Somewhere Max Boot is preaching the gospel about how the man should not have been laying there, under their feet. So inconsiderate he was.

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A. Apothecary: Somewhere Max Boot is trying to convince a hooker that the shriveled appendage between his legs is a dick.

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“The Israeli Defense Force called members of Hamas (Human Animals) for killing over 300 innocent children!

So now that The Israeli Defense Forces have killed over 1,000 innocent children (Soon To Be Over 2,000) do they call Themselves Straight Up Animals (Not Even Partly Human)?” - *tk

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Brilliant story! Perfect analogy to the conflict !

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And could be written about any white family in the US. Only they’d call the cops to come put their knee on his neck to death, o shoot him in the back to death, or put him, at age 15, in Rikers over a stolen backpack so he would hang himself to death. Oppressors are oppressors are oppressors and if we are not part of the solution, we’re part of the problem.

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Isn't that just that type of race reductionism that you rail against?

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Jeano: There you go with that "we" shit again.

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And then Hollywood made a movie about the couple starring Gosling and Hathaway with up to 2% of the profits going towards resettling the dead man's family in Europe.

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Well somebody is not getting invited to aipac!

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About those Kinzhal missiles now circling over the Black Sea 24:7 on MIG 31s. They are fully autonomous against moving aircraft carriers 600+ miles away in the Mediterranean.


About bombing hospitals in Palestine:

Israel's Airstrike Near al-Quds Hospital Today Bears Striking Resemblance to Yesterday's Strike Near al-Ahli Baptist Hospital https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64060

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

This is not just about Israel/Palestine. It's the story of Australian and American and Canadian settlers against the indigenous peoples. The Jews themselves have been the man on the ground in fact, though usually not because someone wanted their territory but because they served as a scapegoat. A scapegoat is a useful thing to have when you're trying to work your way into power, or turn attention away from your own crimes, or turn people's pain and outrage away from those causing it.

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It’s the story of every white colonizer subjugating and annihilating others. But the scale of Israel’s genocide and lies deserve a special place of its own.

No other colonizer uses victimhood like Israel does.

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MICAELA: Let me guess : You're pure white? And you are repeating the talking points given to you by your handlers?

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Your condescending tone will achieve nothing besides animosity. Keep your very strange “pure white” comment to yourself. Do not engage with me, you’re full of nonsense.

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Beg your pardon....Let me guess again: you have actually lived in Israel or in Gaza and you know for a fact what's going on over there now

You.are pure Brazilian and that gives you some sort of special knowledge about what is going over there so that entitles you to make judgements based on..... exactly what?.

didnt mean ro accuse you of being a white American liberal, though that is exactly what you sound like. You too could afford to dial back a bit on the arrogance......

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I do not need to be African to know slavery was real. I do not need to be Navajo to be aware of indigenous genocide in North America.

I think you’re able to conclude one does not need to be physically present to know what’s going on. And lady, get rid of the “pure” word because it only makes you sound racist and ignorant. There’s nothing like a “pure Brazilian” either because we’re a very mixed group of people. I will have to guess you had a very limited education.

And again, do not engage with me. You do know what that means right?

No one needs to be a liberal to be a decent human being. Catherine, you’re embarrassing yourself. Stop trying to categorize people to fit your preconceived ideas.

I’m also American. Ops, did that make you a little confused too now? You’re full of pure nonsense.

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CATHERINE, I’m far from “pure white” as I’m Brazilian and much more indigenous than anything else. Not sure where you drew that conclusion at all, did my criticism of white supremacy and colonizer history upset your whiteness? Too bad.

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‘My handlers’? What do you even mean by that? I’m not a slave and don’t have handlers. You should really learn some manners before addressing anyone. My name is also not yours to be used in such manner.

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I'm curious what it is that is "pure white"... Is that one of the "talking points given to you by your [own] handlers [at university]"? After all, they taught us race is a construct. If so, what new construction should we self-identify with to meet with your approval?

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You need to reread the comment you are referring to. Your response needs some clarification

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Go away Catherine.

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You first

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Second that motion. She seems to have forgotten the genocide of the Jews during World War II, which none of us should EVER forget.

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I want to know what you believe "pure white" is. The context here is not relevant.

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Seems like many liberals who excoriate and blame others for being "white" and thereby participating in and partaking of so called ancestral "white guilt" are mighty white themselves. One might say they're WHITER than those they dont even know whom they accuse of being white. Pure white and 100 proof hypocrite, yea indeed.

Does that answee your question?

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True, but scapegoats don’t usually enjoy their role. The Israeli’s and AIPAC and American Jews mostly love their role in this genocide. They’ve been doing it for 70years.

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Jeano: Considering that the term "scapegoat" comes from the Old Testament and was a story written by Jews, I guess they get to use the term any way they wish.

I've never liked the term "scapegoat". No one understands its origins.

I prefer the American term "patsy".

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I can't help feeling that when we go back and dig up the dead and tell babies that they were either the oppressed, or the oppresser, nothing will change. The world will be, and is, full of angry, hateful people. You cannot fix anything that happened before you were born. In the present time there is the ability to change the future but how can that happen when no one realizes a human is just a human.

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Mary Wildfire: Oh, yeah. And the "indigenous peoples" (American Indian tribes) didn't fight each other, enslave each other, steal each other's land and supplies.

When you find that Noble Savage, send us a memo.

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Mary Wildfire: My Irish ancestors were killed, enslaved, and subjugated by the English. Am I an indigenous person?

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No, not if you live in the US. I have Irish and English ancestors too...and I think that we and other "white" people, have indigenous ancestors who had values like those of the Native Americans --the difference is that they managed to hold onto some of their culture through a couple of centuries of physical and cultural genocide, but OUR ancestors were overrun by the culture of domination a couple thousand years ago, and could not hold on to much of anything through that much time. And as history played out, white people came to literally embody that culture, based on domination--of women by men, of dark-skinned people by light-skinned, of all living things by humans, of most of their own people by a ruling class. Because they were expansionist and embraced wars of conquest, they got good at it and rarely lost, so they have come to dominate most of the Earth, speaking many languages and supposedly adhering to many religions, but all based on hierarchy, domination, human exceptionalism..

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When someone puts the word 'true' in the very heading, they're usually about feeding you a bunch of lies.

Again, I supported your stands on Russia-Ukraine, Saudi Arabia-Yemen, and on American military invasions into the Middle East. But I can't support this shit.

I cannot believe that you KEEP excusing HAMAS monstrous terror and slaughter of thousand and half of innocent Jews and shifting all the blame on Israel. You repeated HAMAS propaganda about bombing of Gaza hospital almost word-to-word (so much for your 'TRUE" stories!) and didn't even apologize for it even after this monstrous slander was debunked. Nope, you kept blaming Israel for more and more atrocities - all kinds of them, both real and imaginary, and nothing in your heart moved against it.

Again, HAMAS Jihad supported by Yemen, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran might really completely destroy Israel and lead to a new Holocaust and slaughter of millions of Jews - but you not just don't care, you HELP bringing this new Holocaust about by excusing and apologizing all HAMAS inexcusable terror and demonizing Israel. So, you're ready to bring about a new Holocaust just to push your anti-imperialist ideology. Isn't it too much? HOW are you better than German Nazis? Sigh.

