By extension, if Russian troops really behaved so badly, it would not be necessary to create so many fake atrocity tales. If Russian losses were so high, it would not be necessary to use fakes.

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It would be nice if they were fake, that would mean a lot of men, women, and children would still be alive, or unraped/unmuitilated.

It's fraud and conspiracy to commit genocide. The Russians are the patsies, even though the scam is so poorly done by the ignorant thugs that they forget things like properly scrubbing meta data on their videos of their crimes. They don't care, they only live for the thrill. However because their acts fit in with the racist narrative their co-conspirators in the Western Security State (which includes MSM) have built up over many decades, it's so easy to project this on to the Russians and organizing a lynching. Well the lynching this time isn't so easy, not like blaming the USA run chemical attacks on the Swamp Arabs in Iraq on Sadam. The Russian State is a lot stronger than the Black Panthers (or Sadam). It's as if the FBI showed up in Watts, but their SWATT team has bailed on them and their evidence tampering is being broadcasts on local TV. They got to talk brave, but I don't think they will get out of this one with their skin on their backs.


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Eva Bartlett video exposing the lies about mass-graves in Mariupol:


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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

What an excellent point! :-))

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Exactly! More bullshit lies lies lies!

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This is so disgusting I can't imagine enough bad things to happen to this filth. Apparently you can now (perhaps could in the past also?) buy the Nobel Peace Prize! The bullshit propaganda of Ukraine has reached an all time high. They will still say it's a "Conspiracy Theory" when you mention the US/Biden support of the Nazis in Ukraine! Show them pictures they don't believe it! I give up. This country can't be saved. Even if it were to last up to the next Presidential election they will still be at it and working on the next war if they aren't all ready.

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

Oliver Stone's documentary might convince them, since the news at the time covered Obama's ass, or the wars that happened under his watch. Do you know that Hilary, his secretary of state, handed Honduras over to the elites by supporting a military coup? Now it's a real mess, and it's victims constitute a large number of the immigrants crossing our unprotected borders. Of course if we didn't have the CIA overturning governments, killing heads of state in South America there probably wouldn't be any border crisis now.

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That's for sure!

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Media apparently does not convince anyone of anything. I've noticed that the people who are most suckered are PMC types, who are precisely the non-elite people who are most connected to the elites. If you were to ask a passing prole about this stuff, they'd say something like, "I dunno, Ukraine is far away, I don't know nothing about it." (Only in Spanish with better grammar, I suppose.) This is going to become important as prices rise and shortages occur because Joe Schmuck may be a bit close to the edge to sacrifice for the greater glory of Mr. Z and his career as a Vogue model.

Curiously, I recall something similar went on during the War in Vietnam. I recall working in a factory at the time they were ginning the war up (1965) and everyone was either against or seriously doubtful about the war except the management and high-tech types -- the "connected" people in the Mafia sense. In my own experience as a PMC, it felt unsafe to diverge a lot from the opinions blessed by the authorities. So much of the present Ukrainebot/fandom may disappear once the rubber hits the road, if what I'm reading about the economy and local politics is correct. You know, it's been said that we are just three dinners from a revolution, or something like that.

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You can show them articles just 2-3 years old decrying the Azov fascists from their own media ( NY Times, Wapo, etc. ) and they still can’t quit their denial.

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I don’t know if it can be ‘bought’, but it can be handed out for reasons that cannot be fathomed. Henry Kissinger, for one. Barack Obama, for not being George W. Bush. Completely perverse.

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Mr. Corvette Summer joins Mark Ruffalo in the races to being the stupid cuck of 2022.

PS. Don't worry about Biden having the nuclear football, per yesterday, it's a red herring. The general or admiral in every US military command center has direct authority to launch all nuclear weapons in his command. At least two Colonel level positions in Japan and several in the EU have same authority. It only takes one of them to be a nutter. See Daniel Ellsberg's The Doomsday Machine

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A freelance German journalist in Ukraine, was reporting on disappearances and killings of Russian speakers in the Donbas region. The German government froze her bank account and that of her parent/parents. Caitlin may have bern the one to report this I am not sure. Forgive me for not remembering all the details.

However, this story does further remind one, of the lengths European governments are going to, for the protection of their established narrative.

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Yes and here in the US I'm sure we are all on someones list for believing in the truth!

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The Ukrainian ruling clique has a list , posted on the internet of individuals who they vehemently don’t want to hear from. It has been called a “kill list”. People have disappeared who were previously so represented.

John Meisheimer is one prominent person so named.

