Excellent video, great colours, honest reporting. Free Assange. Free Palesitine. For all of us. In our thousands, in our millions, we are ALL Palestinians.

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The US ambassador to the UN after vetoing a ceasefire resolution then called for a "Final Solution" to the Gaza issue.

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iZrael has forged it's own silver bullet.

iZrael betrayed and slaughtered it's own on Oct 7th.

iZrael then used that to enable GENOCIDE against the Palestinians.

Betrayed and slaughtered it's own and now committing GENOCIDE,

iZrael has lost it's right to exist.

A silver bullet to kill the Beast forged by itself.

iZrael has no right to exist.

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re: iZrael betrayed and slaughtered it's own on Oct 7th

so as to create blood lust in their own population and enable GENOCIDE.

iZrael (and the CIA/MI6) had possession of Hamas' jail break plan a year ahead of time

(it's written about in the iZraeli newspapers for hecks sake and the NYT).

The setup:

They obtained Hamas' detailed plans for Oct 7th a year ago- a monumental success.

Created a prison wall with multilayered security monitoring - human and electronic - success

Had human intel - spooks embedded in Hamas and the Gaza civilian population - success (and also likely the source that absconded with Hamas detailed Oct 7th plans)

Real-time monitoring of Hamas' hand-held radio network.

Had large number of IDF troops surrounding Gaza

(there is more, but that should make the point)


They recognized that Hamas' written plan for Oct 7th could not succeed under the above conditions.


So what did iZrael do about it, as they wanted to create blood thirst in their population so as to enable the GENOCIDE of Palestinians?

They decided to stop monitoring Hamas' hand-held radio network, so iZrael claims.

They had to ignore the alerts being sounded by border watchers.

They had to give a thumbs-down to written reports by intelligence officers

warning of an imminent Oct 7th (this happened!).

They had to ignore that Hamas had been trying to lull them into complacency (this was in writing in the Hamas Oct 7th plans).

They had to remove the vast majority of the IDF troops surrounding Gaza just in time for Oct 7th

Once the jail break was under way support troops had to be delayed for hours. (They refuse to explain

why this happened, stating that they will "investigate" only after Hamas is defeated.)

They had to implement the Hannibal Directive in order to achieve maximum civilian casualties.

The confluence of too many huge failures and too many horrible decisions

to be credible. It was clearly a planned security failure. PLANNED.

What did the CIA know, besides *everything*?

Destabilization. To borrow from the letter signed by 51 CIA agents interfering with a US Presidential election - "has the classic earmarks of a CIA destabilization operation."

The Oct 7th Intentional Security Failure has heightened war from Yemen to Lebanon to Iraq. A criminal, Netanyahu, has had temporary life breathed into his faltering administration. Most of all it has stirred blood lust in the iZraeli population such they support the ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and Gaza or Genocide, whichever comes first.

(IDF - Intentional Defense Failure)

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I still debate with myself on your list item in the list. Certainly, ONE nation must come out of this madness. One Vote, Human Rights for ALL. I think the world will now act and force this as we saw Lula suggest.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 29

The virtue signaling on this blog is sickening.

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How do you mean? Are you saying Caitlin is not a journalist with reason to be anxious?

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"How do you mean? Are you saying Caitlin is not a journalist with reason to be anxious?"

I am referring to many of the commenters who are 'head-bobbers.' They live to show they are more virtuous than anyone else while never doing anything to solve the problems.

But since you mentioned Caitlin how does being anxious solve a problem?

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"while never doing anything to solve the problems." - and this your claim again. How do you know that? How do we know you do? Anyone can claim anything on forums like this one.

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Most, if not all blogs, feature head-bobbers prominently, and this one is not an exception. If you know of some blog that's different let me know. I'd definitely like to check that one out.

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Because, being anxious can, for example, lead to writing and reporting on news that is not portrayed in the mainstream media. By the way, you might consider changing your handle. You aren’t a realist. You are a cynic -

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"You aren’t a realist. You are a cynic -"

One does not preclude the other. Your logic sucks.

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The cynic and the killer waltz together.

Cynicism is lazy, both morally and intellectually. It relieves you of any responsibility to try and make the world better, because, after all, what's the point?

To call yourself a 'realist' assumes that you speak for the actual 'reality' that

other's live. It's arrogant - and dishonest.

