This would be hysterically funny if it weren't so fucking true.

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Its not funny even if it's not true.

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Fran, Please know that I take your point completely, and with full respect, and I also agree with gypsy33. Peace. -C

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Cara same here.

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On Aljazeera they cover the genocide now going on in Gaza and it's extremely graphic, and extremely disturbing. Watching it I have no doubt that Israel is committing a genocide. There was a young girl, maybe eleven, who lost her whole family, mother, father, siblings, and she also lost her leg, but she was a courageous child who was able to maintain a sense of a future for herself and wanted to become a doctor to help people. Israel bombed the hospital she was heeling in, and she died. I can't see anyone supporting this carnage, not even Israeli's. I remember in HS reading the book Anne Frank and her young musings. It was so very sad. Now the very people subjected to the carnage perpetrated by Hitler are reenacting his madness, except they are not using gas chambers, they're just slaughtering people any which they can, even children in their hospital bed who are trying to heal from their wounds and their losses.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

They have been doing this - committing war crimes and genocide - for more than two months now. There are plenty of Instagram account showing the reality of Israel's "self defence" actions. Pieces of people - children, scooped up into bags along with dirt and rubble to bury, pancaked floors with multiple sets of legs hanging out, massive craters where moments before were two high rise apartment buildings. Children with strange injuries, children with broken legs, exposed bones, missing limbs, lying on hospital floors waiting to be seen to, amputations with no anaesthetic.

Israel is a completely rogue state and no longer has (if it ever actually did have) a "right to exist".

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Israel is an outlaw State, and always has been..."Our greatest ally" doesn't even have an extradition treaty with the US, so jewish criminals can go there and be safe....

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I'd be hard pressed to name ANY treaty the US Government has with Israel.

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I mean for fucks sake we covered up their attacking the USS Liberty for them, and they just extorted and leveraged our president and politicians into making the victims families, 200+ soldiers, sign NDA's and it was like it never happened. Thats how America treats the family's of our soldiers when the truth is inconvenient or politically detrimental for a president

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When such things happen I always wonder about the integrity of the people signing all those NDAs. Do they have principles? Apparently not. Since if they did, nothing would stop them from telling the truth.

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They eventually did, al Jazeera made a good AF documentary about it. And I'm thinking they came full force like threatened them with jail, I mean it wouldn't stop me, if I had family killed in that fucked up attack, but it worked for a number of years on some of them, it seems still on others, while others I'm sure are dead now as it was back in 67, but this is a testament AIPAC(OR whatever it was called then) has been dug in for years

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I just looked up “Israel” in my thesaurus and got these other words for it: appalling, hideous, atrocious, abhorrent, monstrous, nightmarish, unspeakable, harrowing, ghastly, unforgivable, vile, abysmal, disgraceful, egregious and godforsaken. Then I looked up USA in the same thesaurus but all it had was swear words which I won’t type out here, but will leave you all to fill in. Enjoy. 😉

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I think we must have the same thesaurus :)

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Hahahahaha. Yes—I never saw so many swear words! 😄😁😆

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I know, I've seen it, and it's ungodly . The say that not since WWII has there been such direct attacks on a population. It was just so disturbing to get to know this lovely child for a little while and to see how brave she was and to think she died in a hospital, once again attacked by those who already took so much away from her. I wonder if the people of Israel watch this on their computers, and if it's okay with most of them, and if it is, they're sick.

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The answer is, yes Fran, they ARE sick, since a large majority of them support it.

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I know. It's interesting that Caitlin made the husband empathetic and sensitive to these killing, but not his wife who sounded like a Nazi, and I guess it made the whole idea of it more gruesome. She reminded me of Niki Haley who kept repeating over and over finish them, finish them, finish them in reference to Hamas. Her newly found wealth comes from the weapons Industry, so no wonder she was shrilling finish them, finish them, since she would enrich herself even more, good, new christian that she is.

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The sickness is profound, and the sickness has been normalised to the point it's no longer recognised by many as this sick

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That's really true, and when all our middle eastern wars were going on the majority of people never even spoke of them. I don't understand that really.

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there are a lot of sick things in our world: money=success, colonizers have rights that indignenous people do not have, electric cars are the solution to fossil fuel production, hatred of queer and trans people, hatred of anyone who is "other" (I guess other than white, male, rich, American). What is happening in Gaza is a culmination of all that sickness.

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Hi FranIf there’s any women detest more than Killary it’s Icky Haley.

If she were to ever become president, that’s the day I apply for my Mexican passport.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

She is loathsome and totally motivated by money and power. There is something very loathsome about her. She reeks of opportunism. I loved when Ramaswamy RIPS into Nikki Haley over identity politics:

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You are correct. It is as indoctrinated into them as these 'Value' Caitlin has written are to America. Sickening.

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If they're ok with it, they are murderous psychopaths...

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You can see on X- Twitter home many thousands check heart when there is post with horrific Palestinian tragedy ....unbelievable, sick.Alwas wonder who are they who agree with this monstrous inhumanity . Israel must be deleted.

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I watch Aljazeera and half the time I'm crying, or just sick. Netanyahu is such a bastard, and has always been. He's going after a genocide and this will not see an end until it's finished. I hope I'm wrong. Many people hold him accountable for the death of Rabin who wanted a two state solution. Netanyahu's inflammatory rhetoric as well as holding a mock funeral for him where he walked behind the casket incited some crazy to actually kill Rabin. Even Rabin's wife accused Netanyahu of his death.

