal threats and the rough side of life where her safety depends on her not the state!

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I was not aware your acquaintance went way back. Also I appreciate your response was not an attack although mine was.

Please accept my apologies for calling you a ghoul.

On the other hand, I myself am no stranger to organized violence. Coping with that included a lot of concessions to my fellow human beings in order to find my way in society. One of these was allowing people the ability to change in changing times, because it hurts to be reminded of pain.

Perhaps Caitlin changed, perhaps not but we cannot wish our experiences upon another (until push comes to shove, ofcourse!) in order to be able to agree with their arguments, or poetry. This is where I agree with Caitlin (or whoever); we have to abolish organized pain.

Because it hurts to be reminded of pain.

Thus I defend one whose words sound true, as I do now to you whom I attacked by saying again: I apologize

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Yes Caitlin, I am moved by your subversive poem and I thought what a poignant way to list the horrors of empire, reflected back from the trademark sunglasses. There's no escape for those who wear and own the crime.

Thank you Caitlin and Tim.

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Great article, have you noticed how Biden and often others photographed with him ware the same “sunglasses” ?

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I suppose in 6 months RayBan is doing a BudLight on the Iwannabeassociatedwiththispieceofhumansuccesstorey value of their shares

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Jack, AOC was one. Fuck her and her phony “compassion “.

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Reflected in them is a civilization that created monotheism to declare god is always on its side.

But we will likely be reborn to face the same world we helped create and if all the humans are gone then to be reborn as some other species instead.

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Zionist Christians are warped beyond belief.

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May 1·edited May 1

I'm glad you noticed the sunglasses, Caitlin. I almost said something about it yesterday; and then, for whatever reason, or for no reason, I didn't. Did you notice that all three of the the people in the photo appeared to be wearing the very same aviator sunglasses? What, is RayBan giving out free sun- glasses to VIPs? Anyway, I thought it was odd too. They're hiding the evil, lifeless, lying eyes of the puppets "in charge". The Western governments have been entirely captured by Satanic machinations.

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Remember The Matrix ?

The agents wore all the same style sunglasses ...


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May 1·edited May 1

Very good point!

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Beautifuly worded and totally agree. But evil is a purely human trait. Lucifer doesn't wear sunglasses, He doesn't give a RayBan about BlinkBidYellen.

It is all on their heads

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May 2·edited May 2

So, you're insanely saying that Lucifer supposedly isn't evil?! Evil is NOT "a purely human trait"!! Evil started with Lucifer and the other fallen angels, not with humankind. After Lucifer's evil cohort was banished to the Earth from heaven, THEN Eve committed the first HUMAN evil, and then she compounded it by tempting and getting her husband, Adam, to also commit the same evil of eating the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is what brought evil into humanity. Before that, they had no knowledge of evil.

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Rafah Invasion Will Happen With Or Without Hostage Deal: Netanyahu​ https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/rafah-invasion-will-happen-or-without-hostage-deal-netanyahu-says

​ World Socialist Website has the video of a large cop crushing his bike down onto tiny, 71 year old Jewish lady Jill Stein, "holding the line", her arms locked with other protesters for Palestinian human rights on Saturday. The arrest of Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein is an attack on democratic rights https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/04/29/jenj-a29.html

Jill Stein released from St. Louis County Jail after Washington University arrest (9 min interview)​

"I've just gotten out of jail; I don't know what my hair is doing", she quips, straightening her hair after being charged with "assault on a police officer".

"This is about freedom of speech about a very critical issue that needs to be in dialogue." "Americans oppose genocide; we want to get that on the ballot." "We did the right thing we had to do... just to show that we are not hypocrites." "Are we going to normalize the murder and torture of children on an industrial scale?" Stein calls out "political zombies" Trump, Biden and RFK Jr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifINLTzGD30

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Very vivid imagery. I'll never be able to look at an ice cream cone ever again. Dripping with the blood of innocents...

Mr. Aviator Sunglasses has ruined everything for everyone.

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