P.S. Again, NO MATTER which side you picked up, to excuse HAMAS terror and massacre of innocent Jewish civilians is just monstrous and inhumane.

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The apartheid abuses which led to the Hamas attack are not seriously debatable; even mainstream human rights organizations have labeled Israel an apartheid state in the last few years. If talking about this well-established fact looks like "excusing Hamas" to you, it's because of your own biases and agendas.

If you believe it's been "debunked" that Israel hit that hospital, it's because you live in a self-validating echo chamber that has not shown you the very mainstream reporting which takes apart every claim made by Israel and its supporters in the last couple of days. The belief that Israel has been vindicated after having been caught publishing a doctored audio clip of fake Hamas fighters saying Israel didn't do it can only be sustained by willful ignorance.

Here are some links on the highly unlikely chance that you're curious:





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So my comment attracted attention even of the author of this post, that's actually nice. I would be curious and go through your links, do not doubt it.

So, if Israeli government committed some abuses in the past, current HAMAS terror attack which cost over thousand of lives of innocent Jewish civilians was justified in your view? What's about HAMAS strategy of using Palestinian civilians as human shields to put the blame on Israel - is that also justified? https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf

Speaking of some international organizations like UN condemning Israel for human rights abuses, have you at least considered that this was at least PARTIALLY due to the influence of Islamic members of UN who condemn Israel 24/7? All Islamic states do regularly condemn Israel - they always perceived it as an alien, enemy state, and their propaganda becomes more intricate with time.

If you disagree then please do tell me WHY UN didn't condemn Saudi Arabia for much worse human rights abuses and war crimes against Yemen? You should know Yemen situation no worse than me. Amnesty International proved Saudis massacred over 10 thousand of Yemen kids (!!) during the course of last decade, and yet no international condemnation for Saudis. Why? Because they're protected by Islamist oil rich empire whose influence you underestimate very seriously I think, not just by US. Yet everyone regularly condemns Israel. Doesn't it strike you as weird? This despite Israel being officially an American ally too though I do believe US are going to betray Israel and to put Jews under Jihadist knife just like US betrayed Ukraine and out Ukrainians under Putin's knife. It's US and its international imperialist policies are the source of all evil. you again know it no less than me judging by all your previous posts. It's also US who are behind radical Islamist organizations. Yet you seriously believe it's Israel who is a main villain here? Seriously? I thought you're much smarter judging by all your previous posts.

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Stopped reading at "justified". Most empire apologia from 2022 onward has just been people pretending not to understand the concept of provocation. Noting the well-documented antecedents which gave rise to an event is not an attempt at justification. Try again, but with intellectual honesty.


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You might again say that Jihadist ideology rises in response to Western abuses and war crimes. that is, US invades into the Middle East, Israel steals Palestinian land, and hence Jihadist terror rises in response to that, as the last weapon of the poor and weak countries against their rich oppressors. It is your thoughts exactly, am I correct?

However please do tell me who oppresses Saudi Arabia? It is rich with oil, pretty powerful, an American ally, and it actually oppresses all its neighbors. Yet Saudi Arabia is also a Jihadist state. Hence, rise of Jihadist ideology can't be explained away merely by opposition to Western dominance. The mere existence of Saudi Arabia speaks against it. And I guess you know no worse than me of all the human rights abuses of Saudi Arabia.

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Ever hear of money? Ever hear of warmongers?

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Alex Ilex: LOL; A.I. aren't those your initials? Or are you ex-A.I.? Or are you Artificial lex (law) and Intelligence lex (law)?

Too many Marxist bots on this site.

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I'm an Artificial Intelligence right, lol:)

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Pity you stopped reading, the best part was after 'justified'.

But I am certainly NOT an 'empire apologist' though. I was one of the very few people to condemn Saudi Arabia and its bombings of Yemen. And now please do tell me, WHY Saudis didn't get such an international condemnation for their much more numerous war crimes and human right abuses (they had massacred over ten thousand Yemen civilians over the course of last decade according to Amnesty International) as Israel? Saudi Arabia is a powerful oil rich empire and also an American ally, yet almost no one ever condemns it. Why is it so?

My point is that there is one big part of the puzzle you're missing. You think mainly from the viewpoint of Western power and dominance - and here you're correct. But you totally ignore the Islamist influence and their radical Jihadist ideology. Half of the world is Islamic, and half of it is rich with oil - Saudi Arabia, Iran, other Gulf countries. They all have radical Islamist ideologies and enough money to push them.

That is why Israel is widely condemned while Saudi Arabia isn't - all Islamic countries hate Israel as an alien, enemy state while they respect Saudi Arabia. They regularly condemn Israel in UN for instance while condoning to Saudi Arabia. That is why I'm also defending Israel - it is a clear underdog in the Middle East being surrounded by enemy Islamic countries who hate it and want to flatten it to desert.

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There are many reasons why this onslaught is getting way more attention than Yemen.

- The plight of the Palestinians has been going on for generations, and over the course of a long, hard-fought struggle they've been able to build up a broad support base. Yemen, like all the empire's wars, has only been going on a few years. The empire moves quickly from war to war hidden behind a veil of propaganda, while Palestine just sits there in full visibility.

- The anti-colonial, anti-apartheid struggle of South Africa had already built up a movement which gave everyone a framework to understand the persecution of Palestinians, and that movement carried forward into support for Palestine after SA apartheid ended.

- Israel presents itself as a free democracy and is one of the USA's closest allies. Saudi Arabia is unapologetically a theocratic dictatorship who everyone knows will ditch the USA the second it's convenient.

- Israel is a nuclear-armed power who plays a leading role in the empire's antagonism in the middle east and is in a constant state of war with its neighbors; the anti-war movement has rightly opposed it for a long time.

- A colonialist ethnic cleansing of an indigenous people is seen by people in nations like Australia, the US and Canada that this is our chance to get it right this time and be on the right side of history.

Islamic states hate Israel because it's a hostile invader who was dropped on top of a civilization which was already living there. It should never have happened and the hostility toward it is completely understandable.

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Yet Saudi abuses in Yemen are horrible enough to get an international attention, for example here - https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/03/yemen-six-children-killed-in-saudi-arabian-airstrikes/

Yet they didn't. Doesn't it strike you as strange still? Yeah it's not going for long but it's horrible enough though - and almost no coverage.

I'd tell you why in my view - because there is simply NO ONE there powerful enough interested to condemn Saudi Arabia. It is protected BOTH by the US and the West and Islamic countries whose 'spiritual leader' it is (or spiritual leader of its larger Sunni part, the leader of smaller Shia part is Iran). Hence, no one is interested to condemn Saudi Arabia, and no one cares of Yemen.

Similarly, no one would have cared of Palestine and Gaza if not for the fact that Islamist states hate Israel - and ALWAYS hated it as an alien enemy state. All human rights abuses you're talking about are just excuses for it. The mere existence of Israel is like a thorn in Islamic feet. That's why Israel receives so widespread a condemnation especially in UN - and would have received it ANYWAY even if there was ZERO human rights abuses on Israeli part. I hope you're smart enough to see that?