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Your graphic descriptions are making me remember the previous generation of mangling weapons the Israelis tested out in Palestinian children. They were a form of cluster munition, I believe, that flung out dime-sized flat projectiles, kindof like ninja stars. They would cut straight through flesh, and doctors would find people, including kids, bleeding out, their bodies full of these nasty little cutters. Absolutely monstrous.

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:-( It's all too easy to forget what's been done in the past (not just by Israel but by all empires e.g. USA in Iraq with depleted uranium weapons - apparently still causing birth defects to this day). I had forgotten about that cluster munition, diabolical.

There is a good book by Antony Loewenstein called 'The Palestine Laboratory', about Israel's testing of weapons on the Palestinians.

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Yes. Gut wrenching. I say this cuz I can’t hit like for your comment, tho it is sooooo true.

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they just been doing the same thing as they always do, esp last 75 years.

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This is so callous and cruel what Israel is doing and how some of these evangelicals in the U.S. can support Israel is beyond me. An organization I gave money to one time back during hurricane Harvey, called Samaritan’s Purse is all in for Israel just like most evangelicals and I read their newsletter this evening and it just spouts the talking points of the msm about the horrible things Hamas did on Oct. 7 and how they have it bad in Israel this Christmas and how the pastor, Franklin Graham prayed with Netanyahu for Israel and blah, blah, blah. It also spouted the same media lies about rapes from Hamas on that day in which no evidence has been found for this. They mention the Palestinians one or two times, saying they’re helping those who are displaced, but saying nothing about how they got that way nor how all the hospitals, schools, churches etc. have been targeted by the IDF, murdering civilians, especially women and children. These Zionist Evangelicals make me sick to my stomach. How can they call themselves Christians when they say they stand with Israel. HYPOCRITES!!!!!!🤮

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"how some of these evangelicals in the U.S. can support Israel" A lot of it is wrapped up in an apocalyptic eschatology about the end of times - the condensed version is when the jews return to Israel, Jeebsus will return for judgement day, and they look forward to that. Aside from that most of it falls neatly into simple racism/chauvinism against muslims and brown people, something that routinely transcends any concerns about moral hypocrisy, Christian or otherwise.

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If Palestinians were White it would make absolutely no difference to evangelicals.

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A friend invited me to a meeting of evangelicals, so I went, and they started to jump around, waving their hands, talking out loud. I didn't understand a word of it, but I got a panic attack, so I fled and ran all the way home. I don't really understand my reaction to this day. I don't mean to sound prejudicial, each to his own, but maybe they were sending out some subliminal political message that scared me into running, and I never stopped until I got home. Weird. I understand your take on things.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

Those insane cultists are the only ones that I am truly scared of. I understand you completely.

Anyone who can see what primordial rituals might have looked like should go and see in person. Just make sure you stopped by the toilet first, or better wear pampers.


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That was some kind of pig calling contest. I never saw that before. Interesting that makes me nervous. I just can't stand the loudness of it, and the carrying on. If I want something religious silence has to come with it.

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If you want to experience true silence and respect and contemplation etc - visit Russian Orthodox Church. Or something similar - like Greek or some other Slavic Orthodox. There you'll be left alone.

During some religious holidays, if it's sufficiently large, you'll hear some beautiful singing.

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We were raised Catholic but my sister has attended the local Russian Orthodox Church for many years. She loves it.

I’m not Christian myself, but I have no objection to others practicing RATIONAL Christianity.

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Thanks. I might just do that.

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This might be close to what you've described originally: https://youtu.be/DsTcs1nU5MU

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that guy has truly great content, I discovered him when he did the guy in the chartreuse t-shirt at the San Diego supervisors meeting

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Yeah it was more like that. I don't get it. When she first came on I jumped out my seat. That's definitely not for me. That's a keeper, for laughs.

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Here's a better playlist that deals strictly with religion: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLic13xDAzEH7hzxhEcR_PrM9-pPDCQBTR

Standing out of course is the covid guy: https://youtu.be/0JPRvxTjfOk

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Gee, thanks. Oh, God.

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More and more alterxations between Jews and Christian clerics are being reported. The clerics are being spit at, attacked, harassed. Sacred sites like Christian cemetaries are being vandalized. I don't know if Evanglicals will react to these behaviors.

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They won’t. The majority of Palestinian Christians belong to the two most ancient branches, Orthodox ( the majority) or Catholic. As far as Evangelicals are concerned, they are not Christian. They don’t care about mainstream Protestants, either, AFAIK--like the Palestinian Lutheran Pastor in Bethlehem.

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I forgot to add that the events I alluded to happened in Jerusalem,not in Gaza.

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Right…on… SYLVIA!

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and some of the children subjected to the carnage happening now in Gaza will grow up hating and attacking the next generation of people. It will just go on until someone screams at the top of their lungs to STOP IT NOW AND FOREVER and then stops it

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Or like the young girl they may go in the opposite direction. She said she wanted to grow up and become a doctor to help people. Most people who are abused as children, some 85 percent do not become abusers. Your right that some will go down that path, and so it goes, and it never stops.

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If everyone who was abused as a child grew up to be an abuser, we would be in even more trouble than we already are. But even most abused children are not subjected to the horrors that children in Palestine are being subjected to today. And most likely not all of them who survive will grow up to be abusers, but some will and some will have their hearts and minds so filled with hate because of what they have seen and experienced........ Even the children of the holocaust did not have to witness the killing of their parents and siblings. They were either with them and died too, or they didn't see what happened.

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Also, the holocaust victims were given a homeland, and the world recognized the abuse inflicted on them, but unfortunately no matter what they do they are forever victims.

