As an Indian (yes, that's the nomenclature most of us prefer because it memorializes the stupidity of whitey thinking they landed in a different place), I have to weep for most Americans, who cannot see that the Indian genocide is still fully in effect. I pray for Palestine knowing full well that nothing, on our (er, our rulers') side, will ever change.

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=== War Calculus Tel Aviv / Washington ===

Few in The West venture the mandatory critique of the driver of it all, The Holy of The Holies, the religiously justified mass murderers in Tel Aviv, of whom come with some 2,000 year old injunction from their god that - "This Land is Your Land". Problem - If that was true, the rest of humanity was left uninformed of this important real estate arrangement.

Two War Solution Paths . . .

Solution 1. Destroy Palestinians with Israeli - American Air Power. This kills non-combatants = civilians, a major war crime and here a clear demonstration of the moral bankruptcy of The West.

Other such methods elsewhere in the M.E. remained better concealed. No prospect of facing the International Criminal Court on war crimes charges. Washington owns the ICC.

This approach intended to avoid IDF casualties, preserve President Netanyahu's Government from major IDF battlefield losses which would be politically devastating for this President, in a country that has grown soft while talking tough, like all others in The West and cannot absorb any degree of battlefield losses from real wars.

A six day war, BTW, is not a war, more a skirmish.

Solution 2. Commit a largely unprepared IDF to Close In Urban Warfare wherein The IDF would take heavy losses, counted in tens of thousands and would finish off the Netanyahu Government, whose likely preemptive maneuver would be full President Zelenskyy - ban The Opposition, close down media, suspend elections.

Armies and soldiers die while causing the other side to die. Technically more legal. The purpose of armies.

Similar to the early phase of the SMO in East Ukraine against well entrenched NATO-AFU-AZOV Nazi Forces and where Russian-Chechen Forces took most of their losses as they spared the population. Better at Close In Urban Warfare than the IDF.

Tel Aviv Thought Leaders know what they are avoiding. Background chatter around using gas.

Suggestive that illegal gas weapons do exist. Of course they do.


The Americans are bothered. The optics cannot be managed. They've switched to that word "restraint".

They never, ever argue for restraint unless events are going against them.

But then Washington lost control of Tel Aviv decades ago.

The effects will roll on for decades.

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"And the ghosts of the buffalo roam through the ruins looking for their heads while the people of Gaza comb through the rubble looking for their dead"

Beautiful...Beyond words...Immensely touching. Thank you, Caitlin.

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I'm watcing The Killing Fields right now and reminded that we have been complicit in destroying so many cultures for so many years. My heart is heavy tonight. There are not enough tears to wash this horror away.

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Excellent! One of my favourite 20th century poets Wilfred Owen translated the horrors and futility of war and your reading of your own work here so much reminded me of reading Owen. The imagery is stark!

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Despite all that we have learned from history, indigenous people are still scorned and blamed for their post traumatic stress caused by colonialism. But descendants of colonizers and some descendents and survivors of residential schools work together to try to find a solution.

Netanyahu has unleashed a horrible fury upon the people of Gaza. It would appear that it is some sickness that resides in him: a confused and twisted need for personal power. And the people of Gaza are suffering and dying so that he can feel like an important person.

It is sad to see that around the world people are allowing themselves anti semitic and islamophobic expressions. Even in some of the comments beneath your excellent reports, Caitlin. The world has been in this hate or hero-worship mode for too long. It really is time for us to work together to find better solutions than killing and stealing. Those that push hardest for the killing don't even do it themselves. They get others to do it.

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What can we say Caitlin, except to thank you for giving a voice to us mere onlookers - watching and despairing and sorrowful for what Palestinian families are going through in an Israeli made hell they are forced to inhabit. We weep with them and find it hard not to let the anger and the hatred for the war criminals take over our minds.

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Excellent as usual, Caitlin.

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The BLM and its private ranching partners are doing their damnedest to kill off all the remaining wild mustangs right now. The complete lack of respect for life, both human and wild, is depressing. There parks in California housing remnants of old growth redwoods. These trees inspire awe and provide an amazing amount of protection and cooling, yet European settlers and Americans only saw firewood for limestone kilns and lumber. People fixate on carbon capture tech now, but how much carbon was released just by destroying the prairie and redwood ecosystems?

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Your writing has been an anchor in terms of making sense of the insanity and chaos that defines our world.... much needed moral clarity in a crazy shit show.

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You're a poet...

"In Israel teenagers play with buttons that cause explosions on screens

and look forward to the end of the Gaza operation

so they can leave and go play better video games.

In Gaza mothers clutch tattered pieces of flesh and clothing to their chests

and scream names that will never again be answered

and call out questions to the heavens that will also go unanswered."

Brilliant, and heartbreaking. Thanks.

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Thank you. The brutal acceleration of genocide in Gaza must be stopped. We all must keep trying.

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Piercing, Caitlin. Wow.

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"A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it." Oscar Wilde

"Truth is not determined by majority vote." Doug Gwyn

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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 2, 2023

When one party comes armed with their Bible and a 2,000-year-old promise from THEIR IMAGINARY GOD, there is nothing to be discussed.

The issue will only be settled on the field of battle with iron and rivers of blood.

Thousands slaughtered in the name of imaginary GODs.

As it has been done since man invented GOD's.

There will be no winners.

"Religion poisons everything" - Christopher Hitchens

Every religion claim's that theirs is the only true God!

What evidence do they have that their religion is not just other false religion?

Why is their "God of Israel" real and all the others are not?

When they understand why they dismiss ALL the other possible "Gods", only then will they understand why us atheists dismiss theirs.

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Contact Report 866


And the fact of the matter is that at that time countless Europeans made the stolen land across the sea into America, with military and murder, massacre, manslaughter, destruction, annihilation and extermination – just think of the buffalo massacres by William Cody alias Buffalo Bill, through whose initiative and killing mania millions of buffalo were senselessly shot and the buffalo herds disappeared, so that in the end only 325 animals remained.

It is also an indisputable fact that since America came into being, its vehement delusion of hegemony has arisen all over the world and America's army has interfered everywhere in the world, which has not always been without war.


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