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It’s “virtue” not “virtual”. 🤦‍♀️

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"It’s “virtue” not “virtual”.

Indeed it is. My mistake...thanks. But I was right about it being sickening.

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Try to enjoy your day. Saw lots of dead people the other day. Obviously, there's something seriously wrong with people

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Gaza has shown us what war crimes really are, and it's journalists who have shown us. He must be released. If not, we as a world are harmed as much as he is. Our institutions are becoming meaningless.

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They already are meaningless. That Israel a country who found a place to call home because of a genocide then turns around an implements one of it's own and receives a pass from the US tells you the world pretty much sucks.

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Yes, Isreal found a home. But as the late, much missed, journalist Robert Fiske wrote: It was on Arab land.

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You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The Israel project began before the Nazis started murdering people, that happens to include Jews, but wasn’t exclusively Jews.

You have heard of the Balfour Declaration, haven’t you?

That was in November of 1917

What genocide are you referring to, exactly?

I have refrained from addressing some of the nonsense you spout, because when you have been challenged in the past you play victim, and claim that you are being attacked.

But, I’m not going to just sit back and watch you reinvent history, for the purpose of some inane comment.

I suggest that you read/study a little more, and bloviate a little less.

Possibly, then, you could accurately recite the creation of the genocidal, Jewish state of Israel.

I’ve got a little news flash for you woman, the Jewish genocide of the Palestinians didn’t start in 2023.

This is the 2nd Nakba, at least.

If you really believe that Israel was created in response to the Nazis little fun and games in Europe, I’ve got some great real estate opportunities to sell to you.

Some beautiful beachfront property in Gaza.

But hurry, the lots are selling fast.

Get a clue lady.

The European Jews are victimizers, murderers, and rank opportunists.

It’s all a scam.

There have been many, many atrocities in my lifetime, and yours.

Why is it that only the Jews were gifted their own “homeland”?

Albeit, on the site of someone else’s home.

There were plenty of unoccupied spaces for Jews to settle, but they demanded Palestine.

Why is that?

The Torah?

The Talmud?

Supremacist screeds in the same vein as Mein Kampf.

To the victims of Nazi brutality, I make common cause.

Jews and Gentiles/Goyim alike.

These assholes in Israel today have no relationship to those victims.

They’re more Hitler-esc than the original article.

Sorry to go on so long, but you’ve got my motor runnin’.

My position is that if you are pro-Israel, you need to be eliminated.

No matter what ridiculous religious, foolish fairytale book that you claim to read.

And, let’s face it, 99% of the idiots who claim fealty to these stupid story books haven’t read the god damn things, and don’t have a god damn clue what’s in them.

Kinda like some folks don’t bother to understand the history of Israel, before making silly declarations.

Shit, the atheists that I know are vastly more familiar with the holey bibble than any/all of the self proclaimed christians and Jews that I’ve met.

Know thine enemy.

And, make no mistake, religion is the enemy of reason-able people.

Have at it Fran.

This isn’t going to become a discussion.

This is me talking, period.

Do with it what you will.

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Yes, 1917 began the project israel, for the racist reasoning. What I didn't know about the Balfour committee, the lone dissenting vote. Edwin Mountegue a Jewish man said why should we leave our homes, this is not our land, we are from here. Of course no one listened to him. I found it an interesting part of the history of the racist origins of israel.

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Not just the Balfour Declaration, but the often secretive work of Zionists like Louis Brandeis (including as SCOTUS justice) and others to pressure American politicians and business leaders to support the creation of an Ashkenazi European Zionist entity in the Levant. So yes, she's FOS and doesn't know the history. And further, that after the Zionists had bought a somewhat small portion of the land in Palestine, the ethnic cleansing and genocide began. Not in the 70s, not in the aughts and not after October 7. Israel's existence and life blood has ALWAYS been predicated on terrorism, theft, propaganda/lies and genocide/ethnic cleansing. Fran needs to read up before wading in any further.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 22

Mike Fish is abusive and has gone after me a number of times misrepresenting what I said, and the underlying message is that I'm an idiot, and know nothing. I have given him no cause for such an assumption and his sole purpose is to demean me. He's abusive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Israel, the Zionist project and nation, did NOT begin as a result of the Nazis' genocide of Jews (and Poles and Slavs and Roma), but decades before. Israel's genocide of the Palestinians did NOT begin after October 7 or even in the 4 decades prior. It began just before the Nakba in the 40s. Israel has ALWAYS been reliant on genocide, ethnic cleansing and land theft.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23