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This surpasses the 1940s holocaust narratives in my mind. even Ann franks works had been written by her father and suspect of being mostly fiction... plus the brick and mortar museums to this great "story" has solidified the story into the minds of the human experience and yet lots of it is fabricated and yet any mention of the suspicions from real evidence is met with a pre installed emotionally invested in outrage at the tiniest mention you might not buy it all hook line and sinker..after all it's the base foundation of justifications of every act of horror and death and destruction the ziopaths meter out to the rest of the world and wave the scarlet letter "A" in your face as soon as you dare point it out...

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I never heard that Ann Frank didn't write her own story. Something for me to look up. I don't deny the holocaust, but what always bothered me was the lack of recognition for the others, the Poles, Gypsies, etc who also died in large numbers in the same way. It was always presented as their story, and their story alone.

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The Soviet Union didn't initially recognize Holocaust as special exactly for the reason that not just Jews were slaughtered. Others in the East too, and for the same reason of racial inferiority.

Here's the number breakdown for the Soviet Union:

27 million dead, of which

~ 12 million military

~ 15 million civilians including about 1.5 million Jews.

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Quite unfortunate for many reasons, Roosevelt died and Truman gets in, and there goes any relationship with Russia. I don't know if you are from the States, but most grown ups here continue to be indoctrinated with a fear of Russia. I solved that when I was eight and thought both sides would have to willing to start a nuclear war, so if the world was that stupid I didn't want to be here. Lost my fear of Russia that day. I know the huge number of casualties Russia lost in that war, and know if it was't for Russia we would have lost that war.

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Amerikkkans have been indoctrinated into believing that WE defeated Nazi Germany, when in fact it was Russia who did so.

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I was always told that, even as a kid.

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"I don't know if you are from the States, but most grown ups here continue to be indoctrinated with a fear of Russia."

Sorry, I'm not into going personal on public forums. I'll just say I'm a native Russian speaker, very familiar with Western Europe in general, and the US in particular, hence having quite a bit more context than most. So I know exactly what you're saying.

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"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians . They hated Russians. They hated Christians. They tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of remorse. It cannot be overstated Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators".

Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

This current slaughter lays bare these historical facts for those who bother to look and listen past the msm propaganda machine.

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For those who want to know, it's all laid out here about the Bolsheviks and is not afraid to say exactly who these maniacal 'racist' butchers were: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QtLvxZ9d0yEY/?list=hmv3AI5oVvJm&randomize=false

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I agree with you about there were many others the Nazis murdered: Gypsies or Roma, homosexuals, mentally/physically challenged, mentally ill etc. It always irked me somewhat when the Ukraine stuff got going in 2022 no one was talking about ethnic Russians in the Donbas who had been shelled for 9 years (almost 10 now) by UAF simply b/c Nazi sympathizer Ukrainians(some) considered them subhuman yet people were calling anyone who mentioned this Putin apologists and saying slave Ukraine. Those same people talk about the Holocaust as if only the Jews were murdered, but there were others too. Having said this, I still believe Jewish people were the main targets of the Nazis even though Russians, Poles, Ukrainians among others were considered subhuman by the Nazis. I remember when the powers at be were cancelling everything Russian after the SMO started in February 2022. There was a rebirth of Russophobia not seen since the days of the former Soviet Union.

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I agree the Jews lost their lives in great numbers, no question. I won't go into it here but Hitler had some really bad plans for the Poles whom he saw as inferior, however any Poles that looked German, not so bad. In terms of our proxy war in Ukraine, well, we used Ukrainian lives to bring down Putin and that is what it was about from the beginning when we supported a bunch of neo-Nazi's to remove a pro Russian government in Ukraine in 2014. Well, the democrats pushing the lie of Russia-gate certainly stirred up that hate. Not in me. I knew their game.

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Yes, exactly. I tried several times to explain to some family members about how all that stuff got started with Ukraine back in 2014 with Vikki Nuland, John McCaine and others such as our own CIA. They either didn’t believe me or they just flat out wouldn’t even listen to what I had to say, like my sister-in-law. My sister really believes Putin wants to keep going toward the West when the war is over and nothing like that has even been said by him. I’ve listened to some of his speeches including the one in Munich in 2007 and he never says he wants to take all of Europe. It’s so frustrating how the USA still thinks Russia is this big bad bogeyman.

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Tell them to watch Ukraine on Fire by Oliver Stone.


Remind them we promised Gorbachev no further expansion of NATO then Bill Clinton added three more countries during his presidency and it went on from there. Obama and his administration supported neo-nazi's in the overthrow of a pro-Russian government in Ukraine, The neocon, Nuland, was on the phone with Pyatt and telling him who the next president of Ukraine should be, so much for us not being involved in overthrowing the government of Ukraine. People somehow skip over Obama's culpability in all of this. During Trump's term in office they, as you know, accused Russia of getting him elected. All lies. So not only did they vilify Trump and try to delegitimize his presidency, but they also used it to vilify Russia as well. It prepared the ground for what has happened during Biden's presidency which was to bring down Putin. If people aren't into politics, and most are not they become solely dependent on the mainstream media for news. If she is, then she is simply being indoctrinated with anti-Russia propaganda. They even got 50 CIA agents to support the story before Biden's election his son didn't have a lap top, and that info was published on Twitter.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

Catholic priests, Jehovah’s Witnesses, as well as “undesirables” such as homosexuals as well…

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Many Russian soldiers, being tortured and starved to death . Same hatred like Netanyahu has toward his brothers, if you read bible, Palestinians.👹🔥‼️

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Anne Frank not writing her diary is Holocaust Denier stuff.

