In the 2016 and 2020 United States elections, there was opposition party shutdowns and mass voter polling places closed. Where was The New York Times then?

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doing "hair and makeup" on one of the hollywood talking-head news outlets for "interviews" on air.

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I imagine the same place when the protests against the Iraq invasion -- the largest the world had seen -- marched right by their offices and they gave it page 6 treatment, to much anger and embarrassment for the self-described paper of record.

I guess with Judy Miller's stenography on the cover, there simply wasn't room.

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Fantastic Paula Fox and well said

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Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders


but apparently "it's cool y'all", cause it was blessed by the judge:

"a political party’s determination of the structure which best allows it to pursue its political goals is protected by the Constitution. the choice——and attendant

consequences——between “impartiality and evenhandedness” and Tammany

Hall politics lies in the province of the DNC, not the judiciary.

Grave questions regarding the DNC’s

right of association would undoubtedly arise if this Court were to

enjoin the DNC to a particular manner of governance. "

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Our entire voting system is primed for abuse. Each state has different methods; machines instead of paper ballots; slow and murky methods for tabulating votes; having partisan politicians in charge of the process; gerrymandering; long lines, particularly in minority communities; two parties controlling who gets to debate; and a corporate media "reporting" it all. Simply horrible.

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Exactly! The land of individual rights, when it comes to voting, only goes so far as the party machine. As long as Americans get two party platforms to choose from, democracy is working per the judges. Never mind that the parties are not at all representative of people.

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And other judges -- the Supreme Court -- said money equals free speech, so where the hell do we go from that?

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To the streets! Watch How to Start a Revolution DVD documentary and read From Dictatorship to Democracy the book. They tell us how to do it.

Gene Sharp wrote many other books: especially The Politics of Nonviolent Action in three volumes teaches the nuts and bolts of it.

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NO-WHERE! But muricans be sleeping. You ever hear that phrase "party high command"? I'll tell u where u heard it: narratives or historical essays from communist countries! Happens here all the time. But dressed up as flag humping, plus a craven media. All racketeering, money-swindling, misrepresentation of political fundraising purposes, IS LEGAL within the "PARTY SYSTEM". Judges have openly said so. Period. Parties can racketeer to their hearts desire, NO RICO.

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I believe the Founders didn't have to contend with parties; that came later. Essentially, un-American. About half of Americans are independent so either party only represents 1/4 of the country, and even that 1/4 is ignored in favor of the elites and their donors. Hell of a system we've got here, still defended by a very vocal minority.

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They did have parties of opinion, but they weren't codified the way they are today.

The pro-Federalist party and the anti-Federalist party were at each other's throats, and each had pet newspaper editors that didn't scruples to write the most scurrilous gossip about the leaders of the other party.

This was why George Washington warned against a two-party system.

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Hands up all those who think Ruth Bader Ginsberg's "estate" got a film deal (which film i bet no one watched, showing her singing "i want to break free" on stage in front of a sold out stadium, as it were, rockstar of the masses) for her to "pass" during Trump, and not "resign" during Showbama!

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There were political factions even before 1776. It featured two national parties competing for control of the presidency, Congress, and the states: the Federalist Party, created largely by Alexander Hamilton, and the rival Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican Party, formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, usually called at the time the Republican Party. There is one huge difference from today, both parties back then had America's Constitution and interests at heart, but from different perspectives. Today the two parties are power brokers. The Democrats are Social Marists in thought/actions, but as pointed out here, they often equivocate. The Republicans, are not the Grand Old Party as it used to be, they are pretty much the 'other' Social Marxist's with a bit different point of view (see all recent legislation since the 1930's that they brought or voted on/for whole-hog, once the Administrative State became the unelected law makers (and we serfs went back to taxation without representation). The Republicans these days are fake Patriots for the most part I agree (there are a few real ones, but it is very difficult to work within the current government socialist framework if you are one, know that), the Republicans simply keep the status quo going (sell-outs at the crucial moment). Right now, that may be finally changing, most have to be replaced, but first we have to have honest elections, and then we absolutely have to crush the sell-outs/Social Marists, and thereby crush the Dem's Social Marxism at the same time. Then we can get back to really having America as a true Republic with Founding Principles restored, staying out of foreign wars and entanglements, getting rid of federal taxation (vote buying handouts) and get back to a real Separation of Power Doctrine and Due Process. It's happening. America is the only Nation that can do it, that's what I love about her still. And, we did it before, let's hope this time it stays non-kinetic and in the realm of Pushback 5th Gen Warfare.