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That kill list, perversely titled "мiротворец" or "peacekeeper" is hosted on a NATO site.

Roger Waters is also on that list.

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They could just call it Minipax, or even Miniluv.

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Figures! Aptly named since it's the direct opposite of the Truth!

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

Yeah and what was the one where they made that Senator Rand guy on a list of like war criminals or something? They are just so disgusting and utterly corrupt right out in the open!

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That’s correct . I think it’s Rand the Elder. He asked basically: Why are we involved?

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I thought maximum Disneyfication was reached when a Jew handed a medal to a Neo-Nazi at Disney World. Or was that just an awesome example of how manipulative the Propaganda machine is?

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

Am I the only cat who really remembers when the folks who were later called the Taliban were feted at the White House and called "the moral equivalent of the Founding Fathers", only to be discovered to be Wicked Misogynist (whocouldaknowed?) Cretins and backward troglodytes, once they were longer useful? Then, many of those same warlords (those who could be bought) reverted to being Bona Fide Freedom Fighters once more after 9/11, only to become evil again, once we discovered (whocouldaknowed?) that their loyalty was only as good as their paychecks, and they certainly were not about to die for those paychecks.

The schoolbooks that the CIA supplied during the 1980s are still in wide use in today's Afghanistan.

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Mark hammil sucks .

He always sucked.

Star wars sucks.

Bono sucks.

The E u sucks.

nUkraine sucks.

All the pretendo demo rats scuttling in the light of day

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Yes, we need to keep emphasizing that this war is being financed by the taxpayers of the countries that support it, by the citizens, and that it is only their money that is being spend on this, in order to enrich the weapon salesmen and other corrupt middlemen.

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And if they can just get that Putin a--hole out of the way, Wall Street and their ilk will have a feast on Russia that will make a Roman banquet/orgy look like the Last Supper.

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And all of us would need a vomitorium as we gasped at the orgie of greed.

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The lies and viruganda are all that the West has left, and the terror that tis an admission of. Defeat accomplished.

Maybe they'll blow up another bridge or bomb another train station if they run out of kindergartens . I am ashamed of America. I am a citizen of US of Arrogance, which got my tongue, but Russia has my heart.

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Me, too, word for word with your post.

The lies here are literally (and I am not one who uses that word casually) sickening. People are needlessly suffering the world over (and in the region loosely called "Ukraine" especially), and I lay this on the hands of people operating under my name.

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It’s sad that Mark Hamill has joined the Empire. Surely later episodes and spin offs of Star Wars should have prepared him for the corruption and manipulation of good hearted people.

May the Force be with you Caitlin.

...actually I never liked that term. Too cursive in an imperial way.

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I meant coercive

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May the Request be with you!

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The scriptwriter has more moral input, don't give his credit to the sock puppets. Nice people act bad, bad people play nice. T

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He’s gone to the dark side.

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The basic problems:

1. Sociopaths are risking nuclear war and the deaths of 5 billion or more people.

2. They are bankrupting us to do it.

3. They lie constantly, and manipulate the public.

How do they do all this?

Is it any wonder that they give us bad food, drug us with stupid Pzifer products, isolate us due to lockdowns, and want us depressed? All of that makes us easier to control.

If you are unfamiliar with what they want for you personally--which is fat, drugged, alone, and sad--then please to look more into the World Economic Forum.

Those of us against Armageddon need to seek allies where we can. I find them on the left, the right, and the uncategorized. I pray that you do, too.

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The wealthy and the celebrities support Zelensky and perpetual war. In the event of a nuclear war many have bunkers. They’ll hunker down for a while and when the dust settles come out and have a big party.

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Luke Skywalker has given himself over to the empire and the dark side of the force.

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Who knew Darth Vader was the real good guy the entire time?

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Let me explain. Like and Darth Vader are now on the same side - the dark side. Darth is not the good guy. Hope that helps.

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There is no bottom to the Empire's cynicism and corruption, or the cowardice and selfish self promotion of elite liberals.

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30 years of NATO expansion (including Poland) contrary to what was promised with war games in the Black Sea, 2014 U.S. orchestrated Maidan revolution fomenting Nazi murder on the Donbass, American bioweapons labs in Ukraine. But this proxy war is all about evil Putin.

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Trump comes out in favor of negotiations, and no nuclear war. 40 second video.


That means some of my friends are now ten times more in favor of nuclear war than ever before.

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When he's right, he's right.

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Luke Skywalker becomes a rusty R2-D2, complete with a defunct logic chip

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