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Plenty of official sources and historians agree her father curated her diaries and wrote them for publication after the fact... this whole denier smear is another clever emotional tactic and dishonest trick zionist pull on unsuspecting suckers.. same as calling people conspiracy crazy if you point out what israel and the USA is really up to... but you are all so emotionally invested in your guilt reparations feelings you can swing on for whatever cathartic virtue signaling you seem to require...

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O now. Disagreeing with you and your denier sources does not mean I’m virtue signaling. It means I disagree with you and your sources. Simple.

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" deniar sources "'is a very purposefully manipulative way to phrase that and designed to be dismissive and even mocking and can be just as saying your emotionally invested in it.. i can easily call your position "truth deniers" than i suppose..

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I didn't say it.

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I watched all 8 hours of Shoah on youtube. (not all at once). That was quite a while ago but from what I remember Lantzman interviewed a variety of people, Jewish survivors, German ex military, Polish civilians and more. It seemed to cover a lot of ground.

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Not to be contrary but this is also a problem ,, where does the truth really lay ??..because i no longer trust ANYONE to be telling any..


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The fact that one person lied to draw attention to himself does not mean that everyone lied.

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Was not just one.

This is just one example.

Many more lies.

Auschwitz was reconstructed as a museum by the polish.. None of its real..and none of it can be relied on. As a truth.

Its the only thing of history outlawed and criminalized to study if that deviates in the slightest the official narratives. That in itself is suspect of being untrue.

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I find it fascinating that people can see through the lies of zionist israel but still buy their age old rhetoric...Like OH they just started lying on the 7th... this cherry picking what to believe based on their emotionally invested guilt reparations feelings marks people as having very weak ideas of integrity or intellectual courage... But that's how the indoctrination and mind control has worked on them for generations now..

No point arguing with zealiots! they will bludgen you with made up linquistic word salads of justifications for their virtue signaling belief obsessions..

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There is a hidden qabal of shadow government oligarchs and khazarians who manipulated/created WW1/WW2/WW3 and is behind the Bolshevik slaughter of Russians, slavs, as well as the holocaust, and they were behind Hitler's rise to nazism too.

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Our local modern crematorium can only handle small numbers of the dead that are queued up each day. It would take a very long time to incinerate 6,000,000.

I suspect the real truth to be that indeed many many people were ruthlessly and horribly treated by the Nazis. My own mother was taken and enslaved in Austria. However, in WW2, where presumably Hitler wanted to win, it makes precisely ZERO sense to me that Hitler would spare men and resources to perform the task of guarding and methodically and industrially murdering millions of extremely valuable slaves! The simple truth is that those who were able to work were worked to death and those who were not able to work were likely executed in cold blood so they wouldn't use up food, etc. As the war progressed to Germany's detriment, food & resources became scarce and therefore diverted to German soldiers & civilians rather than slaves. Absolutely dreadful and culpable stuff but there is no need for the Zios to lie about it other than to really big things up for their post-WW2 benefit.

There are all sorts of other unanswerable anomalies buzzing around the corpse of the Holocaust truth. Whether true or not, it is said by some that Auschwitz was previously a soldiers barracks before it was turned into a concentration camp for slaves, so this needs real investigation. A swimming pool, a dancehall/theatre were provided there for German soldiers. There are photographs of such things. Guided tours replete with the Holocaust narrative omit to take the visitor around those areas for some strange reason. So it goes...

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

I wish stubborn deniers, aka "scientific evidence" religion adherents, would read for starters just the two following chapters and come up with "scientific" refutation of all that's quoted there:

- chapter 27, THE NEW ORDER, of the "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William F. Shirer

- chapter 25, “AND HELL FOLLOWED WITH HIM” 1941–1943, of the "Adolf Hitler" by John Toland

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Excellent! Does it also cover when the usurers convinced those of the Judaism persuasion throughout the world to declare war on Germany in 1933 as a result of Hitler freeing Germany from the hideous clutches of paralysing yet fraudulent debt? That was reported in the Daily Express on March 24th 1933 with the headline, "JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY - Jews Of All The World Unite In Action". If not, it's a bit like the story of Gaza only beginning on October 7th. I'd also be wary of victors writing history books. One needs to have a critical mind always. There's always more than one side to a story. Also please do understand I'm not a Hitler supporter.

Is there a [free] pdf available for this work by Shirer btw or must palms be crossed with silver in accordance with the rules of capitalism even though the unholy imperial capitalist temple crumbles and collapses along with the country right in front of us and due to, dare I say,... ... to usury? Your country, along with most of the rest of world, has been captured by the Zionist usurers who are far far worse than anything you've seen so far. That's because they don't want to scare any one of you until it's too late for the sleepwalkers to do anything at all about it. Softly softly catchee monkey... Btw, prepare to cough up the money for the 'debt' YOU owe these banksters or give them something these parasites want from your blood sweat & tears. Here's your bill: https://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html?taxpayer

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"Does it also cover when the usurers... " - it covers how Hitler and Nazis planned for enslavement/extermination of Slavs. As a reminder - about 3 times as many Soviet CIVILIANS (Russians, Belorussians, Ukrainians) as Jews were murdered. Other Slavs: Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs also were accounted for in Germans' plans - so increase the number accordingly.

What the fuck did they have to do with your usury rant?

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Bolsheviks had unlimited financial aid from the usurers. This is actually very important which is why the very opening scene of The Last Battle [Part 1] (A History of the Bolsheviks) is what it is. The usurers are at the head of the extremely venomous snake. Here, take a look at the 1st 5 seconds and the rest of the video if you've the stomach for its horrors: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QtLvxZ9d0yEY/?list=hmv3AI5oVvJm&randomize=false

Note that Judea declared war on Germany in 1933 after Hitler outlawed usury and that, of course, had a major hand in WW2 where all sorts of atrocities were carried out by all sides.

