With all due respect, it isn't marked better in the United States, which does have a Bill of Rights. All you gotta do is say the magic words "Muh National Security!" and viola! The Bill of Rights just up and disappears.

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Don't forget "hate crimes" and "historically underserved."

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"a continent-sized US military base with kangaroos." Succinct! In short, the entire western-style Capitalist world (and its supposed governments, merely shell theaters). A world that is a vassal of corporations funded by investments through London and NYC, in short by monstrous corporations of US/UK roots that pay scarce attention to the topic of employee civil rights, considering that they hardly concede basic human rights.

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It's amazing that Anglo Saxons can be SO insular and echo-chamber centric, yet have SO many continents on the planet.

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It has no bill of rights because it is in the moronic anglo-saxon tradition, where the only right is to hold property.

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Good piece, but now Caitlin needs to realize that Covid itself, and the ensuing "protocol," is just the latest gambit of the American hegemony. Has she not noticed that everything about Covid emanates from the US? All the vaxes used by the Western countries (except for Astra-Zeneca, which has been removed from distribution in many places) come from the US. The WHO is basically a US organization. And circumstantial evidence would indicate that the bug itself was developed by the Murcans and their "gain of function" research. And it was released at a moment when US power and, most importantly, control were slipping fast.

Of course it must be said that what we call the "USA" is merely the armed force of Western finance capital.

We are living through a crime against humanity, and a covert war against humanity. We will only come out of it when the Western financial ruling class, and their military, business, and now medical minions, are exposed and prosecuted.

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A Bill of Rights is only worthless words. Trump removed the US from

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, nobody from the other supposed party had any objections, and that’s where it stands, but always it's nothing more than worthless words.

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How are those UDHR working out for the Aussies?

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From the States I've been watching events unfold in Australia with alarm and wonder -- someone's actually trying to outdo America's lurching authoritarianism?

It seems Humans are such a sad lot: always ready to bend a knee to a God, a hackneyed politician, a celebrity, an expert, or even a spouse. As children, many think less freedom will make them feel more secure, assuming they feel anything at all.

I'm reminded of the old joke regarding Satan and souls; so many seem to not mind giving up their freedom because they weren't using it anyway.

A good barometer of how far we've fallen is the number who take this Friday's obligatory patriotic fix marking the 20 year anniversary of 9/11 (sans its context and subsequent crime spree, naturally) seriously.

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Thanks for this Caitlin, I found it informative and engrossing.

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Could you please give a link to the poll saying 61% of Australians think their country has a bill of rights?

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Wonder how much support Shane Dowling will get from fellow journalists. Perhaps he is too courageous.

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Is Monica Smit still in jail for exercising Free Speech?

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This is an excellent article with many links. I will study up.

Good to see this posted here.


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