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Kids should be taught: The parties are like Franchisors. When you join a Franchise, say like McDonalds, money alone to set up shop isn't enough; you gotta pass muster w the committee that vets you: your wealth, your personal financial history, your skillset. If you pass, they knight you "official franchisee". You get to wear their robes (use their branding) on the outside, profit the way they tell you to, and in return, you gotta kick back up the chain a slice of your revenue. Exact Same thing GOP/DNC. So all that money the fakes like Sinema rake in from say the pharma lobby (presently)....you guessed it, some makes its way to Pelosi and Biden and DNC itself! The only reason DNC let them in is based on their saleability and fakeout capability. The GOP is too nasty to even discuss.

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The GOP is nasty and we are going to replace it with real Americans. The D's they are really too nasty to discuss or even try and bring down, total Social Marxists and thus their fate is sealed. This is what has happened to America. Both parties play both sides and are owned. It depends if you want America or you want the new Socialist America which is what we have now (both parties). I'm for ending both parties because they are both corrupt and are both Social Marxist and are bringing the whole country down. Barring that, it's replacing the Republicans lock, stock and barrel with real Patriots and that will eventually end the Social Marxist Left as well. Pure democracy is mob rule, and somehow people buy into it. Get your head in the real fight we are the only ones holding the line. The rest gave up their means of defending well, anything.

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So within the " democracy", PARTY HIGH COMMANDS decide everything.

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Yeah, and I'm so glad that Bernie Sanders fought so hard against...oh, wait.

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You should thank those bedbugs when you come roaring back with fire like this. Yes, America, please just shut the fuck up about practically everything. There's really nothing else to say.

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Really? We in America, not you of course Riff, but many are the only ones really fighting here and exposing the fake elections, fake government, fake news, fake Socialism, fake 'chatter' and fake hate on America. The rest of the World, pretty much taking the jabs..., and already unarmed. So, that's the big, huge difference. We aren't done, you are on the side of the 'done' people it appears, we are exposing that corruption none would believe, and it's coming out here more than any other place on Earth. Bash away from your high towers... I'm feeling more free everyday. To say it's all America's fault is ridicuoulsy disingenuous. Europe and it's vassals have never gotten over their love affair(s) with Socialism (except a few who really remember and are fighting back), even after WII. Even though we were told how great it is/was, we yet have a foundation upon which we rely and it can be brought back and saved from the Socialist terrors. Many of US are feeling more free than they have in years now. It feels so good..., we can replace our corrupt government, the rest of you? Only if we do it.

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"The US empire—by which I also mean the client states around the world who support its agendas of planetary domination..."

Might be nice to list a few: Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Canada...

9,592 troops of 36 countries serving in Afghanistan: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/9-592-troops-of-36-countries-serving-in-afghanistan/2212251

Japan and South Korea aren't in Afghanistan, but they surely are participating in the US aggression against North Korea and the "defense" of Taiwan.

The list of nations that aren't under US control would be much shorter.

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Whatever..the client state's have unarmed their citizens, so America isn't them.

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So true, Caitlin! I have been particularly horrified not so much by the corporate media pro imperial chorus on Nicaragua, which is par for the course, but by the burgeoning number of leftwing sources that echo it. What's up with that? What do they gain by cheering for, and repeating, imperialist interventionist propaganda, when they often maintain decently critical positions in other areas?

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Really? You don't know 'What's up with that?' The Left (who control everything just about now (whether called Rino's or Dem's (until we take it back that is) are exemplary Socialist Propagandists. Up is down and down is up. Nicaragua is one of their best examples of the 'freedom' they have in store for people of any 'color'. We are lucky we still have our guns in America, for sure the Socialists don't like that...