Sorry for the delay in answering, btw.

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My late father told me his father,who was seventeen near the end of WWII and had been conscripted, saw the Germans blowing up their own planes and tanks on their airfields because they lacked enough fuel to run them and didn't want the Allies to seize them. He didnt deny a big body count in the holocaust but did doubt the later numbers because why would they prioritize using that fuel to burn the bodies of those they were killing (as opposed to mass graves) instead of using it to fuel their fighting force? He didn't believe the Nazis even had enough fuel to accomplish the total incineration of that amount of people, esp if they had so little fuel for planes and tanks.

Of course, I recall how stunned the kids in my class were in school when we found out only one of the dead in Anne Frank died in a gas chamber and the vast majority died of malnutrition and disease which, tbh, is a lot more slow and painful. Why do they downplay this? My theory has always been that we all do the same on a daily basis, allowing others to suffer and die of hunger and illness, so we focus on the one thing we don't share with the Nazis regarding the holocaust.

And of course, Israel has kind of used that mindset from its founding as cover for its actions. Yes, World, we are killing these people en masse but mostly by cutting off access to necessities,it's not like we built any gas chambers!. I had apologists use this weak argument over the years, implying the death and suffering was not deliberate killing in the way gas chambers were, therefore its moral and acceptable, so shut up. That's where Israel has mucked up, it seems. As long as they slowly squeezed these people,everyone was fine to ignore it, but this is on gas chamber levels and not as easy to ignore or to use mealy mouthed pseudo logic to defend or justify.

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There are priorities in warfare. Precious fuel and manpower spent incinerating valuable slaves?? As you say, malnutrition was a big factor in the mass deaths of non-combatants. When food was scarce in the last stages of the war it had to go to the German soldiers and civilians. The Zionists watching from the sides played down what the real story was and bigged up the propaganda for the sympathy vote. You know, lampshades made out of skin & soap made from victims, that sort of thing that has now been discredited. All was done for global sympathy to help the Zionist israel wet dream of a settler-colonial ethno-state. Across the world they're running out of sympathisers now and we're getting mighty angry.

Yes, they're using everything to slaughter the Palestinians, from starvation to disease to winter homelessness to state-of-the-art mass people mutilators displaying varying degrees of sadistic armament designs. They just want them all dead to proceed with their vulgar reptilian brain land grab. They are a throwback to barbarian Bronze Age days but with modern munitions and powerfully applied propaganda &, of course, unlimited [imaginary] money from the Zionist banksters sent via interest-bearing gargantuan loans to the U$ofA. https://www.usdebtclock.org/ The rest of us are in hock to them as well and the banksters have designs on us after they've placed a tight chokehold firmly around the ME with 'greater israel' controlling HUGE oil and major global trade routes. They have to be stopped and it's only a matter of time before major battles erupt.

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lots of these people that go around calling people "deniers " are so emotionally and childishly invested in the great lie that they will fight you to the death over their virtue signaling beliefs around it all just to maintain their "outrage" they are addicted to from a life time of cleverly crafted trauma indoctrination.

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↓ Stubborn "deniers" ↓

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You mean just like Hamas is hiding in hospitals so the IDF have to bomb the hospitals?

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They have to bomb the hospitals?

Right. Got it, they have to.

Considering that from the beginning Gaza has had more & more kibbutz slowly pushing people off and out of what was supposed to be Palestinian territory, & that Rabin was assassinated by his own people for agreeing to peace with Egypt and to close the illegal "settlements" it seems obvious that the October 7th attack is being used as a reason to do what the controlling zoinests have been wanting to do anyway.

No doubt they will not stop until every last Palestinian is removed or killed. They will succeed but their true nature has been exposed for the world to see.

They say they are God's chosen.

With that they can do literally anything it takes to get what they say is theirs because God said so.

The US government supporting this is as guilty as they are.

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Hope that remark was sarcasm, Susan…

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

I was being sarcastic. I do not think the gas chambers were used for de-lousing people and I do not think the IDF should be bombing hospitals on the pretext that there are Hamas members hiding in tunnels that the Israeli's dug themselves. I do think though, that there are a lot of similarities of what the Israelis are doing and saying now to what the Nazis said and did in Germany. While I do agree with some of what you say, Che, I do not agree with your insistence that the crematoria did not exist.

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I would have to review all kinds of stuff to find evidence that would convince you. I remember reading that the Nazi's claimed the gas chambers were for delousing people. I do better with what people with experience tell me. Several people have told me about their mothers, fathers, grandparents, children who died in the gas chambers. They were not politicians and had nothing to gain by lying.

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And that’s exactly how Israel apologists sound!! They’re calling those who are against GENOCIDE, Nazis. What kind of fucked up clown world are we living in?! 😢

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Caitlin wrote about this retired major a couple of pieces ago. His thinking sounds exactly the same as that of the Nazis. The world is either upside down or playing on repeat. https://mondoweiss.net/2023/11/influential-israeli-national-security-leader-makes-the-case-for-genocide-in-gaza/

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Yes. I remember that. These people are SICK!!!!

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

what is worse I sent that article to my representative in the government and his reply was that that major is not presently in power, so it is not important what he thinks!! He did not respond when I said that even not being in power, he has a lot of influence over those who are in power. The sickness is endemic in our world.

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This is the major "benefit" of the current devious western "democracies" - they get replaced and new people dismiss everything inconvenient that the previous ones did.

Dare name recent UK's PMs and durations of their terms?

Western "democracies" cannot be trusted as far as any negotiations, treaties, promises, etc. They're inherently deceiving.