Now about Saudi Arabia and Israel as American allies. Come on, US do not really give a slightest shit whether their 'allies' are 'free democracies' or 'theocratic dictatorships' as long as they serve American imperialist interests - I thought YOU above everyone should understand that? Turkey which is also almost an Islamist dictatorship under Erdogan is also a NATO member and American ally. Ukraine with its terrible Nazis and corrupt tyrant ZelenSSKy who banned all opposition media and parties and, ironically, BOTH same-sex marriage and Orthodox church at the SAME TIME is also an American 'close ally' (and also sacrificed by US as a pawn, just like Israel now). Even China is an American 'ally' - despite all propagandist Sinophobic rhetoric, US would never make any serious move against China because a lot of American businesses are located in China and a lot of American bonds are bought by China.

By all that I meant to say that first US do not really care whether their allies are 'democratic' or not - 'spreading the light of democracy around' is just American imperialist propaganda. Surely you see that? Secondly, US do not care even of their own allies as well as Ukrainian and now Israeli cases show.

Now, about Israel being American 'closest ally'. I would rather Israel is dependent upon US 100% - without US Israel would be annihilated by all the Islamist states you seem to root for. But is Israel that useful for US in the Middle East? I'm not that sure. Israel is hated everywhere in the Middle East and has next to zero influence in the region hence it hardly could advance American interests there properly. Israel is rather a liability for US than an asset - the liability US and the West had taken upon themselves out of Holocaust guilt.

Now, Saudi Arabia is an American asset on the other hand. As a spiritual leader of Sunni world and oil rich powerful country, Saudi Arabia has a lot of influence in the Middle East, and, hence, could be instrumental in advancing American interests there. That is, Saudi Arabia already helped US to bankrupt USSR by dumping oil prices back in 80s. US help Saudis as well - why do u think US invaded into the Middle East that often? Part of it was to help Saudis to get rid of their oil competitors. For example Iraq under Hussein and Libya under Gaddafi were rich with oil too, after NATO invasion they became poor and ravaged. Who benefited from it? Saudi Arabia. Now, I'm not claiming it was the ONLY reason for American invasions but it surely was a PART of it though. So I advise you to pay closer attention to Saudi Arabia and its imperialist abuses too rather than being distracted by Islamist - and Saudi too - propaganda cleverly (mixed with facts)against Israel.

One more reason in support of this argument - Israel is NOTHING without US. Without American support, it would cease to exist as a state even pretty soon. Saudi Arabia is powerful enough even WITHOUT US (it has oil, it leads Islamic world, it has allies in BRICS too) and with US it is almost invincible. So who is more dangerous there then - Saudi Arabia or Israel?

Lastly. You seem to condemn the mere existence of state of Israel, not only occupation of the West bank of Jordan and Netanyahu abuses. I couldn't agree with that. Do you forget how state of Israel was founded? It was not that Jews came to Israel to 'colonize and exile poor Palestinians'. In the contrary, Jews came to Israel escaping genocidal Holocaust in Europe. Or would you have them stayed in Europe after Holocaust? Would you yourself have stayed in the house where all your family was murdered? I hardly think so.

Also, Jews have a historical connection to Israel and Jerusalem. They had lived there in the past. Jerusalem was their capital and birthplace of their Judaist religion. And this is not 'Zionist propaganda' but historical facts. It is Arabs who came there in 7th century and conquered Israel and exiled Jews from their homeland. So Arabs were colonizers back then, not Jews. Jews had come to their long lost land, in the contrary. Yeah it might be argued that old historical claims are not solid grounds to misplace people now in the present but first again Jews didn't come there to misplace anyone but to escape Holocaust and second they had a historical connection to Israel too hence you could hardly call them 'colonizers' - colonizers do not have any historical connections with the place they are coming to.

So I believe there should be a peaceful solution suitable for BOTH Jews and Palestinians. BOTH Netanyahu government and HAMAS should be condemned and deradicalized in order to reach this peace. To swallow Islamist propaganda whole and to call for complete dismantling of state of Israel isn't helpful and might actually lead to a new Holocaust since Jews won't leave their regained homeland to become world exiles again, ask Jews yourself if you don't believe me.

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Caitin Johnstone: Hostile invaders have been dropping in on civilizations that were already living there since the days of Hammurabi. That is never going to change.

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RemovedOct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023
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Yeah but Shia Muslims are also pariahs in Muslim world. Iran doesn't have even nearly as much influence as Saudi Arabia.

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Alex Ilex: I clicked on your avatar. Your self-description is a hoot. "Gay but not queer." What the hell does that mean? You are hilarious!

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I invite you to Google it, I hope you can do that. And nope, you'd fail to turn my views to absurd with your ridiculous mockery.

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Hamas was created by Israel to maintain control of the opposition. It's provable history and not a difficult concept to understand. Please educate yourself before you post these types of pre-establishment comments. https://youtube.com/shorts/xDGuJpFWTAE

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HAMAS was created by Israel? Now WHAT? Jews have created a new Holocaust THEMSELVES? I cannot buy this, sorry. I could allow that HAMAS might have been created by US same as ISIS to push American imperialist interests in the Middle East but I won't believe that Jews had created their own destruction.

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No one is condoning death and murder here. You are just spouting mainsteam talking points without a clear understanding of the subject. Israel is and has always been an apartheid country. Palestine is an open air prison and the Palestinian population has been treated less than human since the creation of the apartheid state. What Hamas has recently done is what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians for decades without any outcry from the world. Wake up.

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Are you sure YOU aren't spouting HAMAS and Jihadist propaganda overall? I'm not 'spouting' Israeli propaganda, I'm just horrified at the massacre of Jews and drastic rise of Anti-Semitic sentiment worldwide, disguised as support for Palestine.

Again, Israeli government is bad but so is EVERY government. you really think American government is better? Or any Western one? Or Russian and Chinese ones? All of them are full of shit and guilty of war crimes. So why exactly do u single out Israeli government and demonize it out of proportion?

And you know why this demonization is bad? Because many people fail to distinguish between country and its people. Thus, your extensive condemnation of Israeli government while condoning to (or at least being silent of) HAMAS terror would lead to the rise of Anti-Semitism and a new Holocaust, yeah. Same as extensive condemnation of Russia in the west had already led to Russophobic fascism in Europe. As a Russian I could confirm that.

Also don't you see you are doing a poor service to Palestinian civilians by your refusal to condemn HAMAS? Many of the Palestinians do NOT support HAMAS terror and are hostages to HAMAS terrorists even MORE than to Israeli 'apartheid'. So maybe you would focus more on saving them from HAMAS prison, or are you OK with the fact HAMAS hold Palestinians as hostages and use them as a live human shields against Israeli rockets?

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So let's get this straight. Israel's killing of many thousands of Palestinians and jailing of 5000 of them, must stand against the Hamas?palestinian guilt for the second holocaust of Jews going on in your head? Indeed it might happen when the US is too weak to protect Israel, but it will because of the Zionists giving the world, and especially Arabs reason to hate Jews.

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So you mix HAMAS terrorists and Palestinian civilians together? Well done. Not only you justify HAMAS Holocaust, you're doing poor service to Palestinian civilians by it too. As for 'Israelis murdering innocent Palestinian civilians' - I advise you to stop reading HAMAS propaganda. If HAMAS terrorists use Palestinian civilians as human shields which is a PROVABLE STORY, then it is HAMAS who are to blame for their murder, not Israel. Your HAMAS terror apologia is beyond disgusting.

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If these ARE God's people, the US is an observer, not a savior. Time will tell.

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Also according to you it seems Israel doesn't have a right to defend itself at all and should allow HAMAS terrorists to slaughter all the Jews, right. HAMAS massacres thousands of innocent Jews - you're silent on it at best and cheering it at worst. Israel prepares to defend itself and you scream of 'Gaza Palestinians genocide'. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

The Israeli authorities amongst their supporters are openly calling for the genocide of the Palestinian population because they are equating the entire population with Hamas, so as usual, Israelis are openly killing civilians and stealing more land while rationalizing these war crimes by claiming "defense" or "retaliation". The name of the game here is war and control. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. No one benefits from war besides the war mongering psychopaths and the only reason you and others support this war or any other war is because you have been successfully propagandized to think that you have chosen the "right" side.

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Can u show me proofs that Israeli government calls to genocide of all Palestinians please? I heard only HAMAS terrorists calling for a genocide of all Jewsthough, by 'ripping all Jewish hearts out of their chests'.

You accuse me of 'warmongering' and picking up a side while you yourself had done exactly that what you accused me of doing - picked up a Palestinian side and excuse HAMAS terror and Jihad by Israeli war crimes. But other side crimes do not excuse your side crimes though.

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I would really think about NOT reading mainstream propaganda....there are a lot of intelligent people on substack!

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Intelligent and entirely without agenda!

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The media is reporting and increase in 'anti-semitic behaviour in universities'. Really, like what, how does it manifest? I don't believe it. Surely there should be a rise in Islamophobia because of the Oct 7th massacre?

I think this is spin but I'm not sure why they're doing it. They certainly want us to think that support for Palestinian civilians causes anti-Jewish feeling but I think most people are perfectly capable of separating Zionism and Judaism.

I think it's similar to the 'you don't care about old people dying' if you don't wear a mask etc. However, old people were not dying because we didn't wear masks. Jews aren't being targeted because we criticise the Israeli retaliation. But the party line is we must wear masks and not question the measures and we mustn't question the genocide nor support Palestine as millions of Jews may die if we do.

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I also think that the way they define “anti-Semitic behavior” is a tell: if you support BDS, you’re anti-Semitic, if you oppose Zionism you’re anti-Semitic. If you’re aware of the 750,000 Palestinians moved out of Palestine in 6 months in ‘48 and see that as just cause for today’s struggles, you’re anti-Semitic. What those nincompoops don’t get is that most Palestinians are Semitic, while many Israeli Jews are not.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

"As a Russian I could confirm that" - so, Israeli passport didn't provide you with expected comfort? Thought you'd be safely away from evil despotic Russia and now you're called to pick up the rifle and go exterminate the human animals? Shitting your pants at the thought of it?

Don't make shit up here. Caitlin didn't excuse Hamas and I don't remember any commenters seriously doing that in this forum. Going by the analogy of this post - the man who the couple stood upon while enjoying their banter did a bodily harm to the woman. By itself, maiming the woman cannot be cheered. In the context, it can be understood and if the couple were a bit more considerate - it wouldn't have created the situation.

If you cannot see that, it's hopeless. No need to bother with your idiotic diatribes with me. I can see through scum like yourself - especially if you're indeed a "Russian" (a citizen, you probably mean, keeping it just in case, while bolting to Israel).

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You're so disgusting piece of shit. I expressed my honest view on the massacre of Jews, you resorted to low and slanderous personal insults. How do u know I live in Israel? You know nothing of me and I can sue you for slander.

Or according to such neo Nazi scum as you only Israelis can support Israel? I would disappoint you - I do not have an Israeli passport and do not live in Israel either. I just support Jewish people you know? Also if I lived in Israel would I have complained of Russophobic fascism in EUROPE, you braindead idiot? And I haven't moved to Europe to escape Ukrainian war either, you dirty liar. I moved there several years ago already. So all your stereotypical judgments failed spectacularly and you just made a big fool out of yourself.

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Well said, Alex!!

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Thanks. You're the only person in the thread who replied positively to my comment this far, and all I said was just to condemn HAMAS massacre of Jewish civilians. I thought every human being should agree that it was unacceptable.

I said nothing in defense of Netanyahu and yet so many people there attacked me as 'apartheid apologist'. Pro Islamist bias here is just astonishing and levels of terror apologia - alarming.

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"Anti-Semetic"! Here it is again. The minute there is a question this is what gets brought out to stop the discussion.

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Why don't you watch the short clip I just shared and then go do some actual research and reading before you blindly dispute facts? It seems to me that you just want to push your pro-war stance with hyperbole and hysteria. The only holocaust going on right now is against the Palestinians. More Palestinian women and children have died than all the Israelis that were killed in this recent "conflict".

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OK, I watched the video and even Googled articles mentioned there. Fair enough, Mossad had created HAMAS. But that was long ago, before HAMAS turned into genocidal terrorists. So can you prove that it was Israeli intent ALL ALONG - to turn them from controlled opposition into genocidal terrorist monsters? Or maybe their original intent misfired and Islamists from Iran and Saudi Arabia had overtook HAMAS funding?

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You're joke trolling aren't you, admit it.

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He certainly is a twisty little fellow isn’t he. “Ya but that was a long time ago!” Jeez.

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Rob Dubya: C'mon, man. Alex Ilex is kind fun. His insults are really bad. LOL.

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No, he isn't joking. 😂 He is a prime example of the extreme levels of Stockholm Syndrome-esque brainwashing that has occurred of countless Americans regarding the chosen Kabbalah Witches. No one should be wasting their time on him.

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So when someone disagrees with you and challenges your spin, they're 'joke trolls'? So 'loving and tolerant'! you had almost dehumanized me to a 'joke troll', you know. Well done, show more of your true Nazi colors behind all 'anti-imperialist' veneer.

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.....BUT that was long ago????????????

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HAMAS was founded in 1987, almost 40 years ago. Is it 'recent happening' for u?

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I would watch the video and comment on it too. And I do NOT have a 'pro-war' stance - if condemning HAMAS massacre of Israeli innocent civilians is a 'pro-war' stance for you, then everything is clear with your stance. I'd like to remind you also that HAMAS attacked Israel FIRST so if you're so 'anti-war' you should have condemned this attack, not shifting all the blame on Israel. The fact that you want to diminish the tragedy of thousands of dead Jews as much as possible also speaks against you.

You speak of dead Palestinian women and children but at the same time forget to mention that HAMAS use Palestinian civilians as a HUMAN SHIELD on purpose to put more blame on Israel, and you're helping HAMAS terrorist propaganda yet again. Palestinian civilians are just a fodder for HAMAS. If you care of them so much, you should condemn HAMAS first of all, not Israel. https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf

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No, Hamas did not attack Israel first, You're watching too much "mainstream news." This is exactly like Russia's "unprovoked" invasion of Ukraine--it might look unprovoked if you carefully edit out all the abuse and threats going on especially since 2014. Israel routinely "mows the grass"--THEIR words--meaning they slaughter a thousand or so people in Gaza, wreck a bunch of buildings, destroy water purification plants and in the process, showcase their weapons for sale to the rest of the world. Should Caitlin condemn the Hamas attack as well? Yes, but 1) as with her attitude on the Russia Ukraine thing, she may feel she doesn't need to, it's been covered ad nauseum elsewhere, and 2) speaking for myself here: it could be said this was stupid as well as vicious, since it predictably would lead to slaughter in Gaza but I think it's understandable, if not justifiable, if a people living under a boot for half a century lash out when they can against their oppressor. Sixty years ago, my brothers routinely bullied and abused my sister and me. Every now and then I fought back, knowing I couldn't win, they were bigger and stronger than me. There is a frustrated rage that builds when you are in a position where someone can casually dominate and abuse you and you cannot get justice.

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You AGAIN mix HAMAS terrorists together with Palestinian civilians! I can't believe that. You almost justify their vicious attack - your words - as if it was done by PALESTINIAN PEOPLE and NOT by HAMAS terrorists! Had u asked their OWN opinion for it? Do they support HAMAS genocidal and at the same time suicidal attack? I have an inkling that nope.

Also I disagree that HAMAS is properly condemned everywhere just like Russia was. Nope, I see almost ALL Leftist sources (from all American Woke universities and unions to Leftist media like CNN and New York Times and Congress politicians like the Squad) condemning Israel and openly cheering for HAMAS while literally NO ONE dared to raise their voice for Russia and expose Ukrainian Nazis who are by the way no better than HAMAS terrorists.

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Washington Post - How Israel helped create Hamas


Haaretz - Why Did Netanyahu Want to Strengthen Hamas?


Telegraph UK - How Benjamin Netanyahu empowered Hamas ... and broke Israel


Jerusalem Post - Netanyahu: Money to Hamas part of strategy to keep Palestinians divided


Jerusalem Post - Abbas: Netanyahu gives Hamas money and we pay the price when they attack


I could do this all day...

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Thanks for the links! I will share them.

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Our media are driving us hard into tribal thinking. This makes sure that people can continue to see Palestinians as human animals, not full humans like us. When the perpetrators of ethnic cleansing call for empathy, they are playing us for fools. Of course, we suffer with Israelis and Palestinians when their families get killed. That’s normal. When our governments demand the condemnation of Hamas, they don’t do that for moral reasons. The planned blood bath is a lesson to show what’s in store for us when we decide to no longer take the injustice. It’s psychopathic or as Chomsky called rational sadism.

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You had done it again - mixing together HAMAS terrorists with innocent Palestinian civilians. No one, not even Israeli government, called Palestinian people 'human animals'. This was addressed to HAMAS. And HAMAS terrorists judging by all their behavior are inhuman monsters indeed. Do u realize you're doing a poor service to Palestinian people by mixing them together with HAMAS who hold them hostages and use them as human shields against Israeli rockets?

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Radical settlers in Netanyahu's cabinet call Palestinians human animals, snakes, rats. The former Israeli minister of Justice called for the killing of Palestinian children and women because the brood will only grow up to become terrorists. As for Israel's treatment of Gaza: it's illegal; collective punishment prohibited under international, the 4th Geneva Convention. Western countries ignore their obligation to force Israel to abide by it for decades now.

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You say that we should not mix HAMAS terrorists with innocent Palestinians. Why then do you suppose that Israel is killing, injuring and displacing innocent Palestinians by the thousands?

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Because HAMAS use Palestinian civilians as human shields and you're too blind to see it? https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf

Anyway where are your proofs Israel massacres 'thousands of Gaza civilians'? Official reports, please, and not HAMAS baseless claims and slandering propaganda.

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So says Alex, the Biden White House spokesperson. And the CIA. And the Pentagon. And every media outlet in the West. And Canada. And the EU. And the UK. And the UKR. And all the rest of the Empire’s toadies. I wonder what you’ll say when Israel bombs Iran. Iran’s fault, I know.

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Another bunch of slander. All American Woke universities and labor unions sided with HAMAS. Even mainstream media outlets like New York Times and Congress members like all Jihadist Squad sided with HAMAS. UN themselves refused to condemn HAMAS. But 'all Western empire rushed to defend Israel' - you're just a deluded fool.

Also I wonder what you and other braindead idiots like you would say when Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah would bomb Israel - cheer for new Holocaust? Oh, sorry, 'fight for Palestinian liberation'/ I heard enough. You're absolutely disgusting.

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What has been debunked is Israel’s lie about the hospital bombing. They absolutely did it. They LOVE to bomb hospitals. And churches. There’s no limit for Israel’s genocide machine. How are YOU better than the new Nazis?

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This was not been debunked. You spiut lies after lies, slander after slander. You're just Jew hating neo Nazi, Jihadist terror and new Holocaust enabler who has no morality and no heart whatsoever.

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Hamas was created and fed by Israel. Why don’t you criticize the source of terror here? Go yell at Netanyahu, the new Hitler.

Do you also consider the indigenous people that fought against colonizers in the American continent terrorists for not accepting to just die?

Do you also blame the slaves that fought and rebelled against their condition?

Any loss of of human life is despicable. But the fact that the great majority does not see a problem with the normalization of genocide in the past 75 years is just complicit. You’re complicit. There are plenty of places for you to find people just like you. Go.

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You're so full of shit and lies. Israel creation is not even nearly similar to colonization and slavery. Jews came to Israel to escape Holocaust, not to 'enslave' anyone. Have u no shame at all?

Also, genocidal Jihadist terror and massacre of innocent civilians isn't even nearly similar to fight of indigenous people for freedom. If you equate them, you have no morality and no basic human decency whatsoever, you're just terror apologist. Go join your HAMAS terrorists, you're as evil as they are.

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"Jews came to Israel to escape Holocaust"...

... displacing those who had nothing to do with it. It would be better to ask of US, UK, and USSR, the late-1940s powers, why they didn't carve out a chunk of northern Europe, in particular from the German aggressors. Too much fuss, yes?

This is about power, not justice. As it always is.

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It was NOT Jewish fault US and USSR didn't 'carve out the piece of German land' for them so why exactly do u blame Jews for it? Blame the West, same as for the Holocaust.

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Your personal attacks are hilarious. Enjoy your delusional rage, you little Israel minion.

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Better to be 'Israel minion' (although I'm not such, I do condemn Netanyahu as well) than HAMAS genocidal Jihadist Nazi terror apologist. That's literally worst.

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You’re still talking? Blah blah blah blah, that’s how you sound like.

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Well still better than you - you sound like a complete shit, and not even a fresh one.

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You are full of it. The bombing of the hospital was not "debunked" only claimed it needed outside investigation. If you really wanted to look for the truth you would look further. Fireworks do not bring down buildings and there are little of even those in Gaza. Also Clayton Morris happened to be in Egypt while this all started and showed what the Egyptians were saying in regards to the bombing of Temples and Hospitals as it was being done. The only escape route out of Gaza into Egypt WAS BOMBED on the Gaza side while even Americans were trying to get out. GO PUMP YOUR ONE SIDED BULLSHIT SOMEWHERE ELSE!

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I think if ANYONE there was pushing 'one-sided bullshit', it's you people with your 'genocidal Israel' and 'innocent victimized Palestinians'. I, in the contrary, had shown the OTHER SIDE of this conflict - e.g., genocidal HAMAS terrorists and innocent Jewish civilians whom they had slaughtered. Your pathological unwillingness to even notice HAMAS terror while constantly exaggerating Israeli abuses is shameful. Also it is pretty ironic that you accuse your opponent of 'one-sided approach' while failing to spot your OWN 100% one-sided approach.

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"I cannot believe that you KEEP excusing HAMAS monstrous terror and slaughter of thousand and half of innocent Jews and shifting all the blame on Israel."

I invite you to examine the history of savagery in the raids of Native Americans against most often peaceful English settlers from c.1600 to c.1900, and show me by analogy who's Gaza and who's Israel. And thus who's "right" and who's "wrong".

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To seriously even COMPARE and even more so EQUATE HAMAS terrorists with Native Americans is beyond ridiculous. It shows your utter ignorance of our history. Normally I wouldn't even have to disapprove this utter lunacy but since the levels of ignorance and propaganda are indeed SO HIGH it seems I have to. So, 1001 reason WHY Israelis are NOT colonizers and HAMAS terrorists are NOT indigenous tribes:

1) Jews didn't come to Israel to colonize it, they came there fleeing the Holocaust in Europe as you well know too

2) Colonizers usually do NOT have any connection with a land they steal while Jews have a strong connection to Israel and Jerusalem - it was their long-lost land. Jews lived in Israel BEFORE Muslims, for centuries. In the contrary, it's Arabs who conquered Israel back in 7th century and evicted Jews from their home. And it's not 'Zionist propaganda', it's basic history you seem to completely forget. Now Jews came back home, and Arabs want to evict them once more, and braindead idiots and Jihad enablers like you help them out.

3) Native Americans weren't terrorists who uses innocent civilians as human shields to put the blame on white Americans, unlike HAMAS Jihadists.

4) Native Americans were alone against much more powerful enemy while HAMAS terrorists are supported by the half of the world - its Islamic part - which openly condemns Israel and calls to support HAMAS. You conveniently ignore this fact. Meanwhile Syria, Hezbollah and Yemen had already bombed Israel as well, while Iran and Iraq are going to. Israel is a clear underdog in the Middle East, alone against the whole Muslim world up to a new Jihad, and shameless people like you totally ignore this fact and enable Islamist Jihad. Have you NO shame?

I could name 1001 and more reasons why you're absolutely wrong and astonishingly ignorant of basic historical facts but I guess enough is said. So have SOME shame at least and shut up about your Israeli 'colonizing' slander - Jihadist and Leftist propaganda mixed together.

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"4) Native Americans were alone against much more powerful enemy while HAMAS terrorists are supported by the half of the world - its Islamic part - which openly condemns Israel and calls to support HAMAS. ..."

Yeah, all those Islamic states (Iran, Saudia Arabia, Qatar ... ) are so much more powerful than the West (US, UK, etc (five eyes), all the vassal states of Europe, ... ) in arms and money and Israel who literally surrounds it and is a world-leader specializing in defense.

..."You conveniently ignore this fact. Meanwhile Syria, Hezbollah and Yemen had already bombed Israel as well, while Iran and Iraq are going to. Israel is a clear underdog in the Middle East, alone against the whole Muslim world up to a new Jihad, and braindead shameless idiots like you totally ignore this fact and enable Islamist Jihad. Have you NO shame?"

I've been looking at this for decades. No, I've finally come to the conclusion that something is too seriously wrong with this picture, and it germinated from the wrong turn at the Nakba. If you don't fix that, you'll never fix anything. All the power you throw at it won't matter. Sure, Israel will flatten Gaza, and continue its impressive 4-D chess until the entire area is cleaned out. But the guilt will then gnaw at you, and the rest of us in the West, for eternity.

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P.S. As for Israeli 'supreme technology', all of this technology including much hyped Iron Dome failed to protect Jews from current HAMAS invasion and massacre so don't please overestimate the 'power of technology' as well. The power of Jihad is so much stronger.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

"failed to protect Jews from current HAMAS invasion and massacre "

If I were you, I'd have a little more skepticism about your dear leaders. Either (1) they lied about the superiority of their technology/spying ops/etc, or (2) they're now lying about what actually happened here, that is, something more seriously offensive, IMO. Take your pick, (1) or (2). Learn what was learned by the Americans following Vietnam about OUR "leaders".

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Well, I certainly DO NOT justify OUR leaders - neither American nor Israeli ones - and it is certainly looks suspicious that much hyped Mossad failed to detect HAMAS preparations for invasion and that even more hyped Iron Dome failed to prevent this invasion.

However, either way it proves that technology CANNOT be relied upon if corrupt leaders could switch it off in a blink of an eye if it is convenient for them. Human factor overwhelms technological one.

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I would certainly NOT underestimate the power of Saudi Arabia, Iran and other Gulf Islamic countries rich with oil. If Iran and Saudis would get nuclear technology as they aim to, it would get even worse. Also, the West is busy with Russia in Ukraine currently and could hardly provide its full support for Israel - that's why Jihadists attacked now I take it seizing their day.

Now, what if it would happen other way around? What if your glorious Islamist 'victims' would flatten Israel to desert massacring all the Jews in the process and successfully perpetrating a new Holocaust? HAMAS already made it clear that their goal is to 'annihilate all Jews' (there are video proofs of HAMAS sheikh officially saying that), and now they're acting upon their words/ Now, if they would succeed thanks to you people brainwashed and lured by Jihadist propaganda, WHO WOULD live with this monstrous guilt for eternity?

And I also studied this situation for a long while just in case. My support for Israeli Jews and condemnation of Islamist Jihad comes from long and detailed research, not from mainstream Western propaganda, just in case.

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"What if your glorious Islamist 'victims' would flatten Israel to desert massacring all the Jews in the process and successfully perpetrating a new Holocaust?"

That's not going to happen, because the world of 1945 is *nothing* like the world of 2023. And deep down, you know this. (Or should, if you use your brains to stop doubling down...) But sure, keep digging...

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Honest? I'm not sure the world of 2023 is different from 1945. First COVID fear-mongering and Pharma fascism of 2020-2021. Then Ukrainian war and Russophobic propaganda in 2022. Now HAMAS terror attack and Anti-Semitic propaganda in 2023. Honestly I don't think people learned shit from history, and your excuse of HAMAS terror makes me even more sure of it.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

... like this:

"HAMAS already made it clear that their goal is to 'annihilate all Jews'"

See my point below this about *truly* aiming to understand other peoples. That is, instead of turning them into beasts. That's the language propagandists use to drive people to war. Do you really want to be as rage-driven, as gut-driven here as your enemy??

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"I would certainly NOT underestimate the power of Saudi Arabia, Iran and other Gulf Islamic countries rich with oil."

Keep playing with the kind of fire that you're in denial about, and I'm sure eventually you'll get your wish.

At some point, one needs to actually *understand* why entire nations and cultures (not just, say, small numbers of specific individuals with mental illnesses) appear to "act like animals", and do so for decades -- because, there are reasons. In the face of an opposition establishment, this behavior doesn't sustain itself simply by maleducation (after all, what children do not rebel against their parents and even their teachers?), and it's not something in the water. Others are catching on to this, and perhaps you should, too.

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Again, you might legitimately claim that HAMAS was created as a result of 'Israeli apartheid and Western oppression'. I would disagree with that but the sane argument can be made.

But to seriously claim that rich with oil powerful as fuck Saudi Arabia, an American ally, and yet also radical Islamist terrorist state, was created as an 'opposition to the Western power', is beyond ridiculous. the problem is with Jihadist mentality, you know it? It has nothing to do with oppression, money and attitudes towards the West.

Again, Saudi Arabia alone disproves your points more than completely - it's rich with oil, it's an American ally, and yet a Jihadist terrorist state no better than HAMAS. The only difference is that Saudis massacre Yemen civilians of whom the West doesn't give a shit,and HAMAS massacre Jewish civilians of whom the West pretends to care out of Holocaust guilt.

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"3) Native Americans weren't terrorists who uses innocent civilians as human shields to put the blame on white Americans, unlike HAMAS Jihadists."

Go back to your books, young man...

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"2) Colonizers usually do NOT have any connection with a land they steal while Jews have a strong connection to Israel and Jerusalem - it was their long-lost land. Jews lived in Israel BEFORE Muslims, for centuries. In the contrary, it's Arabs who conquered Israel back in 7th century and evicted Jews from their home. And it's not 'Zionist propaganda', it's basic history you seem to completely forget. Now Jews came back home, and Arabs want to evict them once more, and braindead idiots and Jihad enablers like you help them out."

You have the unusually-strong conceit about history, as if its some magical talisman you can wave any other claims away, but the world over it is not so incredibly aggressive. I can just as equally, and morally, claim that people who exist NOW matter infinitely more than people who died even just 100 years ago. There is simply no way to bulldoze *living* people away based on what exists in a *book* and in your *minds*. None.

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History is not just 'books and mind', its a real thing which once was. Jews have better historical claim to Israeli land than Arabs and you just can't wave it away because it suits your political anti-imperialist agenda.

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Yes, I CAN just wave it away. It is my right as a human to hold living people in much higher regard than history when they come in unresolvable conflict. You, too, have YOUR right to a value. You can fetishize history to the moon. But it is by no means universal.

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"1) Jews didn't come to Israel to colonize it, they came there fleeing the Holocaust in Europe as you well know too"

Because it was politically easier to displace Palestinians than Germans. And this was *after* the Holocaust.

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Or maybe because Jews did have a connection to Israel unlike to Germany. Or maybe they didn't want to stay in the land where they were massacred in droves. Would you have liked to stay in a place where all your family was murdered?

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We have an unresolvable disagreement on this point. (See my later point in (2) on the supposed hegemony of "history".) Next.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

Alex, I cannot believe that you KEEP excusing ISRAEL's monstrous terror and slaughter of THREE thousand and half of innocent Palestinians and shifting all the blame on Gaza. You repeated ZIONIST propaganda about bombing of Gaza hospital almost word-to-word.

"this new Holocaust" of thousands of children dead in 10 days is being perpetrated by Israel on the civilians of Gaza.

NO MATTER which side you picked up, to excuse ISRAEL terror and massacre of innocent Palestinian civilians is just monstrous and inhumane.

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I am flattered my post triggered your guilty heart so much you made a parody on it. Only there is no single word of truth in your parody unlike in my post. It was indeed confirmed and even reported that it's Islamist Jihad rocked misfired and hit Gaza hospital. Ofc you who believe only HAMAS terrorist propaganda and not official reports won;t believe that. But I won't believe any single word of genocidal terrorist propaganda.

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Alex, are you not seeing what is actually happening? This is not just about the hospital (and I believe Israel's stance on that as much I trusted them on Shireen Abu Akleh's death, btw). This is about Israel bombing Gaza to the ground, killing 3000+ Gazans , a third of whom are children, injuring 10 thousand and more, and displacing hundreds of thousands. Everyone condemned Hamas for killing civilians, why don't we use the same standards and condemn Israel's disproportionate response and collective punishment?

Are we not allowed to hold Israel to account?

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Are YOU not seeing what's happening? HAMAS terrorists invaded Israel and murdered over thousand and half of Israeli Jewish civilians (!!) and you seem to be completely undisturbed by this fact and I take it even JUSTIFYING it. But Israel prepares to defend itself against HAMAS terrorists and you're all outraged? Where are your basic morals even? According to you, Israel should allow HAMAS to slaughter all millions of Israeli Jews and you'd even cheer this up?

Gaza hospital bombing was corroborated by independent sources as well and accepted even by American government and media, sigh. Right, but you believe nothing Israeli and American and even independent though swallow whole ALL HAMAS terrorist propaganda. Every HAMAS word is an ultimate truth for you. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

Feel pity for Gaza civilians? Then maybe you'd tell your beloved HAMAS terrorists to STOP holding them as hostages and using them as living shields?! Israel offered them all to evacuate south but HAMAS just won't let them. But you ignore it, you repeat HAMAS Jihadist propaganda word-to-word instead and shift all the blame on Israel.

I'm sick of it. I'm sick of you people one-sided approach when everything is forgiven to HAMAS terrorists and nothing is forgiven to Israel, when you trust terrorist propaganda MORE than official sources, when you raise an outcry 'genocide!' over every single murdered Gaza civilian while turn a completely blind eye on massacre of thousands of innocent Jewish civilians by HAMAS. This attitude isn't just wrong, it's monstrous. You're really not seeing it?

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Alex, you have been most entertaining! All 200 comments or whatever the Hell it really is. Now maybe Google the terms False Flag and Cognitive Dissonance. 🤔 I leave it to you to figure out why I picked those terms in particular in regards to you and your continuing diatribe......

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Everything you say is pure projection. It is also inconsistent. You demand that everyone see Israel's side and yet you refuse to see any other side yourself. You castigate us for sharing context on the Palestinian side, and yet you, without any seeming self awareness, want to use context to justify Israel's actions.

You either allow for context for both, or you don't for either. You either condemn violence for both, or you don't for either. You either apply the same value system for both parties or you are proving to all of us your bias. To be outraged at the folks on this thread and blame them for the very thing that you are doing is not doing you or your POV any favors.

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You do not share context from Palestinian side. You share the content on HAMAS terrorist side. That makes all the difference. HAMAS terrorists hold Palestinian civilians as hostages. Many Palestinian civilians do NOT support HAMAS and its terror. So by spreading HAMAS terrorist propaganda, you're doing a poor service not only to Jews worldwide but to innocent Palestinian civilians as well. Many Palestinians would condemn you for supporting HAMAS and mixing them with HAMAS, you know it right?

Also what was untrue among what I said? You ignored HAMAS massacre of thousands of innocent Israeli Jewish civilians. You blindly repeated HAMAS terrorist propaganda on bombing on Gaza hospital, are you not?

Where is YOUR independence and objective analysis of information coming from BOTH sides? Nope, for you every Israeli word is a lie while every HAMAS word is an ultimate truth and you didn't even bother to just ASK Palestinian civilians what do THEY think of HAMAS propaganda you're spreading so cheerfully. Shame on you.

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And then we have John Spritzler writing that Hama is Israeli, supported by Zionist Billionaires. Would Billionaires do something like that? Let;s ask Fascist Biden.

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Again, I would believe that HAMAS was created by US and American billionaires but I just can't believe that Jews had launched a new Holocaust themselves.

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You are delusional if you think the Israeli government cares about Israeli citizens. If this was true, why was this attack allowed to happen? Do you actually think these "animals" would be able to pull this off without one of the most sophisticated war and intelligence networks in the world not catching a wiff?

If the Israeli government cared so much about its citizens, why were the the Israeli citizens sacrificed like lab rabs to this experimental gene therapy disguised as a vaccine? The recent death of the 8 year old Israeli who was used as a poster child for the clot shot should open a lot of people's eyes but apparently not yours.

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Now, I DO find an Israeli Intelligence failure to unveil and prevent HAMAS invasion very strange indeed, but it doesn't necessarily mean Israeli government is behind it. Intelligence itself might be bought by Saudis money, for example, hence it failed to act properly.

I do agree with you about COVID so-called 'vaccines' and all global COVID Pharma fascism overall (yeah we might agree more than you think) but again it was NOT just Israeli government who had done that to its people. This shit was global - from US to China via Europe and Russia. Israeli government had as little choice there as other governments bought by WEF billionaires. So why exactly do you use this argument particularly against Israel when almost ALL world governments were guilty of exactly the same shit?

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In response to your first paragraph--how could Saudi Arabia "buy" Mossad intelligence and thus Israel fail to prevent this attack? That doesn't make sense. What does make sense is that Israel is setting up a land grab, allowed the attack to happen in EXACTLY THE SAME way 9/11 was allowed to happen--the monsters running the US government didn't mind the sacrifice of 3000 Americans when they got such a payoff--the Patriot Act giving government much more power and removing citizen rights, and justification for invasions of countries on the Project for a New American Century's hit list. I saw a clip of a former top Israeli diplomat saying the horror of what's being done in Gaza "will force Egypt to open it's borders and build a tent city" for Gaza refugees--once they bulldoze away the rubble from north Gaza, they can build settlements there, or infrascture for the gas off Gaza's coast.

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Saudi Arabia buying Mossad to allow HAMAS Jihad to happen makes perfect sense - Saudi Arabia is also interested in this Jihad and in the elimination of the state of Israel, hence it launches the process of this elimination.

Now, what you're saying doesn't make sense. I'm silent of the fact that you believe that Israeli government would allow thousand and half of their OWN civilians be massacred in a cold blood just to advance their political agenda. Do u really believe that this spectacular failure of Israeli Intelligence to detect the threat and of Israeli defense system to ward it off plays into Israeli hands? Israel had just shown to the whole Islamist world it is much weaker than it was thought of - who in their sane mind would do THAT to themselves? You must be fool to really believe that.

Also the moment chosen for this attack is convenient for Jihadists, not for Israel. US are now busy in Ukraine with Russia so can't fully help Israel hence Israel would NEVER have chosen THIS time to eliminate HAMAS. Hamas Jihadists with a little help from Iran and Saudi Arabia would have seized the day to eliminate Israel, however, using US busyness in Ukraine.

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'Most' tend to believe that WTC7 fell down due to fire, one of many smoking guns that points to anything other than Arab terrorists. Amongst other things that day, it resulted in the slaughter of millions of Arabs. Perhaps it's time to reflect on your inability to understand just what lengths the 'players' will go to, in order to advance their positions. It is nieve to assume 'your side' is not evil enough to deceive your patriotism.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

Enough with stories. It's time for an update.

The hospital, was in fact, hit by a Hamas errant rocket.

If you look around the area using Google earth, you'll see some incubators, taken by Saddam's forces from Kuwait, when they threw babies on the floor. The launch site is north of this.

If you pan around you'll see a sea can that's half empty. This is where Gadhafi kept his Viagra supply that he was giving to his troops for gang raping civilians. It's east of this.

The next reference is hard to find. It's 2 crates on a hill that Saddam kept little vials of anthrax and ricin in. You know, the same ones Colin Powell was showing to the UN and which Saddam had sent over to the Democrats about to vote "NO" on the PATRIOT Act. It's south of this.

If you keep looking, you'll see 2 pipes filled with Sarin. These are the same pipes Assad used on civilians, not the rebels. THE REBELS DIDN'T DO THIS, ASSAD DID!! ASSAD IS A VERY VERY BAD MAN!! It's a little west of this.

If you look in the center, you'll see some equipment with Russian markings. This is storage for the equipment Putin used to blow up his own pipeline, NS2 and his novichok stockpile.

It's right beside this where the Hamas rocket was launched from. Case closed. Hamas guilty.

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Very bad man. Bad man!

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Excellent analogy Caitlin!

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

Great analogy.

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Thank you Caitlin, and we are supposed to feel sympathy for the vicious couple, great analogy. I feel none, just horror at the murder of so many innocent Palestinians.

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But you are A OK with the murder of Jews, right?

I dont like to see any innocent people losing their lives.

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I wonder how long it will be before the world learns Israel allowed Hamas 6 hours to kill as many Israelis as possible as an excuse to destroy Gaza and start the war they have long lusted for with Iran? Remember Bibi’s red line promo? They have learned well from the US who let 9/11 happen for similar reasons.

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Israel has not had direct control over Gaza since 2005. It has been under Hamas control since 2007.

But the comment sectionistas all insist on blaming Israel and calling it responsible for Gaza beinging an "Open air prison." as they all like to refer to it, sitting day after day at their computers on the other side of the world. .....

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"No direct control over Gaza"

What a pile of shit lie.

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Ok YOU tell us then......

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This sadly is the perspective the West fails to see, but it is not unique to the Israel/ Palestinian situation by it applied to Russia in the Ukraine conflict, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen , and the list goes on.

The majority of people in the West believe that there is only one side to the story,...Theirs, which is exactly why the world finds itself in the mess it currently finds itself.

When I was much younger, and started out in business, I had a lawyer friend who gave me some invaluable advice.

He said, a Story is like a Table, both have two sides, and until you have sat on both sides, you don't have the full perspective.

If I could transfer any advice/ wisdom to anyone, it would be this, stop believing that only your side of the argument is valid, and open your mind to other possibilities, by gaining the full perspective.

In the case of the Israel/ Gaza conflict it can be easily obtained by studying the history of the region back to 1948, and taking all conflicts and pertinent information into account since then, and conducting a proper Root Cause analysis, which will change many a one sided ignorant perspective.

But of course this requires intelligence and an non partisan, open mind to achieve an accurate result.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

the Stories we Tell

around the toasty Glow

of the campfire or teevee or laptop


are the ones

that Shape us.


complicit wholly-corporate-

owned Propaganda

Entities with their




can tell us whole New

Stories that increase their

Bottom Lines whilst insidiously

Removing little bits of our Humanity


we Need

better Stories

and Storytellers.


Kudos & Danke


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You left out the part where they invaded and occupied his home before standing on him.

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