Feb 24, 2023Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

Wow. This is beautiful. The sensuous detail is amazing. And reminds me—what do you do before enlightenment? Chop wood, carry water. What do you do after enlightenment? Chop wood carry water. Life is good enough as it is. It is “I” that has to contribute to it.

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O wow! I am so honored! Thank you Caitlin for the Like. I love your art, the consciousness behind it. And the “just enough” form breaking style you have. Thank you for all you share with us.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Once I rose above the noise and confusion

Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion

I was soaring ever higher

But I flew too high

Though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

Though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say


Carry on, my wayward son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry no more



Masquerading as a man with a reason

My charade is the event of the season

And if I claim to be a wise man, well

It surely means that I don't know

On a stormy sea of moving emotion

Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean

I set a course for winds of fortune

But I hear the voices say


Carry on, my wayward son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry no more, no


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Plenty breeds Pride; Pride, Enuy, Enuy, Warre, Warre, Pouerty,

Pouerty, Humble Care. Humility breeds Peace, and Peace breeds Plenty;

Thus round this world doth rowle alternately.

~ The World’s Whirlegigge

Robert Hayman

Governor of Newfound-Land

Anno Domini : 1631

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Our new world is already emerging. The comet destroying the corporate dinosaurs is us!

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You should share more poems they're beautiful.

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Thank you Caitlin, When friends tell me, we are killing the Earth with climate change, war, over population, I smile and say NO WE AREN'T! The Earth doesn't care if we survive, if we are gone the Earth will go on and return to it's none human state for an estimated 3.5 Billion more years : ) The Earth will tell us how to survive, will we listen : )

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I’ve thought this too, that really we’re basically like the drunken father who says “If I can’t have you, NOONE can!” And kills his wife and children and burns down the house before shootings himself. Patriarchy is essentially suicidal. Gaia IS leading us out of that madness and Caitlin is one of her priestesses. Thank you Caitlin. Buddha bless, Ma bless, Gaia—lead on!

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Russian Air Power “Mystery” Explained -- Dreizinreport -February 22, 2023


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Close and enduring contact with the real world, as Caitlin and others disclose it here, is the antidote to the sterile, ugly and vacuous world presented by and striven for by illegitimate power since the beginning of civilization. They say a state of mindless and vicious struggle for power is "noble," and the only reality. We know it isn't.

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Some of us know it isn’t. I had to go thru my own mindless and vicious struggle for power when I taught 7th grade in an incredibly damaged neighborhood school, diversity to the gills, no money for anything, being judged on how well I taught the “White Man’s Way” to kids who had absolutely no stake in that world: poor white trash, ghetto black kids, immigrants from Mexico and points south, who were routinely pulled out of school to babysit or work while the parents worked 2 and 3 ill-paying jobs, Hmong who couldn’t speak or write English, Thai and Vietnamese kids whose names I shamefully could hardly pronounce, Ukrainians. And only a few of them could stay in their seats due to a kind of PTSD that is visited on them by our horrifying culture. And they are all dumbed in a classroom of 30 to 33 practically elbow to elbow, and the teacher told to “bring them to benchmark” with nothing more than force of personality and will. I did it for 18 years, and while I was good at it the 1st 9 years, the 2nd 9 years was indeed a vicious power struggle as the administration got stupider, the kids got more PTSD and I got more tired. It was an utter tragedy. But the middle class got richer and happier and more greedy as the School Board shoveled more money into their schools and ignored the poor kids schools thereby creating a group of people ripe for T-rump, when he came along and now they wonder o my o my, why don’t those people behave themselves and obey the cops. Then the wouldn’t get shot. There are those who see us “returning to the land” as a solution but these Middies don’t belong in the Forest. They’ll just burn it down, like they did Paradise in NO Cal. And many poors are in the forest—making meth and target practicing on the Subaru’s of the yuppie recreational, back to nature, weekend hikers. As you say—there ain’t no place to hide from the real world. It’s here and now and boy howdy, is it mad!!!

