A "Pro-Ukrainian Group" actually did do it! The group is properly referred to as the Biden administration.

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There ya go, spot on. The Biden administration does love those Nazis.

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Well said, Toney Brooks.

The fact that this new interpretation came from the New York Times put paid to any semblance of truthfulness, history having shown the world what a government instrumentality the NYT really is.

Check the NYT shareholders. Yes, Blackrock and Vanguard again.

I do believe that the truth is getting out there, all you commendable writers and commenters, to what seems to be the best read comment on the web, now also listed in other other blogs around the world. Rightly so.

Over time I have worked for many US owned organisation in aviation and computing. I can say that almost all the people I have interfaced with over that period are still friends. I like them, I like their values and I know they are disillusioned with the activities of their so-called political management. So I remain positive that if those people represent America, as I remember it, they and those like them will eventually take the country back to what it was, so long ago now.

That is what keeps me going. In the meantime, a curse on the Biden types, the Blinkens, Nulands, Bush and Obama supporters, Netanyahu, Pompeos, Isreali policy controllers and political grafters, Wolfowotz /Perle Neocons by the hundreds, Bolton and that evil woman, Clinton. .........and for their supporters.

They need to be seen for what they are / were, those types of Americans never to be seen again.

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Since Hunter Biden has been so handsomely paid by a Ukrainian oligarch for his supposed expertise in Ukrainian region, you’d think the media would at least put him on the spot and ask him about this mess. But no.

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Bravo, take the bow : )

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'A "Pro-Ukrainian Group" actually did do it! The group is properly referred to as the Biden administration.'

Yeah. It surely is refreshing to see the NYT reporting truthfully for a change.

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"They" are desperate to hide their crime. Ukrainian Nazis are the perfect group to throw under the bus! All the NYT ever does is promote the lie of the day from our oppressors. The pipeline was blown with the planning, funding, and execution of our own Biden government. He and all under him are guilty of vast crimes against Humanity. Period,

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

And these shadowy "pro-Ukrainian groups" did their nefarious deed Rrght in the middle of the Sixth Fleet Private Lake (aka "the Baltic Sea"). And nobody noticed the perpetrators as they sailed up or as they slipped away. Or even bothered to investigate.

Also, we are duly assured that these "pro-Ukrainians" (whoever they might be) had No Connection Whatsoever to the Biden Administration (even though Administration officials publicly called for the destruction of Nordstream, then gloated about it for months!) or to the regime in Kiev or to Zelenskii in particular.

Apparently, they really do think we're this stupid.

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"Or even bothered to investigate."

Yes, so They slow walked (or more accurately, "no walked") whatever they might want to pass for an "investigation".

Then the Hersh article comes out and forces their hands. They first tried to counter that with blanket, but baseless, denials. I guess they decided that wasn't enough to satisfy a large enough portion of "the masses", so they had to actually cook up a counternarrative on the fly, and we get this.

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Wait a second.

Does this have anything to do with that Pro-Russian group that invaded Ukraine last year?

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Yup, ain't it funny how the Donbass militias were Russian puppets with no agency (I know some members, and the members I know are, well, from Ukraine, along with some other people from countries other than Russia) but these "pro-Ukrainian groups" are just rogue actors, no connection whatsoever to the US or the regime in Kiev, nosiree!

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They are convinced of it and the evidence abounds.

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Led by Mr. Nate O.

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Why anyone is buying the NYT for anything other than wrapping stinky garbage is a mystery to me. They've been on the wrong side of almost everything for decades. But the bigger mystery is how anyone with two brain cells could even consider the proposed narrative: a couple of disgruntled guys with a boat somehow managed to blow up a complex ocean structure. Actually I guess the latter is not much of a mystery anymore; the majority bought an unproven jab to protect themselves from a bad cold. Marketing rules the day.

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I would use it to start a fire in my wood stoves...if it were free😉

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I don't buy it, but I can see using the NYT, WaPo, etc. as opposition research.

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It's a decent cat litter in a pinch.

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Marketing DOES rule the day. And I’d laugh if it wasn’t so serious, but Joe Lauria at Consortium News is saying just that! That this bull squirt from the “paper of record” is meant to start turning the propaganda AGAINST Ukraine, to say we never had much control over them, and that we just can’t go on supporting such an outrageous actor!!!! O. My. Sweet. Jebus! And after Sean gave Zelensky an Oscar and everything!!!! And as you say, Nancy—the Sheeple will swallow it hook line and sinker and turn their docile, Liberal eyes to the heroic “protection” of Taiwan!!!! I wonder who will get an Oscar for this one?