Seems you want to keep this up, Maybe you need help. Why in God's name would you think that I don't know this? Did that ass fish make you think that? Did you read his derogatory post? I know all about the Balfour accords, and the Zionist movement that pushed for a land of their own due to prejudice, and once WWI was over and the Ottoman empire fell it was a done deal. You might also like to know that Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish supreme court justice, was also influential in helping to create a Jewish state. I very much suspect you picked this up from fish that loathsome character who finds it amusing to abuse women, and periodically pops in to do just that and I reported the bastard. Here let me help some more By the way if you don't think I don't know what happened at the UN in 1948 here's another source of information for you, Allison Weir, talks about this at length and you can find her on you-tube. Or you can read her book which I did. Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel. If that's not enough try Aljazeera that has a documentary on the Balfour accords as well. Enjoy. Thanks, but with 3 degrees I don't need your help

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Maybe you missed my other post/reply where I also mentioned Brandeis...or maybe you saw it. Frankfurter was one as well. You still totally neglected to mention the earlier Palestinian genocide like it just started recently.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 24

Sorry, but do not respond to me again. I am very aware of this issue no matter what you or that idiot, and abusive fish says, No I didn't see your post on Brandeis, Don't be so concerned about me since I feel quite secure in what I know and feel on this issue, so go elsewhere with your "helpful" self. I mean it.

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I didn't even see your post after fish posted his.

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Maybe Biden will try and offset his war crimes in Gaza by not extraditing Assange to the US

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I wouldn't hold my breath.

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Bidens cornered his own self in a sphere of stupidity and bloodlust. FJB

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He needs something to make the liberals not hate him.

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The neoliberals love Biden and all he stands for. It's the Leftists that despise him.

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He'a really down in the polls, and people know he's not playing with a full deck. I never liked him, because although he'll play the role of a liberal, he's not. He is and has always been a war monger, and now he's feeding weapons to implement a genocide. People also know he's not working with a full deck. People forget that Obama said if you want to have something fucked up call Joe, or something like that.

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Israel’s war on Gaza live: US condemned for veto of UN ceasefire resolution, "The message given today to Israel with this veto is that it can continue to get away with murder,” Palestine’s United Nations envoy" Riyad Mansour says. Amen to that.

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Spot on, let the Revolution begin. BTW let's leave the Guillotines dull for now. After more use we can sharpen them : ) Just kidding as usual.

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Holmes, nothing Biden could possibly do would make the true believers in his tribe turn away.

For that matter, nothing he could do would make the other tribe change their minds.

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Do you really believe people will FORGET what he’s done? In regards to Gaza?

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NOT on this one I don't thinks so but people have short memories and the next war will dilute the memory more.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

I hope not Jenny. We all need to make sure our so-called “leaders” never, ever forget.

ByeDone will forever be remembered as Genocide Joe.

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Absolutely, as long as 'we' still have a nice 'cushy' life we will just go on and forget about these unpleasant 'things' as we done so MANY times before (I read recently a thought: a financial collapse could save us ... hopefully?!?!)

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22

I didn't say they would forget what he has done. Many talk about it but do not hold him accountable, but I certainly believe he is, or those that run the show at his White House certainly are. If he runs against Trump people will overlook many of Biden's flawed policies, and once again a man whom I believe is senile will be reelected.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22

I don’t believe a word of it Fran… sorry.

Right now there is a huge drive in my state of Michigan ( our primary is next Tuesday) to vote “uncommitted”, spearheaded by our Rashida and former congressman Andy Levin who is Jewish. They want a different candidate than Genocide Joe. Who doesn’t? If there are enough noncommited votes here, perhaps it will catch on nationwide.

It’s only February. There’s plenty of time for Ro Khanna or some other popular Dem to mount a campaign.

If Genocide Joe runs against Trump, the Dems are TOAST.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22

No response.

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"He needs something to make the liberals not hate him."

Biden was born a goddamn idiot...now he is braindead. He has no input into what this country does. He is a titular President. This country is controlled by the power elite, the Deep State, or whatever you wish to call them.

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By the power elite do mean the neocons? I realize that, but it doesn't matter whether I refer to him making these decisions or the ones that actually do since he is the one up for election, and if he does get elected so do they. As far as his policy decisions I see no difference between the ones implemented now and those when he could depend on his own brain since he never gave shit about human life.

