We'll Either Rise As A Collective Or Perish As Individuals: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
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Everyone who's freaking out about wokeness and identity politics can relax. Liberals are 100 percent certain to get bored with that schtick and forget all about it without having helped a single member of any minority or marginalized group. Ask the immigrants and the kids in cages.
Anyone to the left of Ted Cruz is a communist. Anyone who opposes US imperialism loves and supports the governments it targets. Anyone who defends Palestinians hates Jews. Move the Overton window far enough toward your side of the debate and you can spin even the slightest hint of disagreement with you as dangerous extremism.
People who spend their time freaking out about communism are hilarious. Even if you believe communism is always necessarily evil, if you live in the western empire you're so far from experiencing communism it makes more sense to spend your time fretting about shark attacks or being struck by lightning. If you're reading this odds are you live in an English-speaking nation. If you live in an English-speaking nation your government is so very, very, very far from espousing communism that it would make more sense for you to spend your time worrying about being eaten by lions.
Even if you believe everything the TV tells you about communism, the simple economic realities of your nation and the mountains of violent force keeping it in place mean that of all the many, many existential threats you can worry about, communism should rank near dead last.
Reverse Batman: A working class ninja spends his nights beating up kleptocratic billionaires whose thievery has created the socioeconomic injustice that's destroying his city.

Balanced commentary in the west does not mean criticizing all governments. Balanced commentary in the west would be correcting the wild imbalance in our current media environment by focusing on criticizing the most powerful and deadly governments who barely receive any criticism.
The powerful are able to manipulate humanity collectively to such an extent that our compliance now has us staring down the barrel of extinction on multiple fronts. No individual can stop them. They won't be stopped until the people begin thinking and organizing collectively too.
Which is of course why all collectivist movement is stomped out with whatever degree of violence is necessary. Our rulers are not even the slightest bit worried about us as individuals, but they are absolutely terrified of the idea of having to face us as a unified collective.
If individualism ever had an argument to begin with, it certainly hasn't got one anymore. Humanity's collective behavior is now so powerful that it can literally end our world. The only thing we can control now is whether that collective behavior is pointed toward health or destruction.
Oh you just want the government to leave you alone and let you go about your business as an individual, do you? Well guess what blossom? Even if you went off grid and lived a truly independent life, the ways the powerful are organizing the collective will still get you killed by nuclear war or environmental destruction. Even if you support a radically individualist status quo like voluntaryism or minarchism, you're never going to get a chance at creating that status quo without mass-scale collective organization against the current status quo. An "anarchist" who dismisses mass collective organization is just a LARPer.
The need to begin thinking and organizing collectively has shown up at your doorstep. The luxury of thinking of yourself as an individual is no longer yours. Unhealthy mass-scale human behavior will destroy us all if we cannot make the changes necessary to turn it toward health.
We will either rise as a collective or perish as individuals. All other options have been taken off the table.
Humans are not rational animals. That's clearly evident in our behavior at mass scale and as individuals. We are driven by our conditioning. If any kind of "free will" can be said to exist at all, it's only to the extent that we choose to bring consciousness to that conditioning.
The only obstacle to the creation of paradise on earth is the limits of human perception. Our inability to see what's happening behind the veils of government secrecy. Behind the distortions of propaganda. Behind the illusory nature of the ego. We just need to find a way to see.
Seeing is all that's required. If enough people could clearly see what's going on in their world, in their government, and in themselves, the shift into healthy and harmonious functioning would immediately change from seemingly impossible to self-evidently inevitable.
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Not directly a comment on Catlin's blog, I stumbled on to this article and found myself spending 3 hours reading what "The Sakar" had to say. I found this article on the coming war in Ukraine to be very persuasive so wanted to just pass it on. Hopefully others will read it.
Those in power today will never get bored with divide and rule politics, constantly dividing the people into smaller and smaller tribes until each individual is isolated and unable to communicate with others. Caitlin is correct that the leaders of the western empire are not communists, any more than Joseph Stalin was a communist. He didn't care about the individual people of the USSR any more than Bill Gates cares about individual lives in the west.
The issue is not communism or socialism versus capitalism or corporatism. These are just labels that are constantly redefined depending on the villain du jour. The issue is individual agency vs totalitarianism, grass roots vs hierarchy, mom and pop vs corporate bureaucracies and monopoly. If we allow those currently in power to completely shut down speech, to redefine science as consensus rather than argument in pursuit of Truth, to dictate to individuals what they must inject into their bodies at the pain of losing a livelihood for their families, to require social credit to shop for groceries or attend a play, then we are doomed. But we are also doomed if we allow another totalitarian cabal to gain such powers over individuals. Being flawed as humans are, Thomas Jefferson is currently out of favor, but he occasionally had wise words to say, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."
Caitlin is right that we must act collectively to defeat totalitarianism, but it must be a collective of individuals acting of their own free will. We must guard against any group attempting to take over the collective and dictate to individuals what they can or can't say, violating the natural rights of individuals: the right to life assuming you have not forfeited that right by killing, the right to be free from assault, the right to defend oneself if assaulted, the right to pursue happiness by peacefully acquiring, protecting and consuming the minimum resources necessary for sustenance of one's self and one's family.
Our natural rights are all being violated by the current globalist dominated system, and it doesn't serve freedom to single out Ted Cruz. There are plenty of people to convince. Most are redeemable. but there are those currently in control that must be held to account. Our primary goal at this point must be to defeat the evil that currently has all of western civilization in its grip. If Ted Cruz is useful for that purpose, we can accept his help while we convince him that imperialism is not the way forward, that our present predicament is imperialism come home to roost. If we lose the struggle to the totalitarians, they will redouble their attacks on the rest of the world once they have consolidated control over us. Besides, while we are struggling internally, other countries will be free from our bullying ways.
We have lost cabin pressure. We must don our own oxygen masks before we attempt to help others.