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Yes, that is the most pathetic and predictable and ridiculous response ever. And shows exactly the contempt "our" government has for we citizens and, really, all citizens.

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And they no longer pretend to hide their contempt. Which shows the populace deserves it.

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Harsh but true : ( End Stage Capitalism demands it. The squeezed profits in a declining profit world demands a docile medicated populace. Who else will they steal from as the number of monopolies decline. Remember there is only one winner.

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Just as they commit crimes right out in the open and nothing happens to them!

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Right. They don't even have the shame to make up some rather convincing lies to tell us. Nooo! They just make up this childish nonsense and force it down our throats like pablum! I'm so disappointed by the NYT for not coming up with a better "group" name. How about "mysterious pipeline hating pro-Ukranian group"? Then they could blame green warriors who want to shut down all fossil fuel pipelines. Blame environmentalists for all wars! Yeah!! *sarcasm*

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The U.S. government is a Ukraine-aligned group.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Nope. Even that is propaganda. Ask the Afghans and the Kurds about real life outcomes for US proxies.

The U.S. will throw the Ukrainians under the bus once Goldman Sachs, Blackstone have secured all the value in it and the workers there subjugated under war rules.

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So they can say, "well we were telling the truth!" 🫠

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It pains me to imagine how much abuse you must constantly have to field. I can see the stream of ignorant insults and grunts coming at you in your comment feeds and tweets and so forth and picture how it would affect me. It’s daunting. You have grit and courage to keep this up every day, which needless to say is absolutely necessary. I guess I’m writing to add my strand of support for you against those who would try to tear you down when you have been nothing less than magnificent. I can only apologize for not getting a paid subscription sooner. What else can I say? Fuck the beasts and ghouls at your door and keep going.

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A wonderful post C Ronk. I totally agree. And a happy International Women’s Day to Caitlin. Thank you for all you do.

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I wonder if that Pro-Ukrainian group wasn't the CIA, or the American special forces, and foreign policy imbeciles like Antony Blinken and Victoria Nuland? Oh, that pro Ukrainian group!

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No way Nuland can scuba dive.

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True but she makes a great large buoy!

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You win the best comment of the day! Nuland buoy... hysterical. :)

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That would be a great use for her.

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Rumors have it she spent some time in Crimea when she was young so one never knows...

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The story I heard was Odessa. Whatever.

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These days NYT is really starting to look like that great checkout-counter staple; 'The Weekly World News'.

“I was Bigfoot’s Love Slave,”

"Obama Appoints Martian Ambassador"...

"Alien Group blows up Gas pipeline with Psychic Rays from Space".

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At least the Weekly was entertaining, MSM are just lazy now. They control the narrative, so they think any objections can just be covered with social media altering the trending tweets and bam, no more problems.

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The NYT is barely even phoning it in anymore.

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NYT has stopped paying its cell phone bill it seems.

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Come on there, NY Times. My sources tell me che era un gruppo di Siciliani chi hanno scoppiato Nordsteam (that it was a group of Sicilians who blasted Nordstream). Oops, my sources must remain anonymous, lest they get angry with me, with clearly predictable consequences. Is there a reason that my explanation is any less believable than the frittata of chicken guano purveyed by you all in concert with the ultra-corrupt Biden administration? Anyone exclusively reading this rag each day likely has not even a nanoliter of clear cognition about the world. Its physical and digital pages effuse the most vile sewer gases of exceptionalist propaganda, particularly where Amerika's wars are concerned. To paraphrase an old piece of satire in MAD magazine: "All the news that's shit, we print."

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Empire of Lies as intelligent Putin calls it.

All masks are falling - we live in a bipartisan fascist country

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The US went berserk for a week over balloons - that spectacle was the trial balloon. Anything goes now. There is no floor.

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‘Just imagine what humanity could accomplish if our species was pouring all its innovation and ingenuity into coming up with ways to make the world a better place for everyone instead of figuring out the best ways to control people's thoughts, reap massive profits, and wage wars.’ I’d add that there is profit in doing good in the world beyond social benefits. However, we have this problem of sociopathy. They used to say it was 1 out of 4. Is it more?

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Most humans are not sociopaths. However, power selects strongly for sociopathy.

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Ain't it funny that all those Sixth Fleet helicopters flying around the area of the pipeline attack didn't even notice anything amiss?


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Moon is full, no?

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