Check your children’s Halloween candy for Russian propaganda.

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LMAO! Comment of the year!

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I am really disappointed in Putin, my paycheck for being a mouthpieces for Russian propaganda hasn't shown up yet. I was going to put it right next to my white privilege check - its a conspiracy to deny me the beer money I so desperately need !

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I'm still waiting for my Toyota and weapons crate. :(

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After all my hard work all I got was a friggin broken down Yugo. It's just another scam.

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Because no-one is allowed to think for themselves or disagree with the Uniparty.

No-one is allowed to question 150 billion dollars to the unofficial 51st state of the union.

Sure wish we could get 150 billion domestically without any oversight.

$450 for every man, woman and child in the U.S.

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PS: deposed Kevin McCarthy just restated that Putin is Hitler.

It is actually that Biden and his bipartisan Co. are....

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"All The Regime Narrative Fit to Print"

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"National Propaganda Radio" = NPR

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All the shit that fits we print.

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🤣😂 You win.

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Let's not forget Trudeau's "apology" that pre blamed Russian Disinformation for simply reporting about Canadian Nazi love, right after Hillary warned us all that Russian Disinformation will help defeat her friends in '24. Again.

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This article should be required reading for all students above eighth grade.

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News coverage and Congress' Response to Tet Offensive Is Driven By Ho Chi Minh Propaganda, Officials Say

Could you imagine a headline like that in 1968?

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Exactly! We are in Orwell territory now.

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Big time

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Factually, Washington has lost their Ukraine Proxy War on Russia.

What is to be done?

Q1: Can Washington avoid blame? Yes - they've done it before and are very good at voiding Mainstream Media coverage of failed foreign campaigns.

Q2: Who will Washington blame? Washington will blame NATO and those unreliable Europeans.

Q3: Who will NATO blame? NATO will blame the very corrupt regime in Kyiv.

Q4: Who will Kyiv blame? Kyiv will blame The West for lack of resolve. That they have run out of trained "hot bodies", read "new blood for old" will be ignored.

Q5: When will the Kyiv Administration collapse? When the Russian Armed Forces move on Kyiv, in about a year's time.

Q6: Then what? Russia dictates the terms and matters are worked out between the only two parties that ever counted - Moscow and Washington, with Moscow holding all the cards and (perhaps) again allowing Washington to save face.

Q7: Will Washington and Moscow ever be allies again? You mean as they were eighty years ago?


As for now . . . Washington's Ukraina Grandioznaya Skhema - The Graveyard of This Empire.


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War criminals staging wars against peaceful nations worldwide. Need for Nuremberg-2 trials and executions.

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I do not think we will live long enough to see this (although I would LOVE IT)!

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But -- we need to now hate China even more:

China government certainly has achieved an astronomically great and unique success:

Financial Times -- July 8, 2021:

“China’s emergence over the past four decades ranks as the biggest and longest-run economic boom in history. Its annual gross domestic product rose from a mere $191 B, or $195 per capita, in 1980 to $14.3 T, or $10,261 per capita, in 2019.

It has raised more than 770m people from poverty and transformed the Chinese economy into a high-tech powerhouse that is on course to eclipse America’s in size. This transformation is the landmark achievement of the Chinese Communist party, which celebrates its 100th anniversary on Thursday.”

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The Nation that once introduced the Nuremberg principles - which was suggested by the USSR - simply does not abide by them.

All told only a couple of hundred Nazi war criminals were held accountable while no thanks to Prescott Bush large numbers [thousands] of Nazi's found a safe haven in the US where they played a key role setting up what is now a well known agency that's accountable to apparently no one.

Then there were Nazi's who became Nato generals.

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I can think of very few US presidents who have not been guilty of "conspiracy to wage war", one of the war crimes listed at Nuremberg 1946.

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I don't know how you both do this-each day you cut through the bullshit.


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If I were Putin, I would NOT attempt to turn the US public against the war in Ukraine. With every millisecond the US and NATO continue to pursue their current course of action, more and more people and countries of the Global South stiffen their backbones and rebel against the Empire. Witness Saudi Arabia, Niger, etc. Sure, Armenia is cozying up to the West, but they will gain nothing for their loss of Ngorno-Karabak, and they will be very disappointed by the long-term loss. Pashinyan will soon be joining Saakashvili.

The only downside risk is that the neolibcons become so desperate that they escalate to nuclear war.

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Call me an ultra Russian apologist, but I believe Putin really does not want to kill every last Ukrainian conscript. He would prefer a short war, fewer cities destroyed, and as few Ukrainians killed as possible. So it would make sense to try and reduce US support. However, the Russian Federation probably understands well that US public opinion has very little effect on decisions made by the political elite.

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But he also wants to denazify Kiev so that he doesn’t have to come back and kick ass just to keep his country safe. That means destroying NATO, or letting it destroy itself. Seems to be on a pretty good trajectory to do that.

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I agree he has no animosity toward ordinary Ukies, just Nazis.

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Thanks for "neolibcons." The word I've been searching for forever.

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Don't think it was strictly original. I saw something similar or identical within the last day or two and the concept stuck if not the exact word.

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It reminds me of that old cartoon where the guy has his hand on the other guy’s head and is stiff arming him as the other guy swings and swings and swings away at a guy he can’t reach. That’s what Putin is doing to the US. And as you say, he can keep on doing it until we are completely exhausted and I think he will. Maybe if he can keep us tied up in UKR, he can get that railway from North Korea to Russia built and liberate that whole peninsula. Icing on the cake.

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Your last paragraph is perfect!

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When the American realizes that its LEGAL for the Government to RUN PROPAGANDA on it's citizens, we begin to look at our country in a whole different light:


From 9/11 to the Pandemic, propaganda is used to cover up despicable acts that our Government does:


Remember, the word GOVERN-MENT means Govern (control) Ment (Mind).

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Don't use phoney etymology, it simply confuses the issue. Look up -ment in etymonline. Nothing to do with the mind. Govern means to steer, to rule. You've been pushing this bs for a while now. Cease & desist?

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Thanks for the callout here.

Just to correct this: govern does mean to steer, but also to rule and command as well. Men-, which mental is from, equals mind.

Looking for your rebuttal though 😊

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Mens, mentis means mind, but -ment is simply a suffix:

-ment | mənt |


1 forming nouns expressing the means or result of an action: curtailment | excitement | treatment.

2 forming nouns from adjectives (such as merriment from merry).


from French, or from Latin -mentum.

—Oxford English Dictionary.

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It's also very legal now. Mundt act or whatever.

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We saw this kind of thing with Trump/Russia collusion argument where Putin was to influence the election. So, assuming everything is true and Putin wants to end European support for the Ukrainian war...That would be wait for it...A good thing for Europe! So being pro not getting Ukranians killed is pro-Russia? Being anti-nuclear brinksmanship is being Pro-Russia? Nope, no propaganda here. Anpnymous government sources tell me so. ;)

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Since the only reason that anyone could possibly be opposed to more war is because they are a "Putin puppet", wouldn’t the antiwar discourse just be puppets talking at one another, whilst Freedom-Luvin' Patriotic Americans march off in lockstep?

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Why aren't we seeing these "patriotic Americans" march off to help on the front lines in Ukraine? Hmm...

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