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Trump in 2024: at least he mocks these people. It’s fun to watch and yes he’s a pig and greatly degrades public discourse but it is such a comeuppance for their highfaluting self congratulatory exultation. Trump properly understood the source of his success, he gamed the system beating both the R’s and the D’s. The source of that success: mocking. Caitlin helps us see it clearly but I think we all intuit the manipulation that’s foisted on us. So along comes the Trump monster and he says it right out load - the elite, politicos are lying idiots. That’s what he said coming down that escalator on day one.

Don’t be confused, in power Trump was standard R, fully of and for the empire; he’s no different except for the mocking and of course his enormous incompetence.

America deserves Trump, he is your personification, resistance is futile.

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still no mention about Australia's Orwellian lockdowns...vaxxine mandates...or the obvious scamdemic? Eve Bartlett called you out about your lies by omission....pretty pathetic...now ban me

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One should gain some knowledge of a writer's subject matter before launching criticisms of same. It appears the journalistic standards of Rich's Newsletter falls far short of this simple requirement.

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I cant comment on her covidiot posts because she never writes about it...now go get your shot like a good sheep

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It's become a mostly bash America agenda here, I'm interested in that, as it wasn't Caitlin's original message. Sometimes I wonder if they haven't compromised her by threats, intimidation, or otherwise. It has happened many times. For instance, Where is Drudge? And don't let Riff bully you, he's probably the CIA operative in support! Hahahaha! He sure acts like it. Smile.

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But you actually did comment on them, Rich. Idiotically. That's the point.

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Yes, you are good at calling people 'idiots' Riff. That is for sure...

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US democracy = replacing one clown with another, preferrably with a convenient-at-the-moment skin color and reproductive organ

the upside is, fewer people really care what corporate presstitutes bladder.

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Ouch Jackie: your stinging rebuke .

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I get real tired of the hate America traces on here, because pretty much all elections we now know are or have been rigged. It's coming out, and only Americans will and have made it come out! The Socialist European Union States and vassals like Australia and Canada, wouldn't even believe it could be rigged. Hilarious. We care here and we are doing something about it, no matter the endless fake news 'chatter' otherwise. The good gripers in Australia and elsewhere, are learning a hard lesson with the Covid jab, elections and their own corrupt 'leaders' and how the 'police' are rounding up any 'dissenters'. That didn't come from America pals. Got your jab(s...and counting) yet Caitlin? God, how I love America because the people do still have their guns and The They know it. The rest of you can go quietly into that Socialist good night. The jabs are just the start. When you bash America you bash US. We know there is corruption and at least we are trying to undo it...and have the means. Governments are the problem when they get 'to big to fail' (they think). The Founders warned US and we went to the Socialist trough and slippery slope of handouts, buyouts and redistribution of wealth, so here we are...finally, finally some are really waking up. We, the United States are the only ones who can undo it. Freedom isn't Free, We Will Take It Back.

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What caitlin does is hold up a mirror to our corrupt society.If you dont like reality based journalism, dont read caitlin, just watch fox. Or as we sometimes say : Read a book. a good start would be howard zinnia's. a peoples history of the united states.

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Hey Steve, I read Caitlin for sometime and came back a couple months ago to see what she was saying, and I see a change, that's all. I can comment on here Pal if I want too, or Caitlin can ban me. You are not the speech police here (I'm sure you would love that position though) that I know of, or assumed to be smarter than anyone else from this kind of BS comment for sure underlines that...hilarious. Hold up mirror? You might try it. Your 'read a book' comment is laughable, typical Socialist high ground until it isn't. Books can be as fake as the news, you have to have discernment and common sense, and see through much of what is written, both sides of any issue. Oh, and aren't you going to correct my grammar next? I think you forgot...

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The ignorance you show is amazing . Stunning. Stupefying. But keep talking. You should really try to live by this Mark Twain quote:“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

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