This would be hysterically funny if it weren't so fucking true.

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On Aljazeera they cover the genocide now going on in Gaza and it's extremely graphic, and extremely disturbing. Watching it I have no doubt that Israel is committing a genocide. There was a young girl, maybe eleven, who lost her whole family, mother, father, siblings, and she also lost her leg, but she was a courageous child who was able to maintain a sense of a future for herself and wanted to become a doctor to help people. Israel bombed the hospital she was heeling in, and she died. I can't see anyone supporting this carnage, not even Israeli's. I remember in HS reading the book Anne Frank and her young musings. It was so very sad. Now the very people subjected to the carnage perpetrated by Hitler are reenacting his madness, except they are not using gas chambers, they're just slaughtering people any which they can, even children in their hospital bed who are trying to heal from their wounds and their losses.

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And that’s exactly how Israel apologists sound!! They’re calling those who are against GENOCIDE, Nazis. What kind of fucked up clown world are we living in?! 😢

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Yup. We are governed by psychopaths and few have the nuts to even say so. Fucking upside down world we are in.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

To be fair, Israel is a group of humans and not a robot.

Doesn't excuse a group of child-killing humans, even if they claim it's somehow necessary.

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Caitlin, you keep me sane with your fearless metaphors.

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Just a little thought experiment..


No countries, no religions.

Just free, voluntarily associating, humans.

No synthetic-person corporations too.

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Netanyahu has no heart, if he did he wouldn't be doing what he is doing.

I abhor violence but I would happily take up Arms against him in any legal way possible! When Genocide Joe Biden, and wimpy Rishi are too afraid to stand up to Israel it makes me sick to my stomach! I have never wished anything bad on anyone! but I find myself feeling so close just now.

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“And you know what? I’m starting to think that maybe they’re trying to turn off the Child-Killing Murder Robot because they’re sick of the way it keeps killing children and murdering people!” - that Joe guy seemed a bit slow on the uptake but even he caught up by the end.

Anne, though, is to be given ultimate credit - she stayed true to her principles, just like the USA.

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Ohhh Caitlin….you made me laugh in spite of myself, especially the last line.

You consistently come up with brilliant ways to highlight the genocide.

My cowgirl hat is off to you.

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Sometimes I appreciate your use of the direct hammer

but mostly I appreciate droll understatement like this 'monster robot' tale

about an unnamed monster.

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This is genius. I’m literally laughing and crying into my dinner.

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An early HAPPY SOLSTICE to all my friends here!

If you’d like, you can follow my own traditions:

Light candles to celebrate the lengthening of the days.

Bring in some greens. This is a PAGAN custom, that indicates that the earth goes on in spite of winter.

Go outdoors and commune with Mother Earth, especially among trees.

If you have sage, smudge your dwelling with it to rid it of negative energy that may have accumulated over the past year.

We’re now moving forward to spring!

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Reality Sci-Fi. Yemen's Ansar Allah have become my heroes. Never really thought I would say that but....... they are part of the few outside the concentration camp fighting for Palestine. You know somethings up when israel starts talking about peace.

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THAT Zionism, which is a world-wide nationalistic Jewish movement, organized, planned and created the “State of Israel” by sending Jewish immigrants from Europe into Palestine (the heart of the Arab world) to take over land and homes belonging to Arabs?

THAT in this operation, they received maximum help, support and encouragement from Great Britain, the United States, and other white western colonial governments?

THAT organized Jewish Zionism dates back to 1897, when the first Zionist Congress was held in Basle? The program adopted at the Congress was “To create for the Jewish People a home in Palestine secured by public law.” Thus began the Palestine Problem, which led to the present Arab-Israeli conflict.

THAT Britain took control of Palestine at the end of World War 1, and, working hand-in-hand with European Zionist Jews, such as Lord Rothschild, set forth the Balfour Declaration? Thus, in 1917, Palestine became a world problem.

THAT the Balfour Declaration stated that the British Government was in favor of establishing a National Home for Jewish People in Palestine, but, at the same time contradicted itself and said that nothing should be done to damage the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (Arabs)?

THAT the British Mandate Government of Palestine, along with the Zionists, immediately began to encourage European Jews to immigrate to Palestine…in spite of the fact that, in 1917, more than 90 per-cent of the population of Palestine were Arabs…and there were more than 56,000 Jews in Palestine?

THAT more than half of the 56,000 Jews living in Palestine at that time were recent immigrants, who had come to Palestine only a few years before to escape persecution in Europe and had been welcomed by the native Palestinian Arab people with open arms, living in peace side-by-side with the Arabs? That, in 1917, less than 5 per-cent of the population of Palestine were native Palestinian Jews?

THAT the Arabs of Palestine at that time owned 97½ per cent of the land, while Jews (native Palestinians and recent immigrants together) owned only 2½ per-cent of the land?

THAT during 30 years of British occupation and rule, the Zionists were able to purchase only 3½ per-cent of the land of Palestine, in spite of encouragement by the British government? And that much of this land was transferred to Zionist bodies by the British government directly, and was not sold by Arab wonders?

