"ISIS keeps attacking the enemies of the US and Israel for some strange and mysterious reason while funding for the main humanitarian group in Gaza gets cut due to completely unevidenced claims of Hamas affiliation."

It is an open secret that ISIS is sponsored by the United States and that the United States occupies a chunk of Syria to protect ISIS.

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Funny, I likewise just read that Times article you referenced, but in trying to more gently rouse my sleepy brain, also poked around for something less serious, an article about baseball in which the author proposed spicing up interest in the game via a return to a form of trash talking. And I thought: so much junk Americana, so much crap about this sick society trickles into sustaining brainwashing through the minor streams of this rag of a newspaper that it's no wonder the propagandized stay in their deep exceptionalist ruts, allowing them to support even more odiously stinking shite like the deity-chosen-people exceptionalism of the Zionists.

Carefully scan your information environment, this rubbish comes at your synapses from all directions, even those that seem trivial and harmless. It tells us: Believe in tradition, in the safety of the status quo; stay safe in your cage.

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And thanks for doing your part to snap people out of this propaganda induced coma, Caitlin.

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"It’s funny to see the US proposing a fake UN “ceasefire” resolution which doesn’t actually demand a ceasefire when it’s public knowledge that the US could single-handedly create a ceasefire by telling Israel it will stop receiving US weapons if it doesn’t negotiate one right now."

Weapons are just one part of it, the most visible part. The United States also bullies its puppets, lackeys, flunkies, catamites and buttbois into supporting Israel. This is less public and less visible but very important.

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"People who wish to conflate Zionism with Jewishness often argue that most Jews are Zionists, but so what if they are? Most westerners are propaganda-addled imperialists, but if I didn’t believe westerners can and do snap out of that worldview I wouldn’t be doing what I do here."

I can make any group of humans into roaring assholes, simply by giving them privileges and no obligations.

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It is purposely not disguised. As I suggest here it is like Guernica.


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It's certainly much more obvious than the ongoing world wide genocide via these death shots being disguised as therapeutic vaccines but that all depends on someone's perspective. The only reason that they can continue to exist is because of the massive government corporate backed propaganda that sells a completely delusional reality.

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"We can only have a healthy world when the people snap out of their propaganda-induced coma and shake off the power-serving worldviews of this diseased civilization."

The horrible situation on this planet has been talked to death. Shake off the power-serving worldviews of this diseased civilization, my ass. It is time to quit virtual signaling and destroy the Deep State.

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This was one of your best articles yet. I think you are being optimistic to call it a "barely concealed" genocide. It is not concealed in the least. Neither Israel, nor its bosom buddy the USA care one bit if the genocide is concealed or not. They don't care if anyone believes their propaganda. They think they have everyone running scared of them and they can, therefore, do whatever they like. They are basically a global gang, out for what they can get.

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The Israeli occupation forces are raping women before executing them outside of Al-Shifa Hospital.

Where are the Western feminists that said “BelieveAllWomen?


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Wait till they remove the disguise - it will reveal the cognitive malaise of humanity

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*If we want to understand what is happening in Gaza today, it is useful to turn our attention to the German bombing of the Basque city of Guernica in Republican Spain on April 26, 1937. The German Condor Legion and the Italian Aviazzione Legionaria carried out the attack under the direction of the brutal military genius Colonel Wolfram von Richthofen. The bombing of Guernica was not the deadliest battle of the Spanish Civil War, but it had profound significance for world history because it was a devious experiment.

The Germans and Italians, along with their Spanish Fascist allies, had decided that they did not care what the world thought of them and that they were determined to win the war in Spain by inspiring fear through ruthless destruction.

Bombs were dropped on Guernica without any military purpose, but rather to cause the greatest deaths among civilians, employing creative combinations of explosive bombs and incendiary devices that were dropped on residential communities. The attack first targeted water tanks and fire stations so as to make sure the fires could not be extinguished. Fleeing citizens were attacked by Heinkel 51s and Messerschmitts BF109s to show the entire world the unforgiving power of fascist armies.

And thus, in Guernica, a new form of war was born, a new breed of terror that would become the model for “Blitzkrieg” attacks in Poland and France a few years later.

Guernica was an unmistakable sign to the world that the Fascist forces did not care what others thought of them and that they had the military hardware and the troop discipline to destroy any resistance to their rule. The message telegraphed to all of Europe was the Guernica would be the fate of any city in Europe that dared to resist (source).

The horror of the attack was commemorated by Pablo Picasso in his painting “Guernica” because it so clearly represented a transformation of the nature of the war itself.*

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I am so grateful that daily you are keeping the awareness of this genocide alive. I am and have been completely disgusted by government here in the US. I despise feeling powerless and have never felt more so in my 68 years. The level of propagandized people around me is astounding. There are just a handful of people who I can even speak to. No discussions allowed.

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Are most Jewish people Zionists? It's probably the circles I run in, but the Jewish people I know hate this genocide and are appalled that it is happening in their name.

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They're not even bothering to disguise it anymore.

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Alex Jones is about as right wing as Jimmy Dore.

That in itself is propaganda that most people swallowed.

I suggest watching his recent appearances on Dore's show or Tucker's.

He has actually gotten it all correct, and way before anyone else did.

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