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I think you are wrong about who hates him, the donor class liberals love him and support his Genocide movement. I am a socialist however set myself apart from the liberals of my youth. Even though I am part of the Professional Managerial Class, I am not with them. They see us as burden to extract from. End Stage Capitalism demands this, can't continue without it. They build their bunkers for the final solution, ending most of us so they can have it all.

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If he does get reelected and he very well might it would in great part be due to the fact he's running against Trump, and now I don't trust Trump for wanting to get along with Russia, and never agreed on his Israeli policies. I know people, lots, who are against the genocide in Gaza, but Biden's name doesn't even come up, and if it does they make excuses for him in that regard. Hopefully the world will gain a greater perspective of our role in Gaza and hold us accountable, because we are.

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Why should he? Not add one more chit to

his lifelong list of deception, hypocrisy, and brown nosing

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Yes indeed!

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

"Maybe Biden will try and offset his war crimes in Gaza by not extraditing Assange to the US"


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Maybe, wait and see.

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War crimes are US helicopter pilots knowingly mowing down Reuters and Al Jazeera journalists in Iraq. Collateral Murder. Often by remote control w/ a deadly killer drone piloted thousands of miles away. War crimes go unpunished in the "free and democratic" West where "human rights" are paramount.

In the "free and democratic" West where "human rights" are paramount, exposing the world to the commission of war crimes is what you'll be punished for. In Gaza, in the West Bank, in the USA and any of its wars, and even from behind a computer screen a continent away.

#Free Julian Assange

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The Press helmet seems appropriate. Julian Assange has been under fire from the US for more than a decade. The genocide of journalists seems to be a uniquely American thing, doesn't it? #FreeAssange #FreePalestine

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Caitlin, if there were only many more people like you we wouldn’t be in this fucked-up dumbed-down situation. Bless you.

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Sincere thanks Caitlin. So strong, in a way that shows strength can be beautiful. The antithesis of brute force.

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War crimes are dividing us even more than before. We were doing terribly, but now it's even worse. No one seems to agree on anything anymore, except for some small, inconsequential things like cooking or vacation spots. People are fed up and don't want to hear it. It's unbelievable. And when it comes to the US, we are on the wrong side of history…again! When will this stop?

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

Love the painting. He's really there in his eyes.

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Beautifully read, written and painted Caitlin. You are zeroing in on how intertwined Assange's incarceration is - for exposing US/West war crimes - and the ongoing war crimes committed by Israel, US and the Western powers. Our heroes are the children and people of Gaza, and journalists who keep on reporting (and died) in doing their ethical duty and Julian Assange who bravely put out for all the world to see how the powerful rule with brutal impunity.

It is not so ironic but strangely fitting that these two momentous events - Assange's trial and the ICJ hearings on Palestine - are playing out together on the world stage. Maybe we are at a stage in History where a tipping point is fast approaching .

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Spot on, Caitlin.

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Thanks for the work you do. Keep your head up. If you need a song to lift your mood try better days coming by MercyMe.

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Freedom by Jon Batiste is a real mood lifter too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YHVC1DcHmo

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This is exactly the plan...A dire direct warning to anyone crossing the western imperialist empire.

If you get evidence we committed these crimes we will hunt you down and kill you...Collateral murder he exposed proved it and his persecutions proves it.. Anyone calling out the western fascist empire SHOULD be worried...because if you ever get any real traction that threatens the western governments cartels they WILL come after you... look at every alternative truth teller today that has been subject to some form of attack and accusations... as well as fascistic censorship algorithms.

Yeah we are out here in the edge of the matrix and can be mostly ignored right up until they think your reach has gone past a few hundred thousand..

The system runs into a problem with people who have gained a level of success and cant easily be canceled but with Assange his highly damaging to the empires image made him a prime number one target that they decided was worth it to destroy him as a man if they could not destroy the truth of what he exposed of them..

We are in the west under rule of criminals despots con artist liars and sycophants and there seems to be a never ending stream of them pumped out by our public schools and system of institutionalized brain washing.. As well as social and cultural conditioning that has formed a vast society of duplicitous deceitful despicable humans who go along to get along as long as war is happening over there... they wont care till bombs are dropping on their own stupid checked out propaganda soaked heads.

