James Clapper. Human version of The Clap. Often invisible, never good.

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The countries of the collective West are governed by traitors corrupted by the psychopaths in Washington. What more can be said?

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Why Clapper isn't in jail is beyond me. Obviously lying to congress in full view of the public they serve doesn't mean anything. But that's not news.

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AUKUS makes Oz and the UK alike lap dogs of US hegemony. You're right though Oz is going come out of it worst and as badly as Taiwan will and Ukraine has, the US military machine doesn't give a sh£t about any of us.

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The US Hegemony Juggernaut just keeps rolling over everything and anyone in its path, regardless of what anyone thinks or dares say. It's immune to all criticism. It hears nothing but its defenders in the DC swamp and their media sycophants. And by now the US media is all sycophants, except the sliver of critics in independent media such as Caitlin and a handful of others on the internet.

The war machine pays no attention to any of them, except to have them censored, shadow banned or otherwise silenced, which it's now doing with renewed vigor and determination, with billions of $$$ of funding coming from multiple quarters. It's the new, improved totalitarianism! Americans, except the usual few suspects, are not going to "wake up" to any of this. They aren't going to "rise up." They'd have already stopped the proxy war in Ukraine if they were inclined to awaken and arise. There are just too many new shows and sports extravaganzas to behold daily to devote time trying to stop the destroyers of everything that lives and breathes so they can maintain total power over all. There are just so many hours in a day, you know.

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Being from the u.s. (lower case for disrespect) I should not voice my opinion other than to say, every Australian should be very afraid. First order of business should be to ban every u.s. citizen from entry into Australia. That won't by itself solve the problem however it will give a pause to an insane position.

Caitlin is right in her comparison of Australia to Ukraine, the massive sale of weapons is coming and most likely far more than anyone knows. I would love to be wrong however, history tells me..........

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I laughed at first because it was so criminally obvious at your opener "In 2013 Clapper committed perjury by telling the Senate under oath that the NSA does not knowingly collect data on millions of Americans, only to have that lie exposed by the Edward Snowden leaks a few months later." because once again the Criminal gets a free lunch and Edward? Well we all know what became of him!

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Oh Caitlin, this is one of your best articles. You have found a new beat.

If Australians would like to see how intelligent the US strategists are and the results of being a "partner" to their strategies and wars, in my recent article on the US Intel leaks and related matters, I provide a summary of what has happened in the lead up to and the process of the war in Ukraine. It is in the section titled "The Aftermath or Taking Stock". The summary is that partnering with the US in its foreign wars is a universally disasterous choice.

May Australia society learn from the folly of Europe.

The Effect of the US Intelligence Leaks


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Americans should wake up to its government negative aggressive behavior, the cost to humans and the environment. Enemies are a choice! We are stuck in a rut!

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I wrote my senators & representatives about Ukraine. Feel free to borrow this.

Dear Representative Davids,

With the revelations in the Washington Post that Ukraine is losing 7 soldiers for every 1 Russian soldier, I think it is time to:

* Admit that Ukraine can’t win;

* It is immoral to make Ukraine fight to the last Ukrainian;

* Negotiations with Russia are 14 months overdue;

* China proposed peace. Why are we letting China act like the adult?

* Our media never told the truth about Ukraine, which means we don’t have a media; we have propaganda outlets, and it doesn’t make any difference if they are MSNBC or Fox;

* Social media censors debate, and this is unamerican. But we’ve had a lot of censorship and propaganda these past three years, and we are losing our country;

* We’ve wasted $113,000,000,000 creating hell on earth for the Ukrainians. This war didn’t need to happen, but no one wanted to listen to Russia for the last 30 years. Gorbachev and Jim Baker had a handshake deal that NATO would not expand east of Germany. That was before NATO added about 14 more countries. No one is following the Minsk Accords, either.

Question: what could that $113,000,000,000 have done in the U.S., for us? Aren’t there people still being poisoned in East Palestine, Ohio?

Further, didn’t the national debt go from $1 trillion to $31.6 trillion in the last forty years, as: families got deep into debt, crime skyrocketed, and race relations became worse? But we started wars all over the world since 2001. What the heck for?

We Americans want our money back.

We want our country back.

I could go on.

There are Republicans and Democrats like President Trump, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Ron DeSantis, Tulsi Gabbard, and many others who tell the truth about this proxy war. They understand that we are playing with nuclear Armageddon. And they know it is wrong for our “media” to lie to us about what has been going on for 14 months.

I won’t vote for any Republican or Democrat who supports this war, and I will vote for any Democrat or Republican who tells the truth, starts negotiating, and shuts it down.

I’m done. I’m done voting for “the lesser of two evils.” Anyone who supports this war is not “the lesser of two evils.”

We should have started leveling with the American people back in 2002. Well, better late than never.

I want to vote for you. Where do you stand on this apocalyptic, immoral, proxy war that we could end this week if we wanted to?

God bless you,

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Australia , Ukraine comparison. The first response I get is, No it's Taiwan , Ukraine. Taiwan there would be instant war with little chance to profit from extended years of arms sales. Australia there would be at least several years of 100s of BILLIONs of weapons sales , plus the forced Australia/NATO spending globally. Caitlin has it right , Australia is the new Ukraine : (

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Well, Australians can take comfort in the fact that if it goes nuclear, there will be barely seconds difference in who takes the hit first - and the rest of us. In the meantime it's the grinding of Australian faces in the dirt that must hurt. That and the boring presence of Americans jumping up and down, trying to get Beijing's attention.

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Right between the eyes. Always incisive, Caitlin for head of state!

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The reach of the US war machine is mind boggling.

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"grooming"! - Another brilliant metaphor! Flip the script on the right wingers. This needs to be done systematically!

BTW, while the right wingers are fixated on book burning, an icon of the "left" just did its part. I heard that Berkeley is shutting down libraries, allegedly to save money (while building $1 BILLION new computer science buildings) - Of course, the first on the list is the anthropology library. No need for that ancient human culture stuff. Students are conducting a sit in to block the move.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

What you are seeing is a textbook example of sociopathy, organized.

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