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That's funny that the representative pooh-poohed the opinion of a retired major. We all know the truth is only spoken publicly from those who have left the government, because they are restricted from saying anything (except through PR mouthpieces) while they're in!

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One in which the Mainstream media brainwashes the weak and stupid. If we could take down the mainstream media studios in rapid fashion, these MSM TV zombies would have a better chance of waking up.

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Yup. We are governed by psychopaths and few have the nuts to even say so. Fucking upside down world we are in.

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John Lennon's observations come to mind ~

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Nail. On. Head!

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To be fair, Israel is a group of humans and not a robot.

Doesn't excuse a group of child-killing humans, even if they claim it's somehow necessary.

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Except after all their propaganda programming, they may as well be automatons.

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They only look eat, breathe, and defecate like humans. They’re devoid of all other human attributes.

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We'll have to consult Boston Dynamics to make sure.

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Caitlin, you keep me sane with your fearless metaphors.

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Just a little thought experiment..


No countries, no religions.

Just free, voluntarily associating, humans.

No synthetic-person corporations too.

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Imagine all the people living life in peace...

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A corporation is humans associating...

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Netanyahu has no heart, if he did he wouldn't be doing what he is doing.

I abhor violence but I would happily take up Arms against him in any legal way possible! When Genocide Joe Biden, and wimpy Rishi are too afraid to stand up to Israel it makes me sick to my stomach! I have never wished anything bad on anyone! but I find myself feeling so close just now.

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All these people have addresses...Just saying.

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I'm too old and disabled! Yet I hope with all my heart that those enabling Netanyahu and the Murdering Thugs called idf ( they are Not Soldiers! No Soldier targets Women and Children) get True Justice from the International War Crimes Tribunal! Genocide Joe wouldn't live through a court case ! I hope he Rots in He'll.

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DelBoy, you’re a sweetheart, but a tad too.. gentle!

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As i now in my 60's and still in relative good health i wish i practiced my skills as an assassin at a young age and was able to vigilante all these scumbags off the planet for the betterment of mankind.. Someone needs to sink Jefferys BOSOS's yacht with a claymore too.. Hint hint nudge nudge to any creatives out there.. (Comedica disclaimer)

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My target would have been Bill Gates because of his demand all countries sign up to the "WHO" vaccine program, the man is dodger than Rodger!

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Billy boy brought up all this farmland in the midwest most of it in Arkansas where i have a house im trying to restore.. makes me want to vomit..... that scumbag

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Hi Chaz!

Didn’t know you were an Arkansan 🙂

I have many friends whose parents moved here from Arkansas to work for GM. And I had an employer from there as well. All from the same small town.

Did you know that Arkansas is considered the #1 place in the US to retire to?

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OH he is indeed on the list..and my list is LONG and keeps growing day by day..

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It’s never too late, Chaz.

When I visit Colorado this coming summer, I’m going to have my niece help me hone my shooting skills; she can hit a target a half-mile away with her rifle.

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Actually I should not play my hand but I could pretend to be a dottering old man that no one would suspect.

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“And you know what? I’m starting to think that maybe they’re trying to turn off the Child-Killing Murder Robot because they’re sick of the way it keeps killing children and murdering people!” - that Joe guy seemed a bit slow on the uptake but even he caught up by the end.

Anne, though, is to be given ultimate credit - she stayed true to her principles, just like the USA.

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Ohhh Caitlin….you made me laugh in spite of myself, especially the last line.

You consistently come up with brilliant ways to highlight the genocide.

My cowgirl hat is off to you.

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Sometimes I appreciate your use of the direct hammer

but mostly I appreciate droll understatement like this 'monster robot' tale

about an unnamed monster.

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This is genius. I’m literally laughing and crying into my dinner.

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An early HAPPY SOLSTICE to all my friends here!

If you’d like, you can follow my own traditions:

Light candles to celebrate the lengthening of the days.

Bring in some greens. This is a PAGAN custom, that indicates that the earth goes on in spite of winter.

Go outdoors and commune with Mother Earth, especially among trees.

If you have sage, smudge your dwelling with it to rid it of negative energy that may have accumulated over the past year.

We’re now moving forward to spring!

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The same to you. And look out for any birds or animals that might be S.O.L. in your sphere.

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Reality Sci-Fi. Yemen's Ansar Allah have become my heroes. Never really thought I would say that but....... they are part of the few outside the concentration camp fighting for Palestine. You know somethings up when israel starts talking about peace.

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THAT Zionism, which is a world-wide nationalistic Jewish movement, organized, planned and created the “State of Israel” by sending Jewish immigrants from Europe into Palestine (the heart of the Arab world) to take over land and homes belonging to Arabs?

THAT in this operation, they received maximum help, support and encouragement from Great Britain, the United States, and other white western colonial governments?

THAT organized Jewish Zionism dates back to 1897, when the first Zionist Congress was held in Basle? The program adopted at the Congress was “To create for the Jewish People a home in Palestine secured by public law.” Thus began the Palestine Problem, which led to the present Arab-Israeli conflict.

THAT Britain took control of Palestine at the end of World War 1, and, working hand-in-hand with European Zionist Jews, such as Lord Rothschild, set forth the Balfour Declaration? Thus, in 1917, Palestine became a world problem.

THAT the Balfour Declaration stated that the British Government was in favor of establishing a National Home for Jewish People in Palestine, but, at the same time contradicted itself and said that nothing should be done to damage the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (Arabs)?

THAT the British Mandate Government of Palestine, along with the Zionists, immediately began to encourage European Jews to immigrate to Palestine…in spite of the fact that, in 1917, more than 90 per-cent of the population of Palestine were Arabs…and there were more than 56,000 Jews in Palestine?

