The Neoliberals have such a hard on for war right now it’s like they’re newly enrolled born again acolytes of the rapture. Not sure how these talking points are being disseminated globally with such cohesion but that’s maybe the most alarming part. How organized this propaganda for war-annihilation has become globally across many governments and their “news” organizations. People in small town Canada are even starting to parrot these talking points like a China-vasion is warming up on the tarmac as we speak. It’s beyond ridiculous

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Where would we be without CBC?

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Hoping more people switch to the Caitlyn Broadcasting Company

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I'm glued to my radio now listening for the latest reports and when to expect the invasion..

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What??? The CCP is getting ready to invade Canada!!! Dastardly commies. We will fight them tooth and nail. Canada must remain free!!!

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Lol. They dont have to. Just pay off the liberal party of Canada.

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Apparently farmers in Athabasca know more than we do.

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Uh, that ship may have sailed.

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just call them what they are - a nuclear war death cult. and they're insulting the average Australians' intelligence

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This is utter madness for you in Australia and us in the UK. When will our countries stop and so no to the tyrannical behavior of the US.

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From the US, I wish you would.

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Picking a fight with China is a Terrible Idea. ALl they need to do is send a single sub to sneak around the coast, fire a cruise missile at Gas hubs along the way, and Oz is crippled.

As a bonus, fuel depots in the major cities would cause immediate havoc.

It is very easy to take Oz off the Board in hot fight.

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"We must be ready to go to war. Otherwise, we won't be a good lackey!"

Notice that asking "why do we need to go to war?" and "why are we trying to be The Best Little Lackey Ever?" are questions that you are not supposed to ask, the equivalent of farting in church.

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Australians don't need a "psychological shift" in the public's attitude toward war with China unless it's to shift it toward a peace-loving and pacifistic attitude. You are so right to raise the alarm, Caitlin. The propaganda machine is going full tilt and won't stop until it gets every Aussie screaming for (Red, of course) Chinese blood. It's time to stand up to your colonizers, the US and the UK, and tell them where to shove their nuclear missiles! We need world peace not war!

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From early on in reading this I was thinking "CIA" infiltration! Sure enough farther down what did we find "a coup"! I seriously hope you are not that lone soldier Caitlin because if people in Australia buy this insanity there truly is no hope for us left!

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Keep the facts coming, Caitlin. It takes a lot to change an opinion in this country but we appreciate the effort you are making. Yes, media concentration is a problem here with Murdoch, once a Socialist thinker, controlling far too much in the way of news. As for comment, he has the most rightwing media whores in this country on his payroll, similar to the FOX propagandists in the USA. As for the Fox staff here, the less said the better. Knaves.

Well, Murdoch is a good age and has no doubt burnt his candle at both ends over time so his influence here may eventually diminish as his sons seem a little more honest in their approach. Time will tell. But it was a government that allows the media ownership in this country to be so concentrated, in return for which……………guess. Political support. Yes, graft.

As for the SMH and the Age, there has obviously been a combined effort by the Australian and US trained militarists hiding in offices and Universities with names that disguise their real functions, to get both organisations on board at the same time. Now that is organised propaganda similar to the efforts in the 1930's and on by Joseph Goebbels of Nazi fame who was something of a genius……in the field of propaganda, that is.

“Think of the press as a great keyboard

on which the government can play.”

― Joseph Goebbels

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Murdoch was never a socialist, only an opportunist. A snake can shed its skin. Still a snake.

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Yet again we can directly trace this manipulation and skulduggery back to American Imperialism. Not only is Amerika unable to pay back its interest on the vast loans it owes China it is unlikely to be able to do so even with its profiteering side hustle, the proxy war in the Ukraine it remains broke.

The Amerikan Defence Complex as we all know is the USA’s biggest cash cow. As we speak a railway manufacturing plant closed for 70 years has reopened to produce Artillery casings around the clock. Some 10k rounds being shipped to the Ukraine to be fired off haphazardly without spotter planes or units, senselessly tearing the country up. Well follow the destruction and you will find US vultures waiting in the wings to charge BIllions rebuilding.

Back on track, the US not only wants to, but needs to go to war with China. It’s facing bankruptcy even printing money beyond any ability to underwrite it. By going to war with China, debts are written off, cash cow in full production and a population cull as well. Taiwan is just an excuse. It used to be part of China and is now independent.

