Makes your blood boil!!!

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How appropriate that a cadre of warmongering sociopaths enlists one of their own kind to persecute, with murderous intentions, an individual who basically reveals their sociopathy on a regular basis.

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Arresting a journalist for revealing a country's war crimes is the height of absurdity. But, the world we live in is upside down where the morally corrupt and the criminals pass new laws to seek revenge on those who act in a righteous manner.

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Yet - the War party invents a "genocide" in China and is selectively concerned about human rights in China, Russia, Venezuela, Syria and elsewhere. Biden administration, like Trump's, is a criminal regime of corrupt oligarchs.

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When one is caught cheating that usually means the game itself is called into question, unless cheating is part of the game itself, then it's anyone's guess what exactly can be called into question. A major witness in the US case against Julian Assange, an paid FBI informant, has told Stundin, an Icelandic Journal, he lied for the FBI against Julian Assange. My question is: Will it even matter? I highly doubt it.

You see, part of rigging a trial - the fun part - is the audacity of being transparent. Those who've read Kafka's "The Trial" remember that when they finally came for K, his assassins not only stabbed him with knife, but took pleasure in "twisting the knife".

This is "twisting the knife".

Those who rigged a show trial - don't care you know. Because that's what authoritarians do.

Primarily because they know you can't do a damn thing about it. Rig trials, rig elections, rig primaries, rig it all. What's the big deal?

They insert the knife, then they twist it. Hard.

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This should also expose the gallons of crocodile tears both the UK and USA governments are shedding on China's supposed suppression of journalistic freedom in Hong Kong.indeed, every wild accusation that Washington charges on every foreign government that won't kowtow to Uncle Sam, is based on actual similar crimes--usually with much more severity--perpetrated by the USA empire itself!

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One one side, facts and decency; on the other, American foreign policy. Gee, I wonder which one will prevail?

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If there is any way to sue the US for any of this ,it should definitely be done . The proverbial cat is now out of the bag.

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They'll get away with it. They always do. (This doesn't surprise me a bit.)

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I hope not.

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A classic case of the "lawfare" used by right-wing tyrants in Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, the US, and NATO.

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Why does this surprise you?

Pro-tip: because the people who matter want Assange imprisoned, this will change nothing for Assange, except that he may get suicided sooner rather than later.

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Quote Tweet :: Edward Snowden@Snowden

This is the end of the case against Julian Assange

Glenn Greenwald@ggreenwald :: 22h :: It should be.


Did Hitler ever relent? Did Stalin ever relent? Nah.

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While I worship the ground Snowden walks on, I hope he is wrong: I hope this doesn't last for "a generation" but for all time.

And what more does the US government need to shame it before the world than the things it has already done, even before this came out?

Please, come invade us, and free the trapped citizens from our captors!

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