THAT more than half of the 56,000 Jews living in Palestine at that time were recent immigrants, who had come to Palestine only a few years before to escape persecution in Europe and had been welcomed by the native Palestinian Arab people with open arms, living in peace side-by-side with the Arabs? That, in 1917, less than 5 per-cent of the population of Palestine were native Palestinian Jews?

THAT the Arabs of Palestine at that time owned 97½ per cent of the land, while Jews (native Palestinians and recent immigrants together) owned only 2½ per-cent of the land?

THAT during 30 years of British occupation and rule, the Zionists were able to purchase only 3½ per-cent of the land of Palestine, in spite of encouragement by the British government? And that much of this land was transferred to Zionist bodies by the British government directly, and was not sold by Arab wonders?

THAT, therefore, when Britain passed the Palestinian Problem to the United Nations in 1947, Zionists owned no more than 6 per-cent of the total land area of Palestine? At that time there were 1.3 million Arabs and 650,000 recent Jewish immigrants living in Palestine.

THAT in spite of these facts, the General Assembly of the United Nations, in 1947, recommended that a “Jewish State” be established in Palestine?... And that, furthermore, the U.N. granted the proposed “State” about 54 per-cent of the total area of Palestine, which included the coastal fertile and irrigable lands, leaving the Arabs dry mountainous areas, with little or no irritation possibilities.”

THAT the Zionists (Israeli) armies immediately occupied (and still occupy) more than 80 per-cent of the total land area of Palestine?


THAT this conquest of Arab land took place, for the most part, before May 15, 1948 before the formal end of British rule, before the Arab armies entered to protect Palestinian Arabs, and before the Arab Israeli War?

THAT the Arab States had to send their poorly trained and ill-equipped armies against the superior western trained and supported Israeli forces, in a vain effort to protect Arab lives, property and Arab rights to the land of Palestine? That this was the formal beginning of the Arab-Israeli War?

THAT the Zionists conquered the Arab homes and land through terror, force, and massacres? That they wiped out over 30 Arab villages before and after they took control of the area they now call “Israel”

THAT the Zionist terror gangs (Haganah, Irgun, and Stern gangs) deliberately slaughtered and mutilated women, children and men, thereby causing the unarmed Arabs to panic, flee and leave their homes in the hands of the Zionist-Israeli forces.

THAT three are still over one million Palestinian Arab refugees living in the Arab countries that surround Israel, that they are still homeless, penniless, and live off of United Nations charity?


THAT under the Charter of the United Nations the U.N. General Assembly had no legal right to recommend the 1947 Partition Plan which created the “Jewish State?”

THAT all attempts by the Arab States and other Asian countries to have the U.N. Assembly test the legality of this plan before the International Court of Justice were rejected or ignored by the Assembly?

THAT the original 1947 Partition Plan was approved, at the first vote, only by white European, American and Astralasian [sic] states, that every African and Asian state voted against it? And that, in the second vote, urgent United States pressures (which a member of the Truman cabinet called “bordering onto scandal”) had succeeded in forcing only one Asian country (the Philippines) and one African country (Liberia) both controlled by “Uncle Sam,” to abandon their opposition. IN OTHER WORDS, ISRAEL WAS PLANTED AT THE CROSSROADS OF ASIA AND AFRICA WITHOUT THE FREE APPROVAL OF ANY MIDDLE-EASTERN, ASIAN OR AFRICAN COUNTRY!

THAT Israel has remained a total stranger in the Afro-Asian world, that Israel has never been allowed to attend any conference of the African, Asian, or Afro-Asian states?

THAT, ever since the Armistice Agreements were signed in 1949, Israel has continued to cross the Demarcation Lines, invade the neighboring Arab states, and make commando raiders against the Arab people? And that the U.N has condemned Israel for these attacks on at least eleven occasions.

THAT no Arab State has ever been condemned by the U.N. for military attacks against Israel.

THAT in the U.N. Resolution, December 11, 1948, Israel was granted admission to the U.N. only if she agreed to repatriate Arab refugees compensation for property losses; but Israel has refused to do this, in spite of the fact that every year, the U.N. has called on Israel to honor the original resolution.

THAT Israel segregates those few Arabs who remained in their homeland, that more than 90 per-cent of these Arabs live in “Security Zones,” under Martial Law, are not allowed to travel freely within Israel, and are the victims of discrimination in education, jobs etc.

THAT dark skinned Jews from the Middle-East and North Africa are also second-class citizens in Israel, that the color line puts them in inferior position to the white, European Jews?

THAT the United States has constantly supported Israel and Zionism by sending military and financial aid to this illegal state ever since it was forced upon the Arabs in 1948?

THAT the U.S. Government has worked along with Zionist groups to support Israel so that America may have a toe-hold in that strategic Middle-East location, thereby helping white America to control and exploit the rich oil deposits of the Arab nations?

THAT not only have American Zionists and their cousins in Europe poured billions of dollars into Israel since it’s [sic] founding, but they have also promoted a propaganda campaign to cover up their true aims, plans, objectives? That they have prevented the world from knowing the truth of the Palestine Arab refugees who were and still are victims of Zionist, British, and U.S. Aggression against them?

THAT several American and European Jews, who are not Zionists and cannot support the horrors committed by Zionists in the name of Judaism, have spoken out and condemned the Zionist distortions of the Jewish religion; but their opinions are never printed in the zionist controlled press or other communications media?