THAT, therefore, when Britain passed the Palestinian Problem to the United Nations in 1947, Zionists owned no more than 6 per-cent of the total land area of Palestine? At that time there were 1.3 million Arabs and 650,000 recent Jewish immigrants living in Palestine.

THAT in spite of these facts, the General Assembly of the United Nations, in 1947, recommended that a “Jewish State” be established in Palestine?... And that, furthermore, the U.N. granted the proposed “State” about 54 per-cent of the total area of Palestine, which included the coastal fertile and irrigable lands, leaving the Arabs dry mountainous areas, with little or no irritation possibilities.”

THAT the Zionists (Israeli) armies immediately occupied (and still occupy) more than 80 per-cent of the total land area of Palestine?


THAT this conquest of Arab land took place, for the most part, before May 15, 1948 before the formal end of British rule, before the Arab armies entered to protect Palestinian Arabs, and before the Arab Israeli War?

THAT the Arab States had to send their poorly trained and ill-equipped armies against the superior western trained and supported Israeli forces, in a vain effort to protect Arab lives, property and Arab rights to the land of Palestine? That this was the formal beginning of the Arab-Israeli War?

THAT the Zionists conquered the Arab homes and land through terror, force, and massacres? That they wiped out over 30 Arab villages before and after they took control of the area they now call “Israel”

THAT the Zionist terror gangs (Haganah, Irgun, and Stern gangs) deliberately slaughtered and mutilated women, children and men, thereby causing the unarmed Arabs to panic, flee and leave their homes in the hands of the Zionist-Israeli forces.

THAT three are still over one million Palestinian Arab refugees living in the Arab countries that surround Israel, that they are still homeless, penniless, and live off of United Nations charity?


THAT under the Charter of the United Nations the U.N. General Assembly had no legal right to recommend the 1947 Partition Plan which created the “Jewish State?”

THAT all attempts by the Arab States and other Asian countries to have the U.N. Assembly test the legality of this plan before the International Court of Justice were rejected or ignored by the Assembly?

THAT the original 1947 Partition Plan was approved, at the first vote, only by white European, American and Astralasian [sic] states, that every African and Asian state voted against it? And that, in the second vote, urgent United States pressures (which a member of the Truman cabinet called “bordering onto scandal”) had succeeded in forcing only one Asian country (the Philippines) and one African country (Liberia) both controlled by “Uncle Sam,” to abandon their opposition. IN OTHER WORDS, ISRAEL WAS PLANTED AT THE CROSSROADS OF ASIA AND AFRICA WITHOUT THE FREE APPROVAL OF ANY MIDDLE-EASTERN, ASIAN OR AFRICAN COUNTRY!

THAT Israel has remained a total stranger in the Afro-Asian world, that Israel has never been allowed to attend any conference of the African, Asian, or Afro-Asian states?

THAT, ever since the Armistice Agreements were signed in 1949, Israel has continued to cross the Demarcation Lines, invade the neighboring Arab states, and make commando raiders against the Arab people? And that the U.N has condemned Israel for these attacks on at least eleven occasions.

THAT no Arab State has ever been condemned by the U.N. for military attacks against Israel.

THAT in the U.N. Resolution, December 11, 1948, Israel was granted admission to the U.N. only if she agreed to repatriate Arab refugees compensation for property losses; but Israel has refused to do this, in spite of the fact that every year, the U.N. has called on Israel to honor the original resolution.

THAT Israel segregates those few Arabs who remained in their homeland, that more than 90 per-cent of these Arabs live in “Security Zones,” under Martial Law, are not allowed to travel freely within Israel, and are the victims of discrimination in education, jobs etc.

THAT dark skinned Jews from the Middle-East and North Africa are also second-class citizens in Israel, that the color line puts them in inferior position to the white, European Jews?

THAT the United States has constantly supported Israel and Zionism by sending military and financial aid to this illegal state ever since it was forced upon the Arabs in 1948?

THAT the U.S. Government has worked along with Zionist groups to support Israel so that America may have a toe-hold in that strategic Middle-East location, thereby helping white America to control and exploit the rich oil deposits of the Arab nations?

THAT not only have American Zionists and their cousins in Europe poured billions of dollars into Israel since it’s [sic] founding, but they have also promoted a propaganda campaign to cover up their true aims, plans, objectives? That they have prevented the world from knowing the truth of the Palestine Arab refugees who were and still are victims of Zionist, British, and U.S. Aggression against them?

THAT several American and European Jews, who are not Zionists and cannot support the horrors committed by Zionists in the name of Judaism, have spoken out and condemned the Zionist distortions of the Jewish religion; but their opinions are never printed in the zionist controlled press or other communications media?

THAT the famous European Jews, the Rothschilds, who have long controlled the wealth of many European nations, were involved in the original conspiracy with the British to create the “State of Israel” and are still among Israel’s chief supporters? THAT THE ROTHSCHILDS ALSO CONTROL MUCH OF AFRICA’S MINERAL WEALTH?

THAT under the disguise of “foreign aid,” the Israeli Histadrut (Labor Organization) has gone into African countries, tried to exploit and control their economies, and sabotaged African liberation movements, along with any other African movements or projects opposed by the United States and other white western powers?

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