At this point, I hope to wake up some day and read a headline stating: "Biden admits to being a war criminal, liar about our '$2,000 check', and confesses he never was going to forgive student loans as he promised on the campaign trail," given in one short speech while wearing his pajamas and bunny slippers at a press conference he accidentally wandered into thinking he was going to get a cup of warm milk and cookies. (The man is a menace and needs to be retired--not running for office again.)

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But haven’t you heard? He’s all about Bidenomics now! Ready to lift the working people up. Finally! 🤣. Who writes this crap for him?

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Not working people, just the middle class.

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That is a joke right?!

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The 25th Amendment to the Constitution reads:

“Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”

Of course, the problem with invoking this amendment is that we would exchange one mental incompetent for another.

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Yes, this is troubling problem as well. "Giggling" Kopmala or "Basketcase" Biden? Not much of a choice there, is it?

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Or, for those who actually have and exercise the power behind the throne, either is a perfect toady.

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I think campaign/manifesto promises that lead to being elected should be treated as fundamental contract terms. Businesses would not get away with it at they would be found in breach of contract. Why should politicians lie with impunity and get away with it. We need real transparency and accountability.

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Can you imagine a world where all campaign promises must be kept or the political candidate who promised them was executed? Roll out the guillotines! Happy Bastille Day!

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A boy (of 55) can dream!

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One of the main reasons the establishment turned so hard against Trump is because he has the unfortunate habit of oafishly guffawing an embarrassing truth. Biden is sure to tumble down the same slope as he continues his decline from lifelong mental mediocrity to terminal dementia.

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How sad and disgraceful these two old nitwits are. Why don't they just go away and enjoy their applesauce at home and refrain from further polluting humanity. These two people are just fucking sick.

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It is absolutely bizarre George W. Bush's snickering after he recognized what he said. Hahaha, the US and Russia are pretty much the same, or even implied that it was the US that was worse than Russia. It is funny, but the guy who did it should not be laughing.

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Classic Freudian slip: not only got the country wrong, but the losers as well: there are no winners, but Ukrainians, and ordinary, now overburdened American taxpayers, are the losers.

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Keep in mind that Dubya, and certainly Biden, aren't really running things.

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Granted. But Dubya at least had Dick Cheney, who was pure evil but who was also undeniably competent (at committing evil). What is most concerning is that the person or people behind the Biden throne are just as evil as Cheney but lack anything like Cheney’s competence. I shudder to think it might be Vicky Nuland, Jake Sullivan, and/or Anthony Blinken.

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023

In a way, that is sort of the genius behind the Biden idiocy. Since there is no one person who is obviously the person who is really in charge, it is that much harder to assign accountability, much less blame.

Add in the neutering of whatever antiwar movement there was in this country (thank you, St. Barack!) and Team R and Team D compete as to who is more mindlessly aggressive. This is not aided by the fact that the hawks never pay any price, no matter how disastrous their wars turn out.

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I agree that the evil ruler(s) of The Empire know that the key to power is to remain in the shadows. That was easier when the ruler/rulers could hide behind Obama, who at least seemed credible (occasionally) in the role in which he was cast. But it is now obvious to even the most braindead observer that Biden and Harris are mere placeholders. I wonder if by intentionally casting Biden and Harris we are being prepped for the emergence of the real ruler/rulers into the light of day. What is craziest about such a possible emergence is that I suspect most Americans—perhaps most Earthlings—in their present state of sheepliness would barely notice.

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As soon as they come up with a version of ChatGPT that can cash checks and recite Team D talking points.

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023

This is how European colonialist (aka “westen liberal”) capitalism works. Bait or self manufacture divine or worldly excuses to exercise thuggery. Then control and exploit for profit. Or in worst are profit from selling weapons and ammo to a pointless and endless war. Ad infinitum.

Conferences on “the future of Ukraine” ie foreign private ownership of Ukraine’s resources, are being held everywhere including In the US and even Denmark and Norway, on how this death machine gets turned into profit. While the death machine is still grinding and not even at full speed yet!!

That’s why Anthony Blinken is determined to keep the death machibe rolling despite a ceasefire and peace being possible:


By the time the death machine is done, the adult prime age male population of Ukraine will already be decimated. Literally. Maybe more than decimated.

These are not national leaders or business leaders. They are ghouls in suits that go around turning everyone’s hopes and dreams into nightmares. Everywhere. Over and over.