As Caitlin mentioned the ring of steel around China in the form of American Garrisons is truly all telling plus the vassal state of Japan has been mobilised building attack units for the first time since wwII in the form of super Helicopter Carriers. That drags them in. The American bases, especially nuclear assets across the country make no doubt that Australia will be in the front firing line.

The US/U.K./Aus Naval Pacific Rim Treaty of last year states one attacked all attacked protocol. I hope people aren’t relying on U.K. naval support too much as of the two brand new carriers, one failed sea trials and returned to port. The other is afloat in the med somewhere but actually has zero aircraft aboard. Since disbanding the Harrier no replacement has been made and the only go to option is the inferior F35 carrier variant. But it drags the U.K. in again as the Us poodle in a lame attempt to give its expansion plans international backing and legitimacy.

Meanwhile the Chinese have launched the most advanced nuclear carrier in the world and its soldiers rated No1 in the independent Janes military manual. Now I know that will bruise more than a few USA number 1 egos but it’s the truth. Chinese military is not going to be the duck shoot slaughter of the Imperial Guard in Iraq.

I have maintained my sons dual British.Irish nationality to remain a European but also to avoid this being drafted in what could easily slip into WWIII

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A carrier at sea with no aircraft? Is it undergoing some sort of testing?

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Nope. The contract to build two carriers was awarded on a political basis as an underling of the USA. I guess no one in military told them the only aircraft we had capable of landing on them, the Harrier was being retired from service.

The American Defence Complex must have been grinning like Cheshire cats. A couple of months at sea the first carrier developed reactor problems and been in Portsmouth ever since. It had a single Squadron of American piloted F35s on board. Eight when it returned to port as one aborted on take off. The other one is pooling around the safe waters of the Mediterranean. Maybe they’ve knocked up some cardboard versions and practice moving them around the ship?

Not only an international embarrassment it also confirms that the U.K. as a collection of small islands, no point further than 80 miles from the sea we do not need them for national Defence one jot. It’s clear they are for the projection of aggression and attack purposes only. Perhaps a somewhat trivial nod to the pact drawn up by the States last year tying the U.K. and Australia into a ‘one attacked all attacked’ scenario in the Pacific Rim. I wonder if the newly launched, state of the art Chinese Super Carrier has any aircraft on board? Chorus of Rule Brittania anyone? Whist I wore a green jumper my colleagues in the ‘Senior Service’ must have nothing but nostalgia for the days long ago when British Fleets truly did rule the waves, perhaps a new motto could be ‘ wave at the rulers’? Enough deck space for several brass bands!

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The Chinese have been selling those T Bill's like hotcakes. Buying a lot of gold.

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Apparently the Russians have amassed enough gold reserve to fully under right their whole currency. Yet the vaults of Fort Knox and the Bank of England remain virtually empty. How long can a dip in the Dollar or Pound be printed it’s way out of without long term collapse. Even more concerning is the disappearance of banking bureaucrats focusing on interest rates and currency exchange rather than pure profit making. Where will the move towards digital currency taking away the need to print currency just adding a few noughts on in the morning and banking policy done for the day lead us?

Maybe I’m a dinosaur but I simply can’t see how a currency that is not underwritten by something of international value can work. Would a bank grant a mortgage without a substantial profit, a financial background check and proof of continued income? That’s even with the property itself under writing the whole financial transaction?

Don’t get me started on fractional reserve. Banking practices in the U.K. are clearly showing that they own your money not you. Limits on cash withdrawals, question at counter why you want your cash, disappearance of ATMs, no cash back at supermarkets (which they were pushing on us five years ago!) The banks are going to fail and instead of being bailed out by government there are ‘bail in’ plans where all customers accounts are frozen and that cashed used. Remember Cyprus 8 years or so ago, where you were only allowed to withdraw 50 Euros a day? A trial run I believe. But not to worry our new PM is a Merchant Banker. His claim to fame being senior management paid millions in bonuses when the Bank of Scotland collapsed. What bonus targets did they meet???

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Didnt credit swopsxand mortgage back securities bring the house down 2008? I hear it is the same thing all over again.

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I think your right. But access to the truth is held by the elite and private bankers. One scam I do know of is office blocks being built then held as an asset against the value of them being rented out against the value of them being rented out at full capacity. So an investment banker has a nice fat portfolio. But in reality many of these glass and concrete’ throw ups’ never even rent out one floor!