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A very sad story, a real glimpse at life as it is in the "foremost democracy" in the world: a house of cards built on quicksand. But don't blame yourself because you couldn't correctly pronounce foreign names, and couldn't deliver the best education: People understand if you show good faith and willingness to learn. I'm sure you helped many people as the best part of an otherwise corrupt, irrational, and inhuman system.

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It should say dumped in the classroom, not dumbed. They weren’t dumb by any stretch of the imagination.

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The Reckoning



I am redeeming all my tickets you hold

In your Pawnshop of my soul.

The ticket of all the Indians and Japs and Nazis I killed

In the backyards of my boyhood.

The ticket of the church service on the day

JFK had his head blown open and

Was sainted on the spot.

The ticket of Kent State


The ticket of Jonestown


The ticket of Nine Eleven.

The ticket of the National Debt you

Tell me I personally owe.

The ticket of the innocence you said I lost

That you never had any claim to

In the first place.


I am redeeming all my tickets you hold

In your Pawnshop of my soul.

The ticket of the holy materialism;

Coin, Scratch, Moolah, Franklins, Hamiltons and G’s

The Big Greed.

The tickets of addiction

Cigarettes and credit and alcohol, television,

Advertising, the stuff I

Never needed. O yeah,

You hooked me alright, America.

The Presidential tickets,

The tickets of the Bosses

And the Bankers and the CEO’s

All, all of them.

The tickets to the ones I love and loved and

The Worlds I love and loved, those tickets you

Gave me in return for putting all hope and dreams

Behind your counter.


I am redeeming all my tickets you hold

In your Pawnshop of my soul.

America, you lied. And I was too dumb

And too young to know you didn’t own my soul,

And accepted the tickets in trust of your

Promise that of course I could redeem them


America, you lied

And you still lie,

Only bigger, more arrogant.


I have redeemed all my tickets you held

In your Pawnshop of my soul.

Your glass cases stand open and barren

Your locks are broken

Your shelves are empty

Your counters are bare

Your wage-slaves are quitting

The weeds are shattering your blacktop

Even the Crows avoid your bones


© Salskov Iversen 2012

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Beautiful.....meanwhile, I will drink tequila from a Godzilla cup.

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So Caitlin you think that after the fugue people will come to their senses and some kind of paradise will emerge? The Left has always been full of Pollyannas whether is it Marx or LBJ or FDR or Woodrow Wilson or Pol Pot and Mao Tse Tuong.

Yes, they know that if they only get control, the human race will be JUST FINE!

It's not gonna happen.

The enemy is us. Evil resides in all of US.

Tie your tubes and testicles. End the madness.

We are all the bad guys and the good guys.

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Timmy—Well, good for you. Enjoy your ulcer.

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LOL! I think you are the one with the ulcer. I don't give a shit about this planet or the walking talking apes.

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That bitch Mother Nature has been trying to kill me since the day I was born and she'll succeed in her mission pretty soon. Screw the Earth.

As for birds...bluejays are mean nasty birds. When our town was evacuated during the Kincade Fire, the crows took over the streets. Crows are smart, but their cawing sound is hard on the ears.

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Thank you, that is very kind of you. I spent quite awhile blaming myself, both at night after work and then for several years after I retired, until the universe sent me the perfect mentor with a great practice for helping me learn to let go. That’s really where I learned forgiveness, staring with myself then extending out to others. It’s an amazing experience, quite “enlightening”. It even works well for me in politics. Otherwise, I get so mad I’m inarticulate! 😁😵‍💫🤪. Keep commenting here. I like what you contribute. And say a prayer for teachers. And nurses. And social workers. And Lady cops. Etc. 🤗🥰

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Jean Wyman; Forgiveness is God's job, not mine. I'll forgive people their debts, but not their trespasses.

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Please don't take this as throwing shade on your work, because it's always the best that drive me to revisit the music that has moved me.


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