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"By the time the death machine is done, the adult prime age male population of Ukraine will already be decimated. " I would think that has already happened.

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It’s a country of 45 million and low birth so does not skew young. Do the math on 200,000 casualties. It’s not there yet. But the ghouls are determined to punish Russia by extermination of Ukrainians. As long as it takes - with other people’s lives.

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They say 45 million but even before there were a great many expatriates in search of economic opportunity. Now there are millions of refugees. Not only that, that number includes the Donbass and maybe Crimea, more millions lost. I'd say the population within the borders of Ukraine is today about 27 million. Then half are women. So 13.5 million men. What percentage of prime age? Let's say 10%. That gives 1.35 million. Decimation is 10% of that. So 135,000 casualties would be decimation of the prime age male population.

However Ukraine still has maybe that many boys turning sixteen every year, so if they are willing to absorb such casualties the war can go on forever. Young men are a renewable resource. Appalling such thinking, eh?

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Getting your 16 year old boys killed while exporting your women abroad as refugees, is suicide.

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Well, I’ve been disgusted for years about the uneven law enforcement in America.

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It is their gung ho attitude that offends me as it did at the time of their obliteration of Iraq, if I remember rightly they called it 'Shock and Awe'. I remember watching the planes take off and feeling sick. They are both monsters. Thank you Caitlin.

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I see the coining of the word "whataboutism" as a deliberate attempt to normalize hypocrisy. "Let's make those who calls us out look uncool. That'll shut 'em up!"

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Don't take great-grandpa seriously when he starts rambling on. Hey, everybody gets old sooner or later. Let him enjoy his last years on Earth in peace. Well maybe others don't have peace, but that's different.

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Excuse me? Millions displaced? Hundreds of Thousands dead. Tens of thousands more missing arms and legs? One of the oldest civilizations in the world destroyed, it’s artifacts left in the rubble. Humorously intended I’m sure, but incredibly inappropriate.

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Jeano: Humor directed at asshole killers is never inappropriate. Tyrants hate humor. The first thing the Taliban did after retaking Afghanistan was kill the funniest comedian in the country.

Tyrants know that humorous disdain is their biggest threat.

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Timmy, you’re the dumbest person on these threads. I’ve read your comments here and on Caitlin and you’re just a burned out midwestern bully boy. You and Russian butt and dementa. But I believe in free speech. Even for doped up losers like you, so fire away. Make you’re unbelievably pointless points and play with yourself. At least it keeps you off the streets.

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PS: Jeano, are you still making those delicious pizza rolls?

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Jeano: Hey, I finally won a competition and the competition is pretty steep for "dumbest person on these threads."

Sorry you came in second.

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Shhh please. Things like this just confuse him.

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here's Prof CJ's erudite BFTP... caitlinjohnstone.com /2020/09/22/seven-countries-in-five-years-notes-from-the-edge-of-the-narrative-matrix/

Seven Countries In Five Years: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

9/21/2020 ...People often (correctly) cite General Wesley Clark’s famous “seven countries in five years” statement [ 'It's a, it's a five-year plan. We're going to take down seven countries in five years. We're going to start with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, then Libya, Somalia, Sudan, we're going to come back and get Iran in five years. I said, "Is that classified, that paper?" He said, "Yes Sir."] to show how evil the drivers of the US empire are, but I also like to use it to show what dumb, incompetent failmeisters they are. They really thought they’d be able to topple all those countries in five years. Nineteen years later and they’re still flailing. Don’t be intimidated by these assholes. ..

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Biden is a joke on the American people from the Zionist Jews.

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Yes, just as you note, these two decrepit representatives of the Imperial management, and their 'slips' , are perfectly emblematic of the state of that Empire. Desperately clinging to delusions of grandeur, projecting growing feebleness instead of the "Exceptionalism" they claim, gradually unable to suppress the truth of their collective evils as they loose control of their tongues. It could be the stuff of Shakespearean Theater, for any playwrights not too timid to speak the truth.

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War Criminals gonna war criminal.

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Prime Minister Modi of India recently visited the White House in DC.

Modi: President Biden, thank you for the lovely tour of your beautiful home.

Biden: It's the least we can do after stealing all your land.

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Isn't Ukraine part of Iraq??

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jamenta: Now you've done it. Victoria Nuland has the idea now.

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