THAT the famous European Jews, the Rothschilds, who have long controlled the wealth of many European nations, were involved in the original conspiracy with the British to create the “State of Israel” and are still among Israel’s chief supporters? THAT THE ROTHSCHILDS ALSO CONTROL MUCH OF AFRICA’S MINERAL WEALTH?

THAT under the disguise of “foreign aid,” the Israeli Histadrut (Labor Organization) has gone into African countries, tried to exploit and control their economies, and sabotaged African liberation movements, along with any other African movements or projects opposed by the United States and other white western powers?

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Why do you use the term Arabs and not Palestinians in your piece? The supporters of the state of Israel argue that there's no such thing as Palestinians, only Arabs who had taken 'Jewish land'. They use it to justify driving the Palestinian people into Arab countries in their effort to build a 'greater Israel'. The Palestinian people have a right to live in peace in what was historically Palestine.

Also, in my opinion, you mar your argument by making the creation and support of Israel into a Jewish conspiracy theory. However the real roots lie not in this but in British politicians who wanted to build a Jewish state in Israel to create a 'loyal little Ulster'. When Britain was withdrawing from it's colonies at the end of World War 2, Israel looked to America and became a way for Washington to have an ally in the region. The genesis of the Israeli state lies not in a Jewish conspiracy but in the acts of competing Imperialist powers seeking to dominate and bring areas into their spheres of influence.

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Very informative. Thank you.

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Excellent!!! Paulo. Just the facts alone condemn Israel to the scrap heap of history.

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Yet, unfortunately, Jeano, Israel and Jews rewrite that history, recycle the heap, and give poor old and young Goyim lies, more lies and exceptional lies:

Dana Bash, perhaps CNN’s top anti-Palestinian propagandist, has time and again pushed false information to her viewers, including misinformation about how many Israeli civilians were killed on 7 October.



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“Israel and Jew” Not really. It’s Israel and AIPAC and the US media and government. All of them are Zionists. As are those dim witted christian fundies. It’s American Jews that are doing the heaviest push back on Zionism, Jewish Voice for Peace that shut down grand central station, Phillis Bennis that can wipe the floor with Bash. Don’t let ignorance fool you into a blanket hatred of your fellow warriors for decency.

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Ahh, thanks for reminding me of "my ignorance." Funky.

American Jews have never en mass renounced their Israeli dual citizenship, this so-called disgusting right of return to Occupied Palestine. It's 73 years on the books: The Law of Return (Hebrew: חוק השבות, ḥok ha-shvūt) is an Israeli law, passed on 5 July 1950, which gives Jews, people with one or more Jewish grandparent, and their spouses the right to relocate to Israel and acquire Israeli citizenship.

Jews is Israel are all in for wiping out Panestinians. I am not sure which Jews you know in Israel. Few few few will fight that racist regime. It's always been a racist state.

Journalists wanting 100,000 Gazans killed.


The power, man, of the Jews in USA.

Last week the bloody Israel/Gaza conflict of the last couple of months suddenly claimed an important American political victim as Liz Magill was forced to resign as president of the University of Pennsylvania under the pressure of Jewish billionaire donors and pro-Israel elected officials, convicted of an inadequate response to the threats faced by Jewish students at her Ivy League university. Her supportive Board chairman was also swept out in a sudden ideological purge that may be completely unprecedented in the history of elite American higher education and might have very serious implications for academic freedom. Harvard’s president barely survived a similar fate, probably bolstered by her status as as the first black leader in that university’s history. All of this followed earlier threats by Jewish billionaires to organize a national campaign of permanent employment blacklisting against any students involved in anti-Israel protests.


Bennis? Nope:

In an email to Common Dreams on Thursday, Medea Benjamin of CodePink was sharply critical of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba's "weapons, weapons, and weapons" line, calling the diplomat's comment "sickening."

"Ukraine's foreign minister's agenda should not be weapons, weapons, weapons, but negotiations, negotiations, negotiations and ceasefire, ceasefire, ceasefire," Benjamin wrote. "Maybe he should talk to the war-weary people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen. More weapons equal more deaths. More weapons equal more war. Period."

Phyllis Bennis, director of the New Internationalism Project at the Institute for Policy Studies, told Common Dreams on Thursday that it makes complete sense for Kuleba and other top officials in Ukraine--"a nation at war"--to be calling for weapons at this time.

"They're trying to keep their people mobilized, they're trying to keep the pressure on the international community to support them--this makes perfect sense that they're asking for weapons," said Bennis. "And it makes perfect sense for those of us who have seen too many U.S. and other wars escalate terribly in those situations to say, 'We understand it, but we have to say no, because escalation is only going to kill more people and extend it longer.'"

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Just remember, they, Blackrock, Blackstone, oh, you know, them, have the narrative and the shekels and the US politicians:


This is JEWISH thinking. Don't fool yourself with some tap dancing around Zionism. Jewish values in Jewish State of Jewish Israel:

The advertisement reads:

“We, Harey Zahav, are working to prepare the ground for the return to Gush Katif. Our employees are working on the rehabilitation of the region, cleaning up waste, and deporting the occupiers (Palestinians). We hope that in the near future, the kidnapped and our soldiers will somehow return to their homes, and we can start construction in the entire Gush Katif area in the Gaza Strip.”

Gush Katif was a block of Israeli settlements established in the Gaza Strip in the early 1970s, but whose residents were forced to withdraw in 2005 as a result of the withdrawal plan from the Gaza Strip.

Implicitly, the real estate company suggests that it is working with Israeli soldiers in Gaza.

Building settlements on the ruins of destroyed Palestinian homes brings back painful memories of the Nakba, when more than 500 Palestinian towns and villages were razed to the ground by Zionist militias and 750,000 Palestinians were deported.

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