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RabidlyRacist, Israeli ZioFascists have, for over A CENTURY, Proven THEY are the Greatest Threat to Life On Earth, that makes ALL of HUMANITY and ALL of Earth “UnSafe”

ZioFascist Israel’s CRIMINALLY DEPRAVED DRIVE to VIOLATE Human Dignity, by ANY MEANS possible, has SENTENCED OUR ENTIRE SPECIES to the RELENTLESS OPPRESSIONS of UnWarranted, INVASIVE Intrusions of SURVEILLANCE, CENSORSHIP and PROPAGANDA, in every realm and Sector of OUR Existence, Leading Us NOT into Peaceful Prosperity For All, but a BRUTALLY SADISTIC, MILITARIZED POLICE STATE

It is ISRAELs ZioFascist, Anti-MosaicLaw, REFUSAL to Peacefully Coexist with Arabs, Muslims and ANY ONE who fulfills their International Law and NATURAL Humanitarian Law, DUTY To PROTECT and PRESERVE the Lives, of Arabs & Muslims~ Endangered by ZioFascist Israel’s voracious appetite for Barbaric Violence & Destruction~ that CONDEMNS ALL Of HUMANITY to exist under the Perpetual Tyranny of the Threat of NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION

FFS. WE can’t get any more “UNSAFE” than that. And NO❗️ ZioFascists DO NOT have ANY justifiable Reason or RIGHT, Divine Delusional or otherwise, to HOLD HOSTAGE HUMAN EXISTENCE and the Future of OUR Planet to their CRIMINALLY DEPRAVED, Demands and Desires for Money and Power.

How MUCH MORE “UnSafe” will We ALLOW this Masochistic Aberration of Judaism to render Humanity❓

Must We ALL descend to enduring the DAILY Tortures of HOLOCAUST Prison DEATH CAMP before ALL Peoples of Earth UNITE in revolt to END this DEADLY, DEPRAVED, EXCESS of SELF-ENTITLED Indulgence, in the MassMurder-MassDestruction, PREDATORY BLOOD-LUST Terrorism that Torments OUR World❓

It is abdication of Reason, Responsibility and DUTY To Protect the Safety of ALL of HUMANITY ~ NOT Mercy~ that abandons wanton ZioFascist Evil, to the perverse aberrations of its own Masochistic Depravity.

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Some of our most respected Presidents have committed war crimes. Eisenhower of "Military industrial complex" fame, approved the overthrow of democratically elected foreign leaders in Iran and Guatemala. In the latter case, Jacobo Arbenz, the last reformist president was sent to exile in 1954 by a renegade Guatemalan officer with US support and funding. Subsequent military governments that took over the nation killed 200,000 people in their 30 year reign of terror.

Defending freedom had nothing to do with it, only safeguarding the special interests of United Fruit.

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I would not disagree with the words, ALL of Them. My first vote was Jimmy Carter, I was so happy having debated on stage the Pardoning of Nixon by Gerald Ford. I thought Wow, Jimmy is a good person, then the BIG smiling Jimmy signing the weapons transfers that murdered a Million East Timor. I never looked back for solutions from the political class, until Obummer yep sucked me in and then 5 Trillion to banksters and evictions for Millions. F uck the political class, liars with words of comfort and no solutions. How this ends is a mystery to me.

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Tell the snivelling aussie governments to grow some balls, Caitlan.

Tell them "If Assange goes to the usa, the usa can get their amoral usa military bases the phuck out of australia. While you are at it tell the aussies to grow some cojones also.

In fact, totally dump war criminal, CsaH, genocide, ... usa and align with a decent nation like China. Join BRICS Plus and end usa's pure evil reign since 1607.

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1607? I was with you until then, Terry. Whatever happened in that year is unknown to me. If you see this, please explain.

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deletedFeb 21
Comment deleted
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Then my family sailed into Plymouth 1627 for more rape and murder. They spoke of themselves as Godly people, being Ministers they wrote more than enough to convict themselves and myself.

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RSA filled you in on my "meaning" which was largely but not completely tongue in cheek.

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Ok. I get it now. Thanks to you and RSU.

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Vaginas, Terry, not balls.

Balls are extremely vulnerable. Vaginas are toughies! 😉

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Some of the BWing of my youth is still with me, gypsy. Thanks for setting me straight.

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Up all night, too.

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