In the U.K. the City aka square mile or more appropriately the financial centre of U.K. reports to only one person. Not the Prime Minister not the Head of Bank of England but the monarch. For many years The Queen but now ‘jug ears’ her dim witted son. This I’d done by a Privy Council of four (ancient Masonic positions) who report directly to the Royal Office. How can this be so in this day and age? In a democracy? Well the incompetent self serving new PM was until recently was a career merchant banker. The corruption is so complete and deep and the ‘separation of of power’ a thin veil as all is interconnected and controlled. But the tottering ‘house of cards’ never quite falls it just reinvents itself.

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My ever-returning thought is - how this madness can be stopped?

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If isn't this it will be Marburg or some other silly, deadly disease. So long as we give them an ear they will be convincing.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

I live in the states, but only just one, so if I understand this, should China decide to attack Taiwan which could precipitate a nuclear war, and not to negate the possibility that Russia and America already had one, Australia thinks it can help by building up it's military bases and weapons? Not to disappoint, but better you should spend your money elsewhere.

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China is not going to attack Taiwan. They aren’t stupid like the US. What we’ll have is the same result as our military adventuring has produced since Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, etc—ignominious defeat, pallets of greenbacks moved into elite’s pockets, and Raytheon et al holding Wall Street up while the American populace bleats “just don’t touch our 401K’s” and blames everybody else. Pffst

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No offense. We are already accepting consequences of China and war. I believe they have some big conflict on the horizon.

If they dont get their war, they will take it out on us another way. Marburg, banking, starvation, lockdowns until we go to war.

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None taken, but it seems so crazy to drag you into this. What ever your expenditures it's too much. The US is the aggressor here and if it wants to play policeman of the world let it shoulder the burden. I'm sick of our many wars, and whose sole purpose is that we are number one.

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According to Mark Whitney, globalresearch.ca, China has initiated 0 (zero!) wars in the last 70 years. The U.S. initiated 200! Dr. Helen Caldicott explains what a nuclear would look like, in her 25 min. talk to college students: helencaldicott.com (if www, http or anything comes up, retype the link by itself).

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Yet with this 70 years of non aggression the US feels the need to surround China with 22 military bases around their border. I can’t but admire their restraint. Imagine the reaction if it was the other way around. I fear war with China will take place in the next three to five years. The US using Taiwan or some other made up scenario/excuse to start conflict.

Not only is the U.S. defaulting on interest payments on debt to China, it will get no more credit to support the Dollar. That combined with the States biggest cash cow being the Military Defence Complex it needs to feed. The profiteering from the disposal of outdated equipment to the Proxy war in the Ukraine is mere pin money and agitation of Russia. The profits of the Gulf long gone hungry eyes are on China. It’s possible the whole future of the U.S. economy is based on it.

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..so amazing, how 'humans'(?) buy IQ36 ''reasons '' to go into a war to defend psychopathic parasitic ''elite''... greeks, romans, and on and on..... up to day!.....same IQ36 reasons!...

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It is sad how our US militarism has spread across the globe like a cancer. I foresee nothing good will come of it.

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This ain't gonna be like that movie where everyone in Oz waits around for the nuclear fallout to reach. Nope you're gonna be ground zero this time. G'luck eh!!

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The stage is getting set.

Have fun getting this generation to fight any war. The life expectancy of a Ukrainian soldier right now is 4 hours. Arrive at eight, dead by noon or sooner.

This isn't a video game. At least when we were kids we ran and played this outside. The brutal violence and mental and physical effort it takes to fight a war is beyond imagination.

It appears we will get the depopulation.

Let's see if the soy generation has the nads to stop this insanity before it starts or will they march off to the meat grinder.

Life expectancy in the Russian Ukraine war is less than 4 hours. Arrive at 8, dead by noon. Or severely maimed, kind of lucky to survive, not.

We haven't started nuking yet.

The bankers need to stop China and Russia. Can't have that communism spreading.

Besides we are the banker's beaches. Less of us is more for them.

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What strikes me is 1--how crude the propaganda is, judging by that image, and 2--the note, very clearly sounded, about how Australia has to do this because Washington wants them to. It almost has the note of a ransom call, in which the kidnappee is trying to get something across while complying with the kidnapper's demand. Like, the media in Australia are not too happy about all this, but have been told they HAVE to cooperate with the propaganda effort, so they're slipping in a hint that they're doing this under duress, by making the call absurdly crude and by plainly stating that "the US made us do this." Like maybe they hope the Australian public will see through it? Or am I being overly optimistic?

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