"Security-wise you really want to go with us. It makes just a lot more sense, right?"
In what universe would it make more sense to seek "security" with the purveyor of endless military aggression around the globe vs. a nation that pursues economic cooperation and avoids starting wars?
I like your point, you’re right in the sense you mean, but Realpolitik is the dynamic of nations, not humanistic considerations. That’s our species fate - power.
I find this turn of events most instructive. Remember how France cancelled the sale of Mistral-class helicopter carriers, at the behest of the United States? Remember how France dutifully joined in America's wars of aggression against Syria?
Well, this incident should show the United States' vassals and lackeys (and that includes Australia) just how little their American master cares about them.
I can't help but think how profitable this gang bang toward Armageddon must be, and how all that money is used in turn to further grease the wheels and produce even more denizens of think tanks whose only impulse is to yell "More cowbell."
I would call this madness, but the insane have no inkling of right and wrong or any means by which to measure their crimes. If these people were mad, their actions would at least be understandable.
I'm an atheist, but you're right, Caitlin. If people wake up to this, it could rightly be called a miracle.
Riff it’s your side that’s the problem. It’s the left. The right are ineffectual dummies - guns and God. The left has transmogrified itself into a state of authoritarian utopianism and they have the means to propagate their message and ensure strict compliance. The media, the Academy, corporate HR departments, employment law, Hollywood, politicians and Government Mandarin‘s - everyone with power must cleave to the same program, inchoate and malleable, ever-changing but with adherence strictly enforced and career destruction awaiting heretics.
Beg your pardon, but clearly you don't know anything about me or my political identity. How you could read my comments hereabouts and lump me in with Nancy Pelosi, the NYT editorial board, AOC, Rachel Maddow, or any of the other illustrious buffoons who comprise what is still laughingly referred to as "the left" in this country presents a mystery as rich as the one that will lead us out of this mess. You are completely within your rights to disagree with my opinions, but please; I ask that you not insult me.
The aforementioned "left" certainly are a problem, RJF, but are not THE problem, as both parties support and are supported by the exact same malignant entities. Looking beyond partisanship to me is the only view worth entertaining. All else is distraction, and that, succinctly, is my "side."
The newly illiberal left is like the proverbial wolf in sheep‘s clothing; the immutable right are dummies with their dicks hanging out - easier to spot.
Always had thought Australia might be one of the better places to live on Earth since so removed from the rest of the world. This movie always gave me pause:
"Security-wise you really want to go with us. It makes just a lot more sense, right?"
In what universe would it make more sense to seek "security" with the purveyor of endless military aggression around the globe vs. a nation that pursues economic cooperation and avoids starting wars?
I like your point, you’re right in the sense you mean, but Realpolitik is the dynamic of nations, not humanistic considerations. That’s our species fate - power.
Here's a funny 2021 Australia tourism ad for something on the lighter side.
That’s very well done
I find this turn of events most instructive. Remember how France cancelled the sale of Mistral-class helicopter carriers, at the behest of the United States? Remember how France dutifully joined in America's wars of aggression against Syria?
Well, this incident should show the United States' vassals and lackeys (and that includes Australia) just how little their American master cares about them.
I can't help but think how profitable this gang bang toward Armageddon must be, and how all that money is used in turn to further grease the wheels and produce even more denizens of think tanks whose only impulse is to yell "More cowbell."
I would call this madness, but the insane have no inkling of right and wrong or any means by which to measure their crimes. If these people were mad, their actions would at least be understandable.
I'm an atheist, but you're right, Caitlin. If people wake up to this, it could rightly be called a miracle.
Riff it’s your side that’s the problem. It’s the left. The right are ineffectual dummies - guns and God. The left has transmogrified itself into a state of authoritarian utopianism and they have the means to propagate their message and ensure strict compliance. The media, the Academy, corporate HR departments, employment law, Hollywood, politicians and Government Mandarin‘s - everyone with power must cleave to the same program, inchoate and malleable, ever-changing but with adherence strictly enforced and career destruction awaiting heretics.
Beg your pardon, but clearly you don't know anything about me or my political identity. How you could read my comments hereabouts and lump me in with Nancy Pelosi, the NYT editorial board, AOC, Rachel Maddow, or any of the other illustrious buffoons who comprise what is still laughingly referred to as "the left" in this country presents a mystery as rich as the one that will lead us out of this mess. You are completely within your rights to disagree with my opinions, but please; I ask that you not insult me.
The aforementioned "left" certainly are a problem, RJF, but are not THE problem, as both parties support and are supported by the exact same malignant entities. Looking beyond partisanship to me is the only view worth entertaining. All else is distraction, and that, succinctly, is my "side."
Well said
The newly illiberal left is like the proverbial wolf in sheep‘s clothing; the immutable right are dummies with their dicks hanging out - easier to spot.
It makes sense that Biden's handlers pulled out of Afghanistan to free up military funding for the new offensive against China.
I thought I was the only one thinking the Morrison goverment is authoritarian and conflict crazy. Good article
Always had thought Australia might be one of the better places to live on Earth since so removed from the rest of the world. This movie always gave me pause:
Looked too familiar to events which occurred in the US.
The covid lockdown has pretty much sealed the deal for me.
Another good comical take on Australian government: