If the U.S. reinstated the military draft, how many in The NY Times newsroom would serve?

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They are already serving, but in the CIA/NED branch.

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They would have deferments, as did most college men during most of the Vietnam War. Those college men who did server were mostly in the Pentagon. It was mainly lower middle class and working class young men who served and died there.

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the zionists will volunteer everyone else for their own criminal war.

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And we wonder why there was a holocaust. The Holomodor was supposedly run by Russian Jews (read this somewhere recently) giving the Ukinazis the excuse to murder the Russians in the Donbas. This link doesn't talk about the Jews as some others have, only Stalin, but does provide yet another perspective that is also gruesome.


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Thank you for this. ❤️ I’ve waited 54 years for this letter! ( I dodged Vietnam…)

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They shamed Volodymyr Danuliv, age 50, who said, "I can’t shoot Russian people." Immediately brings to mind Muhammad Ali: (paraphrasing) Why I wanna go 10,000 miles to kill some poor people. They ain't never called me n*gg*r. A someone ready to flee to Canada to avoid Vietnam, I immediately recall the feelings of horror that I had a government who thought that my future as a scientist and science educator was less important than my use as cannon fodder. Talk about a radicalizing moment. The chip on my shoulder, the shove to the radical left, the grudge against my imperialist warmonger country was nascent at that moment, and it's done nothing but grow larger over the intervening 50 years.

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Apr 13, 2022·edited Apr 13, 2022

Violence is not my weapon, and I refuse to shoot Humans because I have Humans in my family. I also have Humans in my community and as neighbors!

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This is the same New York Times that perennially defends the child butchers of Israel, so their ability to pass moral judgement on matters of war is absolutely zero.

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its a horrible thing when children on both sides of a conflict get hurt.

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It's noticeably telling when victims are ascribed to categories labeled those we care about and those we do not. Every child killed in Israel is an outrage against humanity; every Palestinian child killed is a testament to the Palestinian disregard for their lives. Those who mouth this script are at least as obscene as the deaths themselves.

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I think you meant "Israeli".

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The irony of this psyop is that while the collective West waves Ukrainian flags and hates all things Russian, in real life Russians and Ukrainians still go to the same churches, speak the same language, shop in the same places, eat each others' food, marry each other, support each other and otherwise continue to be friends (for the most part). The full credit for this crisis goes to the collective West, as it would have never happened without its major shenanigans.

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If only there were a few Caitlin Johnstones in 1971, I'd have fewer sleepless nights.

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Once AGAIN Caitlin... you truly rock! This more than hit the nail on the head as it needs to be said, over and over and over until people stop enlisting and becoming indoctrinated by the US Media and more so by the MIC. There are no heroes, just victims and forever victims psychologically.

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Superb piece from Caitlin, I think I am going to have to repost this on Dangerous Globe.

Fuck the NYT and all the Psychoshits that work there

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Excellent writing.

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I hope and pray that when possible and with truly independent observers and forensic people that the war crimes of the Neo-nazis in Ukraine will be exposed .Especially the mass graves. If

that is truth is allowed ? which has not been with Bucha. Then all those draft dodgers will be vindicated and the E. U. a nest of hypocrites and racists exposed.

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Before that happens the full scale WWIII is to take place. The West cannot afford what you suggest unless they find a way to turn the implied defeat into some sort of victory.

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Cait’s Can O’ Whoop Ass is a soup the world of warmongering hypocrisy needs to eat daily. Please may they have some more Cait?

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One more jewell — Thank you both !!

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And I love you, Caitlin Johnstone. From Michael, Vietnam-era draft dodger.

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Thank you for this Caitlin.

As someone who refused to register for Selective Service during the Vietnam Invasion I watch the patterns being repeated here war after war.

The government learned that the draft was creating dissent and so they redesigned the military to be fed through economic pressures. They realized reporting war dead on the evening news didn’t help getting people to cheer on the war so they redesigned the media to be the dazzling blue/yellow propaganda machine that it is now.

Being a “draft dodger” was just one part of my identity as a “war resister”. I considered my dissent as "service" to my country, and beyond. My writing on Medium is often a continuation of activism.

I would support those in Ukraine who refuse — and even more so those in Russia.

I have read about the very serious risks of dissent around the military in Russia, but have to question if the horrors of that (with your conscience intact) is worse than going to kill or be killed on a battlefield of a country you are invading.)

(I only risked prison back in 1970, and lost a couple precious years of young life, by living underground.)

The deceptive hyperbolic language to give accolades for those who go along is deeply planted in all cultures.

Serving your country.

Dying so we can be free.


And of course: support the troops—no matter what they are actually doing.

View from age 70:

Men start wars. Other men join it. They make arguments for it. It is a cancer that thrives on masculinity.

Nationalism and political hyperbole and religion are all logs to throw on the fire.

When the atrocities happen (EVERY country’s soldiers commit them) they bring up the defense of children and women - and, as they fight, more and more and more women and children get killed, and lose fathers and brothers.

And when it is done the leaders and the rich return to their comfortable palaces.

My advice to anyone facing "service": If they start talking some vague idea of “freedom”, or “democracy”—get your critical thinking firewall up, fast!

General Smedly Butler nailed it all in The War Racket in 1935.


Buffy Sainte-Marie blazingly brought it to life in 2018.

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzG_4e8yGew 2018)


I still support their stand against the war, but have mixed feelings about the fact that some men can buy their way out - as the sons of the wealthy were able to do here during the Vietnam draft.

Again — thanks!

And yeah, fuck the NYTimes.

(I look at the front page every day and look at how all the smaller headlines are part of the larger headline-narrative for that day. Not one voice of dissent, ever.)


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